[05:26] good morning [05:28] good morning, lotuspsychje [05:29] hey tomreyn o/ [05:29] i seem to have woken up upside down. it's light on the ground, and dark upside [05:42] oops, wrong channel :) [05:43] : ) [07:26] good morning [10:24] anyone with kubuntu 20.04 running, are you using 5.4 or 5.8 kernel? (assuming default install & not because you selected it) [10:32] * guiverc should zsync the daily & test for myself I guess [10:39] Are people using it suddenly using 5.8 after updates? [10:51] I don't know, I've seen a few users report they have (askubu), lubuntu still uses 5.4 which I thought would be same with kubuntu... ubuntu desktop (gnome) uses HWE so uses 5.8 [11:14] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/improvements-for-hardware-support-in-ubuntu-desktop-installation-media/20606 [11:27] thanks Maik, yeah expected that (but hadn't read it yet) .. ; after tech.board discussions... [11:27] kubuntu 20.04.2 daily uses 5.4 kernel as I expected [11:28] Ubuntu MATE daily uses 5.4 too [11:28] I was under impression ALL flavors were still 5.4, hence my questions. thank you Maik, that's useful info to me ! [11:29] you're welcome, i got it from frankmcb on discord [11:38] I think people that installed the Ubuntu 20.04 Beta didn't get auto updated to 5.8 [11:39] jeremy31, could be & that would fit with my experiences too [11:40] guiverc: I looked at the manifest for the beta and it listed linux-generic rather than hwe [11:41] very scientific/exact of you, you must do something in IT or the sciences :) [11:42] though from Maik's post .. "Subsequently, when using any Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS installation medium the best kernel for your hardware is chosen and installed automatically." may mean a simple test by me may apply only to the boxes I'm testing on, but not all [11:51] I installed on a 2014 laptop and it installed 5.8, that laptop worked well on the 3.13 kernel [12:37] this seems conflicting: "Additionally, once your hardware is fully supported and certified in a newer version of the hardware enablement kernel, your system is automatically rolled and switched from the OEM kernel to the HWE kernel. Ubuntu recommends to stay on track with the kernel flavour chosen by the installer." [12:55] yeah I thought that too daftykins, but we'd probably need to read the logic/code to fully understand it (not a few words trying to describe some logic) [12:57] *nod* yes it's pretty ambiguous! [12:57] i prefer a world where if i install from LTS media and stick to the LTS kernel, that i remain on that unless i actively change something myself [13:02] I just don't like change... GA was default, now it's HWE from 20.04 on IF you're on desktop, not .... but if was still me, I'd be using CP/m still, and `pip d:=c4:files.*` to copy (be confusing to you if you weren't a CP/m or MP/M user) [13:06] :) never once saw it [13:07] (pip = peripheral interchange program, for copy/moves etc... destination=source was format; no directories so the 4 represented a 'user' directory (5th user as 0 was first) ... I struggle learning new stuff cause all this useless crap is filling my brain :( but you were likely lucky :) [13:10] haha, that does sound like an overly complex syntax [13:16] my early days were Apple II and MS DOS, so all useful underpinnings really [13:21] apple II could use CP/M if you added Z80 card... but only B/W then, games were better in color :) [13:22] MSDOS was based on CP/M, but missed the worst bits (normal copy instead of polish-notation found in earlier calculators used by CP/M) [13:38] i started with the commodore stuff and ms dos [13:38] and then unix pretty early [13:43] :) a younger brother had a c64, I think it's under my house actually.. used unix @ uni [21:29] I don't think this bug is valid for Ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1913859 The RT3290 bluetooth has never had native support in the kernel that I know of [21:29] Ubuntu bug 1913859 in bluez (Ubuntu) "RT3290 Bluetooth not finding any device" [Undecided,New]