
jrgthis is odd. if i use username=username,password=password in fstab for cifs the share will mount. if i used credentials=filename it does not00:01
sarnoldthat sounds vaguely familiar..00:03
jrgah never mind. strange thing. i got rid of an extra line underneat the password?00:04
sarnoldaha! hhooray00:04
jrgwhatever. i'll take it.00:04
x0nanyone able to help with my network-manager issue?00:30
x0neveryone still asleep? :)00:30
sarnoldoh man a nap sounds good...00:31
jrgok so i am running a plex container but i can't seem to access it and there is no easy way to get access to localhost:3240000:32
sarnoldx0n: hmm, the 'unmanaged' bit reminds me of https://askubuntu.com/questions/71159/network-manager-says-device-not-managed .. does this sytem have some /etc/network/interfaces configuration?00:32
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_
x0ng'morning. I've installed kubuntu desktop on a server install. having some trouble with network manager not picking up my wired ethernet for management. paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pBhBfFtQQP/00:38
x0nany pointers?00:38
x0nlocsmif_work, check the nvidia site? they should know what's their latest version offering :)00:38
sarnoldx0n: is this nic configured in /etc/network/interfaces?00:39
locsmif_workx0n: haha how do you even remember that question... I must have asked so long ago :D00:40
x0nHamidreza, it would help if you'd specify what use case you are tuning for and possibly which issues you are experiencing that make you consider setting sysctl values manually00:46
especially-cornhi all, i have this application that communicates with a device that works under windows on interface 2but not in ubuntu and i think that the problem is the fact that the driver is missing in ubuntu, does anyone know how to mount if 0x2 to usbhid like 0 and 1?00:51
especially-cornI:  If#=0x0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=01 Prot=01 Driver=usbhid00:51
especially-cornI:  If#=0x1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usbhid00:51
especially-cornI:  If#=0x2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)00:51
x0nnbusrone, multiply by logical sector size (probably 4 or 8 meg for an ssd)00:55
x0nmost intesting smart values are probably "reallocated sector count" (not sure if applicable to SSD) and "old age" (ticks down from 100, should indicate how much juice is still left for wear leveling)00:55
x0nalso nbusrone, TLC is still hardly shocking... while shopping for a new SSD I recently found out that QLC is all the rage now. get off my lawn TBH :)00:55
sarnoldespecially-corn: I don't understand the question, but look at the usb-modeswitch package and see if does the trick00:55
sarnoldman, in five days when x0n finally catches up, he's gonna be so surprised..00:56
especially-corn@sarnold was kicked out because of ping, whatever that is00:59
especially-cornwhat i'm doing is that i have an application that communicates with a hid device on interface 2, but interface 2 does not appear in the hid devices list, i suspect it's becasue there is no  driver assigned to it in usb-devices as shown above01:00
especially-cornsarnold i'm just trying to make it appear in the hid devices list so that i can communicate with it01:02
sarnoldespecially-corn: you didn't miss anything while you were gone01:02
sarnoldespecially-corn: now I understand the question, thanks :)01:03
especially-cornI:  If#=0x1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=usbhid01:03
especially-cornI:  If#=0x2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=03(HID  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)01:03
especially-cornsee how the second interface doesn't have the driver assigned? if i could get that to use usbhid i think that would solve my problem01:03
=== denningsrogue1 is now known as denningsrogue
bobdobbsHi all. I recently updated from 18.04 to 20.04. At one point I had to reinstall nvidia drivers. Today I tried to start a program and I got an error output that seems to indicate an issue with openGL. I'm not sure how to debug this. But this is the output I get from 'glxinfo | grep OpenGL':  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kFMn2stMT3/01:48
bobdobbsI'm not sure where to take things from here, cos I don't really know the ins and outs of video01:49
Bashing-ombobdobbs: In 20.04 what kernel are you using: ' uname -r '  ?01:52
bobdobbsBashing-om: hai. The output of that command is: 5.4.0-64-generic01:52
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Good deal, 5.4 is solid. See if the driver loaded ' sudo lshw -C display ' looking in the configuration line.01:55
bobdobbsWhat does this tell us?01:56
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Tells us that the Nvidia driver is loaded . so far so good - pastebin next ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' to make sure there is no driver conflicts.01:58
bobdobbsA lot of output here: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/jbSzfzjp3G/01:59
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Looks sane, though the "rc" components can be removed. What issue are you dealing with other than a usage notice ?02:02
bobdobbsBashing-om: I'm trying to take MozillaVPN for a spin. The VPN has a GUI client. When I try to start the application, it crashes. The dump indicates an openGL issue. I'll pastebin the dump...02:04
sarnolddoes glxgears run okay?02:06
bobdobbssarnold: when I try to start glxgears from the cli I get this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qCXSzzchWZ/02:07
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sarnolddang, same kind of thing..02:08
bobdobbssarnold: indeed. my exact diagnosis too.02:09
sarnoldbobdobbs: this is a long shot.. I'm seeing in a stackoverflow post a comment about restarting X after updating the nvidia drivers -- any chance you updated the drivers but haven't restarted X?02:12
bobdobbssarnold: y'know, I don't actually know. I probably did restart but I can't say for sure.02:13
bobdobbsCan I restart X without rebooting?02:13
bobdobbswhat the heck. might as well reboot.02:13
sarnoldyeah, you can, but at that point you might as well reboot, exactly :)02:13
bobdobbsThis lumbering beast takes a while to reboot. I'll be back in about 20 mins I guess.02:14
bobdobbschur chur02:14
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ltcan any linux distro like ubuntu do a full installation on itself? e.g. dd the image to hdd and once installed only the installed portion remains while the DDed part disapears.02:20
rud0lfi'm not sure but i think you can make a script that fully installs ubuntu from bootable device02:21
ltrud0lf: I want to use that to make 32bit ubuntu installs itself on old PC(s) without boot menu support for usb.02:24
rud0lfi'm not really master of the subject so i can't provide further help, sorry02:25
bobdobbssarnold: hey. after a reboot I can run those progams that need glx!02:36
bobdobbsthanks for the suggestion02:37
sarnoldbobdobbs: sweet! I was just wondering how that reboot was going :) hehe02:37
Bashing-om!cookie | sarnold No better substitute for smarts02:38
ubottusarnold No better substitute for smarts: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:38
sarnoldlt: can your computer do netboot? that'd be my first approach, I think02:38
sarnoldCOOKIES nomnomnomnom02:38
* bobdobbs steals ubottu's cookie02:38
Bashing-ombobdobbs: While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package. To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, where The state is rc : dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | xargs sudo dpkg -P .02:41
bobdobbsBashing-om: thanks02:45
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Just for a bit of cleanup from that 396 driver and perhaps other old configs from other apps.02:45
