
mendido i need a boot partition guys00:10
mendigrub install fails00:10
mendiboot-repair fails too because of no efi00:17
mendiadded a /boot but still fails00:17
mendicould it be that im trying to use the minimal installation00:18
Smashcat2Is there an apt command to load the original config files for a service?00:23
mendishould i install the bootloader to efi partition00:26
Bashing-ommendi: Yup - no can do UEFI: mini system in UEFI mode >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD .00:26
mendiis 500MB enough for the efi partition00:27
Bashing-ommendi: Plenty big - recommends I have seen say Size: 100~250MB .00:28
mendithank you00:29
mendithe installer does not warn users that an efi partition is required00:29
mendilast 20.1000:29
mendimaybe it assumes people still use mbr00:30
gazbyHi all. I have recently installed focal on two SSDs on my machine. The EFI menu entries appear to be being fought over by the two installs. I have dpkg-reconfigure'd grub-efi on both to not update the menu, however every time I add an entry to boot into the primary install, I end up in the secondary install and the UUID for the entry I'd created previously has changed to the secondary. This happens very reliably. If anyone00:49
gazbyhas any suggestions on things I can try please I would be much obliged <300:49
Bashing-omgazby: I too multi-boot ubuntus - my means to control grub is by disabling /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober in my secondary systems.00:58
gazbyAwesome! Thank you mate I'll give it a try :)00:58
Bashing-omgazby: ' sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ' in those secondaries. then of course01:00
Bashing-om' sudo update-grub ' in the primary to effect the changes.01:00
DreamPCsHey guys, quick question. I want to automatically back up a particular folder on my computer. I need 7 days worth of backups, how would you guys recommend I achieve this?01:08
DreamPCsThe source and destination are both on the same drive.01:09
gazbyDreamPCs: I use https://github.com/laurent22/rsync-time-backup for that purpose. Adding it as a cron should work for the automation aspect.01:10
gazbyThe `--strategy` switch controls the ageing out of older versions.01:11
DreamPCsThanks! I'll look into it now.01:11
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gazbyIt seems as though the efi boot menu adjustments happen during grub or boot somehow. I shutdown from the main install with 3 entries just the way I want them, and by the time I've booted into secondary and back into main there's four new entries and the part IDs for the original three have all been changed to the secondary.02:30
gazbyI tried to get them to show up under different names, and I edited the GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR var in /etc/default/grub to accomplish that. I wonder if that's what messing it up.02:31
jrgok so it sees the card 2b:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+ Network Connection (rev 01)02:31
jrgbut i do not see it anywhere02:31
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gazbyjrg: Where are you looking? Nothing in `ip link`?02:35
jrgno. i checked ifconfig too not seeing it anywhere02:36
gazbyAlso, does `lspci -k` indicate a driver is assigned?02:36
jrgmy guess is the intel SFP+ module does not load by default or something?02:36
gazbyYeah, my guess also.02:36
jrg        Kernel driver in use: ixgbe02:36
jrgoh it does02:36
gazbyAnything in dmesg for "ixgbe"?02:38
jrgoh i'm sorry. it is there. it renamed it. i was looking for ixgbe0 or something like that and i guess it changed it to enp43s002:39
gazbyAh yeah, that's the "prefictable" interface naming lol02:39
jrgyah haha02:40
jrgpersonally i like it when they just keep the name of the driver so you can tell them apart easier02:40
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jrggazby: thanks a ton. it's working now. i have smb mounts going through the 10gb card now02:57
Bashing-omgazby: There is the tool "efibootmgr" to manage EFI entries.02:58
Bashing-om!info efibootmgr focal | gazby02:58
ubottugazby: efibootmgr (source: efibootmgr): Interact with the EFI Boot Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 17-1 (focal), package size 27 kB, installed size 91 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; ia64; armhf; arm64; armel; x32)02:58
gazbyjrg: 👍03:04
gazbyBashing-om: Yeah that's what I'm using to manipulate the entries. Currently attempting a clean-out of the ESP and reinstalling grub to see if that gets me anywhere.03:05
Lutinanyone creating his own ubuntu docker images based on Ubuntu ? I wonder about systemd... best would be if it's not there I guess but using apt-get installed packages you are sticked ?03:30
matsamandocker is kinda stupid, but03:30
matsamanif you're going to use it, it's hard to make a good argument to use Ubuntu with it03:31
matsamanDebian non-desktop would be better03:31
matsamanand many people use super cut-down distros, too03:31
Lutinmatsaman I think you never used docker in HA enviroments ? It's awesome... I come fromvery large deployed and provisioned clusters... this is uch better and more flexible and really MUCH faster and less overhead.03:32
Lutinyes that is what I try to figure out... non-desktop is already there ?03:32
Lutinsuper cut down means all deps need to be compiled manually mostly and I wonder if I really win something there except diskspace03:33
matsamanLutin: it's literally impossible for docker to be less overhead03:38
matsamanLutin: anyway, if you want to avoid systemd and a non-desktop distro is giving you systemd, you should find another distro03:38
matsamanthere are versions of Debian without systemd, like Devuan, IIRC03:39
matsamanand there are distros that are less tyrannical about forcing systemd upon users, too, like Gentoo03:39
Lutinmatsaman yeah I have seen them.03:39
LutinDocker is really less overhead... KVM is nice but everthing around it mostly sucks03:39
matsamandid you look at lxc?03:40
Lutinmatsaman that's almost the same as docker... to be precise... LXC runs docker images perfectly fine... not advised tho03:42
matsamanit's not, docker is a clusterfsck managed by clowns03:44
matsamanit's true they can both get you software level virtualization, I guess03:44
Lutinmatsaman you are making no sense at all03:49
matsamannot much has changed since 2016, IME03:51
