
=== BrianG61UK is now known as BrianG61UK_
=== guiverc is now known as guiverc2
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Any idea why psmanfm-qt is storing list of bookmarks?17:00
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> It is not in ~/.config/pcmanfm-qt17:00
lubot[telegram] <matkoniecz> Solved by https://github.com/lxqt/pcmanfm-qt/issues/1181#issuecomment-67862797217:03
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> hello, i like compton so i started it at an old laptop but now screen has a problem, how to disable it ?18:28
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> i would like to have an option like "disable compton" for command line :D18:28
kc2bez[m]@tbs61 `killall compton` should stop it for your current session. You will want to remove it from your autostart in the session settings too.18:40
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest5872
=== _ is now known as Guest12967
=== tijara_ is now known as tijara

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