=== Mekely_ is now known as Mekely
pyeverythinghi do you know how I can fix this problem?https://pastebin.com/raw/ddw4SzZU03:25
Bashing-ompyeverything: "92 not upgraded." - what results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' ?03:28
cybertekhello I have a file I'm trying to reformat, I got a script made so far that removes the top part, now I just need the bottom part removed, can anyone help me who has some free time? thanks~03:28
leftyfbcybertek: bottom and top part?03:32
leftyfbcybertek: what is this file for?03:33
pyeverythingBashing-om: upgrade didn't work https://askubuntu.com/questions/1312138/e-unmet-dependencies-try-apt-fix-broken-install-with-no-packages-or-speci03:47
sarnoldpyeverything: do you have any errors reported in dmesg? that's a crazy error..03:49
cybertekleftyfb: to download a video, vimeo format03:50
pyeverythingsarnold: [    3.026442] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Direct firmware load for iwlwifi-QuZ-a0-hr-b0-51.ucode failed with error -203:51
pyeverything[    3.031564] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Direct firmware load for iwl-debug-yoyo.bin failed with error -203:51
pyeverythingsarnold: i updated the post with more logs https://askubuntu.com/questions/1312138/e-unmet-dependencies-try-apt-fix-broken-install-with-no-packages-or-speci03:51
sarnoldpyeverything: hmm those are just firmware issues for your wifi.. storage errors often include a lot of { } brackets and stuff. maybe pastebin the whole dmesg output?03:52
pyeverythinglol thanks for letting me know my wifi is killing me :DD:D sarnold03:52
pyeverythingno I don't have a storage issue now03:53
sarnoldokay, how about namei -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0  ?03:53
pyeverythingI can't even remove the package03:53
Bashing-om!info libpng12-0 focal03:54
ubottuPackage libpng12-0 does not exist in focal03:54
cybertekleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/raw/zsVUpKsJ & https://pastebin.com/raw/U6w6yUZg03:54
sarnoldBashing-om: oh, nice catch03:55
sarnoldI managed to miss that this is focal03:55
pyeverythinghttps://termbin.com/zdtt sarnold03:55
cybertekleftyfb: trying to get everything before "if (!config.request)" now03:55
pyeverythingso is there a fix (I don't want this package -- tried to install it following an outdated Stackoverflow answer)03:56
sarnoldpyeverything: try apt purge libopencv-highgui2.4v5 libpng12-003:57
pyeverythingsarnold:  thanks but didn't work https://termbin.com/ywcd03:59
sarnoldpyeverything: aha, but that's progress! re-run the command with libopencv-contrib2.4v5 libopencv-legacy2.4v5 libopencv-objdetect2.4v5  added at the end04:00
sarnoldpyeverything: keep going until it does somethign scary like try to remove sudo04:00
pyeverythinghttps://termbin.com/hik4 sarnold04:01
sarnoldpyeverything: nice, now add python-opencv to that04:02
pyeverythingadd pythonfixed thanks04:02
sarnoldokay, time to make dinner :) have fun pyeverything04:03
pyeverythinghttps://askubuntu.com/a/1312140/165324 thanks a lot sarnold04:03
pyeverythingfor installing Python 3.6.7 for virt env is there a better way than resorting to pyenv in Ubuntu 20.04? I want to use the native virt env of native python in Ubuntu .04:16
pyeverythingI am using a git repo that literally only works with apparently python 3.6.7 :/ here's the bugs https://github.com/zhanghang1989/PyTorch-Encoding/issues/36604:19
jrghow do you check zfs arc stats in ubuntu?05:02
jrgin fbsd the arc stats are in top05:03
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agvantiboBtw did you know that the best way to factory reset any package would be export package=yourpackage; sudo apt purge $package; sudo apt install $package;05:45
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idk945625how do I make safari windows transparent?06:59
idk945625sorry, I meant firefox windows - how do I make them transparent to for ex 50%?07:14
davrosubuntu 20.04 on an amd 3100 + RTX3080 - there shouldn't be any issue should there? i'm getting output from the graphics card. when i installed it i ticked "use additional 3rd party drivers". however going to "additional drivers" on the desktop it's not listing them. i'm using xubuntu 18.04 on another PC (intel4770k + gtx970 or gtx1080 or rtx2070S) - and i've got nvidia drivers on that just fine09:14
lotuspsychjedavros: ubuntu-drivers list09:21
davrossorry also it's 20.10 not 20.04.   right now i'm re-installing it with "updates" - (i didn't have a network cable the first time). i'll try that . when i did it before, it showed nothing. apt-get install nvidia-drivers-440 did nothing. i'll try that again once it re-installs09:23
lotuspsychjewelcome Dro09:24
DroEriC^^: do you remember my hdd issue of yesterday? It seems there is no way to recover it :/09:24
EriC^^hey Dro09:24
EriC^^how come? what'd they say in ##hardware09:24
EriC^^Dro: did you try letting it cool down completely and then trying to mount it again, maybe it works as it did earlier09:25
DroI asked in ##hardware and I was not able to find help.. the only answer is try to recover it with a specialist, data issue should not be fixed by "user" :P09:25
EriC^^ah, expected :D09:26
DroEriC^^: I tried it tomorrow and it didn't work.. I don't think its a temperature issue since its already cold09:26
EriC^^can you afford a 'specialist' ?09:26
eFfeMHi, I'm having an issue umounting usb drives that are automatically mounted after insertion.09:27
eFfeMIf I umount it from the command line; e.g. because I want to do an fsck, I still get "/dev/sdd1 is in use".09:27
eFfeMIf I do "service udev stop". I can do the fsck09:27
eFfeMThis used to work until a month or so ago. Any idea what causes this/what I can do09:27
eFfeMThis is on 20.0409:27
DroEriC^^: I don't think so lol, and I don't know specialists.. there is almost only recovery specialists who works for companies (must be expensive)09:28
EriC^^eFfeM: are you cd 'd into the mount point? try "sudo lsof /dev/sdxY" to see what's keeping it open09:28
DroEriC^^: currently I'm trying a last try with ecryptfs-recover-private09:28
Drolets see if it can do something09:29
EriC^^Dro: it's worth a shot with the DIY then i guess, freezer method or some other method where you open it up and might spot the issue09:29
EriC^^of course how bad you want the stuff and how important it is, it's your decision on the matter to go specialist or DIY or just call it a day09:30
eFfeMEriC^^, I am not cd'd into the mount point. umount works (if I am inside the mount it wouldn't). lsof does not give any opens; it seems that udev is keeping the device in use09:30
DroEriC^^: or maybe some tools to correct the bad sectors?09:30
EriC^^Dro: hmm i think ddrescue has the ability to try to read the data multiple times trying to get the data, but also on the other hand the more you stress the hdd the worst it might become *shrug*09:31
DroEriC^^: btw I remember yesterday first time I tried with ecryptfs-recover-private , it made a strang sounds...09:32
Drothats why I uplugged it directly09:32
EriC^^i see09:32
DroI hope this does'nt damaged it09:32
DroI'm trying with ecryptfs-recover-private now09:33
davroslotuspsychje, reinstalling it fixed it (maybe i forgot to really tick it the first time, who knows), i see the drivers now09:33
lotuspsychjedavros: reinstall ubuntu or drivers?09:34
davrosreinstalled ubuntu, just with a network cable and 'install updates' enabled aswell09:35
lotuspsychjedavros: switching drivers on existing install might have fixed it aswell09:38
eFfeMEriC^^: $ sudo lsof /dev/sdf09:38
eFfeMlsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs09:38
eFfeM      Output information may be incomplete.09:38