Lutinmatsaman LOL 2016!03:52
LutinThat was even the same with KVM and all others03:52
LutinBeen there done that03:52
matsamanI mean kvm is hardware virtualization, so no, that is not correct03:53
Lutinoh in that case inded04:01
* matsaman shrugs04:02
Lutinbug I will checkout Alpine04:03
Lutinat least now the Steam issue with CentOS... I'm so happy I started to do docker... I was using oVirt in the past very heavily04:03
matsamanalpine is very popular04:04
matsamanbut it's certainly a cut down PITA if you ever have to do anything in it04:05
matsamanit's also an OS04:05
matsamanso you're virtualizing an entire OS04:05
matsamanwhich is more than is required04:05
matsamanif you have a GNU/Linux host, you can virtualize without virtualizing an entire guest OS04:05
kasper00hi mat04:20
kasper00anyone knows how to join Ubuntu into an Active Directory?04:21
gazbyClearing out ESP seems to have stopped the boot entries getting muddled all the time, but grub opens to a prompt now and even after manually booting and trying every variation of installing grub-efi-amd64, grub-install and update-grub I can't get it to stop. Any hints would very welcome <304:28
matsamangazby: I avoid UEFI nonsense whenever possible, which remains quite frequently these days04:34
dabblerdudeHello everyone.04:36
matsamandabblerdude: hi04:41
dabblerdudeI tried going back a version with my video driver to try to remedy those desktop freezes I've been getting.04:51
dabblerdudeIt didn't work.04:51
matsamannvidia? Did you try nouveau? Did you try nvidia's?04:52
dabblerdudeSo next, I'll try out the "dmesg" and "journalctl -xe" commands.04:52
dabblerdudematsaman: Under "Additional Drivers," I tried out the latest proprietary Nvidia driver for my GPU, which was version 460.04:54
matsamanlatest isn't always correct04:55
dabblerdudeThen I tried the version before 460, which was 450. I had another desktop freeze happen.04:55
matsamanif you go to nvidia's website, the driver page, it'll tell you which version is correct04:55
matsamanother than that, nouveau is very good04:55
dabblerdudeAlso, no, I haven't tried nouveau for troubleshooting this issue.04:55
matsamanwell nouveau would be an entire replacement driver04:55
dabblerdudeI have another version of the driver I can use, but it's a little outdated; it's version 390.04:56
dabblerdudematsaman: What's going on with my system is that, sometimes, my desktop freezes, but I'm able to move my mouse cursor and access TTYs.05:00
Bashing-omdabblerdude: What release and kernel are you on ?05:00
matsamandabblerdude: like I said, check nvidia's driver site for the _correct_ version of the driver for your hardware05:01
matsamanwhich is not always the latest version05:01
matsamanif that doesn't work, and even if it does, it's worth trying nouveau instead05:01
dabblerdudeBashing-om: Xubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, Linux Kernel 5.4.0-65-generic.05:01
Bashing-omdabblerdude: All good then as DKMS issues are not present on the 5.4 kernel. pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' let's see here what version driver is installed and IF there is now a conflict.05:03
dabblerdudeBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/iekU3T9K05:06
Bashing-omdabblerdude: There is a conflict: "linux-modules-nvidia-460-5.4.0-64-generic " with the 390 version driver. Let's also verify the driver version that is recommnded - lspci -k | grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - .05:09
dabblerdudeWell, I just installed the 390 driver not too long ago.05:09
dabblerdudeBashing-om: Could that be a reason why you're seeing a conflict there?05:09
Bashing-omdabblerdude: The thing is that the 460 version did not cleanly purge.05:11
dabblerdudeBashing-om: Here's the log from the lspci command.05:12
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Nvidia does recommend the 460 version driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/170134/en-us .05:15
dabblerdudeBashing-om: Under "Additional Drivers," I see that the 460 version is there, but I'm not sure if it's 460.39 or not.05:17
Bashing-omdabblerdude: dabblerdude: We take it :) Nvidia says "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package."05:18
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Try - With secure boot disabled ! - ' sudo apt remove --purge nvidia-* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' and reboot to see the effect.05:21
dabblerdudeBashing-om: I'll try out that command. Executing this will get me the latest version of the driver, right?05:22
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Yup - system is some kind of smart and will choose to install the 460 version driver from what it has to choose from.05:23
dabblerdudeBashing-om: That's good to hear. Well, I'll try out that command and report back if there any other issues.05:24
Bashing-omdabblerdude: :D - we are here to help.05:24
Ntemisi need some help with linux dir paths06:09
Ntemisi have a folder that changes names but has s costant name infront06:10
Ntemislike name-2021 name-2022 etc06:10
Ntemisi need a binary from it to be used with cp06:11
Ntemisi tried cp /name-*/binary but looks like i cant use asterisk to replace the folder name06:11
Ntemisi get an error i cannot stat06:11
Ntemisany help?06:11
Ntemiscp: cannot stat : No such file or directory06:13
guivercNtemis, what OS & release, and don't forget * matches any characters so it may not mean what you intended)06:20
Ntemisis a 20.0406:21
Ntemisis a script that runs on 20.0406:21
Ntemisbasically @guiverc i need to replace the last numbers of a uboot package06:22
Ntemisso i dont need to rename each time i upgrade it06:22
Ntemissomething like cp uboot-";"/ that takes whatever comes after uboot name will do06:23
guivercI don't understand what you want, but '?' comes to mind06:25
guivercsorry I don't have time to assist either06:25
Ntemisso if i use cp uboot-?/binary /here/ will work?>06:25
Ntemisit doesnt06:27
guiverc? means a single character; or you could `find -exec` but I don't understand your aim06:30
ksynwaHello. I was running GNOME on Ubuntu but recently switched to i3 window manager. I just select it from the login screen and it's working very well. But anyone where how I can make it so so that the laptop doesn't suspend when the lid is closed?06:42
ksynwaI reckon it has something to do with systemd/elogind but I have no idea for sure.06:43
