
xavpaicehey there, is there a way to get logs for the openstack API calls the controller is making during `juju add-machine --constraints "instance-type=kubernetes-xxlarge zones=k8s-rack3"` ?03:45
xavpaiceI need to know what it's requesting, and which openstack user it's using to confirm we have the quotas right03:45
xavpaiceI tried increasing the logging to DEBUG, but so far it just tells me that "ERROR juju.worker.provisioner provisioner_task.go:985 cannot start instance for machine "41": suitable availability zone for machine 41 not found".  There's two machines each for k8s-rack1 and k8s-rack2, but only one for k8s-rack3, and we already have machines on that AZ.  Is that the issue?  Capacity is fine, but maybe some anti-affinity thing going on?05:01
gnuoystickupkid, thanks for you help with getting the spaces patches landed.10:39
stickupkidgnuoy, more than happy to, anytime!10:40
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teldredgeDoes Juju select a MaaS machine entirely at random or is there a way to have it choose a machine closests to its CPU\RAM\HDD constraints?16:49
stickupkidteldredge, https://juju.is/docs/constraints16:50
teldredgeI understand it must choose a machine that satisfies the minimum constraints. I'm wondering if it's random from there. If the constraint is 4GB and it has an 8 and a 16 available- does it choose at random or select the 8 for being closer?16:53
stickupkidteldredge, It's what ever maas gives us back and we use that order, so I would say first one that meets the constraints17:28
stickupkidteldredge, if you want the 16GB one, then selecting anything higher than 8 will do the job17:28
teldredgeGotcha, I was hoping it would choose the closest match. I'm using Proxmox so I have a bunch of VMs MaaS can grab when it needs them so I was hoping to make it use the least resources needed, but I probably just need to use tags.17:32
teldredgeCurious if anyone has seen any projects deploying kubevirt with juju18:30
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teldredgeIf I bootstrap a juju-controller and use it to deploy a kubernetes cluster, do I have to deploy another juju-controller running in the cluster?20:45
teldredgeOr can I use the original juju-controller to control the Maas 'cloud' and the k8s cluster?20:45
thumperyou should be able to do the later21:09
thumperadding the k8s cluster to the controller21:09

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