eFfeM$ sudo fsck -r -f /dev/sdf09:38
eFfeMfsck from util-linux 2.3409:38
eFfeMe2fsck 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)09:38
eFfeM/dev/sdf is in use.09:38
davros(yeah i saw some suggestions like that but after trying a few suggestions from the web.. i decided to just brute force reinstall )09:39
eFfeMEriC^^: If I then do "service udev stop" the fsck cmd works09:40
lotuspsychje!paste | eFfeM09:41
ubottueFfeM: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:41
eFfeMlotuspsychje: yeah, got already a drone message for that09:41
lotuspsychjeoh, does drone pm on flood?09:42
lotuspsychjehandy to know tnx09:43
eFfeMand it blocks you for a minute09:43
lotuspsychjeyeah, that we can see public09:43
DroEriC^^: I'm tried to boot to it , it don't work :( I'm thinking about to copy the whole encrypted home partion to another disk and try again09:44
EriC^^eFfeM: the fs is on /dev/sdf or /dev/sdf1,2,etc09:44
Drowith rsync or dd09:44
eFfeMActually I figured this would not be enough to consider flooding09:44
EriC^^Dro: yeah maybe try with ddrescue to copy the home partition09:44
eFfeMEriC^^: I have it on both, earlier I had it on a usb harddisk (/dev/sdd1), I was fsck-ing that one so tried on a usb flash disk that has no partitions (/dev/sdf) and there it occurs too09:45
DroEriC^^: i'll do it now, i hope it will works (last time i tried to copy files to my internal partition but it say input/output error too lol)09:46
DroEriC^^: with ddrescue I have to clone all the /dev/sdX? cannot only clone a single partition of sdX?09:46
pi0on ubuntu is there a way to share terminal, like if i an trying to troubleshoot and would like to show another person my terminal to assist09:47
EriC^^Dro: you can use ddrescue on just the 1 partition09:47
eFfeMEriC^^: actually this old page suggested the "service udev stop": https://askubuntu.com/questions/536955/e2fsck-cannot-continue-aborting09:48
EriC^^eFfeM: i see09:49
EriC^^no idea here09:49
eFfeMEriC^^ it also suggestd mdadm, but I am not doing anything at all with raid (never did)09:49
eFfeMEriC^^ ok, still thanks for your help, greatly appreciated that you gave it a stab09:50
eFfeMseems udev is still holding my device in use09:52
eFfeMEriC^^: all: I had a deeper look, dmesg says the device is mounted09:59
TJ-eFfeM: are you sure this isn't a udisks2 issue? for hot-plug media it will usually mount file-systems under /media/$USER/09:59
eFfeM[ 1987.592188] EXT4-fs (sdf): mounting ext3 file system using the ext4 subsystem09:59
eFfeM[ 1987.733600] EXT4-fs (sdf): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)09:59
eFfeMbut there is no sdf in /proc/mounts10:00
eFfeMTJ-: no, then it woudl show up in /procmounts and also in df10:00
TJ-eFfeM: are you sure you've not got duplicate UUID/LABELs on those devices that are automounts, most likely in fstab?10:01
lotuspsychjepi0: think remote access/shared desktop is your best bet10:01
lotuspsychjepi0: not sure of the tools exist, but sharing a terminal sounds like contradicting with security/apparmor ways10:02
TJ-eFfeM: ask systemctl as well, e.g. " systemctl list-units | grep '\.mount' "10:03
eFfeMTJ-: UUID and LABEL are unique, no  dup with fstab or so10:04
eFfeMchecking systemctl10:04
pi0lotuspsychje: true10:06
eFfeMTJ-: see here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nGD6Z7SpSv/10:08
TJ-eFfeM: does the host have any containers? it's possible sdf is mounted in a separate mount namespace10:11
eFfeMTJ-: good suggestion! I'm not running containers afaik and even after service docker stop the fsck still fails,10:15
eFfeMservice lxd stop tells lxd.service is not loaded10:15
eFfeMTJ-: and when I do "service udev stop" the device is not marked as in use any more, so it seems udev is still holding the device open10:17
TJ-eFfeM: 'udev' doesn't BUT some rule may be RUNing a process that has got 'stuck'10:20
TJ-eFfeM: "journalclt -b 0 -u systemd-udevd -n 100" to see that last 100 lines of the log10:21
TJ-errr, typos!10:21
TJ-eFfeM: "journalctl -b 0 -u systemd-udevd -n 100" to see that last 100 lines of the log10:21
TJ-eFfeM: you could also debug udevd with "udevadm control -l debug" which'll increase log_level to the max, then insert the device and review the latest log using "journactl -b 0 -u systemd-uded" and pressing "G" (upper-case) to jump to end of log and working backwards10:28
Sbur3Is there a program to listen to DAB+ radio for Ubuntu? Also, is there need for additional hardware or does it work with a standard desktop or portable device?10:37
eFfeMTJ-: sorry was afk due to phone call, here is the output of journalctl: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P3Msd6scF8/10:48
TJ-eFfeM: looks like you've got usbmount package installed10:50
TJ-eFfeM: " sdf: Process '/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add' failed with exit code 1. "10:50
TJ-eFfeM: and the docs on that indicate it tries to mount under /media/usb*10:51
sveinseI'm running 18.04 and 20.04 on my laptop in a dual (triple?) boot with Win10. IT has recently enforced policies on bitlocker and secure boot, and because of that I have problems booting 20.04, because I'm using an nvidia driver to be able to use multiple screens. Is there anything I can do here? E.g. can I sign the kernel such that I can use secure boot?10:51
eFfeMTJ-: yeah I think I installed usbmount recentlyto see if that would fix it10:51
TJ-eFfeM: looks like that package was abandoned in 2011 too10:52
sveinseStep 1 would be to fix grub in secure boot mode. Any suggestions on how I reinstall grub to make it secure bootable?10:53
TJ-eFfeM: so first remove usbmount and then see if there are still problems, and if so, analyse the logs further10:53
eFfeMTJ-: I removed usbmount; after that automount does not work any more10:53
TJ-eFfeM: what is 'automount'10:54
EriC^^sveinse: yeah, you need to installed the grub-efi-amd64-signed package10:54
eFfeMTJ-: dmesg does see the drive; I expected e.g. udev to mount the drive to /media/<user>/<label>10:55
EriC^^sveinse: and have it use shimx64.efi to boot (you can see which file its using via sudo efibootmgr -v)10:55
TJ-eFfeM: /media/$USER/ is for udisks2, which you interface with via udisksctl10:55
TJ-eFfeM: without usbmount presumably sdf is no longer mounted and therefore the fsck can execute10:59
eFfeMTJ-: ah ok, got that; guess something is broken there, and that caused me to use install usbmount; if I run udisksctl  status I get a message that it cannot connect to the udisks daemon10:59
TJ-eFfeM: there may be some udev rules that are triggering that do ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1"10:59
TJ-eFfeM: so maybe udiskd is not running? "systemctl status udisks2"11:00
eFfeMTJ-: "grep -r UDISK /etc/udev" does not give any ouput (ran as root)11:02
eFfeMudiskd is runing, see: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RPTbnczZGz/11:02
sveinseEriC^^: thank, I'll do that. Is it at all possible to sign the kernel when using commercial nvidia drivers?11:05
TJ-eFfeM: may be a package-installed rule, there are a few! "grep -rn 'UDISKS_IGNORE' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/ "11:05
TJ-eFfeM: does "udisksctl monitor" fail?11:07
eFfeMTJ-: there is no /usr/lib/udev11:07
eFfeMTJ-: udisksctl monitor also times out11:08
eFfeMudisksd is running11:08
eFfeMas is /usr/libexec/gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor11:08
TJ-eFfeM: OK, so we seem to have identified a system problem here11:08
eFfeMTJ-: guess so ...11:08
TJ-eFfeM: what Ubuntu release is that? on 20.04 /usr/lib/ is symlinked from /lib/11:09
eFfeM20.04 I think I upgraded from 18.04 about two months ago, but iirc after the upgrade it still worked11:09
eFfeMTJ-: Ah, now grepping gives something11:10
