
Bashing-omabesab: See too: ' apt depends ubuntu-gnome-desktop ' .00:02
|izziehello all... ubuntu 20.04 doesn't recognize my printer.  Can someone help, please00:30
krytarikabesab: Yes, you are right on both accounts, the latter of which is also why the 'gnome' variant of it at the time was made a metapackage that depends on the 'ubuntu' one - the dedicated Gnome flavor of Ubuntu was ceased then.  So I'd just install 'ubuntu-desktop' now and be done.00:33
jayjoI have a webcam that after an extended period of time, sometimes about 24 hours but it varies, the webcam becomes unavailable to webrtc clients and to things like "cheese" for testing. After a restart it works OK. Is there a way to look into why the device is not found after a certain period of time? Are all webcams of a certain character devices handled by a certain tool or kernel driver to start looking?00:38
jayjoit shows up in `lsusb` whether or not it's usable or not00:45
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kinghathas anyone worked with refined or clover boot managers to get nvme support on older devices?01:20
kinghatyou basically just add nvme drivers to the bootloader so you can boot from nvme drive, but why cant you add that to ubuntu?01:23
kinghator is it because since the bios doesnt support it you need to use the bootloader w/nvme support to jump start the ubuntu boot?01:24
wrdoes 20.10 have a mini iso?01:46
sybaritendoes ubuntu (or lubuntu) typically do automount of USB devices? I'm talking mounting it all by itself without me touching the desktop, but after having inserted the stick/drive01:53
Bashing-omwr: So far i have found: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/20.10/ - https://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/ :D should I keep looking for you ?01:53
sybaritencause i see the partitions with "mount", but i didnt explicitly do anything. And they seem to have a mountpoint under /media/01:53
Bashing-omsybariten: Yes - see: ' man gvfs-mount ' .01:56
Ares_ExeIn RH I can use podman generate systemd to generate a file that I can run through systemd, is there something similar under ubuntu with docker?01:57
sybaritenBashing-om: ah. OK, hm. thanks. Actually i would like to unmount everything thats automounted then...01:57
Bashing-omsybariten: Never done it - but I bet there is a udev rule that will do that.01:58
sybaritenaha aha01:59
wrBashing-om, those links above 1GB02:00
sybaritenBashing-om: they are mounted under /media/lubuntu/ and i'm guessing that the "lubuntu" there is a user and not an OS name? Cause i also have a user with that name. It was what i entered the desktop with, but i'm loggin in over ssh with another user now. And that user doesnt seem to easily access the things that were automounted then02:01
Bashing-omsybariten: Security - in that no other can access another's files. You can change those ownerships however.02:04
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sybaritenBashing-om: yeah i think i'll just manually umount a list of devices (partitions) that i get through some hack of a script02:24
sybaritenor is there a log of what was automounted, that i can look directly at?  programmatically02:25
Bashing-omsybariten: Maybe look in /var/log/auth.log.1 ?02:35
sybaritenBashing-om: hmmm good suggestion but i think i only see the mount of the original usb disk i booted from02:43
sybaritennot disks i have connected afterwards02:44
Bashing-omsybariten: grep the syslog ?02:45
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sybaritenBashing-om: yep, there is some hint there, for sure. thanks. Interestingly enough, what i can see by looking for "mounts" of *sd* , is only the unmounts. However, these devices has also been mounted again after that, but then i think i only see references to the mount points. If you understand.02:58
sybaritenlike this. seems to be using the "Started Clean" for a mounting process, because this is exactly at the time it was inserted i think.        Feb  1 01:02:22 lubuntu systemd[1]: Started Clean the /media/lubuntu/F6E6-8BFF mount point.02:59
sybaritenF6E6blabla is then the name of the drive/mountpoint02:59
Bashing-omsybariten: the UUID F6E6-8BFF is indicative of a Windows file system - might get a bit more complex to mess about with under a linux system.03:02
sybaritenwell no, its... fine... the aim here is only to find the device names (for instance /dev/sdf1) of things that have been automounted, and unmount them03:03