ksynwaLooks like I had to edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf06:54
tripelbksynwa look onnpower management is my suggestion07:20
seamammalhi, i just started with ubuntu latest version, i have problem with wine, it doesnt work, i tried troubleshooting with info from variuos sites and still doesnt work08:10
tomreynseamammal: hi there. generally, "it does not work" is not a way to get support here, because no one can work with this amount of information. but wine is a special beast, it may not be possible to help you even when you provide more details.08:12
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:12
seamammalok will do that and tell u what happened thanks08:13
seamammali had ubuntu again in 2011 and i had the ubuntu version of that time and wine worked fine never gave me any problems , then i had windows, recently i deleted windows and put ubuntu and im suprised how beastly wine is cause before it worked ok. thanks08:14
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:15
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega08:15
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware08:15
fubrfm, Ntemis: sorry for the late answer, missed your answers. (question was why the fzf doc files were missing)08:16
fubI installed fzf via „apt install fzf“, so I assumed the doc files (and therefore the autocompletion files) should be in there, too. As said, dpkg lists them (isn’t this showing all files which are included in the package/were copied?)08:17
tomreynseamammal: if your hardware is good enough, you could run windows in a VM under Ubuntu.08:22
seamammali will deinstall it first and see then how it goes thanks08:25
pafymycBefore systemd, what was "service apache2 restart" doing? I remeber it was calling /etc/init.d/...08:35
pafymycWas it what we call "upstart" or is it something else?08:36
pafymycor was it called supervisord?08:37
matsamanpafymyc: upstart08:37
matsamanand before that sysvinit08:37
pafymycmatsaman, for ubuntu 14.04, was it upstart?08:38
pafymyc$ which service => /usr/sbin/service08:38
matsaman'service' is on top08:38
pafymycwhat do you mean by on top?08:39
matsamandoesn't indicate strictly whether it's upstart or systemd08:39
pafymyccat /usr/sbin/service: # A convenient wrapper for the /etc/init.d init scripts.08:39
matsamanwell there you have it08:39
pafymycbut it does not mention upstart08:40
matsamanindicates nothing in particular, like I said08:40
matsamanyou can use 'service' with more than one init system08:40
EriC^^pafymyc: sudo ls -l /proc/1/exe08:40
matsamandpkg -l | egrep -i 'systemd|upstart'08:40
pafymycon 14.04, /proc/1/exe -> /sbin/init08:41
pafymycso it's not systemd, but i don't know exactly what we call "upstart"08:41
matsamanupstart is upstart08:41
matsamanit's an init system08:41
pafymycohh it's like sysinitv?08:42
matsamanit's an alternative to sysvinit, yes08:42
matsamanas is systemd (although systemd has so much feature creep it does a lot more)08:42
EriC^^iirc systemd started with 15.0408:43
pafymycthanks matsaman! as a TL;DR, 14.04: upstart, 15.04+: systemd   and when was the older system?08:43
doevAnyone here who manually install nvidia-XXXX-.run?08:43
matsamanpafymyc: 6.1008:43
doevHow can I update/install a newer version of the driver?08:43
matsamanpafymyc: sorry, 6.10 was first with upstart08:44
matsamanso <6.10 was regular sysvinit08:44
matsamandoev: download it, do the .run again08:44
matsamandoev: or switch to the in-repository version08:44
matsamanor use nouveau08:44
pafymycmatsaman, ohhh thanks!08:45
doevbut what about cuda? does it still fit the new version?08:45
pafymycbecause I have /etc/init.d/*   i always thought 14.04 had "sysvinit"08:45
matsamandoev: probably, but I'm sure nvidia's website would say08:45
pafymyc"init.d" => sysvinit, but so, this is wrong?08:45
matsamanpafymyc: proof, I suppose, that even Canonical is less bonkers than Red Hat when it comes to trying to reinvent the init system08:46
doevI should go with the nvidia-docker container and don't care about cuda on the host.08:46
matsamanpafymyc: I don't know, if you've got upstart and you probably have, then it's probably wrong, yes08:46
matsamanpafymyc: dpkg -l | grep -i upstart08:46
pafymycmatsaman, upstart is done by canonical, or is it a debian specific init?08:49
matsamanbut most things from Canonical die because they don't really have the developers08:49
matsamanso when Debian switched to systemd so did Ubuntu08:49
fubMaybe someone else has a hint: Installed fzf on ubuntu 20. dpkg -L tells me there is a file in /use/share/docs/ from this package which I need. But the file is not there. How can this be?09:05
EriC^^fub: maybe you need to install a doc related package for fzf09:05
fubEriC^^: but there is only the „fzf“ package09:05
fubalso, why does dpkg -L fzf list this file then?09:06
EriC^^whats the name of the file09:06
tomreyn!info fzf09:06
ubottufzf (source: fzf): general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.0-1 (focal), package size 932 kB, installed size 3024 kB09:06
fubits "/usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh"09:08
EriC^^!find /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh09:08
ubottuPackage/file /usr/share/doc/fzf/examples/key-bindings.zsh does not exist in focal09:08
fub$ dpkg -L fzf | grep key-bindings.zsh09:09
tomreyndid you maybe move it out of the way after installing the package?09:10
pafymycthanks matsaman for the info09:10
fubno, its a completly fresh installation I am setting up09:10
fubin a docker container09:10
pafymycso "service apache restart2" uses upstart under the hood with 14.04, but the same command uses systemd for 15.04+?09:11
fubtomreyn: https://dpaste.org/WTxj09:11
tomreynthe file is indeed containe din the fzf amd64 binary package for 20.04 LTS09:11
tomreynfub: if the file had been moved previously, the package not purged, and that's where you started the actions displayed on your pastebin post, this woul dbe the expected outcome.09:14
fubtomreyn: but as you can see in the paste, its a complete fresh ubuntu container09:14
tomreynpafymyc: anything before ubuntu 16.04 LTS is not supported here (see /topic). for historic discussion, you could try #ubuntu-discuss09:14
tomreynfub: hmm, yes, that's surprising. maybe this is not a default ubuntu image?09:16
EriC^^fub: what's the output of "apt-cache show fzf"09:17