eFfeMTJ-: grep -rn 'UDISKS_IGNORE' /lib/udev/rules.d/  output is in https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FcnFXWCTRz/11:11
TJ-eFfeM: I think your prime problem is udisksctl unable to talk to udisks - fix that and automounts may start working11:11
TJ-eFfeM: they use dbus to communicate so this could be related to a dbus issue, or a simple permissions issue for your $USER11:12
eFfeMTJ-: Ah ok, understood. just tried service udisks2 stop; service udisks2 start and after that udisksctl monitor does connect11:13
eFfeMTJ-: and the mounting works, so now I'm left to finding out why udisks2ctl cannot talk to the daemon11:14
kristopherWhat is the equivalent of a full CLI install? I tried to use debootstrap to set up a chroot, but it was missing a lot of basic stuff (locales, standard commands, etc.) Is there a meta-package or something in tasksel that will give me the eqivalent of a normal GUI install, but without the GUI?11:15
eFfeMTJ-: thanks for your help, I guess that udisksd was running under a different uid (it now runs as root) or that something is started in the wrong order (e.g. udisksd being started before dbus is ready), but at least I have an idea how to proceed11:19
TJ-eFfeM: phew!11:25
eFfeMTJ-: yeah, maybe this system is just getting too old; I've dist-upgraded several releases over the years and also installed a fair amount of packages, maybe it is just time to start off with a clean slate11:26
TJ-eFfeM: I know the feeling! I've got one that's been release-upgrading since 200611:27
TJ-eFfeM: recently 'translated' it from 32-bit to 64-bit userspace11:27
DroEriC^^: im preparing a clean hdd where i will copy the old one, but in the meanwhile i found a .img backup and i think it may be related to that data11:28
eFfeMTJ-: Sounds familiar, actually I think I did a clean install when I moved from hard disk to ssd but that is probably also > 8 years ago11:28
DroEriC^^: im just not sure how can i open the .img file, any idea ?11:28
eFfeMThis i7-2600 system is still quite capable11:28
EriC^^Dro: type 'sudo losetup -f /path/to/img'11:43
EriC^^it should show up as a new loop device under 'lsblk'11:43
EriC^^then do sudo partprobe /dev/loopX11:44
EriC^^and lsblk again to see the partitions if there are any11:44
DroEriC^^: it don't show up in lsblk, i just see a new loop loop25   7:25   0  47,5G  0 loop12:11
DroEriC^^: (its a .img file of a partition)12:12
DroIt seems i have to format it as ext3 or ext412:14
DroEriC^^: i tried mkfs.ext4 file.img and than mount it, its mounted but empty lol12:18
Drostrange its a 51gb img file12:18
tomreynmkfs.ext4 creates a new, empty, file system12:19
Drotomreyn: i though its used to define filesystem... at least a made a backup of the .img file before trying lol12:21
Drotomreyn: do you have an idea how can i mount a .img file ?12:22
tomreynDro: you mount a file system, .img can be anything, what's in there?12:23
tomreynfile -s path/to/image.img12:23
tomreynactually, no need for -s in this case12:24
Drotomreyn: its a backup of a disk partition12:24
tomreynDro: okay, but can you run file against it?12:25
Drotomreyn: output :12:26
Drobackup-sdc6.img: data12:26
tomreynhmm, that doesn't look so good.12:26
Drotomreyn: what do u suggest ?12:27
tomreynunless the content is sensitive, you could dump the first 200 bytes and show us:  hd backup-sdc6.img | head -n200 | nc termbin.com 999912:28
tomreynactually thats not 200 bytes. 200 lines by 16 bytes12:29
tomreynDro: which ubuntu release are you running ther enow?12:30
tomreynand is this a live system, or a proper installation?12:31
v3d3join #linuxmint12:35
tomreynDro: also, what partition and file system structure did you expect to see in this image? you say this was a partiton, and the file is named like a partition (file name contains "sdc6", so maybe it used to be /dev/sdc6), but the next layer on top of this partition dos not seem to have been a file system, or any other common structure (such as an lvm physical volume, or an MD software RAID layer)12:36
Drotomreyn: i'll dump first 200 byes, just few seconds, copying a backup of the file in case if something went wrong12:39
Drotomreyn: this partition should be a partition containing a home folder of my old system12:39
Drotomreyn: my current ubuntu is 20.0412:39
Dro(i'm in a proper installation)12:41
tomreynDro: i'm gone for lunch now, but someone else may be able to take up on it if you provide a short summary.12:41
* tomreyn bbl12:42
Drotomreyn: thats ok, enjoy your lunch!12:42
EriC^^Dro: back12:50
EriC^^Dro: the file you just ran 'file' command on, is it the one you just mkfs.ext'd ?12:50
DroEriC^^: wb, no the original one :D I run mkfs.ext4 on a copy to test12:51
EriC^^Dro: ok, try 'parted /pathto/file.img print'12:54
DroEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zYQtqTx8tY/12:56
EriC^^Dro: try to mount it, see what happens, sudo mount /path/to/file.img /mnt12:58
DroEriC^^: mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.12:59
EriC^^Dro: try "hexdump -C /path/to/file.img"13:00
EriC^^if there's nothing se13:00
EriC^^1 sec13:00
EriC^^Dro: try "dd if=/path/to/file.img bs=1000 count=1 | hexdump -C"13:02
EriC^^Dro: if there's nothing sensitive there, run it also with "hexdump -C | nc termbin.com 9999" and share the link13:02
DroEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gNmtvkm8FF/13:03
EriC^^Dro: if you do "hexdump -C /path/to/file" is it fairly similar output or way more data?13:04
DroEriC^^: hexdump -C return tooooo much data13:05
EriC^^ok, nevermind, press ctrl+c13:05
Droyes hex data13:05
Drodone lol13:06
DroEriC^^: some of the data https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3nJmy7wv6Z/13:07
DroLenovo-Z580 is my old computer ref13:07
EriC^^i see13:08
Droso it must contains the right data lol13:08
Drojust wondering how to mount it13:09
EriC^^it looks if i have to guess, like part of /var/log/syslog, the part you just pasted13:09
DroEriC^^: yes i think so13:09
Droits about a mail delivery error13:09
EriC^^Dro: what's "dd if=/path/to/file bs=1000 count=2 | hexdump -C" give?13:12
EriC^^for me at 490 line i think it shows the last mountpoint "/"13:12
EriC^^Dro: i think maybe we can try to mount it using backup superblock maybe or something, but i recommend if its your only backup to copy it before you try anything on it13:13
TJ-Dro: EriC^^  This looks like a FAT32 file allocation table cluster list (4 bytes per cluster offset entry) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gNmtvkm8FF/13:15
DroEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZKmH8wYBX8/13:16
DroTJ-: in fact I remember it was a /home partition, it should be ext3 or ext4 i guess13:17
EriC^^Dro: ok, try to copy the file first, then we can try some stuff on it13:17
TJ-Dro: OK, so maybe it's something else that uses a header with 32-bit indexes/pointers13:18
EriC^^TJ-: a string in the file looks like its part of syslog13:18
DroEriC^^: I already kept a backup of it :D We can try :p13:18
EriC^^Dro: ok, great13:18
TJ-EriC^^: yes I saw that13:18
EriC^^Dro: try 'sudo mount -o sb=32768 /path/to/file /mnt'13:19
DroEriC^^: mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.13:20
Drosb stands for starting block ?13:20
EriC^^Dro: superblock13:21
EriC^^try with mount -t13:23
EriC^^mount -t ext4 ... with sb offset13:24
EriC^^sorry there's a wasp in my room suddenly entered, just trying to dodge it currently13:24
TJ-EriC^^: not sure if this helps, but the binary data looks like little-endian DWORDs grouped as 2 x 16-bit WORD values with high-bit set (0x80), starting at a value of 2MiB (0x00200000) and incrementing by 1 in each DWORD13:24
EriC^^Dro: any luck? sudo mount -t ext4 -o sb=32768 /path/to/file /mnt13:27
TJ-EriC^^: Dro use binwalk on the file13:29
DroEriC^^: mount: backup-sdc6.img: can't find in /etc/fstab.13:29
