[00:00] i think you're right @kc2bez [00:00] trying to read through the lines at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [00:01] so reading there you COULD switch to the GA (standard/generic) kernel track. you won't get the latest updates and all so that's perhaps not ideal [00:02] you will get updates of that kernel, but it just won't be the fancy extra-upgraded HWE one [00:02] It's not enabled for servers for consistency reasons? [00:02] i.e: let the desktop folk battle-test it first? [00:02] :D [00:03] i imagine it's not enabled there out of simplicity's sake? usually with server i think the assumption is you know what you're doing [00:03] ah ok [00:03] and a lot of server folks would probably even use alternative kernels, perhaps the oem one, or perhaps something altogether different [00:03] right [00:04] but the way i have always interpreted the purpose of the HWE kernels is to provide support for *newer* hardware [00:04] so if what you have is working now, why do you need it, you kow? [00:05] aaah [00:05] i suspect that with new kernel versions you're also getting some other bug fixes and such that might actually be useful, but that's not the purpose ubuntu had in mind with them [00:06] Honestly this PC is cursed, I have had it for a month now - and it randomly shuts down .. unless I have a virtual machine opened [00:06] that said, i'd probably file a new kernel [00:06] err bug report [00:06] say what now? X'''''''''''D [00:07] hahaha [00:07] that sounds a lot like the machine i had with busted caps on the motherboard [00:07] that was back in the age of the capacitor industrial espionage thing going on [00:07] which makes me think its a power supply issue, because virtualbox uses a bit of GPU, consistently, so the power doesnt *suddenly spike* [00:07] and I have a nvidia 3080 [00:07] which is known for it's somewhat insane power spikes [00:07] + cheap PSU [00:08] could also be a busted cap.. however, it doesn't happen on Windows. at all. [00:08] hm [00:08] have you tried playing with e.g. powertop to test that theory? [00:09] so perhaps in linux, the GPU is doing absolutely nothing (because linux ftw) - until it does need to do something (harwdare accel, firefox + youtube?!) and then it goes poof [00:09] did not yet [00:09] TIL powertop [00:09] There is a `top` for everything 'huh :) [00:10] heh that's funny. i had that crappy motherboard for a LONG time. like i just put up with it [00:10] there really is [00:11] that's cool [00:12] Yeah Re: crappy mobo .. this is my game PC, I have a workstation for actual work [00:12] however, one can only stand Windows for so long, so I ended up installing Linux anyway [00:12] yeah that's true. that one i had was not the main machine [00:12] yeah i don't do windows [00:14] i started on dos (no, not ms-dos, before that) way back when and was relatively fine with that until 95 when i found that i couldn't break out of windows and stay in the shell. i actually got a "wrong version" error. stupid. [00:14] How can I permanently disable update-notifier? [00:14] after that, we parted ways [00:15] plujon: yep, look in autostart in session settings and uncheck upgNotifier [00:16] wxl: Thanks; sessions settings .. ? [00:16] wxl: heh' I've only started using computers "technically" for the past 12 years, before that I was just a casual Windows user (I did do some graphic design stuff though) [00:19] plujon: click the menu and start typing it [00:21] dsc_: i'm a bit over double that and i actually taught myself how to program when i was 8 (admittedly it was basic, so that's not a big deal but) [00:21] My dad was trying to get me to program at that age but I found it boring :D [00:21] I started late [00:22] early twenties [00:22] that's not completely true because I did some visualbasic when I was 16 [00:22] :D doesnt count [00:22] i think that at my time computing was really quite a novelty. i mean it was the advent of desktop computing. that may have explained the excitement. also, i'm a total nerd that almost went to college for math so [00:25] I do remember the 90s though, it was indeed a novelty [00:26] it was '85 for me but yeah XD [00:26] even in the early 2000s you were a nerd if you knew your way around a computer [00:26] i mean when i was 13 i was dialing BBSs and racking up quite the phone bill much to my father's dismay. hey, it was his idea to get me the darn thing. [00:26] hehehe [00:28] first time on the internet was when I was 8 [00:28] so, 1998 [00:28] looking up cheatcodes for my fav. games [00:28] i was there about a decade earlier [00:28] hehehehe [00:29] irc was one of the first things i discovered and here we are now in 2021 XD [00:29] Yeah my dad used to speak about "the internet is more than just websites, there are other $things" [00:30] My pre-teen brain was like "WHAT OTHER THINGS?!! HOW DO I FINDDD THEMMMM" [00:30] i'll put it to you this way: i remember gopher [00:30] fast-forward 15 years and I was zmap'ing ipv4 space [00:30] still in search of other things [00:30] >_< [00:30] Heh', gopher. [00:31] wow neat i've never played with zmap [00:31] It's an excellent way to get your ISP mad [00:31] oh i bet [00:33] shit its late, thanks for the help! goodnight :) [00:33] night be well [00:34] thanks [02:08] [telegram] HWE is on by default, forced. This was a decision by the global Desktop team and the first time they made it retroactive for **alll* 20.04 users regardless of the image that is used to install (20.04 or 20.04.1) (re @kc2bez: I was just going to say, I think HWE is on for desktop by default.) [02:09] [telegram] this in turn has caused its own levels of CHAOS with driver breakage, software regressions, etc. [02:09] [telegram] LARGE enough of an issue that I raised it as an issue to the Technical Board yesterday during their meeting [02:09] [telegram] TB, Kernel, and Release teams are all 'on top' of it but there's a hard "By next meeting, we need an announcement about what happened, how this is being addressed now, and how we're NOT going to break this again next LTS cycle" by the Release team with internal Canonical employee tasks on this. [02:10] [telegram] I brought it up as a "Nobody's giving anyone information on this" problem [02:10] [telegram] and, really, that's the core issue - NOBODY stood up and explained what went wrong here [02:10] [telegram] so :P [02:10] [telegram] (and it opened a can of worms for an additional 30 minutes OVER the TB's meeting slot) [02:10] [telegram] Thanks for the update. [02:10] [telegram] yup [02:11] [telegram] I kinda gave sil / release team a "As long as the notice across the board about this chaos and fiasco is made in a Timely Manner (max 2 weeks or before next TB meeting) I will be satisfied, but there needs to be better internal collab on teams so this doesn't happen again" [02:11] [telegram] s/on teams/between teams/ [02:12] [telegram] stick to the 5.4.0 kernel stack for now if you can - there's ways to force/do this via the CLI but it'll break certain package inheritances [02:48] [telegram] Wait what? 5.8 came in HWE stack? [02:48] [telegram] It was in hwe-edge for many days. [02:48] [telegram] @The_LoudSpeaker you're about... 3 weeks behind the times [02:48] [telegram] 5.8.0 is currently pushed out as part of the HWE stack yes [02:48] [telegram] and IS forced on Desktop installs for default-install [02:49] [telegram] HWE had 5.4 and 5.4-56 had broken my amdgpu so I had installed hwe-edge. Didn't pay any attention after that lol. [02:49] [telegram] @The_LoudSpeaker i don't know which HWE package HAS it but whether you're tracking hwe or hwe-edge (and I don't know what's default installed) 5.8 is being pushed on everyone [02:49] [telegram] SOOOOOOOOOOOO [02:49] [telegram] whether it's edge or not, is irrelevant ;) [02:49] [telegram] it's causing issues [02:49] [telegram] and has for *weeks* for all flavors [02:50] [telegram] Yup. *Sigh* [02:50] [telegram] But I later compiled my own 5.4 with MPTCP and have been using that soo. 😛 [02:51] [telegram] I am not gonna change to newer one unless multipath-tcp.org announces their next release. [02:59] Wow thanks for the update @teward001. That's wild stuff === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [04:43] hi guys, can someone help me? [04:43] !ask [04:43] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [04:44] im trying to connect to ph.archive.ubuntu.com to install boot-repair. is it down? [04:45] kimmie: netcat is getting refused on ports 80 and 443. that's probably a bad sign. [04:53] [telegram] i'll inform the mirrors team [04:53] okay thanks, i am new in ubuntu, because im trying to clone this usb to another usb but keeps getting a prompt error environment block. this is a EUFI mode. [04:53] [telegram] alter your repositories to use archive.ubuntu.com specifically [04:53] [telegram] that will drop you on usable archive mirrors for now - wxl can help you with that ;) [04:54] i'd probably just use sed if it were me XD [04:56] heh [04:56] confirmed from the mirrors team: the ph.archive.u.c mirror is fubar right now, they're yanking it from DNS [04:57] teward thank you and again wxl thanks.:) [04:58] kimmie: shall i tell you the nice gui way to do it? [04:58] yes because DNS is slow ;) [05:00] wxl please?:) [05:00] does boot repair could help me with the issue of my clone that says error environment block? i