EriC^^particularly "Filename"09:17
fubFilename: pool/universe/f/fzf/fzf_0.20.0-1_amd64.deb09:18
fubcomplete output: https://dpaste.org/RGHN09:18
pafymyctomreyn, it's not for support, it's just for historic understanding of how things changed along the years09:20
fubEriC^^: when I download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fzf/fzf_0.20.0-1_amd64.deb, do an md5sum, its the same as the hash in the paste from me09:20
tomreynpafymyc: see, and this channel is just for support.09:20
EriC^^fub: i have the file here09:21
fubWhen I download it, the key-bindings.zsh is in there09:21
fubSo the only possibility is that apt is removing it after installing it?!09:21
tomreynfub: that's why i'm asking about your ubuntu docker image. related? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=97357009:22
ubottuDebian bug 973570 in fzf "fzf: keybinding files should be installed under /etc" [Normal,Open]09:22
fubtomreyn: interesting, maybe this is related09:23
tomreynunfortunately it happens on a daily basis that people ask for support with something they think is ubuntu and must behave like ubuntu because it said "ubuntu" somewhere when they set it up. but it isn'T.09:23
tomreynand then you have these lengthy gussing games here until we find out, sometimes after hours, that's not actually ubuntu09:24
fubokay, I did not know the docker ubuntu image is different09:24
tomreynyeah, know what you'Re running09:24
fubI did look at /etc/issue so I assumed its a default ubuntu09:25
tomreynif you don't know how it was setup in the first place you can't know it's ubuntu, and moreover, you can't trust it.09:25
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fubso this is why its not copied: https://dpaste.org/GrzC09:27
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fubI emptied this file, it works now, thanks for your help!09:33
fradi can use mkvmerge to trim a video, but that will cut a bit at the end and another bit at the beginning. Now, I want to get rid of 4 sections within a mkv file: I want to get rid of minutes 4 to 6, 18 to 21, 1:34:01 to 1:35:56... and still have a single mkv file in the end. Is mkvmerge the tool for this?10:12
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lotuspsychjefrad: maybe a question for ##linux or #ubuntu-studio also have volunteers with media editing12:52
tollosz1Hi people, somebody knows a bash script for ffmpeg for convert all files and subfolders? I found so far only this bash script > https://ghostbin.com/paste/bocDf12:53
BluesKajHi folks12:56
lotuspsychjetollosz1: a question for ##linux or ##ffmpeg perhaps?12:59
mendihi guys is there any way to install Pop Shop on ubuntu?13:00
oerhekspop shop? do you have an URL?13:01
mendiit's pop-os's shop, it's much more superior than our snap store because it lets you choose if you want the deb or the snap13:02
oerheksoh pop os, not supported here, join #system76 for that13:02
oerheksit is their adapted ubuntu spinnoff13:03
Deknoshey, i have a ubuntu server VM. which packages do i have to install to convert/adapt it to an desktop system? just sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop?13:03
mendior is there anyway to revert back to the deb store? i really hate snaps13:04
lotuspsychjemendi: to divide snaps from apt packages you can divide snap-store vs gnome-software and synaptic13:04
oerheksmendi,  nope.13:05
oerheksnot our project, ask #system7613:05
mendii meant the pre 20.04 shop13:05
mendithat didn't have those nasty snaps13:05
lotuspsychjeDeknos: you could try asking #ubuntu-server, but i think its better/faster to install clean, depending of your use case ofc13:07
mendiapt install gnome-software seems to have done the trick thanks lotuspsychje13:07
mendisome apps still appear as coming from snapcraft.io though, do I have to remove them from apt lists?13:09
oerhekssnaps are not stored in apt lists, they are seperate13:09
oerheksif you don't like snaps, hop distro13:09
mendiisn't there any other way of removing snaps13:11
razorbackI'm installing Ubuntu 20.04.1 on VirtualBox. I open Software Updater, it installs most updates properly. It gets to linux-headers-5.8.0-41-generic and it doesn't go any further. I can't open any application (nothing happens after I click them) and if I hard-reset the machine, wallpaper and all the icons, textures and applications are gone from the13:13
razorbackGUI. During the process of software update, system keeps writing to the disk constantly (in the amounts of gigabytes) before I hard-reset it.13:13
mendiwill try this thanks13:14
tollosz1@razorback, change distro or VM software13:15
tollosz1could also be a bug13:15
mendiwait gnome is a snap in ubuntu?13:15
oerheksmendi, yes, some parts are snaps13:16
razorbacktollosz1: ahah, I'm acutally installing Ubuntu VM on an Ubuntu host.13:16
tshirtmanhello, i finaly tried to upgrade my ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, update-manager was not willing to go through for some reason, so i tried the old fashion way of updating /etc/apt-sources.list to replace bionic with focal and things didn't go well, so i'm in a tty now, trying to give the right directions to apt to get out of there, it seems one of the issues is python3 versions incompatibilities, python3 and13:17
tshirtmanlibpython3 depend on python3.6 but a lot of python3 libs are asking for 3.8, apt policy does show me an update of python3/libpython3-dev to 3.8, but apt is not willing to install it, and it's not willing to uninstall python3 either (as many many things depend on it of course), any direction?13:17
tollosz1@razorback, tried the terminal? Or just the GUI updater?13:18
tshirtmani did try a long list of packages to remove and reinstall later, but it's seems that's as low as i'm able to go in amount of conflicts http://sprunge.us/CIn6Nm13:19
Maiktollosz1: " old fashion way of updating /etc/apt-sources.list " is NOT the recommended way13:19
razorbacktollosz1: currently the GUI updater, on the third try it seems to have moved beyond that package so I'll see what happens13:19
Maik tshirtman13:19
tshirtmanMaik: yeah i guess13:19
tshirtmanbut update-manager was not cutting it :|13:19
Maiktollosz1: my reply wasn't mean't for you :)13:20
tollosz1I would say its a bug13:20
Maiktshirtman: there are many tutorials out there on you to do it properly13:20
Maikgot distracted here... doh13:21
