[00:24] hi how do i change the name and mount point of an external hard drive? [00:24] like instead of saying 2 TB Volume [00:25] and i want it to mount to /media/user/newdrivename instead of UUID [00:42] user01: man fstab [00:43] locsmif_work, i looked in my fstab and i didnt see the drive that is being mounted as it was named [00:43] maybe it was a label [00:43] user01: or perhaps you need to write an udev rule... is that still used? [00:44] udev probably could, yeah, but fstab isn't a bad way to go if you have opinions on where and how your filesystems should be mounted [00:44] It says online you need to specify a "nofail" option for when it isn't connected [00:44] in fstab [00:45] sarnold, i could do fstab but i thought that might be a bad idea for portable hard drives which may or may not be connected at boot [00:45] I'm not sure how to alter the name though - isn't that governed by the filesystem label? [00:45] user01: use the 'nofail' option then [00:46] user01: what's the filesystem on your external harddrive? [00:46] ive got a couple [00:46] ext4 on all [00:47] is the drive currently mounted? [00:47] user01: e2label is probably what you need [00:47] that sounds right [00:47] xamua, yes [00:47] look in /etc/mtab then, not fstab [00:48] it won't show in fstab unless you've put it there [00:49] if it's currently mounted it'll be in /etc/mtab and also /proc/mounts [00:49] udev is likely what you want though [00:49] user01: the command blkid will give you what you need in terms of uuid [00:50] I see xamua disagrees, but I would use fstab with nofail, and I'd change the name probably by changing the label with e2label [00:50] udev is kind of complicated [00:50] to put it mildly [00:50] not that I disagree. just skimming. e2label and then an fstab entry would do the trick as well [00:50] Perhaps I'm exaggerating [00:51] i think i recall using e2label before [00:51] one of my drives mounts that way anyway [00:51] user01: you can also mount by the label you set, iirc [00:51] but of course, that isn't as much of a unique identifier as an UUID is [00:52] yes UUID i like using in fstab [00:52] However, I *think* that the way fstab locates your drive (by UUID) and the way it is shown in your file explorer(s) is not the same thing. Regardless of UUID, I believe a file explorer will use the label as its name if available. [00:53] Why did my system suddenly say it is 21.04, and i'm being promted to setup gnome with a username (that it complains exists)? [00:53] add nofail as a mount option (fs_mntops) and you should, in theory, be all set. [00:53] I'm only set to get LTS releases... [00:54] where you put nofail is explained in man fstab, section fs_mntops [00:55] Is this issue a known thing or am i the only one experiencing it? I'm running Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop. [00:55] halvors1: haven't heard of it [00:55] halvors1: did you meddle with your repos somehow? [00:55] No [00:56] It all says groovy when doing "apt update" [00:56] Well, then I don't understand how it got there [00:56] Because that should be the only way, or ? [00:56] Guess i have to set mu system on hold for updates... [00:56] halvors1: that's surprising; check your logs? [00:57] Not any gnome releated package that i can see... [00:57] maybe someone else executed it onthe wrong system [00:57] halvors1: I would inspect those repos, including the ones in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ manually === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [00:58] also check if you've indeed installed very new packages, otherwise you're "new" in name only I would guess [00:58] Time for my own upgrade [00:59] thx, will do, first i have to actually gain access to it thru chrooting into root fs from usb bootable drive. [01:00] Ubuntu feels more like arch now lol. [01:00] I guess i should have stayed on the LTS if i don't want developer releases :D [01:00] hehe [01:07] user01: any luck? [01:17] hi. wanted to use ubuntu server 20.10 to use zfs for boot [01:17] seems like smoe places say it can be done. can this only be done in non-server? [01:17] locsmif_work, oh sorry i was responding to some chat messages, maybe have to reboot too let's see [01:17] jrg: the server installer doesn't know how to do it yet, correct [01:17] sarnold: ah ok. that makes sense. [01:17] jrg: there's a HOWTO that you can follow to get there .. I used it for my laptop before the desktop installer could do it :) .. [01:18] https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2020.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html [01:18] sarnold: can i install the desktop ver without the ui bits? [01:18] i can just use apt to get the server parts i need heh [01:18] jrg: you could uninstall the gui and networkmanager, I'm not sure what else if anything you'd want to clean up [01:19] so i simply can't skip installing the ui for desktop ver? [01:19] or there isn't some sort of lite ver without the ui? [01:19] i guess that would be server lol [01:19] yeah :) [01:20] user01: no worries, I'll check the backlog tomorrow :) my time zone dictates sleepy time [01:21] locsmif_work, oh maybe i need something else [01:21] user01: oh [01:21] locsmif_work, it is ext4 but it is luks drive [01:21] oh fuck hahaha [01:23] hmm, seems something ugly might be in groovy-updates... [01:25] where is the "only upgrade to long term releases actually set?" [01:25] user01: looks like you might need udev after all [01:25] user01: that is, if you're looking to be prompted for the password as soon as you plug in the drive [01:26] sudo e2label /dev/dm-0 drivename seems to have done something let me reboot and see if it worked [01:26] halvors1: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [01:26] user01: found some info here, but apparently the matter is somewhat unresolved: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=299969 [01:28] sarnold: will check that file, suspect unattended-upgrades is doing something fishy... [01:29] user01: it's going to be hard unless you're experienced. I can't help at this time, it might take me the rest of the night ;-) [01:29] halvors1: unattended-upgrades goes to great lengths to try to avoid smelling of fish :) [01:29] user01: more info here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=189549 here: https://superuser.com/questions/101042/udev-mount-encrypted-volume-upon-usb-stick-insertion and here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/620821/decrypt-luks-partition-by-a-script-in-udev-rules [01:29] locsmif_work: btw user01 quit three minutes ago [01:29] locsmif_work, ok it worked [01:29] ugh [01:29] aha and returned sixzteen seconds ago :) [01:29] ah cool [01:30] Fri 29 01:26:43 < locsmif_work> user01: found some info here, but apparently the matter is somewhat unresolved: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=299969 [01:30] Fri 29 01:29:12 < locsmif_work> user01: it's going to be hard unless you're experienced. I can't help at this time, it might take me the rest of the night ;-) [01:30] user01: it worked with LUKS?? [01:30] locsmif_work, like i said i wanted to reboot to see if it mounted with the location and label i created and it did [01:30] Ok, well at least that's good news [01:31] Because if I hear LUKS I get both excited and petrified [01:31] yes i just had to specify the dev as dev/dm-X [01:31] I'm not even sure how it works with Windows & Bitlocker but I presume it all works out of the box there. For the NSA too, probably ;-) [01:32] user01: alright :) [01:32] thanks for the help [01:32] no worries [01:32] i need to remember to write down what i did this time :P [01:33] user01: I have a file where I keep sysadmin notes [01:33] so do i [01:33] It's like a captain's log, without the stardates [01:33] ..but with real dates [01:33] but i still am too lazy sometimes to write it down [01:33] it's worth writing things down [01:33] actually it is good for me to see what i dont remember [01:33] I wish I'd started that habit sooner [01:34] 1 year later [01:34] I've found it helps to write down ffmpeg commands especially [01:34] decades on my memory isn't what it used to be [01:34] emacs users have org-mode [01:34] ffmpeg stuff ill write down but i find those commands have changed over the years too [01:34] sarnold: try to remember by heart how to hardcode subtitles onto a video with ffmpeg *g* [01:34] everyone else has to make do with other things :) -- I recently found out about https://obsidian.md/ and it looks neat to me, but i haven't tried it yet. [01:35] there are too many cool tools to learn some times [01:35] locsmif_work: yeah, exactly that kind of thing :) when you've spent three hours figuring it out you may think "i'll never forget this again, not after this!" but .. give it three weeks :) [01:36] haha [01:36] obsidian.md looks awesome [01:36] And it uses Markdown, which I already nkow [01:36] know* [01:36] im sure there is some vim plugin too [01:37] I've regretfully abandoned working in editors like vim [01:37] I use full featured IDEs for everything now [01:37] Well, everything, not for simple configuration files and simple shell scripts [01:38] Large projects in vim? It just isn't going to work [01:38] Well perhaps there are some clinically insane kernel devs who stick to it [01:39] a friend uses this on his mac https://happenapps.com/ -- markdown *and* latex! sounds cool :) [01:40] sarnold: those are good tips [01:40] why not xelatex? :P === vlm_ is now known as vlm === zbenjamin is now known as Guest54671 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:21] Whenever I dock my laptop I have to enter into the settings and enable one of the displays. After that, the display works just fine. Next time undock and re-dock, or reboot, I have to do it again. [02:21] Any idea how the setting isn't sticking? === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto [02:58] Evening... I set up "hibernate when i close the lid of my laptop" but when the system returns from hibernation all the applications were closed. Is there a setting for that? [02:59] oh weird; are you logged in or are you greeted with a login prompt or what happened? [02:59] returns to login screen - i login and its a fresh login [02:59] so it appears to hibernate the OS properly.. but maybe not X [03:00] and you're sure it's not just a shutdown + start kind of thing instead? uptime shows a big number rather than small? [03:00] Well let me clarify... I was running the manual command to see if hibernate worked... so i ran this: sudo systemctl hibernate [03:00] let me check runtime... if you see me disconnect you know why :) [03:00] :D [03:02] yeah it must be shutting down [03:02] because uptime went back to 0 [03:03] okay, at least that makes some kind of sense :) [03:03] tru that [03:03] now i have some new searching terms :) [03:03] ok so right now i'd take any method to being able to boot ubuntu with a mirror for the OS heh [03:03] am i missing something here? i cannot use drives configured for mdadm for booting? [03:03] ExcessiveAggro, do you have a swap partition at least as large as your RAM? [03:04] is there a way to disable the "downloading and installing security updates" part of a 20.04 install using autoinstall? [03:06] phillipsjk: oh good question, I forgot the basics.. [03:06] jrg: iirc dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc -- and select