EriC^^Dro: i think you missed the "/mnt" at the end13:29
DroEriC^^: you're right, but :13:30
Dromount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.13:30
EriC^^Dro: won't harm to try TJ- 's suggestion13:33
EriC^^sudo apt-get install binwalk13:33
DroEriC^^: oki13:34
EriC^^Dro: try "binwalk /path/to/file" i guess13:39
DroEriC^^: not sure what will be the result13:42
EriC^^what's it displaying?13:44
DroEriC^^: still in progress too much lines13:45
TJ-Dro: that's not from the start? best to capture the entire log first then share it so we can see the beginnings13:46
EriC^^Dro: can you scroll up to see the first lines it made?13:46
TJ-Dro: "binwalk path/to/file | tee /tmp/binwalk.log" then, when finished, "pastebinit /tmp/binwalk.log"13:46
EriC^^dont paste the log Dro TJ- , it's a bit privacy intrusive it might show his home contents etc13:47
DroEriC^^: i can't find out the first line lol ... maybe I have to control+C and retry to get it ?13:48
DroEriC^^: it still working , not sure what its doing exactly13:49
TJ-Dro: binwalk looks for recognisable file-system, file-type signatures, and text strings, and gives their offsets13:51
DroEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/k93zGxRFKq/ it just finished, thats the latest lines13:52
TJ-Dro: the result helps identify the type of container in many circumstances, or offsets to a valid container, such as a file-system13:52
TJ-Dro: show the first 25 lines or so which'll show signatures from the start of the img file13:52
TJ-Dro: e.g head -n 25 path/to/file13:52
DroTJ-: first 100 lines https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hkzq4bbKXs/13:54
TJ-Dro EriC^^  i cannot find the reported path "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/oxide-qt" in 18.04 or 20.04 via 'apt-file search' - and that path is likely seen in the file /var/lib/dpkg/liboxideqtcore0.install - that file is from Xenial (16.04)13:56
DroTJ-: yes i guess this is a 16.0413:57
Drohowever i don't know what it show /usr/lib files.. etc while its supposed to be a /home/user partition13:58
TJ-Dro: those are textual strings not files; it looks like purely some kind of log collection13:59
EriC^^Dro: could it be it was 1 partition for /home and everything?13:59
DroEriC^^: not sure14:00
Droits a bit old drive.. so i'm not sure about its contains (I'm used to make a partition for /home, maybe this time I ignored it) anyway its a 51GB file it may contains all14:02
Drois the binwalk output usefull in order to mount the file ?14:03
TJ-whatever that file is, it has no recognisable headers14:04
EriC^^Dro: try to do 'testdisk /path/to/file' and choose 'none' then go to advanced and see if it allows you to list the files or any useful options/info14:05
TJ-Dro: for example, for a file-system you'd expect the very first, or early, reports to look similar to "0             0x0             Linux EXT filesystem, blocks count: 196096, image size: 200802304, rev 1.0, ext4 filesystem data,"14:05
EriC^^maybe it was a filesystem but the start got overwritten somehow?14:06
hornet-14....is it possible to log out of a live session without restarting?14:07
DroEriC^^: when i select none i get this14:07
hornet-14autopsy needs java and java needs home path set which means re-login14:08
DroDisk backup-sdc6.img - 50 GB / 47 GiB - CHS 6200 255 6314:08
DroDisk backup-sdc6.img - 50 GB / 47 GiB - CHS 6200 255 6314:08
Dro     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors14:08
Dro>   P Unknown                  0   0  1  6199 229 54   9960141614:08
Dro(sorry for the pâste)14:08
EriC^^hornet-14: maybe you can set it manually in your shell with "export variable=...." and run autopsy from there?14:09
hornet-14trid that14:09
EriC^^hornet-14: i think you can logout, and log back in using "ubuntu" and empty password, but not 100% sure14:09
hornet-14the log out option isn't in the tray14:09
hornet-14yar :s14:09
EriC^^Dro: does it give you any options at the bottom?14:10
EriC^^Dro: also try on the log you made by binwalk to do this "grep -i uuid /path/to/file"14:10
DroEriC^^: >[  Type  ]  [Image Creation]  [  Quit  ]14:11
hornet-14ah, doing java_home =  and export in the same shell isntance seems to have tricked it14:11
hornet-14fingers crossed this works14:11
EriC^^for me on a ext4 it showed many lines of 0             0x0             Linux EXT filesystem, rev 1.0, ext4 filesystem data, UUID=88962e9e-eaa0-48ab-b40d-6227c48bc48b14:11
DroEriC^^: i didn't made a log, should i binwalk again ?14:11
TJ-Dro: EriC^^  try "grep -n filesystem /tmp/binwalk.log"14:11
EriC^^Dro: yeah it's worth a try, do that and try grep14:12
TJ-Dro: aha; now you see the value of keeping the log :)14:12
DroTJ-:  right :D14:12
Droso binwalk file > file.log ?14:12
TJ-Dro: yes14:12
EriC^^good luck hornet-1414:12
BluesKajHi folks14:15
hornet-14'cannot determine file system type'14:18
hornet-14looking into recuprabit atm14:21
hornet-14other suggestions very welcome14:21
DroEriC^^: TJ-: the output of grep -i uuid sdc6.log  :14:23
Dro134085632     0x7FDFC00       Linux EXT filesystem, blocks count: 12451072, image size: 12749897728, rev 1.0, ext4 filesystem data, UUID=34e502a9-3e65-4e1e-9d9e-c9440ed70ed714:23
BluesKajhornet-14, df -Th in the terminal should show filesystem type14:24
TJ-Dro: "sudo losetup -f --show --offset 134085632 path/to/file.img"14:24
EriC^^hornet-14: bit overkill but i found this online, the author uses sleuthkit throughout the book, http://callibra.com.br/Violino/Carrier,%20Brian%20-%20File%20System%20Analysis.pdf14:25
DroTJ-: output is /dev/loop3014:25
Drowhat does that mean?14:25
TJ-Dro: good, now try mounting that: "sudo mount /dev/loop30 /mnt" and then "ls -latr /mnt/"14:25
DroTJ-: same error that i got when trying to mount the .img file :14:26
Dromount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.14:26
TJ-Dro: in which case it seems that the file-system signature found isn't a good file-system at all14:27
TJ-Dro: "sudo losetup -d /dev/loop30" to detach the loopdev14:27
EriC^^Dro: try mounting with mount -o sb=131072 ?14:27
EriC^^before detaching the loop14:27
DroEriC^^: mounting the loop or the .img?14:27
EriC^^the loop14:28
DroEriC^^: same error ==> mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop30, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.14:28
EriC^^try with -o sb=7867596814:28
EriC^^last try14:28
DroEriC^^: same with sb=7867596814:29
EriC^^Dro: ok, go to testdisk again, at the bottom where it says type, change it to ext414:29
EriC^^see if it can let you list the files or gives other options14:29
DroEriC^^: Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.14:30
Drowhen trying to "list"14:30
Drohowever there is another option "Superblock" , not sure if it can help14:31
DroEriC^^: options I have  [  Type  ] >[Superblock]  [  List  ]  [Image Creation]  [  Quit  ]14:31
DroSuperblock hint :                     Locate ext2/ext3/ext4 backup superblock14:32
DroImage creation :                                 Create an image14:32
Sven_vBhi :) I'm using Ubuntu focal and I have two bluetooth headsets paired. I can connect to any one of them without problem, but not to both: When one is connected, the connection attempt for the other fails ("Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed"). I might have configured a limit on the number of connected headsets some time ago, where might that have been?14:34
EriC^^Dro: what does list do?14:38
hornet-14BluesKaj, the type is known, 'dicky ntfs drive image'14:38
EriC^^Dro: or superblock?14:38
DroEriC^^: when I try list, i get this error :14:38
DroCan't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.14:38
EriC^^any luck on superblock?14:39
DroEriC^^: in superblock there is nothing :(14:39