tshirtmanhm, no worries, i tend not to rely on tutorials, as i've seen how wrong they can be on the stuff i know about13:21
chovy.s gme13:22
mywsbbotGME: $ 313.02 -11.98 -3.69% After Hours Volume: 1.73M13:22
lotuspsychjechovy: no bots here13:23
tshirtmanMaik: but i'll dig, do you think it's salvageable, or should i cut my losses and install again? (though i would prefer to avoid that, as that would mean a lot of things to tweak again)13:23
chovylotuspsychje: ok13:23
mendiwhat is core18 used for13:25
razorbackI wonder is executing that tutorial messes up your system13:25
TJ-tshirtman: what does this report? "LANG=C apt-get -o Debug::pkgDepCache::Marker=true -f install"13:26
lotuspsychjemendi: snap info snap-name-here13:28
mendi"Runtime environment based on Ubuntu 18.04"13:29
mendido snaps run on top of core18?13:29
tshirtmanTJ-: http://sprunge.us/7Y5JJA13:29
lotuspsychje!discuss | mendi13:29
ubottumendi: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:29
mendithanks I'm just trying to make sure I don't break anything while unsnapping my system13:30
chietahow to make sure the wireless card installed properly?13:32
chietai see wlp5s0 on ifconfig13:32
lotuspsychjechieta: check; sudo lshw -C network to check13:32
lotuspsychjechieta: at bottom driver=....13:33
tshirtmanTJ-: i went on with it, but no dice http://sprunge.us/oLO1CA13:33
chietalotuspsychje: network disabled... but listed ar9285 wireless Network adapter13:34
chietafrom Qualcomm Atheros13:34
lotuspsychjechieta: can you pastebin for the volunteers to see please?13:35
TJ-tshirtman: there's a sneaky workaround than may help you, if you can install and run LXD containers13:35
chietaplease wait lotuspsychje13:35
tshirtmanTJ-: i have docker working apparently13:36
tshirtmanand i do have a 20.04 image in there13:36
TJ-tshirtman: as in, create a 20.04 container with the same set of packages in it you need on the host, then copy the essential parts into the host to 'fix' the severe breakages until the host can recover on its own. You'd need a 'system' container (LXD) rather than application container (Docker/LXC)13:36
tshirtmanah, i have no experience with these, but i can have a look, thanks :)13:37
* enyc meows13:37
enychrrm 20.04.2 soon13:37
TJ-tshirtman: creating an LXD 20.04 container is relatively easy, assuming lxd will initially 'init' ("lxd init") and choose 'dir' storage when asked, accept defaults for all others13:38
TJ-tshirtman: then you create a new container with "lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 u2004" and enter it with "lxc exec u2004 bash"13:39
tshirtmanTJ-: thanks, container creation in progress13:41
tshirtmanwill it take significant space on my system? as i only have 5G free right now, but i can make space :)13:43
tshirtmannevermind, i'm in :)13:43
chietalotuspsychje: https://bpa.st/B2NYO13:43
Maikenyc: already on 20.04.2 like all the users who run the LTS release and kept updating as should13:44
chietanetwork disabled on wireless card13:44
tshirtmanTJ-: so i get the copy of manually selected packages from my current system, install these there and resolve possible conflicts, and then sync the two systems somehow?13:44
lotuspsychjechieta: does your wifi have a switch? is your system up to date to latest?13:45
TJ-tshirtman: because it is 'dir'ectory storage, once you've ensured it has everything you want, you could 'exit' it and then copy dirs/files out of it to the host, files will be at, or near,  /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/default/containers/u2004/rootfs/13:45
enycMaik: o thats interesting  I guess its' just new-disk-images being finalized now?13:46
TJ-tshirtman: if you create a 20.04 container it'll be pristine and perfect. It may already be sufficient to enable you to fix python3 on the host sufficiently to help the host recover and complete the release-upgrade13:46
Maikenyc: new iso's will be released february 4th13:47
Maikwhy would you need a new iso if you run 20.04 already and updated them13:47
enycMaik: wouldn't but interestied in what process going on still =)13:48
Maikthe iso's are just up to date images with applied bugfixes13:48
chietalotuspsychje: this is lenovo g460 ... it must be fn+F5 but not working13:48
chietaany idea?13:48
enycMaik: not quite that simple, may have hwe kernel and so on13:48
lotuspsychjechieta: uname -a please?13:48
Maikenyc: nope13:48
chietabut the button f5 do work13:48
oerheksdriverversion=5.4.0-26-generic firmware=N/A  ...13:48
chietai hardly found the switch13:49
Maikenyc: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/improvements-for-hardware-support-in-ubuntu-desktop-installation-media/2060613:49
chietaLinux lubuntu 5.4.0-26-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 20 16:58:30 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:49
lotuspsychje!uptodate | chieta13:49
ubottuchieta: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.13:49
TJ-chieta: what does this show? "pastebinit <( rfkill list )"13:50
Maikenyc: the installer chooses which kernel you get13:50
Maikbut that's more a discussion for in -discuss i guess13:51
enycMaik: there have been lots of complaints about ryzen etc. not booting (hence not installable) in k5.413:51
seamammali sthere any advice for a vpn for ubuntu?13:56
seamammali already have vpn for windows but i swtiched to ubuntu and now my windows vpn doesnt work as i didnt figure out wine yet13:56
seamammalis there a very cheap or free vpn for ubuntu13:56
lotuspsychjeseamammal: there are several vpn clients on both apt and snap13:57
seamammalfor a price i guess13:57
lotuspsychjeseamammal: but we focus more on ubuntu support questions in this channel13:57
enycseamammal: very much suspect trying to ''wine'' a windows client is not a good idea at all,  network interfering,  etc...13:57
seamammalok nop13:57
seamammalso you say my windows vpn wouldnt work anyways in wine/ubunut13:57
TJ-seamammal: Linux has many VPN options built in; most recent and most peformant is Wireguard13:57
seamammalnice to know13:57
Maikseamammal: searching the web gave any results?13:57
seamammali will have to buy an ubuntu vpn13:58
seamammalmaik yes but its confusing which one is the best13:58
TJ-seamammal: more traditional is openvpn although that is less performant13:58
seamammaland none is for free13:58
enycseamammal: ubuntu networkmanager has facility to connect to certain vpn types...  you might whant to be clear what you are trying to achieve and why.13:58
