=== jancoow3 is now known as jancoow === halvors1 is now known as halvors === philroche_ is now known as philroche === DArqueBish0p is now known as DArqueBishop [07:14] Good morning === denningsrogue1 is now known as denningsrogue [10:35] what would be the best solution for snapshots in a server? BTRFS or is there some better way? [10:37] zfs, lvm [10:58] tomreyn: lvm snapshots are scary :D [10:58] - Classic lvm snapshots just get trashed once you write more than their size [10:58] - thin volume snapshotting is cooler, but it might just trash your fs eventually if you run out of space in the thinpool [10:59] You gotta be super careful and attentive with these things [11:00] yes, but it can be done [14:14] did something change with cron on 20.04 and the ability to set env vars? I have a cron that I run daily and it doesn't even seem to be firing after an upgrade to a 20.04 server [14:15] I see a RELOAD action in syslog when the cron is supposed to fire but never the CMD entry I see for successful runs [14:15] what is a good VM for ubuntu server? [14:15] I need kinda a "test" zone [14:16] a good vm? or a good hypervisor? [14:17] what is the difference [14:18] a VM is a virtual machine, a hypervisor is something that runs on a physical machine upon which virtual machines run [14:19] I have my server already set up and in production, I just need a space to play around with stuff that "could" mess things up [14:20] so I think a VM is what I am looking for [14:22] MIF: lxd would let you create containers and VMs at will which is perfect for testing, see https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/getting-started-cli/ [14:29] MIF: there are numerous different supported hypervisors. Are you planning on running the VM on your desktop or on a server? [14:29] server [14:30] On its own dedicated server? [14:31] yes [14:32] I'd suggest something like Proxmox. Proxmox VE can be run for free and it's a dedicated hypervisor OS. [14:32] it is looking like lxd is working [14:33] MIF: kvm/libvirt is my choice - 100% separation [14:33] isn't proxmox commercial? [14:34] kvm/libvirt comes with ubuntu and just works [14:37] MIF: you can also have lxd running on your server and configure your client (laptop) to interact with this remote lxd server. This gives you easy access to the server's horsepower [14:38] how do I know if it started? [14:40] MIF: "lxc list" will show you the list of instances (containers and VMs) running or not [14:41] the lxd daemon itself is started automatically on demand [14:41] MIF: just to clear up a bit - lxd is part of lxc and lxc is "linux containers". these are usermode VMs, so things like the kernel is shared with the host. kvm is hardware virtualisation, that is, usually paravirt, but still, everything is isolated from the host [14:42] kvm is a bit heavier, but for most use that is neglishable [14:42] I have 10ish VMs on kvm myself on an old athlon - works well [14:42] RoyK: FYI lxd now drives VMs too (backed by QEMU) [14:42] sdeziel: lxd drives kvm VMs? [14:43] RoyK: yep, since 3.19 (now at 4.10) [14:43] ok - neat [14:43] didn't know that [14:43] I've switched away from libvirt and wouldn't look back ;) [14:43] hehe [14:43] I guess I'll try that whenever I reinstall my home server [14:43] but then - works with libvirt for now [14:43] this is what I get for lxc list [14:43] you get the exact same CLI experience as with containers [14:44] +-----------------+---------+------+------+-----------------+-----------+ [14:44] | NAME | STATE | IPV4 | IPV6 | TYPE | SNAPSHOTS | [14:44] +-----------------+---------+------+------+-----------------+-----------+ [14:44] | actual-finch | STOPPED | | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | [14:44] +-----------------+---------+------+------+-----------------+-----------+ [14:44] | civil-bluegill | RUNNING | | | CONTAINER | 0 | [14:44] +-----------------+---------+------+------+-----------------+-----------+ [14:44] | flowing-monster | STOPPED | | | VIRTUAL-MACHINE | 0 | [14:44] +-----------------+---------+------+------+-----------------+-----------+ [14:44] sorry [14:44] !pastebin [14:44] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [14:44] MIF: you can enter the running container with: lxc shell civil-bluegill [14:45] ok [14:45] it works thank you [14:46] np [14:46] 1. how do I exit the shell and 2. how do I stop it? [14:48] you can exit by closing all the shells (typing "exit" or Ctrl-D) [14:48] ok [14:48] to stop, if you are in the instance, "halt -p" will do, if you are in the host, "lxc stop $instance" [14:48] ok [14:49] thank you again [14:50] yw [14:50] ok one more question, how do I get internet access into the CONTAINER [14:51] MIF: you should already have that. By default, lxd creates a bridge (lxdbr0) that uses NAT'ing. You can test it by running "ping" inside the container [14:51] ping: connect: Network is unreachable [14:55] MIF: indeed, your previous ' [14:55] 'lxc list' didn't report any IP assigned to the container. Is the container a Ubuntu one? [14:56] I think so [14:57] those are configured with a DHCP client in them [14:58] I have a meeting to go to now but you should check if for some reason you've configured lxd to NOT use DHCP/NAT (default config is both enabled) or if the container isn't running a DHCP client [14:58] it has a user in home called ubuntu [14:58] ok thank you === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson === halvors1 is now known as halvors === boxrick_ is now known as boxrick