both drives to install grub [03:07] ExcessiveAggro: TIL systemd-sleep.conf has a bunch of settings [03:08] sarnold I will check that out thank you [03:09] phillipsjk let me check [03:10] phillipsjk well that may be the problem. I just got this new laptop and didnt check how the partitions were configured. looks like 4gb swap and 16gb ram [03:10] that would do it [03:11] hi guys [03:11] how do use apt in python script to update ubuntu [03:11] sometime the graphic setup pop up while using script [03:11] how to fix that ? [03:12] i am using it in python [03:12] example apt -y install postfix [03:12] than the gui popup [03:12] is so studpid [03:12] ubuntucrap: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive may help [03:13] ubuntucrap: check debconf(7) for details [03:13] debian_frontend ? [03:13] ubuntucrap: and see also /nick ubuntuismagical [03:13] sarnold: there is no way to mirror two drives from the installer? [03:14] DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update [03:14] DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y upgrade [03:14] so this the one [03:14] alright let me try [03:14] finally [03:14] sarnold: i don't see any way to use zfs, mdadm, or btrfs from the installer to simply mirror two drives for booting [03:15] i am coding ubuntu hardneing [03:15] hardening [03:15] almost gave up coding it [03:15] because of this stupid pop up [03:15] thank you gys [03:17] hello all! could someone guide me how to properly extend my /home to my external drive? [03:17] ExcessiveAggro, Bad news is at 100MB/s, 16GB will take nearly 3 minutes to hybernate (SSD would be much faster, assuming spinning rust). [03:17] this laptop is new - nvme [03:18] I see a way to create a syslink, but that shows an 'unopenable' folder in /home [03:21] heatwave: what are you trying to accomplish? [03:22] I had created a /home on one of my external drive's parition. Now it's full and I would like to chunk out another partition from my external drive, and add to /home [03:23] what would you like to happen when the external drive isn't available? [03:23] should you use gpt these days instead of msdos on the mklabel? [03:23] I guess I can create a live boot and use gparted for this? But is there any easier way to just use that new chunk as 'extra' storage for /home? [03:24] i used gpt but im going back to actually write notes now [03:24] sarnold: honestly it will only have my projects, so would not affect too much [03:25] meaning it shouldnt affect the system if its mounted or not? [03:25] heatwave: then I think you'd be best suited to make a directory on the drive, like /media/external/heatwave/projects and symlink /home/heatwave/projects -> /media/external/heatwave/projects [03:26] aah, that will easily link the two? I think it would be perfect [03:27] somehow I tried a syslink using a 'stackoverflow' answer but I only see an 'inode' folder which I cannot access [03:27] It's not super *easy*, it'll always be a little bit funny .. but it's pretty good at handling "I put all my projects there, and when the disk isn't plugged in, that's fine" [03:27] sarnold: got you === anonimip_ is now known as anonymip === antoine5 is now known as antoine === HotDogThe2nd is now known as HappyHotDog === yCrazyEdd is now known as CrazyEddy === DSyndrome is now known as Death_Syn === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion === nicolasbock_ is now known as nicolasbock === SirScott9 is now known as SirScott === graingert_ is now known as graingert [03:39] mount === Spork_Witch is now known as SporkWitch === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh === jmcgnh is now known as jmcgnh_ === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh [04:27] any idea when ubuntu is supposed to get the new 5.11 kernel? I tried mainline but it didn't work all that well. [04:28] I got an AX210 card and a shiny new AP. The new AP makes a big difference, but I would love to get the card going too [04:29] Well that was a long journey... tried to resize an encrypted partition and ended up doing a rebuild [04:30] :I [04:30] sorry that didn't work out [04:31] meh no biggie - each reinstall brings some learning [04:31] Got my swap as big as my ram now... so back too the hibernate enable journey [04:31] odd the systemctl hibernate still shuts the machine down rather than hibernating [04:32] Hold on, there is a weird deal with ubuntu where they don't install it by default. [04:33] ExcessiveAggro, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1240123/how-to-enable-hibernate-option-in-ubuntu-20-04 [04:33] did you happen to find that already? [04:33] nope let me read through it [04:34] don't skip steps. For whatever reason I've had to do it on two separate laptops. [04:38] Thanks magic_ninja I'm going to bookmark and check it out tomorrow morning. Sleep time :) [04:53] hm [04:54] if i am debootstrapping then 20.10 would be called groovy? [04:54] ie: similar to 20.04 being just focal? [04:54] !groovy [04:54] Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) is the 33rd release of Ubuntu and is the current regular release. Download at https://ubuntu.com/download - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GroovyGorilla/ReleaseNotes [04:54] Yes [04:55] cool. i am actually going aginst the grain here using this... https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2020.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html [04:55] but i am using the server iso since it seems like the reason it said not to use it was from lack of zfs requirements in focal maybe? [04:57] although to be honest it probably would have been just as easy to use the desktop iso considering most of it seems like i'm just installing from scratch [05:00] !minimal | jrg Too: [05:00] jrg Too:: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [05:01] Bashing-om: ah. i get that but in this case i am trying to configure zfs mirror boot and root [05:03] jrg: Not been there - not done that - best then I do not comment further :D [05:03] Bashing-om: yes it is an absolute pita [05:04] i figured the installer would do this since it supports zfs but it does not do the mirroring [05:04] whether or not i may have found a better/quicker way to do this i do not know. [05:04] nopefully 21.04 has zfs mirroring for boot/root [05:04] in the installer [05:05] jrg: Here's the book on ZFS on ubuntu: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/zfs-focus-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-blog-posts/16355 . === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:27] well... it works [06:27] neat === wyre_ is now known as wyre === billybigrigger0 is now known as billybigrigger [07:12] I need some help [07:13] trying to install virtualbox on 20.04 [07:13] The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. [07:13] Please install the virtualbox-dkms package and the appropriate [07:13] headers, most likely linux-headers-generic. [07:13] You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed. [07:14] what should I do? [07:16] ok, I belive I solved it now [07:16] np === jelly-home is now known as jelly === billybigrigger6 is now known as billybigrigger [08:46] hey there - I set ulimits in /etc/systemd/user.conf and system.conf [08:46] but when I ulimit -n, it's still 1024 [08:46] how do I set it to a default value properly? [08:51] wings_: did you systemctl daemon-reload ? [08:52] no, I full on rebooted... [08:52] after triple checking the syntax [08:56] so what did you configure exactly in these files? [08:56] DefaultLimitNOFILE=10000000 [08:56] do I need to also set LimitNOFILE? [08:57] i did manage to set ulimit -n 1000000 just fine [08:59] 10000000 > 1000000 [09:00] yes, I know. [09:00] but i'm not sure thats why it failed setting what yo configured in system.conf [09:00] for some reason I can't seem to push it much higher than a million, but a million is sufficient [09:01] i just need it to be *default* as I need to run things that can't set ulimit themselves :( [09:01] i'm only reading up on this documentation for the first time, may not be the right person to help [09:01] no worries, appreciate it anyways [09:02] based on the man pages, i would assume changing the default works as you did on ubuntu 18.04 LTS and higher (not sure what you are running). [09:02] you'd need to place the configuration in the [Manager] section of system.conf [09:03] (this section is in there by default, and it's th eonly section, but if you placed it before that line, or removed this line, this would break it) [09:06] tomreyn: ubuntu 20.04 in my case. [09:07] and it's in the [Manager] section indeed :( [09:09] i'm wondering whether you need to alsoraise the limit in /etc/security/limits.conf [09:11] and then there is also /etc/sysctl.conf === Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube === mateen1 is now known as mateen [11:13] anyone know how to install olm/pk module in go? [11:13] i think it needs a host library [11:26] chovy: can you provide a little more context, whats your endgoal, following a guide? [11:26] i'm tr ying to install gumuks [11:26] gomuks [11:26] its a cli matrix client and requires go but when i do `go install` it fails on and i don't k now why [11:27] the guys on github just closed my ticket w/o helping [11:32] chovy, so it is not our repo, what guide do you follow/url? [11:32] oerheks: your install "instructions" [11:32] might be this, dont see ubuntu among, might need compile from source? https://github.com/tulir/gomuks/wiki/Installation [11:33] they don't provide ubuntu instructions [11:34] i am compiling from source. but its missing some library from the OS. i don't know which [11:34] olm/pk is all i know [11:34] never heard of it [11:35] can't fit shit in google either [11:41] you're building golang from source? [11:43] yes [11:43] no. [11:43] i used ppa for golang. i'm builidng gomuks from source [11:44] ah [11:44] i had to install libolm-dev which fixed the first error but now i have another one olm/pk [11:45] hi [11:45] wanted to ask if ubuntu has some kind of background process when it accesses my disks periodicly [11:45] I mean I have mounted an empty disk [11:45] and I see the ubuntu is accesseng it every few seconds [11:46] and the disk does not go to sleep [11:48] elektrinis: these days ubuntu has a lot of things happening in the background, see journalctl -f for a realtime investigation of your system [11:49] elektrinis: you can install iotop and see what's on the top [11:49] snap activity is one example happening === nikow4 is now known as nikow [12:21] kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: advertising data len corrected 28 -> 27 [12:21] driver issue? [12:24] lotuspsychje, snap activity ? [12:26] (unless you installed any snap that causes any activity there should definitely not be any beyond the refresh checks that only happen 3-4 times/day ) [12:41] ogra: im talking about journal logs having an own life these days, i saw banners stuff on snap once [12:43] try it for yourself, a whole day journalctl -f === hacxman is now known as hexo === Bilge is now known as BLG === yokel_ is now known as yokel [13:20] Hey. [13:22] Hi all [13:24] why does word-list-compress d < ru.cwl fail? This is installed by aspell-ru. the walk through is:sudo apt install aspell-ru cp /usr/share/aspell/ru.cwl.gz . gunzip -d ru.cwl.gz word-list-compress d < ru.cwl [13:27] no idea, maybe some wrong use of < ? https://linux.die.net/man/1/word-list-compress [13:27] explain what you want to do exactly? [13:28] word-list-compress d < ru.cwl [13:28] ERROR: Corrupt Input. [13:28] like they are rambling in ##Linux for more info .. [13:28] oerheks, I just want a text file with the word list [13:29] word-list-compress d ru.cwl > ru.txt [13:30] oerheks, does that work for you? [13:31] i don't have russian installed. [13:31] oerheks, word-list-compress d < ru.cwl > ru.txt [13:31] ERROR: Corrupt Input. [13:33] interesting, that is not the line i wrote. [13:33] good luck! [13:35] oerheks, the line you wrote is not in the right format [13:37] lesshaste, well, did your gunzip dcompress without errors ? looks more like your input file is simply corrupt [13:37] ogra, yes it did [13:38] ogra, it's just what you get with sudo apt install aspell-ru [13:41] hi is it possible to run smartctl on a luks drive? [13:42] $ zcat /usr/share/aspell/en_GB-variant_0.cwl.gz | word-list-compress d [13:42] ERROR: Corrupt Input. [13:42] seems like a more general incompatibility ... i'D file a bug [13:48] ogra, with aspell? [13:48] yeah [13:48] ogra, I wonder how to do that [13:48] ubuntu-bug aspell [14:01] hi i have installer ubuntu server on a laptop, what is the easy way to disable sleep on lid closed or any other scenario [14:03] moldorcoder7 Gnome Tweaks has an option to disable susped on lid close [14:03] mbordere, i mean without gui [14:03] mbordere, the server edition still goes in sleep mode for whatever reason [14:04] ogra, reported [14:06] lesshaste, good luck with it 🙂 [14:06] $ python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.modules['zope'])" [14:06] [14:06] this is on 20.04...can't figure out what's causing it [14:13] ogra, thanks! [14:14] ogra, my experience is that 5 years I will get an email saying it relates to an old version and I should update the bug report :) [14:16] which software cna I use to fill a pdf form? [14:16] document viewer is not good for this task [14:17] masber, hmm...google will tell you. [14:17] xournal maybe? [14:17] I have Unity desktop manager as well as Cinnamon. Can I remove Unity without effecting Cinnamon? [14:18] masber, libreoffice? [14:18] I tried xournal, not good it writes on top of the document, does not really fills the form [14:19] BTW the problems I was having with gnome-software not showing installed programs is solved by typing killall gnome-software before opening the GUI gnome-software. [14:24] The problems I was having with gnome-software not showing installed programs is solved by typing killall gnome-software before opening the GUI gnome-software. [14:31] hi, is there any way of making the dhcp client work? [14:31] ens37: DHCP: No gateway received from DHCP server. [14:31] Jan 29 06:03:30 perlaa-stream systemd-networkd[5398]: ens37: DHCP lease lost [14:32] its just looping the interface up & down because of this [14:32] as for env, its running a in vm [14:32] ens37 being a hostonly adapter [14:33] I Googled and found sudo apt-get purge unity* I am worried that the * may remove programs common to any other desktop manager installed. Is that the case? [14:34] hwk, do you have the host-only adaptor set up as a DHCP server within Virtualbox(?) settings? e.g. https://i.imgur.com/wfhsPKT.jpg [14:35] yes, dhcp is setup (without any gateway it seems) on the hostonly net (running vmware). its running fine on another vm (openwrt distro) [14:35] wondering if there is a option on the ubuntu server new network manager, to fix this [14:37] its picks up an ip, but imeditally drops it , hence this ystemd-networkd[5398]: ens37: DHCP lease lost [14:37] hi, I just installed evince but it is not showing in the application launcher? [14:38] nunya_ : if your are planing to replace the dekstop manager, the new one will have its own dependencies (Will reinstall them if required) [14:41] I have Cinnamon as well. I tried Unity but decided it felt too much like Mac (nothing bad about Mac if that's what you're into) I want to remove Unity without effecting Cinnamon. [14:42] You may have to logout and login to a new session before it shows in the menu. [14:42] you walking on a thin line, try your luck (dont see anything that cannot be fixed in this scenario) [14:43] nunya_, apt will ask you if it should proceed ... you will see if there are any cinnamon packages in the list [14:43] (it prints a report before the y/n question) [14:43] How do I know which programs are common to Unity and Cinnamon? [14:44] their packages have them marked as dependency :) [14:44] well, if you see "cinnamon" anywhere in the list, hit N [14:44] Ok thanks. [14:45] greetings [14:45] Been trying to find the info via gogol but seems i'm not using the propper keywords [14:46] maybe your spelling is abit off :-) [14:46] whenever i'm not playing any audio the driver is probably putting the sound card on "high gain" or something like that, which endup picking up EMF from cellphones ... any way to prevent that? [14:46] Is sudo apt-get purge unity* correct with the * or without? [14:46] (apart from playing audio in background at say 60000 Hz so that i cant hear it) [14:47] ramkamx: faraday cage? [14:47] the PC enclosure is supposed to be one, but it's not :-) [14:48] i think what you are hearing is from the amp itself, try with deaphones [14:48] head* [14:48] possibly [14:49] ok i'll play a background tone at 100kHz, it will send signals so that the amp doesnt swithc to high gain, signals that will be filtered by the high pass filter after .... [14:49] :D [14:49] rectification connection [14:49] means? [14:50] I had similar problem when one of my audio cables wasn't all the way into the jjack [14:50] a dirty connector, perhaps a carbonized layer [14:50] ¨nah [14:50] nunya, it is [14:51] try the headphones first, see if that "fixes it" if it does, the issue lies between the pc output and the speaker :) [14:51] i believe the card is going in "sleep" mode, so that the ground goes floating [14:52] it does fix it, it definitively is my jambox amp that is trying to amplify the jack signal [14:52] there you go (better connection/cables/shielding/etc) [14:53] i'm wondering if there's enough fine grained settings on the alsa-audio to prevent going into that "sleep" [14:53] hwk: not solving it though :-) [14:53] you are trying to fix a mechanical issues software wise [14:54] yes [14:54] you must be ready to spend some time on it :) [14:54] :D [14:54] yes :D [14:54] s/mechanical/electrical [14:55] aouch - https://wiki.xkcd.com [14:56] i usually dont use anal output anymore, best scenario is a optical with a analog converter at the other end (if necessary) [14:57] hwk, my computer is 10 years old :D [14:57] sometimes sheilded cable is necessary in a heavy RF environment [14:58] Sure, i'm looking for "inexpensive" solution though :-) [14:59] clean your connections first, if you use the analog outs [15:00] a 10 yrold pc can buildup alot of unseen crap [15:01] i'd rather have that software fix [15:01] there aren't any that will afaik [15:01] i don't believe it's the accumulated junk/goo/crap that's at cause, but the gound that is going floating when the card is at sleep [15:01] work [15:03] have fun, I'm done with this BS [15:04] thx :-) [15:05] yw :-) [15:07] Hi, I've upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04, had a bunch of scripts to launch VMs with e.g. qemu-system-x86_64... erm... where did the binaries go? [15:08] apt/dpkg only list stuff like qemu-x86_64 with completely different options and syntax [15:14] I'd rather skip virt-manager/cockpit [15:31] hi guys [15:31] nmcli show me that I cano not manage the wired network [15:31] How I can set it again in NM, because I can not use openvpn [15:32] Ubuntu 20.04 [15:32] Is there any reason to enable Wayland in 20.04? [15:33] PsynoKhi0: qemu-system-x86_64 is part of the qemu-system-x86 package [15:33] it's faster and more secure. if your desktop environment and hardware supports it: it's pretty awesome. [15:35] * Panther wonders why 20.04 wants to fry his CPUs. [15:36] leftyfb: awesome, thanks! back in business [15:37] munio, is network-manager-openvpn installed? [15:38] BluesKaj: Yes, default install of Ubuntu server, additional installer openvpn and X server etc. [15:39] munio, ok, is this a paid vpn client/server setup ? [15:40] Seriously, tho.. is there anything that I can do about this overheating/throttling/overheating/throttling.. etc... ? It's almost constant. [15:40] BluesKaj: no, my own which works with desktop setup. But on the server i have issue with the NM [15:42] nmcli device status show me as "unmanaged" my network card, so I can not run the VPN [15:42] user/password login then [15:42] ? [15:42] no no [15:43] the problem is well known for ubuntu 16 and 18, but I vcan not handle the connection via NM [15:43] I am looking how to handle the wired connection in NM, because I can not [15:44] BluesKaj: i'm running a pyaudio script with cron every now and then :D solved it. Can't hear 4 Hz tones :D [15:45] no one can ramkamx, 4 hz is too low, unless you mean 4khz [15:46] Nope, 4 hz exactly. It just forces the sound card to turn on, but emits no audible sound [15:47] I have no clue about pyaudio === munio1 is now known as munio [16:07] Hello, anyone able to help with a maybe failed SSD? I'm in an old live ubuntu environment now, testdisk doesn't seem able to see the right partition on it somehow, unsure how/if I can do anything else with it [16:08] BluesKaj: same as doing alsabat -F 17640 -n 10.0s [16:09] The PC was happily working in windows then reset itself and now cannot boot at all [16:10] Hornet-: get a new SSD and restore from backup [16:11] No backup, it was a newish drive [16:11] Hornet-: check it with Disks [16:12] Check how? It says assessment: disk is OK [16:12] but shows no partitions [16:14] Mount the drive in the live session, run Disks and then SMART Data & Self-Test [16:15] hi, I've an old machine with 14.04 and, despite having no Ubuntu Advantage subscription, the software updater started offering me ESM packages, without having chaging anything in the machine recently... is ir normal? [16:15] Maik: everything is flagged as 'ok' [16:15] run a self-test... [16:16] Said not supported [16:16] then i don't know [16:16] udisks-error-quark,0 whatever that means [16:17] Hello Ubuntu community o/ [16:17] blscoe: if you haven't set up ESM then not i guess [16:17] Tas-sos, hi [16:18] blscoe, no. But you should just upgrade [16:18] I have a problem with the Wifi card of my laptop. sometimes disappears without reason! [16:18] I cannot find it either from system menu [16:18] Maik: I didn't, the update manager was always suggesting me a couple of PPA packages I never wanted to update, and all of a sudden, a couple of days ago it started to show a huge list of packages [16:18] Hornet-: can you paste the output of 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' [16:19] Tas-sos: which ubuntu version? If you know that you could search for bug reports on the matter [16:19] Tas-sos, do you have a hardware switch? Perhaps it is flaky [16:19] lordcirth: well, yes, but I wanted to know if this was something Canonical was pushing, because I really didn't mess with apt recently :) [16:19] EriC^^: https://termbin.com/gjtw [16:19] and I find a ephemeral solution but works only for while [16:19] sda is the