seamammalthanks tj thas all i needed13:58
TJ-seamammal: VPN is a technology, not a service! There are services such as PIA that provide end-points to connect your VPN to before routing to Internet13:59
Maikseamammal: best is a matter of personal experience and opinion13:59
seamammalis there a chan for vpn chats?14:06
lotuspsychje!chat | seamammal14:06
ubottuseamammal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:06
tangaroraso why does ubuntu ignore my preference for swap size (preseed)? Hibernate will not work with a tiny swap space...14:06
chieta  TJ-: https://bpa.st/ZOKTM14:06
chietathanks for pastebinit14:07
tangaroraIs there a clear description of how ubuntu sets up swap.14:07
seamammali made the install of openvpn but now it says download the .ovpn file and import it in your OpenVPN client.14:07
seamammalwhere do i find that14:07
tangarorathere is a /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap_1 but when I look in crypttab there is nothing...14:08
tangaroraIn fstab it just says /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap_114:08
tangaroraso where does it map to???14:08
TJ-chieta: will "sudo rfkill unblock phy0" and then "rfkill list" show phy0 as Soft blocked: no ?14:11
TJ-seamammal: that sounds as if it assumes you've already got an openvpn service provider that provides the config (.ovpn) file for you14:12
seamammali cannot even navigate ubuntu as i do in windows (from file explorer) so ...14:13
oerheksseamammal, see, ubuntu is more safe than ..14:13
TJ-tangarora: what does "cat /proc/swaps" report?14:14
tangaroraTJ-: Ill check14:16
TJ-tangarora: recent releases use a swapfile rather than a paritition14:16
TJ-or even a partition :)14:16
chietaTJ-: https://bpa.st/MO2JM14:20
chietabut still14:20
TJ-chieta: well! that is unexpected but good news! That should only have affected the Soft block. Hard block is linked to a physical switch14:21
tangarorawont paste14:21
tangarorabut points to /dev/dm14:22
TJ-chieta: so now let's find out what the state of the network is: show us "nmcli radio"14:22
tangaroramut there is no swapfile... somewhare it should point to the file14:23
tangarorathe device name is dm-114:23
TJ-tangarora: OK, so it's using /dev/dm-1 which presumably is symlinked from /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap_1 ?14:24
tangarorano... no symlink...14:26
chietaTJ-: im using wireless Lan14:26
TJ-tangarora: so "ls -l /dev/mapper/" doesn't show vgubuntu-swap_1 as a symlink to a /dev/dm-* ?14:27
TJ-chieta: nice :)14:27
tangarorabut: /dev/mapper/crypt_volume-swap_1 -> ../dm-114:27
chietawhat happened actually TJ-:14:27
tangaroraso the mapper links to the device... but what is the device?14:27
TJ-tangarora: that's what I said!14:27
tangaroraI heard the other way around14:28
TJ-tangarora: it is the device-mapper target, which is an LVM logical volume14:28
tangaroraOK, wich one?14:28
tangaroraI only have one and that is the root14:28
TJ-tangarora: it shows you in the /dev/mapper/ naming! Volume Group = vgubuntu Logical Volume  = swap_114:30
chietalotuspsychje: yes the fn +f5 works well here14:30
tangaroraBut the wierd thing is that I have one LVM with one encrypted partition in it, containing one filesystem...14:32
tangaroraso where is the actual swap?14:32
tshirtmanTJ-: apparently i'm unstuck, comparing the var/log/status between the container and the host made me want to try some more with dpkg -r as it allows a bit more atomic operations than apt, and i could remove the things depending on python3.6, and then python3.6 itself, and then get apt install -f to actually want to do stuff :) thanks for the support :)14:32
TJ-tangarora: where is this encrypted partition?14:32
TJ-tshirtman: well done!14:32
tshirtmanvar/dpkg/status actually but you might have guessed14:33
tangaroraon vda214:33
tshirtmanyeah, that ^^'14:33
TJ-tangarora: but my point is, where is this 'LVM' (I presume you mean a VG) with this encrypted LV in it? if you don't see it in /dev/mapper/  and 'vgdisplay' doesn't report it then as far as this system is concerned it doesn't exist14:34
tangaroraDevice     Boot   Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type14:37
tangaroraok pasting has limits here14:39
tangarorathis is the output from fdisk14:39
tangarorathere is a restore partition ext414:40
tangaroraextended part wiht a logical in iti14:40
TJ-tangarora: and you say one of those is encrypted? what does "sudo blkid" report?14:43
tangarorathis: https://pastebin.com/kyU8zahi14:45
TJ-tangarora: so what is the precise problem? You've got a "/dev/mapper/crypt_volume-swap_1" but in /etc/fstab you apparently have "/dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap_1" which doesn't exist so no swap14:56
=== hugh_marera63 is now known as hugh_marera
=== thegodsq- is now known as thegodsquirrel
gazbyI determined the cause of the drop to grub console last night. If you rename the grub distributor (for example, if you had multiboot and didn't want all the installs to show as "ubuntu in UEFI), then clear out the EFI partition, and reinstall grub to it, grub will write to the new distributor name but the shim is hardcoded to search for config in \EFI\ubuntu, so the config has to be there. I have no solution to this, just the15:57
gazby workaround of copying the config from the real grub directory to "ubuntu".15:57
TJ-gazby: could use MOK (Machine Owners Key) to install your own signing key and therefore control that?15:58
gazbyThanks TJ-, but I'd have to rebuild and sign a separate UEFI shim.That feels...more painful I'd like lol.16:01
gazbyI'm hopeful there's a solution for multiple installs that I'm missing.16:01
gazbyIt feels a bit wrong that all the documentation around renaming the UEFI boot menu entries suggests you change the grub distributor, but that from then onward the grub menu will never be updated?16:04
gazbyAnd it seems to still keep adding boot entries for "ubuntu" regardless.16:04
TJ-gazby: how about not using shim? see https://www.rodsbooks.com/efi-bootloaders/secureboot.html#add_keys16:07
gazbySorry s/shim/grub/. The grub EFI stub is where the hardcoded config location lies.16:09
B0g4r7I just wanted to complain about snap.  I have 19 loopback devices cluttering up my list of mount points now thanks to snap just because I installed things.  OK I'm done now.16:19