EriC^^Dro: you might have to end up using something similar to photorec to retrieve the files you need based on their type, it'll get the files back probably but they wont have filenames or any directory structures14:40
hornet-14eric, very brief scan of that seems to assume the fs is mountable, as tsk cannot touch it unless it can mount it with teh underlying OS tools14:41
DroEriC^^: ok thx, i'll take a look at photorec14:41
tomreynhow about this theory: this is LUKSv1 block device layer, where the storage area had not been zeroed out.14:41
EriC^^Dro: did you have encryption on your old install? luks encryption?14:43
EriC^^it kind of makes sense given that it was named sda614:43
tomreynIIRC, LUKSv1 has its header to the end of the device14:44
DroEriC^^: not sure, but if it has encryption it should be the default ubuntu encryption14:44
tomreyndid you have to enter a passphrase to boot?14:44
Drotomreyn: no14:45
TJ-tomreyn: LUKSv1 is a fixed 2MiB header at the start14:45
tomreynTJ-: oh, thanks. i was just trying to confirm this, but couldn'T. not sure what i mixed it up with then, maybe LVM2 LV, or MD RAID.14:48
EriC^^hornet-14: ah14:48
TJ-tomreyn: possibly md v1.014:49
tomreynTJ-: hmm, right, but then we should still see some other structure at the start of the image.14:52
TJ-tomreyn: precisely14:52
tomreyni give up. it seems like Dro knows less about this than they should, or are not telling the full story.14:53
Drotomreyn: in fact its either a /home/user folder or a whole system, not other possibility , and its not protected by password (expect the user session password), or maybe the home/user fodler is encrypted by a ubuntu passphare14:54
Drothats the full story :D14:54
TJ-worrying if these are intended as back-ups since it infers neither the backup tool is known, and no restore tests have been performed14:54
DroTJ-: i guess i have done this backup using dd14:56
TJ-Dro: if so it's the weirdest dd output I've seen; that binwalk nor testdisk can identify file-system structures suggests it is something else, or the command to create it was weird, or parts of the file were over-written later14:58
Dro(its a bit old thats why its hard to rembember, its ubuntu 16.04 btw)14:58
TJ-'dd' output is a bit-for-bit copy14:58
hornet-14https://www.slideshare.net/TheLazza/recuperabit-forensic-file-system-reconstruction-given-partially-corrupted-metadata _0x1d3 EriC^^15:00
DroTJ-: but the strange thing that binwalk output files paths https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hkzq4bbKXs/15:00
hornet-14slide 21 shows comparisions. biased maybe but it's a thesis15:00
Dro(I can see some /home/user/files too in the log but not all)15:00
Droor maybe the output of binwalk is a log15:02
Drohowever it contains files path of this old system15:03
TJ-Dro: those are text strings from inside some data structure, most are obviously from text files15:03
EriC^^hornet-14: worth a shot, is it free?15:04
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hornet-14yes, running it atm15:05
hornet-14also the author of that textbook is the same guy who wrote TSK15:05
hornet-14he mentions other available tooks but literally a paragraph each15:06
hornet-14(force of hobbit)15:06
=== Dykefingers is now known as routebee
titaniumspikehay channel15:28
LuckyMantitaniumspike, hey15:31
titaniumspikenice to e-meet LuckyMan :)15:31
titaniumspikeit's been a long time since I've been here.. any recommendation for cool "cafe" channels?15:31
LuckyMannot really, i've also just login after a long time15:32
BluesKajthere's #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss to name a couple15:35
titaniumspikethanks BluesKaj15:36
BluesKajtitaniumspike, yw15:36
hornet-14EriC^^: recupera seems vastly better than photorec15:47
Hornet-usb crashed in some way, which meant the USB stick wasn't readable anymore, so system hang16:06
EriC^Hornet-: good to hear!16:09
EriC^was it able to get the files + dir structure?16:09
Hornet-weirdly it found like 200 partitions16:09
Hornet-but one was huge and the main FS16:09
Hornet-it looks like it yes, and anything outside16:10
Hornet-it crashed during extraction of the outside trees though16:10
Hornet-going to see if i can dial in more specifically what to save from the main partition16:10
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EriC^Hornet-: ah great!16:12
EriC^Dro: you might want to look into recupera then, it seems to be good at recovering files+dirs16:13
Hornet-ntfs only16:14
Hornet-restoring all lost again to see if it re-crashes16:19
Hornet-saved notes on the ntfs drive so won't take long to resume16:19
Hornet-it's possible to export the recovered tree as csv and specifiy directories to recover from16:20
Hornet-but it's not exported as a tree, just list of parent nodes16:20
Hornet-which is really confusing16:21
Hornet-seems to have worked at those16:21
Hornet-this is really nice software actually, needs a better ui but doesn't all linux software16:28
EriC^heh :D16:28
Hornet-aside from documents and settings, and users, any directories that I'm overlooking that I should recover?16:31
Hornet-I can see those are both root directories, parent ID is 5, so they should hold most things of interest16:32
Hornet-problem is I can't browse to remind myself what's where16:32
Hornet-running it on users atm, it's rebuilding everything16:34
Hornet-bloody beautiful16:34
Hornet-so when this is done, do I risk reinstalling a new OS on the ssd?16:35
Hornet-the drive -seems- fine so I think it was some software fart16:35
porkywhen I moved from kernel 5.4 to 5.8 I can no longer open UDF ISO files is there a solution?17:02
Maikthere have been multiple issues with the 5.8 kernel i suggest to switch back to 5.417:04
Arrow88does anyone know how to get the DHCP network stuff right for a macbook pro install17:16
strupee00anyone managed to get fingerprint reader on Lenovo x1 to work on Ubuntu for login?17:41
Arrow88what happened to Ubuntu ?17:51
Arrow88a few years ago this channel was  a fast stream nearly impossible to follow17:51
Arrow88now it is kind of a dozy backwater support17:52
Arrow88is everybody on discord or something?17:52
TJ-Arrow88: channel limited to registered users only17:52
scott1I'm having problems getting my usb dongle to be recognized by bluetoothctl with the error "No default controller available". The device seems to be detected fine as it shows up in lsusb and dmesg. Here's the dmesg output: https://pastebin.com/jJfnSQaZ17:53
Arrow88TJ-, that must be it, odd still, it's easy to register17:55
TJ-scott1: see my reply in ''linux17:55
Arrow88and ubuntu support is needed as much as then17:55
TJ-Arrow88: what is this DHCP issue? Assuming the network device is working correctly and you're using Desktop/NetworkManager, a connection should be automatically created using DHCP17:57
Arrow88sorry, I went for an old iso, 19, I am dong 20 gorilla something now17:58
TJ-Arrow88: wired or wireless? device OK? link up? wifi channel of AP visible?17:58
Arrow88I am in the first live boot up, not entired there yet17:58
TJ-Arrow88: ok, that introduces quite a few variables that need to be checked before it can do DHCP :)17:59
Arrow88I have now booted up to a full desktop environ ment, lubuntu17:59
Arrow88no wireless detected though18:00
TJ-Arrow88: OK, so now you work from the hardware on up, checking each level18:01
Arrow88this is macbook trouble I guess18:01
Arrow88there is a folder marked "network"18:01
TJ-Arrow88: are you able to connect it via an Ethernet cable (possibly USB-<Ethernet adapter) to aid in collecting debug info?18:01
Arrow88there is a router upstairs, I may have a cable18:02
TJ-Arrow88: before that lets find out what wifi hardware and driver it has: "sudo lspci -nnk -d ::280"18:03
TJ-Arrow88: tell us the [vendor:device] id at the end of the line, and any mentioned kernel modules18:03