problem drive [16:19] i reinstall the wifi driver [16:20] sudo apt-get reinstall rtl8821ce-dkms [16:20] Hornet-: do you remember how many partitions it used to have? [16:20] EriC^^: also command gave visible error /dev/sda: unrecognised disk label [16:20] but today ( after about 4 days ago ) again disapear the Wifi again [16:20] Tas-sos, what Ubuntu version and kernel? [16:20] an *again* reinstall an fixed [16:20] blscoe: if you didn't enable ESM then you should either upgrade or re-install ubuntu to a newer version 14.04 without ESM is EOL [16:20] why happens that ? [16:21] EriC^^: I thought 2, the standard windows one and the 'recovery' nonsense it automakes [16:21] I run ubuntu 20.04 LTS [16:21] EriC^^: but testdisk seems to think there are 2 'recovery' ones, it can't see the main [16:21] Tas-sos: which kernel? [16:21] uname -r [16:21] Hornet-: ok, try 'sudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 512)) /dev/sda /mnt' [16:22] EriC^^: I'm running another testdisk scan in gpt mode just in case but I'm fairly sure it's intel [16:22] one moment [16:22] ok [16:22] I also run the latest updates [16:22] Hornet-: are you doing the deep search or just quick search? [16:22] Maik: yes, I know it was EOL'd long time ago and that I should upgrade it, but I wanted to find out why was this happening, or if it was something Canonical did recently [16:23] EriC^^: I'm doing 'analyse', I didn't see the deeper search option [16:23] GPT mode shows 4 unrecoverable [16:23] confused [16:23] Hornet-: after doing quick search in analyse (or if you press enter while its running to stop it) it should show a deep search button [16:23] how can testdisk show partitions in both intel and gpt mode? [16:23] it didn't show me that [16:24] AFK for while - sorry [16:24] I did look specifically for it [16:24] it should be there [16:24] Hornet-: question, how did this situation start? [16:25] EriC^^: running intel search again to double check but I did look for deeper search button and it seemed absent [16:25] Tas-sos: again... which kernel [16:25] EriC^^: I left PC to make phone call, returned and blue screen, then rebooting failed with no boot device findable [16:26] EriC^^: it was happily running windows 10, nothing unusual going on [16:26] any dd commands that ran earlier or anything disk/partition related? [16:26] Hey! Which pre-installed server image will work on raspberry Pi zero? [16:27] Hornet-: once you run the quick search, press enter to stop it, then press enter again when it shows you the list that comes up, it should give a deep search option at the bottom [16:27] The_LoudSpeaker: none i guess [16:27] Ouch. [16:27] Hornet-: also please run the sudo mount command i wrote above [16:27] Hornet-: ok, try 'sudo mount -o offset=$((2048 * 512)) /dev/sda /mnt' [16:27] hi [16:27] still battling this issue I have [16:27] EriC^^: yes sorry trying that now, was starting the other testdisk command and baffling at missing option, one moment [16:27] fresh ubuntu install with SSD + blank HDD [16:27] There's no 32 bit arm image i guess right? Maik [16:28] I have noticed the HDD is being accesses every secnd or so and does not go to sleep [16:28] EriC^^: ount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop9, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. [16:28] did iotop: https://pastebin.com/wjRDF7AE [16:28] The_LoudSpeaker: ubuntu only support the Pi 2 3 and 4 [16:28] EriC^^: I did nothing with dd, partitions, or anything of the sort no [16:28] so how do I debug this any further? [16:29] Hornet-: aha [16:29] The_LoudSpeaker: https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi [16:29] EriC^^: got the deeper option by pausing, running that in intel partition type now [16:30] EriC^^: the GPT search returned some confusing information though, it found ms dos partitions that seemed to overlap [16:30] unsure if that's an artifact/error [16:30] Hornet-: ok, can you also run 'sudo apt-get install smartmontools' ? [16:30] Hornet-: you can press 'p' in testdisk over the partition to list the files btw [16:31] the most promising one I saw in gpt mode said 'can't open filessystem, filesystem seems damaged' [16:31] Tas-sos, "uname -r" will tell you your exact kernel version, and how new is the laptop / wifi card? [16:31] in intel mode I could browse 2 empty default 'recovery' partitions [16:33] EriC^^: smartmontolls installed [16:33] thanks greatly for your help with this, massively appreciated [16:34] going through some major life trauma atm (homeless in like a month) and this is really the cherry on top, absolutely need this PC working [16:34] deeper search in intel mode is about 50% done [16:35] I suppose worst case I can try ddrescue & photorec onto another drive [16:35] 70% scan now [16:37] Hornet-: no problem, hopefully you can restore the partitions easily [16:37] EriC^: assume you pinged out? what was the last thing you saw me say to you? [16:37] Hornet-: try 'sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999' [16:38] I suppose worst case I can try ddrescue & photorec onto another drive' [16:38] you saw everything important then, good stuff [16:39] I think I just screwed up with the deeper search, hitting enter when maybe I shoudln't, ended up back at main sscreen so rescanning deeply, but it saw 3 partitions, 1 looked big [16:39] 21% though [16:39] great [16:40] EriC^: https://termbin.com/18it [16:41] looks good i think, no reallocated sector count [16:42] EriC^: any idea what could have happened? [16:43] feels like something ate the partition table but I can't see how [16:43] yeah very odd [16:44] is there a one-liner to upload screenshots automatically? [16:46] https://i.imgur.com/7SIJTCt.png [16:46] Doesn't the default screenshot app have an imgur upload button? Not on Ubuntu atm [16:47] I'm using old ubu, it just flashes the screen and no UI of any sort appears [16:48] looks like the huge partition is almost empty :> [16:48] :| [16:48] keyboard layout flipped here === semeion is now known as mnemonic [16:52] Hornet-: sorry got dc [16:52] EriC^: np. I think the data is gone, that partition had almost nothing on it apparently [16:52] or it's not that partition type after all [16:53] I don't know [16:54] Hornet-: seems a little like the fs is corrupted [16:54] EriC^^: I'll run a deeper search in gpt mode in another instance of testdisk [16:54] getting that feeling too. I can't see how but obviously something's boned it [16:55] Hornet-: the starting sector is odd though, it says in testdisk 3233 [16:57] EriC^^: webchat kicked me off [16:57] Hornet-: wb, i find it odd that in testdisk it says it starts at sector 3233, pretty unconvential, that woul mean it starts at 1655kB [16:58] EriC^^: https://i.imgur.com/vaIu4KC.png [16:58] Hornet-: we could try hunting for it ourselves [16:58] loads more appearing [16:59] EriC^^: sounds like a plan, where do we start? [17:00] EriC^^: is it just returning rubbish now: https://i.imgur.com/3fMBuv8.png [17:02] Hornet-: try "for i in {0..4000}; do echo trying $i; sudo mount -o offset=$(($i * 512)) /dev/sda /mnt && break; done" [17:02] Hornet-: yeah it seems pretty confused [17:03] EriC^^: it's up to 1000 === ace_me^^ is now known as ace_me [17:06] Hornet-: did you try listing the files of the 2 recovery partitions in testdisk, just curious [17:07] yes, just standard empty things really [17:07] I've just realised I can't see another partition on a different drive that should be there too [17:07] investigating [17:09] i was out for a walk, shutdown my machine. now i came back, turned on my workstation and now only 1 monitor works, the other one is just black. booted windows to verify its not a hardware fault... on windows everything works as expected. already tried different kernels. anyone an idea how to find out what happened? [17:10] i have the proprietary nvidia driver installed [17:11] EriC^^: I can't be sure, it might be that it was on this SSD too. there's a seperate /home partition for my linux install that doesn't seem to be anywhere now [17:11] really confused and concerned [17:11] Hornet-: did you mount your root fs on the linux install? [17:11] that said I didn't boot that since this ssd was installed/set up so it may be a prior issue somewhere [17:12] try to mount it at /cdrom then run '(cat /cdrom/etc/fstab; sudo blkid) | nc termbin.com 9999' [17:13] I haven't booted linux in ages, the windows install overwrote the boot info and I couldn't reset it as I didn't have teh right version boot media to do so. so I had to back up all the data and reinstall linux which was soemthing I mothballed due to lack of time [17:13] Hornet-: did the for command ever stop at some number? [17:13] brb [17:13] but the partitions should still be there [17:13] it ran to 4000 [17:13] i see [17:14] the gpt deeper search is still running [17:14] unsure if that's meaningful at this point though [17:14] Hornet-: if i were you at this point first thing i'd do is make an image of the disk, then try using backup sector, ntfsfix perhaps, chkdisk, etc and other ntfs tools like ntfs-scrounge and finally photorec [17:15] backup sector? [17:17] Hornet-: in testdisk if you go to advanced instead of analyze, and highlight the partition, it should give you some options regarding undeleting files, and info about boots sector and MFT and stuff [17:17] you dont have to do anything but it will mention the status and if they match etc [17:17] the few files I can see in the large partition intel mode found, does seem to be something that was on this drive once [17:18] but almost everything is just gone [17:18] wondering if this was some sort of malware attack now [17:19] can't see how as I have everything pretty secure and firewalled [17:19] nvidia-settings does not start, it says nvidia driver is not loaded, so guess something is broken with the nvidia module. can someone tell me how i can re-install that? apt-get purge nvidia*, reboot and use the UI to install the proprietary driver? [17:20] EriC^^: https://i.imgur.com/FVwQ4G1.png [17:20] that's the deeper gpt output [17:20] tete, last I used it, that sounds about right [17:22] EriC^^: advanced has no options. just says 'no partition available' [17:22] ok brb [17:23] Hornet-: the data from the deep search is incredibly inconsistent, seems to think the disk is 2000gb [17:23] Hornet-: write the table you posted here, even though the starting sector is very odd, it's the most reasonable one til now with what you described the partitions [17:24] https://i.imgur.com/7SIJTCt.png [17:24] even though it has missing data? will that do anything unreversable? [17:24] switched now to the open driver (nouveau) and seems like that made some progress, at least at the moment its working with my "special" setup [17:25] Hornet-: no, if anything, backup the current table first, sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/save/table.img bs=512 count=1 && sync [17:26] Hornet-: if you want, just write it manually after running the dd command, type sudo fdisk /dev/sda [17:27] EriC^^: one sec, trying to find a writable path, the usb stick path isn't mounted and its the only thing writable [17:27] press o for new partition table, then 'n' for new partition, for starting sector put "3233" and ending sector "291852928" [17:27] if anything out of the ordinary comes up when you run fdisk such as mentioning gpt etc let me know [17:28] Hornet-: ok [17:28] everything is read only, even the other physical disks [17:28] have to find a usb stick and spare slot, sec * 2 [17:29] Hornet-: it might be the windows disks are readonly cause of hibernation, try the ext4 one you have [17:29] /dev/sdc4 or /dev/sdd1 [17:30] read oly too [17:30] might be something in the live cd [17:30] try to remount rw, "sudo mount -o remount,rw /mountpoint" [17:31] pretty odd [17:33] damn. Had a power failure and now my raid1 says: [17:33] md0 : active raid1 sdb[0] sdc[1] [17:33] 4883638464 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU] [17:33] [>....................] resync = 0.1% (5556288/4883638464) finish=13450.3min speed=6044K/sec [17:33] bitmap: 3/37 pages [12KB], 65536KB chunk [17:33] 6M/sec ... [17:33] EriC^^: on a different usb stick now. k so should I run the fdisk command or? [17:37] Hornet-: back, yes run the dd command and backup the partition table first then run fdisk [17:38] it's so odd that it says starting sector 3233 though, i tried searching for 1067kB parted on google and literally no single result came up [17:38] it wants to make a new linux partition there [17:38] also size is half the disk [17:38] which might mean my linux /home was in the other half? [17:39] can you screenshot share, not really sure what you mean [17:39] https://i.imgur.com/xKpevla.png [17:40] ok looks good [17:40] type 'w' to write it [17:40] do I not need to tell it it's ntfs ? [17:40] I'm used to gparted [17:41] nope, that's just the partition table type [17:41] I've the feeling that when I made this they might have been extended partitions not primary [17:41] does that matter here? [17:42] was a year ago though and I can't be sure of much [17:42] not really, but the size inconsistency is weird, try to delete the partition you just made using "d" [17:42] done [17:42] then make a new one with "n", starting sector 3233, when it asks for ending sector hit enter to use all the disk [17:43] it wont matter as it's just the table, when we mount the actual partition if we can it'll just load the fs and wont be overwriting anything beyond its size [17:43] okay, will try and see [17:44] thanks again, immensely appreciate [17:44] d [17:44] no problem [17:45] https://i.imgur.com/e1YZFqs.png [17:45] write ? [17:45] yes [17:46] done [17:46] ok quit fdisk if it hasnt exited already and run 'sudo partprobe /dev/sda' to reread the partition table [17:47] silent success I think [17:47] great! [17:48] now try 'sudo testdisk /dev/sda' and go to 'advanced' [17:49] inter partition I assume [17:49] *intel [17:49] yup [17:49] I have the feeling I used gpt when installing originally, but really can't recall as I had to redo the installation a few times [17:50] it sees 1 linux partition [17:50] unsurprisingly [17:50] start 5121 t hough [17:50] in the options below does it have boot list undelete etc [17:51] type superblock list image creation [17:51] go into list I assume? [17:51] Hornet-: what happens if you choose 'type' and choose msdata ? [17:51] Looks like focal/20.04 just broke some php7.4 dependencies [17:51] sudo apt install php7.4-fpm [17:51] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [17:51] php7.4-fpm : Depends: php7.4-common (= 7.4.3-4ubuntu1) but 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.4 is to be installed [17:51] Hornet-: yeah wont hurt to try 'list' [17:52] EriC^ I can't see msdata there [17:53] apt-cache policy php7.4-fpm [17:53] php7.4-fpm: [17:53] Candidate: 7.4.3-4ubuntu1 [17:53] 7.4.3-4ubuntu1 500 [17:53] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/universe amd64 Packages [17:53] hello [17:53] apt-cache policy php7.4-common [17:53] php7.4-common: [17:53] Candidate: 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.4 [17:53] 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.4 500 [17:53] 500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security/main amd64 Packages [17:53] 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates/main amd64 Packages [17:54] I'm trying to use keepassxc on my ubuntu machine, which I had previously installed via APT but now I'm using a snap. I can't access a folder on my google drive from the snap. Is this is a classic snap confinement issue, is there a way to allow accessing /run/user/1000/gvfs from the snap? [17:54] Do you know a trustworthy 2FA desktop application for ubuntu ? [17:54] !paste | Nukien [17:54] Nukien: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:55] will do [17:55] EriC^ I was thrown off again [17:55] Hornet-: aha, apparently testdisk uses the partition type it seems for the options, i just tried it here [17:55] Hornet-: type "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" again [17:56] why is this testdisk run showing start as '51 21' [17:56] closing testdisk or differrent terminal? [17:56] Hornet-: yeah close testdisk [17:57] back in fdisk [17:57] Hornet-: ok, press 't' to change type, choose first partition [17:57] for the hexcode use "07" [17:58] done, ntfs apparently. write it? [17:58] yes then sudo partprobe /dev/sda again [17:58] done [17:58] back to testdisk? [17:59] ok just to confirm what the table looks like, try 'sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print" [17:59] can someone ping au.archive.ubuntu.com for me and tell me if it is up [17:59] i cant ping it [17:59] routebee: i cant either [18:00] https://i.imgur.com/4r8Ptuh.png [18:00] hmm how do i get apt to go after another archive server EriC^? [18:01] routebee: change the sources uses software&updates program [18:01] *using [18:01] "change"? change how? [18:01] change sources.list? [18:02] did you open the program? [18:02] im going from the terminal [18:02] type 'software-properties-gtk' [18:02] no gui there? [18:02] yeah i got it [18:03] fucking thing kicked me off again [18:03] Hornet-: wb, try running testdisk -> intel -> advanced [18:03] its refreshing now [18:03] xD [18:03] thanks [18:03] really not helping [18:03] routebee: no problem [18:04] So, any ideas about php7.4-fpm and php7.4-common ? [18:04] sigh.. it has crashed now [18:04] EriC^: can't open, seems damaged [18:04] you mean when you press p? [18:04] list [18:04] i mean list [18:04] in advanced [18:05] aha, what about if you press on 'boot' [18:05] bad boot sectors [18:05] btw dont run anything like checks etc yet, i wouldnt touch the actual fs without imaging it first [18:05] we're not even sure if it starts at 3233, it might be the typical 2048 sector [18:05] this is using intel partition again. should I try with efi gpt? [18:06] or does that mean back to fdisk [18:06] maybe yes [18:06] start here says 51 21 btw [18:06] i think it should be the same cause it's just honing in on the actual fs right now at 3233 [18:06] aha [18:06] what's it say in boot about the boot sectors consistency with the backup one [18:06] so is it adding some offsets to the numbers we see somehow [18:06] both bad [18:06] not identical [18:07] ok [18:07] let's try 2048s real quick [18:07] same dance in fdisk? [18:08] after that i think you should image the disk before trying other stuff [18:08] yeah [18:08] same deal delete, n, 2048, hit enter for ending sector, press t for type '07' then write [18:09] then reload with partprobe and try testdisk again [18:09] exact same [18:09] start now shows 3233 btw [18:09] so that's doube weird [18:10] is that the same offset [18:15] aha [18:15] Hornet-: that's good i think [18:15] Hornet-: what does 'boot' look like? [18:15] not same offset no, this is 1888 different, prior was 1085(from memory) [18:16] bad/bad/not identical [18:16] I'll have to find another drive, no idea if I can hotswap leads from one of the others [18:17] otherwise I'll have to reboot and this is live so everything goes [18:17] what do you mean 1888/1085? [18:17] kind of confused, i never saw a 1085 starting sector in the pastes [18:18] difference between 2048 & 3233, 3233 & 5121 [18:18] was seeing if the sector start was predictably 'wrong' [18:18] ah i see [18:19] i think it seems that 2048 that we lastly used makes more sense, if i had to guess [18:19] very similar factor of error though, real is about 63% of the shown [18:19] probably yes [18:19] maybe it being an ssd weirds things [18:20] cause it's the typical starting sector, and testdisk seems to have found it at '3233' earlier [18:20] yeah [18:20] okay so plug in another drive and dd time? unless I can get one of these to be r/w again and make 250gb space [18:20] id image the disk at this point before trying anything filesystem related, better safe than sorry [18:20] yeah [18:21] be sure to always sync after dd so it writes everything in cache [18:21] also use bs=4M status=progress [18:22] is there a way to force the ntfs drives to writable? [18:23] Hornet-: it's best to fix it from within windows. You'll need to first make sure fast boot is disabled in Windows, run chkdsk on the drive then reboot. Then boot into Windows and run chkdsk on the drive again [18:24] Hornet-: 'sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdxY' should do it [18:24] leftyfb I have no windows atm that's the dead drive [18:24] catch 22 [18:25] Hornet-: what is your goal here exactly? [18:25] Hornet-: what about /dev/sdc? [18:25] and sdd [18:26] Hornet-: you should not be working towards recovering a bootable OS, either Windows or Ubuntu. If you have important files on either one then you should use an Ubuntu live cd/usb to recover files on the Ubuntu side and a Windows recovery USB to recovery the files from the Windows side [18:27] leftyfb, right now I'm working to getting a recognised partition/filesystem, recovery of whatever comes after that [18:27] I'm in a live environment to try to see what I can salvage and it turned out to be super hosed somehow hence seeking experienced support [18:28] I have removed one drive from raid1. Can I still use the raid? [18:28] elektrinis: in theory. Though the goal is to replace the drive ASAP [18:28] and rebuild the raid [18:28] yes. [18:29] new drive failed out of the box. [18:42] ... [18:42] EriC^: should I put the original filetable back before dd stuff? [18:43] nah, but keep it saved [18:43] re a windows recovery usb, the times I've booted a dead system with a windows usb stick the only options are usually to reinstall [18:43] no way to browseo or recover [18:44] okay, I've made space on the ntfs 2tb drive (RIP several games) [18:44] :D [18:45] dd or ddrescue? [18:45] in windows i think you can right click the drive and select to do a filesystem check it'll schedule it on the next reboot [18:46] it's probably your best bet of recovering the fs in tact using chkdsk [18:46] Hornet-: dd should be fine as long as there are no bad sectors, try dd [18:46] I can't get into anything windows though [18:46] unless you mean on a live usb [18:48] i think you can do it from a live windows install if you go to troubleshooting/advanced and then choose command prompt, if you're able to mount it using diskpart you can run chkdsk iirc [18:49] in that case should we put the original table back first ? [18:50] dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/ubuntu/5CB4F100B4F0DD88/new/ssd.img bs=4M status=progress [18:51] + sudo obv [18:51] i think you might have better luck with this, the original was basically empty [18:51] Hello, I'm trying to recover data from an old hard drive (home encrypted with passphare), when I try with