jeremy31B0g4r7: I don't think any devs are here, most of us are just users16:21
MikeRLAnyone know why a system would pick up system but not user flatpaks in GNOME Software and the terminal?16:21
gazbyB0g4r7: Just remove it. So far the only hard dependency is chromium, but there's a PPA workaround for that.16:25
MaikMikeRL: flatpaks aren't include by default on ubuntu unless you add them yourself?16:26
B0g4r7gazby, hmm, I'll look into that.  I'm seeing snap mount points now associated with gnome and gtk as well as applications.16:27
MikeRLMaik, yes.16:29
MikeRLBut the flatpak support channel on freenode looked dead last time.16:29
MikeRLWas wondering if anyone here knew how to get user flatpaks vs system ones. The system ones tend to be outdated and abandoned.16:30
Maikhmmm... i never used flatpaks so i can't be of any help. Sorry.16:30
gazbyB0g4r7: Definitely double-check, but my understanding is that those would be dependencies for other snaps already installed, and not dependended upon by the system.16:30
MikeRLThanks anyway. If anyone sees the post and figures it out, answer ofc. I'll try my luck elsewhere as well. Thanks regardless.16:32
gazbyMikeRL: Are you on a system that you don't administer and the administrator never updates the flatpaks? Or some other kind of setup? A `sudo flatpak update -y` should update all flatpaks on your system.16:32
MikeRLgazby, I own the machine.16:32
MikeRLgazby, There are user and system flatpaks. Nothing to do with root, though.16:33
MikeRLThink I found something. Tried using Google instead of my normal search.16:34
gazbyMikeRL: There are runtime versions and whatnot that would be deprecated, but a user vs. system flatpak would still be the same code just installed/running from a different location. What's deprecated/abandoned for the system would be deprecated/abandoned for the user.16:36
MikeRLThen why on my laptop did I get an older version of flatpaks for the system vs the user? I ran "flatpak update"16:36
MikeRLI'll provide an example.16:37
MikeRLNVM. It may take me a while to find one.16:39
MikeRLI want to try a user install first and see if that fixes the issue. Maybe I wasn't running the correct update command.16:39
gazbyIf an older version of a runtime or some such was installed as a dependency at system, then at a later time the same application installed but with an updated dependency at user, it might appear that the system is out of date. I can't think of another circumstance for what you're describing.16:40
thelounge5950I reinstalled this morning and can't for the life of me find where I customized yakuake keyboard shortcuts (new tab, next tab, etc). Anyone know?16:53
Sven_vBhow can I find what the -lm option does in clang? I can't find it in http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/clang.1.html16:55
masterkorpHello, can anyone help why does not clinfo list my devices ? https://pastebin.com/X9x79tUV16:56
masterkorphttps://pastebin.com/zgfkMek8 I have 4 boards there connected and they are listed by lscpi16:58
hyblai have a text file with a list of http mirrors of a file and i would like to know which is the fastest one, how can i do that with standard tools like wget or curl?16:58
masterkorpAny ideas ?17:00
gazbyhybla: netselect will work on a list of hostnames (i.e. it doesn't have to be repo mirrors).17:04
hyblagazby is there something similar also for throughtput?17:10
arunashey guys17:16
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gazbyhybla: Nothing quite so straightforward, but you could adapt something like this: https://askubuntu.com/a/71955117:29
hyblagazby: thanks will look into it17:33
vmnewGRUB 2 installation issue  - I am seeing "guessed root_dev ''lvmid/.....'" BUT I''ve removed all EFI/notations of that lvmid before running grub--install, where is it taking that lvmid?17:46
TJ-vmnew: from what is currently mounted17:47
vmnewTJ-, Can I install grub with the disk unmounted?17:48
TJ-vmnew: if you configure every aspect that grub-mkimage/grub-install/grub-mkconfig/update-grub requires17:50
TJ-vmnew: part of what grub-install/grub-mkimage do is understand the running system and figure out which device drivers need to be included in GRUB's core image, which is built and linked by them (aside from if you're using UEFI pre-signed core image)17:51
vmnewTJ-, I17:52
vmnewTJ-, I'm actually trying to install grub on a secondary disk, then swap disks, and boot it, for some reason I am getting lvmid ... not found, even though it;s the correct lvmid, so I tried to avoid that and use the disk's UUID17:54
TJ-vmnew: you're trying to direct GRUB to install itself on a different device to the one it booted from?17:55
TJ-vmnew: does the other device have a separate installation of an OS, or are you only trying to create the GRUB EFI boot-loader on the other device?17:56
vmnewTJ-, Separate  -- It's an interesting case I have a working instance, got my friends secondary disk with no grub, in which I am trying to salvage and get booted up (after a disk swap on a new instance) on AWS, so no interactive console as well. But as grub-install gets a 'device'- /dev/xvdf for example. It''s doable even without chroot17:58
TJ-vmnew: You'd do best with a chroot with devtmps procfs sysfs mounted into it - it needs to get the identities of the root-fs/EFI of that second device18:00
TJ-vmnew: otherwise it'll be using those from the running OS device18:00
vmnewTJ-,  that's the crazy bit, it the error message states a correct lvmid from the secondary disk, but for some reason doesn't find it. I'll retry chrooting18:02
TJ-vmnew: also, assuming there are entries in the target's /etc/fstab always ensure all 'auto' entries are mounted, as in "chroot /target mount -a"18:04
TJ-vmnew: that ensures things like EFI-SP are mounted18:04
=== Panther is now known as Guest71098
=== AvengingAngel is now known as Panther
|izzieHi all, I'm having a problem connecting to my printer since i upgraded to 20.04.19:36
svctcan somebody please help me get audio working, it started with speakers going into power saving mode/shutting down after going to sleep for longer periods of time and I had to reboot every time after that so I tried unmuting all the devices in alsamixer and then my audio stopped working completely so I uninstall pulseaudio so I don't20:09
svcthave to wonder if that's what's causing the issue and it still isn't20:09