Arrow88where is the terminal window?18:03
TJ-Arrow88: Alt+Ctrl+T usually18:04
TJ-Long time since I used Lubuntu desktop18:04
Arrow88              I have a wrong keyboard setup                                                                                                                       the18:05
TJ-Arrow88: in menu search for Terminal ?18:06
Arrow88probably all over18:06
gianfredohi all18:08
Arrow88fcitx for keyboard settings?18:10
Arrow88no luck with the keyboard setting?18:12
TJ-Arrow88: are you using an unusual keyboard layout or language?18:20
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Arrow88I get nothing on sudo lspci -nnk -d ::28018:22
Arrow88i found keyboard chose norwegian macintosh18:24
Arrow88it writes correts as far as I Can see18:24
Arrow88æøå  in the right place18:25
Arrow88@ too18:25
Arrow88sudo lspci -nnk -d ::280    is correct?18:28
oerhekswireless must be hardblocked or something, find a guide for your macbook?18:29
oerheksor run updates properly?18:29
gnUserShould I disable PAM on an Ubuntu 20.04 server that faces the internet?18:30
PeanutHowdy - I've got an interesting problem. Running 20.04, using a USB peripheral (SparkFun REC-V Risc-V devboard), it very reliably crashes the kernel when I hit the 'reset' button on the device. Seems to be in the cdc_acm driver. How would one file a bug against that?18:30
Arrow88hmm, wire connection,18:30
Arrow88could I do the install and worrya bout wireless later on?18:34
Arrow88a bad idea or reasonable?18:34
oerhekswith wired networking during install, sure18:35
coffeeroasterWhat's the cleanest way to add a file to an existing snap (already mounted in /snap) ? some sort of overlay?? or is there an official way to do this?18:36
jeremy31Arrow88: What about>  lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999918:38
coffeeroasterAnyway to mount a snap RW?18:42
ogracoffeeroaster, snaps are suqashfs files and gpg signed, you can not tamper with them ... you *can* bind mount files on top of existing files in a snap though18:54
ograbut to actually add something to a snap you need to contact the packager of that snap18:54
Arrow88lost connection18:55
Arrow88lost the conversation too18:55
Arrow88managed to install lubuntu with the cable in the wrong slot18:56
Arrow88however, now it is in the correct slot, and I think I am on the web18:56
titaniumspikedon't let the spider get you18:56
Arrow88stuck in it and it's comming18:57
Arrow88:- |18:58
Arrow88what firm ware to intall for wireless?18:58
Arrow88or driver package Imean18:58
Hornet-depends on wifi card probably18:59
titaniumspiketry linux-firmware18:59
titaniumspikebut try: lspci  |grep -i network18:59
Hornet-then again I gave up on linux wireless years ago18:59
TJ-Arrow88: find out what wifi hardware and driver it has: "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk -d ::280 )"19:00
Arrow88I have to run up and down the stairs, write down sudos on paper19:01
Arrow88daft iMac going dormant19:01
TJ-Arrow88: read this! https://askubuntu.com/questions/1076964/macbook-can-t-find-wifi-for-ubuntu-18-0419:02
Arrow88is there an irc default in lubuntu?19:02
jeremy31Arrow88: On a Apple machine, you might need firmware-b43-installer or bcmwl-kernel-source19:03
MaikArrow88: irc client?19:04
MaikQuassel iirc19:05
magic_ninjaIs there a reason that nvidia dkms fails with the main line kernel?19:06
jeremy31magic_ninja: what kernel version?19:07
magic_ninjaIt includes the AX210 drivers and I want to use them. I was playing with it before, but it pretty much pooched X19:07
jeremy31magic_ninja: you might need to use a PPA for that19:07
magic_ninjaI was using the mainline repo19:07
magic_ninjaIt still failed19:07
jeremy31magic_ninja: or you could use the Intel wifi backports, not sure if all these commands are still needed https://askubuntu.com/a/1046682/30066519:08
jeremy31https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi/core_release#how_to_install_the_driver that should support ax210 in the 5.4 kernel19:09
tomreynthe "Update for January 2020" given there still applies19:10
Arrow88Broadcom Inc and subsidieries BCM4331 802.11a/b/g/n Apple Airport Extreme 106.bs00f5 bana-pci-bridge19:13
Arrow88there wasn't any irc client in lubuntu19:13
Arrow88my replies may take a few minutes, I have to run up and down the stairs until the network is sorted19:14
TJ-Arrow88: use the web browser https://webchat.freenode.net/#ubuntu19:15
jeremy31Arrow88: try the firmware-b43-installer program19:15
magic_ninjathe backports ppa seems to just be for 20.0419:15
tomreynso don'T use it, use the package from ubuntu repos.19:18
kc2bez[m]Arrow88: Quassel is the IRC client in Lubuntu19:18
jeremy31magic_ninja: check Nvidia website, see if their stuff works with the latest kernels19:19
magic_ninjathe problem isn't nvidia as much as it is the AX210. The ppa just does to AX201. AX210 is supposed to be in the 5.11 kernel.19:22
jeremy31magic_ninja: The backports from the Intel site should support the ax21019:24
magic_ninjaLooks like this one works: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/backport-iwlwifi.git19:25
magic_ninjaif I compile it, is there a handy tutorial on how to package it?19:25
jeremy31magic_ninja: https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/iwlwifi/core_release#how_to_install_the_driver19:26
magic_ninja"how to package it"19:26
magic_ninjaand thank you for the link19:26
jeremy31magic_ninja: I see no reason to make a deb out of it19:27
oerheksno need to compile, enable HWE and https://launchpad.net/~canonical-hwe-team/+archive/ubuntu/backport-iwlwifi19:27
magic_ninjaoerheks, the 20.10 package doesn't list compatability for the AX210 chip. It was built 7 months ago. The rest are newer builds. Just for some reason, 20.10 wasn't built.19:28
tomreynthis seems to be the first time you're saying which ubuntu release you're running19:31
magic_ninjayea it is19:33
magic_ninjamore of a "not the end of the world, has someone happened to get this working" kind of thing.19:34
Arrow88I ran the installer, chose ssd, second option, and went for a reboot, nothing but a folder with a blinking question mark19:34
Arrow88I had to do a rebood of the live cd19:34
tomreynArrow88: do a web search on: ubuntu folder with a blinking question mark19:36
Arrow88the hard drive is there I guess19:37
Arrow88it was there on istall19:37
Arrow88but what to do?19:39
Arrow88I have a new ssd, nothing on it, there is no macos19:40
Arrow88no partition19:40
Arrow88just install19:40
Hornet-is there a way to make a linux iso on a usb boot as a 'real' OS, rather than live? eg persistent settings etc19:44
Hornet-would save insane headaches when doing recovery work and every reboot rinses everything back to default and loses all tools fetched, repos added, mouse speed, keyboard layout, etc19:45
MaikHornet-: sure, on the web there are enough tutorials to be found on how to achieve that19:46
Hornet-what should I be searching for to find them? I only saw about live boot setups19:46
oerheksinstall from usb to usb, just be carefull where you put the bootloader19:47
MaikHornet-: seriously? search for persistant usb install or something similar19:47
TJ-Hornet-: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence19:48
Hornet-thanks, 'persistant' seems to bethe key word19:48
=== multi8_ is now known as multi8
wroatheThe config file for my current version of the kernel shows CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y, and yet the debug symbols in the extracted binary are missing. Are the building with debug symbols, but then stripping them later for some reason as part of the Ubuntu build?20:06
Hornet-EriC^^: looks like most of everything recovered with real paths and names now20:10