ecryptfs-recover-private I get an errors like this : [18:51] find: ‘/media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/ubuntu/.Private/ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.FWaIoSUzkxVgukRw2nbQBLsz6xNMAhS3bBF6DGGDjlo2JPud4yRj1HN06U--’: Input/output error [18:51] any idea please how to fix it? [18:51] okay, will leave as is then [18:51] is that dd command the right one or does it need tuning? [18:52] Hornet-: looks good [18:52] running then [18:55] Dro: input/output is usually hardware related [18:56] rough guess this should take 68 minutes to finish [18:56] nice [18:56] assuming the pc doesn't decide to do anything else mental in the process [18:56] I'm really worried about what actually caused it [18:56] Dro: is it the same if you run "ecryptfs-recover-private /media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/ubuntu/.Private" ? [18:59] Hornet-: yeah, very odd, any errors in the blue screen you mentioned? [19:00] said something about winuser.exe iirc, then the reboot error just said the usual no boot device found [19:00] I'm assuming it tried to read soemthing and found it couldn't, rather than that being the source of the error itself [19:01] my phone camera is broken otherwise I would've photographed it [19:01] yeah [19:01] hi [19:01] i want to use ubuntu [19:01] which is yet another software error I think but I need to do deep magic on the phone to try to reset it (wileyfox swift, known issue) and that could brick the phone [19:01] no boot device makes me think it was intel not gpt btw, sounds like the legacy kind of error, plus just remembered you'd need to have an efi partition as well for gpt to work on windows [19:02] EriC^: in this case I get find: ‘/tmp/ecryptfs.1JIZN8oR’: Input/output error [19:02] and I can't afford to risk that atm, no way to replace [19:02] I can reboot again and double check once this is done [19:02] Dro: try 'sudo apt-get install smartmontools' then 'sudo smartctrl -a /dev/sdX | nc termbin.com 9999' replacing sdX with the name of your disk [19:03] EriC^: here is the full output of the first command https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jtFp8CKdQ8/ , I'll try with smartmontools [19:03] !install | hynix [19:03] hynix: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate [19:04] EriC^ thanks [19:04] hynix: no problem [19:05] EriC^: the output of smartctl : https://termbin.com/0tv7 [19:07] Dro: the drive is on its way out, 24 bad sectors pending to be reallocated [19:08] HI all. I'm getting "No protocol handler was valid for the URL /favicon.ico (scheme 'http'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule" with apache. As far as I can tell, everything should be good. Open to suggetions. Config is at https://pastebin.com/MnKwYvFD [19:08] EriC^: so you think it will be hard to recover the data? [19:09] Dro: i dont think its way more difficult cause its encrypted, if some files go bad it can still show the rest [19:10] EriC^: the problem is that it does'nt show anything at all currently :( [19:11] I can see the other partition (containing the rest of ubuntu installation), but the home partition is encrypted and it seems there is no way to decrypt it [19:11] any other path, [19:12] Dro: do you remember the login password of your install? [19:12] EriC^: yes i do [19:13] ok, try "sudo ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/ubuntu/.Private" [19:13] the username was ubuntu, yeah? [19:13] yes [19:13] ok try that command, and enter the login pass you used to use [19:14] EriC^: Error: Unwrapping passphrase failed [-21] [19:14] Info: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs [19:14] EriC^: maybe the passphare is different of the user password (not sure) [19:15] Dro: usually there's the passphrase (the long one) and the wrapped passphrase is just the long passphrase but encrypted using the user's login pass, so when you login it decrypts the home dir using it [19:16] do you know the actual passphrase? also try "dmesg | grep libecryptfs" for any clues [19:17] EriC^: I don't know the passphare, I only know the user password (I though it was the same) [19:17] dmesg | grep libecryptfs [19:18] EriC^: dmesg | grep libecryptfs <== show nothing :( [19:18] Dro: try "tail -f /var/log/syslog" [19:18] then try running the unwrap passphrase command again in another terminal [19:19] ah my bad! [19:19] 1 sec [19:19] sudo ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase [19:20] 1 sec butchered it again [19:20] EriC^: I found this: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase: Failed to detect wrapped passphrase version: Is a directory [19:20] sudo ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/ubuntu/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase [19:20] sorry, try the last one above [19:21] EriC^: yeaaah it works now ! :D i got this : 8c0e15bfb1312b18eac178de3f18b5d4 [19:21] what should I do with it? [19:22] ok, that's your passphrase, you'll change it later :P for now though copy it [19:22] try "sudo ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek" [19:22] then paste the passphrase [19:24] EriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rHr8zsDZgz/ [19:25] something seems to have gone wrong with the last update, after reboot I can't get networking anymore. I've booted Ubuntu focal with kernel 5.4.0-41-lowlatency, lsusb sees "ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter" and "ID 0fe6:9700 ICS Advent DM9601 Fast Ethernet Adapter", but ifconfig -a only has lo. what can I do? [19:25] Dro: ok, type "sudo mount -t ecryptfs /media/jack/00781d25-e2a6-4b32-b3c8-b1b7f6a05709/.ecryptfs/ubuntu/.Private /mnt" [19:26] Sven_vB: sanity check if it works with a live cd? [19:26] Hornet-, ok. [19:26] EriC^: its asking for passphare, I though I tried this its to set a new passphare? [19:27] It ask for passphare (I tried to type anything), and then it asked for encryption type and which files to encrypt... etc [19:27] DD is 110GB in now [19:27] EriC^: but I didn't continued the process first time , I stopped it [19:27] I've got a windows 10 installation stick set up too [19:28] Dro: ok, once you run the mount command it should ask for your login password (not passphrase) [19:29] Dro: you should accept the default cipher and key size, n for plaintext passthrough, and y for filename encrypted [19:30] EriC^: its asking for passphare, should I continue ? [19:30] Passphrase: [19:30] ok try your login password [19:30] EriC^: btw it worked few hours ago with qsjkdazjodazd (any password lol) [19:30] EriC^: its used to decrypt or encrypt? [19:30] decrypt [19:31] ok i'll try again [19:31] only trying to mount here [19:32] EriC^: its asking for Filename Encryption Key (FNEK) Signature [a00afeee0a0fa80b]: [19:32] ok put 94d1e83fc3d86ceb [19:33] if it worked the files should be in /mnt [19:34] EriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nYgVCKfw7R/ [19:34] what do you think ? maybe I had to left the default "FNEK" ? [19:34] no, mount anyways [19:34] ok [19:35] any luck in /mnt? [19:36] EriC^: you are a hero man !!! thank you !! I see my home files under /mnt now ! :D [19:36] Dro: awesome! no problem :D [19:36] get them off asap before the disk dies! [19:37] EriC^: however the bad news is I cannot almsost open all files :( [19:37] Input/output error [19:37] each time I try to open a file [19:38] can you open any of them at all? [19:38] Hornet-: no.. [19:38] I see all files, but I cannot open any file [19:38] is there a ubuntu-linux server for mumble/pumble? or teamspeak? [19:39] each file show "Input/output error" when trying to open [19:41] EriC^: strange, I don't know why this happen.. files sizes look OK, but impossible to open any file === Dewin|znc is now known as Dewin [19:43] Dro: i think the disk or the connections or something is toast [19:43] i recreated the whole procedure here just to be sure about the passphrase question after the mount -t command, it worked and showed the files contents :S [19:44] Dro: i dunno if there are workarounds for dying disks, i dunno why i recall putting it in a fridge or something works [19:44] 1sec [19:46] Nobody? [19:48] EriC^: I'm thinking to try again with the default FNEK signature [19:49] Dro: nah, the FNEK is correct, also FNEK is only for decrypting the filenames not the actual files [19:49] if it's wrong you'd see mumbo jumbo for filenames but you could still open files [19:50] Dro: it seems this freezer thing is one of those stuff where in certain cases of failure it can help, and some have claimed its helped, but its frowned upon by professionals, did you say earlier you were able to access the files and open them? [19:51] cause one guy said "As always it depends of the failure. I tried the freezing method a couple of times successfully. The hard driver is getting hot about 50-80°C if you cool it down for about 10°C, some sectors can be successfully read." so maybe when it got hotter it failed more? [19:52] EriC^: what about this choice : Enable plaintext passthrough (y/n) , maybe I should set it to y? [19:52] Dro: you could try asking the guys in ##hardware in case they know, also how are you connecting the hdd? and is the connection/wires good for data/power? [19:53] EriC^ , pc hung so everything lost. restarted DD. [19:53] EriC^: yes I was able to access files, even if sometimes I get some errors while starting ubuntu [19:53] will do a memcheck overnight I think [19:54] Hornet-: that sucks [19:55] amen [19:55] mb_check_encoding($variable, 'ISO-8859-15') always seems to return true, even if $variable clearly contains UTF-8 stuff (I checked with bin2hex)... why is that? [19:55] Dro: nope plaintext passthrough wont help i think [19:56] Dro: its something hardware, input/output means its having a problem reading the disks contents [19:56] like physically reading it [19:56] EriC^: when adding the passphare, I remember there was two keys , not only 94d1e83fc3d86ceb , maybe I have to try with the other one too? [19:56] nope that's the fnek stuff [19:56] Dro: how's the hdd connected? [19:57] EriC^: its with usb [19:58] Dro: what's the temp if you start 'disks' program right now? [19:59] in the smart output it had min/max at 74, mine only has max at 34, thought that was a bit odd [20:00] EriC^: i don't have the information in disks [20:01] it only show my internal disk temp : Disk is OK (37° C / 99° F) [20:01] EriC^: I retried smartctl again https://termbin.com/oo7v [20:02] nearly the same , it was 30, and now 26 [20:02] yup [20:03] Dro: i'd ask in ##hardware in case they know more what is causing the input/output or anything that can be done [20:04] in the meantime i wouldnt work the hdd a lot cause the more you work it the less likely you are to be able to get the stuff of it [20:05] EriC^: ok, thank you for the advices! I'll ask about this in ##hardware , its sad to see your old files names with sizes without being able to access them lol [20:07] Dro: no problem, yeah that sucks, you might be able to recover though, if it's very important you could always take it to a professional place but they are pretty expensive, or maybe a workaround online like the freezer thing might work, good luck! [20:08] EriC^: thank you! [20:08] Dro: you're welcome [20:11] Does Unity Desktop support Wayland? [20:13] Hi all [20:13] ohio [20:14] Croran, yes, i think so, have you tried? [20:14] how to use nvidia as primary GPU in