svctcan I just completely reinstall all the sound related stuff? if so how? I really need to get audio working till tomorrow20:10
svctnvm I reinstall pulseaudio and it's working for some reason20:12
kk4ewtpulseaudio -k next time20:19
tangaroraTJ-: There is a swap of like 900MB which is useless...20:30
tangaroraTJ-: anyway... I need it to be more than ram. to support hibernate20:30
oerhekshybernate and encrypted disk?20:36
TJ-tangarora: that's why Ubuntu switched from partitions to a file as installed RAM sizes increased - making allocation of space more flexible.20:40
tangaroraTJ - I also makes hibernation impossible...20:49
tangaroraTJ- : my preseed configs etc are in this bash library: https://github.com/vonschutter/RTD-Build/raw/master/System_Setup/_rtd_library20:50
tangaroraIt builds all sorts of vm and pysical system sjust fine... ingoring anything I say about swap...20:51
tangaroraTJ- so is there an easy way to simply grow the swap to 200% ram21:02
Tas-sosI have a laptop with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and kernel 5.8.0-41-generic21:20
Tas-sosthe wifi card sometimes disapears from all menus/settings and the only solution is to reinstall it with the follwing command21:21
Tas-sossudo apt-get reinstall rtl8821ce-dkms21:21
Tas-sosI cannot understand why I have this problem..21:22
Tas-sosit does not happen every day21:23
jeremy31Tas-sos: That is interesting as the dkms install should build a new driver for any kernel update21:29
Tas-sosXmm... so for every new kernel update need to rebuild it ?21:31
Tas-sos:-/ Why?21:32
Tas-sosIn this particular laptop I have Ubuntu for more than a year, but this problem first appeared a few months ago. Why now ?21:32
jeremy31Tas-sos: There might be an issue with the rtl8821ce-dkms, you could follow instructions at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/b1305554de4e149c751c94004af49855 and remove the rtl8821ce-dkms and see if it is better21:33
Tas-sosjeremy31: Thanks for that, thanks for help21:46
Tas-soscan I trust this repository ?  tomaspinho /21:46
Tas-sosgithub.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce   ?21:46
Tas-sosWhy this isn't in official Ubuntu repositories  ?21:47
jeremy31Tas-sos: I am sure that github is what the rtl8821ce-dkms is based on, but rtl8821ce-dkms might not be as current as what github is21:48
Tas-soshm... so at some point in the future, it will be added to the official sources?22:04
jeremy31Tas-sos: Likely in the future.  To find what the problem is, the next time wifi disappears, in terminal check, dmesg | grep 8821ce22:05
Tas-sosbut where are the official sources (as this driver was pre-installed) ?22:07
Tas-sosWhat repositories does it come from?22:07
tangaroranon of these work: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1240123/how-to-enable-hibernate-option-in-ubuntu-20-0422:08
tangaroraIs it now possible to be secure (encrypted disk) and have resume (from swapfile)?!22:09
tangaroraOr not?22:09
jeremy31Tas-sos: It looks like it is in the focal universe repo22:09
Tas-sosjeremy31: Oh! Thanks about the "dmesg | grep 8821ce"  Yes you are right! I will run it and share the result with you so we can discuss it22:09
jeremy31Tas-sos: wait for it to fail first, then copy and save results as a text file to upload to paste.ubuntu.com and post a link22:10
Tas-sos"it is in the focal universe repo"  what mean that ?22:11
Tas-sosYes, yes.. so for now I will remain to dissapeared again ( before I use the above solution from gitHub.com repository )22:11
Tas-sosand the I run the   dmesg   command  to paste the results here with you :-)22:12
jeremy31Tas-sos: I have been recommending that github site for at least 2 years so I do have some faith in it22:12
Tas-sosOK I understand and I trust you too.. and I realy thank you very mutch for this! I realy thank you for all the info22:14
Tas-sosbut, first I would like to see better what is happening and wait for a official solution22:15
javi404is there a net install iso or a better / updated guide to install focal from tftp?22:16
jeremy31Tas-sos: An official solution would be obtained by filing a bug report @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug the next time it happens22:16
Tas-sosOK! In the next time, firstly I share it here with you, and after that I also paste it in launchpad to as better I can with full info :-)22:18
Tas-sosI will be very happy to help even in this way.22:20
=== Ringtailed_Fox is now known as RingtailedFox
adam4567Ubuntu 18.04, hangs when Samsung Android connected, trying to mount MTP22:36
adam4567Any MTP pointers, checks or fixes, most appreciated22:37
adam4567File Manager hangs, circular 'mounting' waiting graphic. I can 'unmount' from File Manager, there's that option, but its no good as Mount operation hasn't completed22:39
de-factois there any option to set the audio to a fixed value? it jitters and crackles because the volume slider wildly jumps around on its own22:46
de-factoi dont what that volume is adjusted at all, only a fixed level and it should never change on it own at all22:46
de-factocan i uninstall something that allows for volume adjustment?22:47
de-factoopening pavcontrol stopped this madness for some reason22:50
abesabI have an Ubuntu 20 LTS machine that has no desktop environment. I want to add the official desktop environment to it. Should I be installing ubuntu-gnome-desktop or ubuntu-desktop ? Or something else entirely?23:19
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gazbyabesab: You can also consider vanilla-gnome-desktop which excludes the Canonical customizations23:40
abesab@gazby Thanks, I'll check that out as well. I will need to examine the various options.23:50
abesabI am looking at these 2 pages: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/ubuntu-gnome-desktop and https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/ubuntu-desktop23:51
abesabIt seems that ubuntu-gnome-desktop is a "metapackage" that depends on ubuntu-desktop (which is also itself a "metapackage"). Am I understanding that correctly?23:51
Bashing-omabesab: No longer so - see ' apt show ubuntu-gnome-desktop ' .23:53
abesabBashing-om: I'm a bit confused. Didn't ubuntu switch back to using Gnome?23:57
Bashing-omabesab: Yes - but ubuntu-gnome-desktop is no longer a meta-package.23:58

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