
user|6207soporte para drivers tarjeta red wifi usb 2.0 ac600 600 bmpps chipset 8811au?00:20
user|6207buenas alguien sabe deesedrivers00:21
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> Hi everyone, … Good Morning ...01:31
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IrcsomeBot<Michael G> tmux is not an editor afaik04:32
maxrazerI'm using KDE Neon. I'm thinking of going to Kubuntu.05:02
=== cliffreich__ is now known as HeMan
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lordievaderGood morning09:20
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @maxrazer, yes, on production machines you should use Kubuntu.09:49
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IrcsomeBot<AkuMarani> Horami Layout Keyboard_Arabic Letters11:28
IrcsomeBot<AkuMarani> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/Kr70WWd0/file_4111811:28
IrcsomeBot<AkuMarani> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/F26NhGIT/file_41119.ots11:28
=== lennox is now known as anchorman
user|6039Hello everyone, I have installed an old version of Kubuntu (12 version), in HP laptop, is dificult try to update to version 18? or I would like to install a new browser how chrome... thank you very much11:50
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IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @user|6039, why not latest version ?11:54
IrcsomeBotdvx was added by: dvx13:15
BluesKajHi all13:21
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hi15:37
BluesKaj@Swift110, hi15:38
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> How are you15:39
BluesKajfine here, and you?15:40
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Great15:42
* genii does a tired little Maple Leafs Won! dance and puts on more coffee15:49
BluesKaj'morning genii15:51
geniiBluesKaj: Mornin' :)15:51
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> Good Morning15:52
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> however, it is 21:30 here in India. 😅15:53
BluesKaj@ri5h46h, 'evening :-)15:53
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> 😊15:55
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> the size of ~/.cache is around 2.0 GB in my system. can I delete it ?16:07
BluesKaj@ri5h46h, https://askubuntu.com/questions/102046/is-it-okay-to-delete-the-cache-folder16:37
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @BluesKaj, thank you, I understood 👍. … btw, do any of the KDE configs get stored in .cache ?16:41
BluesKajI hope not16:41
BluesKajthink most kde configs are in ~/-config16:43
BluesKajerr ~/.config16:44
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @BluesKaj, in my case, the things which are  increasing cache size are Spotify and chrome/brave only.16:45
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @BluesKaj, yes.16:46
BluesKajmy ~/.cache is 1.7G, but I don't use spotify or brave, chrome for websites that FF doesn't work on, most are web media streams16:47
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> hmm, I just noticed that I have three browsers in my system, need to uninstall one 😆.16:53
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IrcsomeBotGranville Gutkowski was added by: Granville Gutkowski17:51
giuseI will connect remote webdav adding a directory that I see on Dolphin but I did an error putting a bad password. Now I can't more add it. What can I do?19:48
=== HeHeMan is now known as cliffreich
=== fabian is now known as Guest5663

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