Hornet-so for NTFS that thing is the absolute shiznit20:11
Hornet-ntfs scrounge is a joke in comparision20:11
EriC^^good find!20:12
arrow888anyone up to handle boot up install issues?20:23
Hornet-ask, don't ask to ask20:24
arrow888After a seemingly successful install, I boot into a folder with a question mark20:29
arrow888macbook, lubuntu, probably the same installer as Ubuntu20:29
Smashcat2Has anyone else tried using php 5.6 with Ubuntu 20.04? Followed a guide, and it switched from 7.4 to 5.6 ok, but just segfaults apache. Seems like maybe apache just cannot work with 5.6 any more maybe?21:03
dabblerdudeHello, is anybody here using Ubuntu having an issue with their desktop freezing but they're able to move their mouse cursor around?21:04
xet7dabblerdude: Yes, it has happened to me at Ubuntu and Mint, when doing something CPU intensive like Zoom meeting and building Node.js project. That's why I mostly use Qubes OS at desktop, and Ubuntu at server.21:09
AlexP11223The internet says that to install Dolphin file manager on gnome I need just apt install dolphin, but it seems broken for me, no icons, weird bottom right corner https://i.imgur.com/MdOMDPh.png21:10
oerheksdabblerdude, nobody can answer that, without your hw specs and ubuntu version21:10
oerheksAlexP11223, oh the internet says that?21:11
AlexP11223it does.21:11
xet7dabblerdude: What helps with freezing, is also checking that you don't have dust inside your computer, and that there is enough thermal paste between your CPU and motherboard. Because, for my desktop PC, all thermal paste had dried up, so it increased sudden reboots and freezes a lot.21:12
Maikdabblerdude: haven't you been asking the same question in #xubuntu yesterday?21:14
Maikdabblerdude: ah yep, you did21:14
dabblerdude@oerheks: Well, I'm using Xubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. I'm using an Intel Xeon E3-1270 v3 CPU, Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti GPU, 8GB of Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3-1866 Mhz RAM, EVGA Supernova GA 650W PSU, and an ASUS Z97-E motherboard.21:14
Maiki suspect a nVidida driver issue21:15
oerheksgood enough hardware.21:15
dustxet7, it also happens because of some bug and without any cooling issue... happened to me after the kernel update today... workload was idling and i checked after reboot in bios the temps so heat wasnt the cause... so its time for some bugs to get fixed!21:15
dustand its with open source amd drivers21:16
dabblerdudexet7: I thoroughly cleaned out my PC and did check the thermal paste between my CPU and my mobo, it's good there.21:17
oerhekserr, one does not check thermal paste, once opened, it should be replaced. else it can work as an isolator...21:18
Maikdabblerdude: as said, maybe a nvidia driver issue21:18
dabblerdudeMaik: Also yeah, I did ask that same question in #xubuntu recently, although, I didn't find a complete solution yet.21:19
Maiki might have given you the cause, twice21:19
dustdabblerdude, dont await a competent answer here... their prejudice is that its not the fault of ubuntu but something else the reason...21:29
xet7dabblerdude: For me, Ubuntu at server does run for months without any freezing. So it could be issue with cheap laptops/desktops, or not having ECC correcting RAM, having errors at harddisk, bugs at desktop UI code, buggy software leaking memory, hardware bugs, etc etc. Just guessing :D21:33
tomreynyes, it could be almost anything.21:34
tomreynand in some cases this and ion other cases that will be the reason for similar symptoms21:35
tomreynthat's why details are needed, which can often (bbut not always) be found in log files.21:35
xet7From what I have read, computers that have ECC correcting RAM seem to have limited availibility or high prices. Not having ECC correcting RAM causes file and filesystem corruption, crashes, etc. Well, nowadays big harddisks are running error correcting software all the time so that they could even work at all, hard disk capacity is so big so there is not much care for reliability.21:37
dabblerdudeI'm gonna go back a version on my Nvidia driver and see what happens.21:38
dabblerdude*video driver21:38
cbreakxet7: I think all recent-ish ryzen have ECC support21:41
cbreakjust get a mainboard that also supports it, and ecc ram, and it should work21:41
dustdabblerdude, see how i was right with the answers u got? :D21:43
basenodeis there a general tool for backing database backups?21:44
basenodewhich is also db agnostic?21:45
cbreakzfs snap && zfs send? :P21:45
cbreakdoesn't get less agnostic than that21:45
dustdabblerdude, i ve the same problem as u with intel cpu... my gpu is from amd so i doubt that the graphics driver is the issue21:45
dabblerdudedust: What Intel CPU are you running?21:46
dustdabblerdude, core221:47
dustdabblerdude, same hardware and siduction as os and i didnt had these hangs... i ve them since i run ubuntu... and normally shortly after a kernel update like today...21:49
xet7I don't know do I dare to buy Ryzen computer yet. At Lenovo V155-15API laptop that has AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx, 8 GB RAM, Western Digital PC SN520 NVME disk, sometimes when booting Mint it gives error "Integrity: Problem loading X.50921:49
xet7certificate -65" and sometimes booting works fine. I need to recearch better how well Ubuntu/Mint/Qubes OS works on Ryzen.21:49
cbreakx.509 has nothing to do with the CPU...21:50
xet7What does it mean?21:50
TJ-xet7: sounds like an issue related to Secure Boot - various parts of the boot process are hashed and the hashes signed by keys that match those certificates. If the certificates aren't available during boot for some reason it'll cause errors21:53
xet7TJ-: Yes, most likely. I send email to my friend that has that laptop, that he should try with IPV4 PXE First: Disabled, and AMD Platform Security Processor: Disabled22:03
xet7There is already: Secure boot: Disabled, USB Boot: Legacy first22:05
mendiis systemd the default in 20.04?22:13
mendiis grub still used in ubuntu22:16
mendior did it get replaced by systemd22:17
mendii use popos right now and it has systemd and its a pain to configure22:17
jeremy31mendi: Ubuntu uses systemd and grub, but not systemd boot22:18
mendioh thats great22:19
jeremy31The bad thing about systemd boot is that kernel files need to be in the EFI system partition22:20
fubHi. Running 20.04.1. Installed fzf via apt. dpkg -L fzf shows me there is a file "/usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh", but its not there. How can this be?22:36
phittacusIt's a long shot, but probably worth a try before asking in dev channels.23:03
phittacusI'm using ubuntu 20.04 with xfce and i3 and I'm looking for a way to detect theme change (day/night). Is there any kind of dbus event I should look for or maybe some signal?23:03
phittacusOnly asking because a quick search didn't yield any useful results — just a discussion [here](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/3409) on what not to do.23:03
rfmfub, that file's there in the groovy version (0.20.0-1build1) you could grab it from there (almost certainly would install on focal)23:23
bobdobbsSo in linux I can select text with the mouse and it is automatically copied.  Then a double-mouse-click does a paste operation. Is there a key combination that triggers a paste from the text selected with just the mouse?23:26
rfmfib. finally my focal machine finished updating, and I installed fzf.  that file's there. something must have deleted it on your system. "sudo apt install --reinstall fzf" should fix it23:29
mbbsddoes anyone knows why ubuntu 20.04 seems to not read ~/.xsession either with gnome or i3? Any clues are welcome.23:47

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