
EickmeyerOvenWerks: That means it's not the latest version out of Fedora.00:42
wonkoOvenWerks: ok, not the firewire cable.02:15
wonkodid you have good results with liquorix? Also, how do you boot into it? I installed but but it didn't make a boot entry?02:16
Eickmeyerwonko, OvenWerks: ffado 2.4.4 is in hirsute, should be in groovy and focal backports any minute.02:36
Eickmeyerwonko: To boot into liquorix, you have to uninstall ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings, which, unfortunately, you'll lose threadirqs unless you manually edit your grub boot entry.02:37
wonkoOk, I'll have to try that then I guess. I'm not convinced it'll make a lick of difference though.02:49
studiobot<teward001> > should be in bacports03:14
studiobot<teward001> ummmm03:14
studiobot<teward001> you sure about that Eickmeyer?03:14
studiobot<teward001> there's an extra few steps of things around Backports03:14
studiobot<teward001> or do you mean your PPA?03:15
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 Unless otherwise specified, I mean the PPA.04:53
OvenWerkswonko:  sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/10-linux05:01
OvenWerkswonko and sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/09-lowlatency05:02
OvenWerkswonko: or something like that.05:02
OvenWerksif you cd to /etc/grub.d/ you should see the names05:02
OvenWerkswonko:  need to fix the grub file to show everything.05:10

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