optimus laptop? [20:14] Is someone know a way to edit configuration file manualy to backup software in Ubuntu ? Where is it sored ? [20:15] hugo_: can you rephrase? [20:15] matsaman, i mean this software --> https://www.lifewire.com/backup-ubuntu-4126286 [20:15] i am lokking a way to manually edit configuration. Where is the conf files ? [20:16] hugo_: usually such files are in /etc/, but it might be using something in ~/ [20:16] hugo_: if it's a package from a .deb/from apt, dpkg -L packagename might show it [20:16] what is the partitioning scheme used when i select "Erase the disk and install Ubuntu" on 20.04 EFI? [20:16] on SSD [20:17] hugo_: you'll be able to address the particular scheme later during the installation [20:17] matsaman, dpkg -L is a good idea. But i do not know the name of the package [20:17] hugo_, deja dub, The settings are in file '~/.gconf/apps/deja-dup/%conf.xml', but that is only for experts. [20:18] or that was, use dconf-editor [20:18] org.gnome.DejaDup [20:19] hugo_: dpkg -l has the package names [20:21] great thanks ! What is the quivalent text way (conf file) of dconf-editor ? [20:21] hugo_: if it's what oerheks says, then it's an ugly XML file [20:21] editable, but not fun [20:22] why not use the normal route, to select the files you want to backup? [20:23] i find only this... find ./ -iname "deja-dup" [20:23] ./.cache/deja-dup [20:23] never been a big fan of backup systems that are magic and for which it isn't clear what they're doing [20:23] oerheks, i need to exclude more than 50 folders [20:23] indeed, and useless for your answer [20:24] 'exlude' .. you just set it once. [20:25] oerheks, no. In the soft we have to add exclude folder one by one [20:26] well, editing an xml would be a more difficult task. [20:26] certainly an annoying task [20:29] do you know if there is an app like a text editor where I can load a file in some state only for copying and pasting from but not editing. I would like to edit the same file in another text editor simultaneously [20:29] aiena: open another instance of any editor you please [20:29] gui one. Vim can do it [20:30] many editors will also show you multiple files at once, and even windows [20:30] matsaman: yes but the other editor will allow editing [20:30] aiena: gVim? [20:30] with dconf editor, must be doable... https://imgur.com/gallery/A0hgHkg [20:30] Or emacs with indirect buffers [20:30] But come on, open 2 instances of your editor [20:31] Minall: I have 2 instaces of kate [20:31] if you're happy to use Vim already, just use that [20:31] although personally I use GNU screen to multiplex Vim instances [20:31] because I use GNU screen to multiplex like, everything [20:31] tmux is another option [20:31] matsaman: well i think gvim may be a good idea [20:32] Minall: both the instances of kate allow wediting [20:32] Vim is well worth learning if you haven't yet [20:32] run 'vimtutor', it only takes 20-30 minutes to get the main parts down [20:32] i never thought of gvim for read only and kate on the side [20:33] well, that's a bit silly, honestly [20:33] i am converting a bunch of code:code snippets into dedicated content scripts and its a bit messy not knowing the older code and editing in both the windows [20:33] to use two different editors, but whatever floats your boat =) [20:33] aiena: try vimdiff [20:33] matsaman: yeah that flloats it [20:33] aiena: or meld [20:33] vimdiff file1 file2 [20:33] CTRL+w to switch between sides, and then ordinary Vim for each side [20:34] matsaman: but file1 and file2 are file1 [20:34] just older and newer states [20:34] vimdiff <(cat file1) file1 [20:34] or: cp file1 whatevs; vimdiff whatevs file1 [20:34] thanks a lot [20:36] oerheks, This save me :) [20:36] gsettings set org.gnome.DejaDup exclude-list [20:38] =) [20:38] have fun! [20:38] yes, go wild! [20:38] =D [20:42] matsaman: vim is awesome for read only but a pain in the ass for selecting and copying [20:42] i think could use firefox lol [20:42] thats for suggesting vim though took me in the right direction [20:43] aiena: if you run 'view' you get a read-only vim [20:43] hola [20:43] having trouble with grub not loading the config from /boot/efi unless we do 'configfile /efi/grub/grub.cfg' manually [20:44] aiena: for copy-paste, also check out vim's 'visual' modes, eg Vjjj or V} , then you can 'd' or 'y' or yank into a register etc etc [20:44] sarnold: hmm no what i meant is mouse highlighting etc in vim is bad as its meant for the keyboard not mouse. [20:44] oh [20:44] i think loading the file in fireox and keeping it on the side will be like a read only notepad [20:44] with context menus [20:45] i wanted a notepad but then realised a browser is a readonly notepad but with added features. [20:52] it's looking in /boot/EFI/ubuntu for grub.cfg [20:54] EriC^: image done now. so reboot and see what windows media breaks? [20:55] Hornet-: yeah reboot, try to use diskpart to mount it and run chkdsk if it doesnt mount, maybe use testdisk again medding with the bootsector and repairing mft etc [20:56] okay, this will be tricky as I can't really read manuals etc while in recovery mode [20:57] wish me luck, I'll probably be a while [20:57] thanks again for all your help & insights [20:58] Hornet-: i'd read up on it first as its not very intuitive [20:58] most of it is but there's an 'assign' command which is like the mount command in linux [20:59] no problem, good luck! [21:00] thanks, I can't irc on my phone really unfortunately, but hopefully can find some reference stuff [21:00] I just did fresh 18.04 32-bit install with minimal.iso in VM and seems like apt-btrfs-snapshot is not working. I isntalled it and it says: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.spawn' [21:00] hola! I think I found a regression in the latest kernel update maybe, but I don't know how/where to report it, wondering if someone can point me in the right direction [21:01] jerome1987_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu [21:02] jerome1987_: although you could run it by this channel first if you want === routebee_ is now known as routebee [21:06] Hello friends. Been thinking about building a new productivity PC (libre office, browser, Zoom, MS Teams, etc.) [no gaming] and wondering what type of video cards i should consider. I run 3 monitors and a gaming card really isnt necessary. Thoughts on things like this: https://www.microcenter.com/product/462021/visiontek-radeon-hd-7750-low-profile-single-fan-2gb-gddr5-pcie-30-graphics-card [21:07] ExcessiveAggro, AMD cards with their drivers are considered more "open source" than Nvidia [21:08] That's why I was heading down that path [21:09] But that card is about 8 years old... worried if it would run productivity well [21:09] and all the new cards are 3d gaming cards - unavailable because of coin mining [21:09] if you're doing 1080p, it should be fine. 4K you're needing a newer class of card [21:09] I've got a brand new system where the audio is detected ( bar goes up and down ) but the speakers are not playing any sound at all. Ran alsamixer to ensure nothing is muted too. Anything I'm missing here that should be really obvious? [21:10] I'm looking for someone to tell me -> check out this card for less than $300, it will support 3-4 monitors just fine and no gaming needed [21:10] ExcessiveAggro: most mobos will have onboard graphics, shoudl sfufice [21:10] should* [21:10] Lvl4Sword, i'm not the best at the audio but from my personal experience you need to map out the path of the audio PCI device->cable->screen audio or whatever channels you use [21:10] summonner Thanks I think that's where I will be. My middle monitor is a 2k monitor [21:11] ExcessiveAggro, so not 1440p but? [21:11] summoner my middle monitor is 2560x1440 [21:11] the others are 1080p [21:12] ExcessiveAggro, how much memory on the card. I'm thinking you need 4GB min to run those three? I've had a few whiskies so my math is bad right now [21:12] haha awesome... the card i linked has only 2gb [21:13] I didnt realize i could do some math on that... i will go figure that out [21:13] summonner: just need more whisky [21:13] yeah its an upside down bell curve when it comes to whiskey and math.... [21:13] LOL love you guys *guys in the non gendered language where male and female guys are different words [21:13] have to get past that dip [21:14] Balmer Peak [21:15] full story here... i want to be fully off of windows but i have like 2-3 games I cant get to run in linux. So I'm going to take this video card I'm using and throw it in a windows machine i hide in the basement (because I'm ashamed of it). Then use moonlight to stream the games to my linux pc [21:15] https://xkcd.com/323/ [21:16] Thinking i might wall it up behind some concrete and just allow a network card to pass through the concreete. [21:16] cable - not card [21:16] Eric^ , on old android tablet. Diskpart sees a raw partition, chkdsk refused to fo [21:16] To do anything with raw [21:17] Jesus typing here is painful [21:17] Unsure what i can do if anything [21:18] of late, most games I play, when I run analysis on them (and this is the newer once, Death Stranding, Detroit become human etc) they take 6GB on my card and I'm on ultra/max settings. if you're decent at linux, you might want to look at #lookingglass and capture the video framebuffer in a window, play the game that way [21:19] I'm not great... but I'm good at reading so I will go check that out [21:19] i have a few friends which are moving off windows to linux and they're using wine alot right now [21:19] hornet-: not much i think in the live session, try to get back on ubuntu to use ntfsfix,testdisk, etc [21:19] moonlight looked like a good option for streaming these few games from a windows box over to linux. However it would be better to just not have a windows box [21:20] My WINE success has been hit and miss. [21:20] wow works... ghost recon wildlands doesnt [21:20] Rebooting. Is there a better live distro to use than this old ubuntu¿ [21:21] Lutris helps occasionally.. but not for everything [21:21] hornet-: it should do the job [21:21] Steam proton also captured a few wins for me. But again - not everything [21:21] which version is it? [21:22] 18.04 [21:22] ah good [21:26] EriC^, back again [21:26] ntfsfix looks pretty ligthweight [21:26] hornet-47: wb, try to mount the partition using mount [21:27] im curious cause i remember you said earlier it mounted but no files, but we didnt really get it to a mountable state [21:27] i recall it said at the bottom that it used the backup sector to mount it in testdisk [21:29] hornet-47: if it doesnt mount, try to run testdisk > intel >advanced and see the 'boot' again if it mentions at all any are good, if nothings good try to do the 'analyze' [21:30] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ssd [21:30] mount: /mnt/ssd: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. [21:30] ok np, try testdisk [21:30] argh sec need to install it, and reactivate sources etc [21:30] clean slate [21:31] see if there's something in 'boot' if not go to analyze and try a quick search/deep search, you dont really need to let it run long, just like 10secs and hit enter [21:31] we're aiming for getting the 3 partitions as it was earlier when it said 3233... and the 2 other recoveries, then we'll try 'p' there and also have testdisk write that partition table [21:32] in case it helps getting it mounted and stuff [21:32] bad, bad, not matching [21:32] ok, give analyze a shot [21:32] running deeper. had to do that last time [21:33] weird the option is hidden behind the pause menu though [21:33] will take about 5 mins [21:35] has it picked these guys up yet? https://i.imgur.com/7SIJTCt.png [21:37] hornet-47: is it doing any mismatch head stuff? [21:37] matsaman: thanks! It's maybe a weird one, but prior to kernel 5.4.0-64, if I connected and disconnected USB devices, it would often segfault.. I updated to 5.4.0-65 yesterday and the segfaults came back - maybe half a dozen in a few hours (USB switching with KM switch). I switched back to 5.4.0-64 and the problem went away again [21:38] jerome1987_: seems a reasonable enough assumption to me [21:38] jerome1987_: if there's a newer version of the kernel you can try, sometimes such things are re-fixed already [21:39] oh yeah, I didn't actually think of that - will see if there's a newer one I can try and then will submit bug if it still happens there. [21:39] thanks! [21:39] EriC^, nothing yet [21:39] unsure what you mean by mismatch head, I did see some warnings about that in the gpt scan mode, but that threw up all sorts of tosh [21:40] EriC^, it's just finshed, all 3 showing [21:40] awesome [21:40] try p on them [21:41] same as last time, 2 standard almost empty 'recovery' type things, adn the partition with just a fragment of files in it [21:42] maybe write this as primary and back to windows? should I toggle both of the other two as logical? atm all three are Deleted [21:43] hornet-47: yeah, i just noticed what you meant earlier by the 2 recoveries overlapping [21:43] i mean the recovery 1 overlapping with the 1st main one [21:44] So apt-btrfs-snapshot simply does not work on 32-bit 18.04.. [21:44] hornet-47: use the right arrow to make the D into a "*" on the first one [21:45] done [21:47] EriC^, leave other two Deleted? [21:49] hornet-: sorry i got dc [21:49] lot of it going around atm [21:50] so,  other two left as deleted? [21:50] EriC^> hornet-47: use the right arrow to make the D into a "*" on the first one [21:50] hornet-47: and i guess on the 3rd one, maybe go for "L" if it allows, or "P" and leave the middle one as "D" [21:50] i wonder what will end up in parted as the sector once it writes [21:50] it doesn't like L, so has to be P [21:50] any luck on "E" ? [21:51] although i think recovery would be P by default [21:51] now that i think of it [21:51] wait [21:51] there is no E option [21:51] and it seems to think all options are bad [21:51] ok [21:51] can't make it accept the middle one either [21:51] ah crap, right, even the last one is overlapping [21:51] ok, go for just the first as "*" [21:52] yeah that confuses me royally [21:52] wondered if I was misreading [21:52] so enter & pray now? [21:53] yeah hit enter then choose to write the partition table [21:53] okay interesting, back at a different screen [21:53] boot sector bad, backup OK [21:54] ok, that sounds better [21:54] is it asking to copy the backup over etc? [21:54] not prompting me to do anything [21:54] any write option? [21:54] I have backupBS and rebuildBS as options though [21:55] hmm i think rebuildBS might use the old one [21:55] https://i.imgur.com/nYjz7vu.png [21:55] whats it say below when you highlight rebuildbs? [21:56] 'rebuild boot sector' [21:57] i suppose you could always later ask it to copy the backup over [21:58] unless rebuild makes a new backup too? [21:58] yeah, try backup bs [21:58] done [21:59] there's a repair MFT option too [21:59] worth a shot [21:59] done then [22:00] ok try to exit testdisk [22:00] then run 'sudo partprobe /dev/sda' [22:00] it might mention rebooting, nevermind [22:00] tells me to reboot yes [22:00] probe'd [22:00] ok, try 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' [22:01] Corrupted file $UpCase [22:01] Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Input/output error [22:01] NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, [22:02] back to windows...? my experience of chkdsk is it usually just wipes anything it can't immediately identify [22:02] hornet-47: worth trying 'sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1' [22:03] failed [22:03] Corrupted file $UpCase [22:03] Corrupt cluster map size 7292112 (allocated 7294976 minimum 7325888) [22:04] i wonder if rebuilding the bs might help, who knows [22:04] EriC^^: I'm thinking hit it with photorec before rebooting letting chkdsk mutilate it [22:04] I can try that yes [22:05] extrapolated and current are identical [22:05] so no point [22:06] ah [22:12] hornet-47: i'd give chkdsk a shot [22:12] running photorec first? [22:13] I suppose it can run from the image, but in theory this disk has a better structure now [22:13] although, does photorec care [22:13] yeah [22:13] haven't used it in like 15 years [22:14] i think it doesn't care about the fs stuff much [22:14] yus, looks like it goes low level, hence no filenames [22:15] anything to try before I reboot then? [22:16] cant think of anything [22:17] okay, once more unto the breach then [22:17] i wonder if running the mft rebuild in testdisk was a bad idea, but then again it wasnt showing the files when using the backupbs [22:17] but it was mounting it though, hmm [22:17] it's showing the same there as it did when I first used the p/browse option before doing anything [22:17] oh [22:18] just empty no files whatsoever? [22:18] whether that means it's done nothing, or it's cemeted those into the mtf, I don't know [22:18] no it showed a few [22:18] there was only a single directory tree though [22:18] and not an important one [22:19] aha, any interesting output after the mft rebuild? [22:19] none at all [22:20] ok, give chkdsk a shot hopefully you can mount it using diskpart and get chkdsk to run [22:20] okay, will see what blows up this time then [22:20] thanks again [22:20] no problem [22:26] Eric^ still raw fs type [22:26] damn [22:26] According to disk part [22:27] hornet-: i guess it's time for 'scrounge-ntfs' and if that doesn't cut it, photorec [22:27] Never used it but will trust your judgement [22:29] hi, I need a kernel with extra debug drivers enabled, do I need to build from scratch or I can download one from the repository? [22:29] I'm on release 20.4.1 now [22:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-btrfs-snapshot/+bug/1913814 [22:30] Launchpad bug 1913814 in apt-btrfs-snapshot (Ubuntu) "apt-btrfs-snaphost not working on 32-bit 18.04 LTS after minimal iso install" [Undecided,New] [22:32] does anyone here know how to fix these opengl and egl errors? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1312103/libegl-warning-not-allowed-to-force-software-rendering-when-api-explicitly-sele libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to create dri screen libEGL warning: Not allowed to force software rendering when API explicitly selects a hardware device. [22:32] EriC^^, back again [22:32] wb [22:33] looking into scrounge atm [22:34] it seems to want foreknowledge [22:36] which windows OS was it? [22:37] EriC^^: 10 [22:39] EriC^^, I can't find much online in the way of examples [22:39] hmm im trying to use "-l" on my ntfs to get the mft offset it says couldnt seek drive [22:40] notsure if the mtf is viable orn ot [22:40] i think it's probably a little outdated, their website only mentions examples up to windows xp [22:40] yeah [22:40] can I find the offset from linux? [22:42] hornet-14: try sudo ntfsinfo -m /dev/sda1 [22:42] cannot mount [22:43] something suggests sleuth kit tools can find it [22:43] but that's another tool I don't know how to use either [22:43] this is my ntfsinfo fwiw https://termbin.com/10e5 [22:44] win 10? [22:45] yeah, i think try photorec, i tried scrounge on my fs, it says cluster size 4096 from ntfsinfo but scrounge said invalid input 1-128 [22:45] lol, i think it's a couple decades late [22:46] go for photorec i guess [22:48] how does ubuntu iso manage to have a graphical environment? [22:50] plitter, thanks to mister knoppers, who came up with a bunch of scripts to start a live environment [22:50] then Linux made a jump [22:51] now, with systemd and almost perfect detection, a live environment is much easier [22:52] .. almost *boring* [22:53] boring is good :) that is the good kind of boring. what kind of excitement are you missing? [22:54] I am not missing anything special, maybe more contribution to good manuals [22:55] maybe... thanks for your answer [22:58] EriC^^: looks like it's working [22:58] great [22:58] problem is it seems to haven o directory structures or filenames. so it's like 99.99% spam to ham [22:59] remember you can choose what to retrieve in file opts, i think by default it leaves some stuff out [22:59] yeah [22:59] I didn't see options for what to look for [22:59] it's under 'file opts' [23:01] i think by default it doesnt get every single file, not sure, but usually if one wants a file type that it doesnt have in the list you can get a sample file and see if it recognizes it uses fidentify and if not add the custom file headers to photorec [23:01] *using [23:01] fidentify /path/to/file for instance [23:02] fwiw https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Add_your_own_extension_to_PhotoRec [23:16] EriC^^: looks like it needs 10 hours plus to run. it's already made insane amounts of files, this is going to be a nightmare to dig through [23:16] I can't see any .js files anywhere so maybe it doesn't get those [23:17] might have to look into it [23:18] maybe theres a program that organizes files based on headers, would make it slightly easier, or maybe write a script that runs a find + file and based on the output moves it to a dir [23:18] hopefully it'll catch my note files though, but I can't see how I can find those ~10 out of the 20,000 so far [23:18] there's a script that can sort them by type [23:18] grep/find/file to rescue [23:19] you probably want to remember something unique to them and grep for it i guess [23:20] I suppose yes, some fragments are somewhat unique [23:22] wondering if there's a way to find the MFT within the image we took [23:22] although, if scrounge can't use it, then is it even helpful [23:23] maybe something more ntfs oriented but newer than scrounge? [23:24] if the mft is in the same location for all ntfs made by w10 it should be the same as mine [23:25] i wonder how photorec actually works when a file is fragmented, how's it know to take this part and the remaining part and make it a file [23:26] makes me think it somehow uses some magic im not aware of at all, like stuff here how's it know where it ends [23:27] what's the output of "stat " ? all same modified/created date? [23:31] anyways i'm off to bed, good luck [23:31] it's unclear [23:32] some seem identical, others some variance [23:32] sleuthkit might help find the mft, but no idea if that helps further [23:32] thanks again for your help though, greatly appreciated [23:33] no problem [23:35] yeah sleuth kit might be worth a shot, ive used it once not with ntfs though, it seemed more refined/had a ui in the browser iirc [23:48] g'morning. I've installed kubuntu desktop on a server install. having some trouble with network manager not picking up my wired ethernet for management. paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pBhBfFtQQP/ [23:48] any pointers?