[02:41] Wild_Man: Might be good to have a gander at Gdoc, see if you agree with some of the article placements. [02:44] Bashing-om, okay [02:46] Wild_Man: Recon we should move "wayland" our of the Hub section up to General News, considering the attention from the medias ? [02:46] our/out* [02:48] Bashing-om, it looks like the first line has been messed up [02:49] lemme check see what I did. [02:53] Wild_Man: No idea how that happened - but an easy fix. [03:36] Bashing-om, looks like wayland is in the Planet [03:36] secection === ItzSwirlz_ is now known as ItzSwirlz [03:46] Wild_Man: Ouch - yeah i did screw that up - anyway leave the Wayland article in the Hub or move it up ? [03:58] Bashing-om, I think it is good in the Hub [03:59] Wild_Man: Good Nuf - thanks :D [03:59] Bashing-om, you're welcome [03:59] Wild_Man: Any other comments as we begin to make up the summaries ? [04:01] Bashing-om, not at this time [04:02] Wild_Man: :) === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:46] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Focal and 5.8 HWE kernel woes @ https://lubuntu.me/focal-and-5-8-hwe-kernel-woes/ [12:17] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Alan Pope: Let's Call The Whole Thing Off @ https://popey.com/blog/2021/01/lets-call-the-whole-thing-off/