used clonezilla to clone and it always get me with the same error. im trying to boot it with UEFI mode installed lubuntu 16 [05:00] wxl please?:) [05:00] does boot repair could help me with the issue of my clone that says error environment block? i used clonezilla to clone and it always get me with the same error. im trying to boot it with UEFI mode installed lubuntu 16.04 [05:01] message repeat == chaotic [05:01] kimmie: seeing the actual error message will be helpful [05:01] "environment block" means nothing unless we have the full error msg [05:02] so what version are you trying to access these repos? [05:04] teward i do apologize for the message repeat trying to edit the first one, didn't know would be sent another one. :( [05:04] I will try to open another NUC a boot it up again to take a picture, [05:08] wxl it's lubuntu 16.04.2 [05:08] I do apologize i am new here. [05:10] i'll point out that the lubuntu team officially does not support 16.04 any longer, though community support continues https://lubuntu.me/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/cycle.png [05:10] that said i'm sure we can figure this out [05:13] go to Preferences > Software & Updates and under Ubuntu Software click the Download from drop down and use the main server [05:19] wxl wow! it did work. Thank you. I will try to fix the cloned usb if can. Finger cross :) [05:19] kimmie: i will say there's LOTS of options to clonezilla and you have to make sure you get them all right [05:20] kimmie: i'm pretty sure they have an irc channel that might be helpful [05:28] wxl you gave me a lot of help. thank you so much. I have to reboot, this freenode has an app on ios so if i have a question it's easy to ask help? [05:28] uhhhhhhhhhhhh [05:28] none of the iOS users i know use irc XD [05:29] https://apps.apple.com/us/app/irccloud/id672699103 [05:29] i know of people that have used that on other platforms [05:32] [telegram] palaver if it's still on the app store might be the only one I can guarantee would work [05:32] [telegram] but I use IRCCloud plus my boucner to keep on IRC ;) [05:32] [telegram] or I use the telegram bridge. [05:33] or element and the matrix bridge [05:33] i have irccloud now, trying to figure it out the server setting [05:33] there's a couple other matrix clients, too https://matrix.org/clients/ [05:34] chat.freenode.net:6697 / non-SSL: 6667 [05:34] there's additional info here https://freenode.net/kb/answer/chat [05:36] Test [05:37] Yeah! I’m in! Thanks guys [05:37] winner winner tofu dinner [05:37] You guys are great! Hoping to learn more about ubuntu in here. 😁 [05:40] we'll be here :) [06:18] @wxl: thank you! My clone usb works 🥳🥳🥳 [06:19] Kimmie11: oh? what did i do to fix that? did boot-repair fix it? [06:20] @wxl: boot-repair fix it [06:21] Kimmie11: nice. glad it wasn't a clonezilla issue. those can be a pain. [06:21] Hard time to clone a uefi mode lubuntu tho. [06:22] @wxl: really? Glad! Thank you! [06:22] so you cloned your currently running system? where are you cloning it to? [06:23] @wxl: same machine and was cloned to a another usb and will be plug in to same pc. I just need back up to play with [06:24] Kimmie11: that makes sense. is this your first time using clonezilla? [06:25] @wxl: yes, before i have legacy bootable device and using HD clone to copy files, but when it comes to UEFI it is hard to clone with all that partition. [06:27] Kimmie11: makes sense. we use it at work to easily spin up new desktops the way we like them setup. [06:31] @wxl: yeah! Trying to set up this for work too, that’s why i need to have a back up to play around. This is my task to learn. Once finish this will be deploy to a new desktop. [06:32] Kimmie11: hehehe great minds think alike XD [06:33] @wxl: indeed! 🤓 [06:35] Kimmie11: a word of advice— clonezilla typically echoes the way to execute your selections as a single command. document that. it's an easy way to remember your settings. [06:36] @wxl: noted with a bunch of thanks! [06:38] Kimmie11: i just noticed this talk the team gave about bittorrent that looks really interesting https://prog2017.rmll.info/programme/cote-serveur-complexite-des-enjeux/system-deployment-using-bittorrent?lang=en === gerhard is now known as Guest18325 [16:04] wxl: $ sudo apt install -y linux-oem-20.04-edge [16:05] $ uname -a [16:05] Linux box 5.10.0-1008-oem #9-Ubuntu [16:05] *with* networking [16:05] :P [16:06] And some more benefits: Ubuntu can now read the temperature from my Zen 2 CPU [21:28] [telegram] How do I change ServerAddress ? (re @kc2bez: timedatectl show-timesync will show the current server you are synced to.) === affinespaces_ is now known as affinespaces