sybariteni'll ask in #linux too and then ill hit the sack. Thanks for now!03:06
=== denningsrogue2 is now known as denningsrogue
LutinWhy does ubuntu change a netplan yaml when I clone a disk ?03:41
LutinBecause UUID changed or so ?03:42
LutinI have seen that more often and such change is weird to me03:42
Lutinaha I see03:46
Lutinthe clone is a snapshot03:46
fdelacruzi just installed ubuntu and the firt ssh i get Permission denied (publickey).03:47
fdelacruzremoved and one server with the same ip from known_hosts to no avail03:48
fdelacruzit just adds the new server ip but denies me access03:49
=== bparker_ is now known as bparker
fdelacruzwhy am i getting denied from my new local server?04:12
fdelacruzwhat can i change on the client cause i have no access to the server yet04:12
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deltabfdelacruz: it's been configured to expect publickey login, and you didn't provide the corresponding private key04:26
dabblerdudeHey everyone.04:27
dabblerdudeHow's it going?04:27
deltabfdelacruz: run ssh -i with the private key file, or run ssh-agent, run its output, and ssh-add the key file04:28
fdelacruzdeltab: that wont affect my other keys04:29
fdelacruzgithub mainly04:29
deltabfdelacruz: oh, if you already have an ssh-agent running, you can just add to that04:34
fdelacruzdeltab: this is all from my mac04:40
fdelacruzi have no access to my ubuntu server04:41
deltabhow did you set it up?04:41
fdelacruzssh -i with my private key did yield any good new04:46
fdelacruzdeltab: on a RP404:47
fdelacruztried a couple of other linuxes and this is the only giving me a headache04:48
fdelacruzi guess its secured04:48
fdelacruzbut no word of it in the guides04:48
deltabfdelacruz: how did you get the image that's installed?04:50
fdelacruzdeltab: i got it from raspberrypi.org04:53
TJ-fdelacruz: did you enable the ssh server ?04:54
fdelacruzTJ-: i havent been able to login once04:55
TJ-fdelacruz: as in https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/04:55
TJ-fdelacruz: see "2. Enable SSH"04:55
TJ-fdelacruz: or maybe you need to do 304:56
treats68Anyone know any secrets to fixing a mic that has perpetual low.  If I'm yelling at my computer, on playback it's barely audible.04:58
treats68I've tried all the various inputs and used pavucontrol.04:59
fdelacruzTJ-: i just tried 305:02
fdelacruzearlier followed this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9lH4R_TSrs05:02
fdelacruzdidnt know that 4hrs later id be stil at it05:03
deltabfdelacruz: your options are to turn on password login by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config, or to put your public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:03
fdelacruzdeltab: the content of my id_rsa.pub05:04
deltabfdelacruz: yes05:05
deltaba line starting "ssh-rsa AAA..."05:05
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fdelacruzdeltab: no cigar05:07
fdelacruzi wonder if this is a mac thing05:07
deltabfdelacruz: it's a your-server thing: it's configured to require a key, so you have to give it a key05:09
fdelacruzright which key?05:09
fdelacruzits configured like that by default05:09
deltabso who configured it?05:09
fdelacruzi just installed it05:10
fdelacruzthis is a headless install btw05:10
deltabwell I don't know how you got into this situation, but you'll need to edit one of those two files, or overwrite the whole image05:11
deltabdid you give a public key when you installed it?05:12
deltabcould someone else have logged into it first?05:13
fdelacruzi flashed the microSD card and that was it05:13
fdelacruzput it inside teh RP405:14
deltabI can only suggest doing that again then05:15
fdelacruzdeltab: thanks05:18
ASDXis there a some good doco on what's required for 'autoinstall'? or some way to verify your user-data file before attempting an install?05:49
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wiiwI use fvwm, how to auto getFocus when launch a program ?08:22
HashIn order to do disk passthrough, do you have to start vbox as root? I created a vmdk using -rawimage as sudo, and when I try to load the vmdk in virtualbox, it says no permission or something. What should one do in this situation? Start vbox as root or is there a setting which allows disk passthrough as user?08:27
damaltorhi all09:25
deltabHash: if it's running as a different user, you could allow that user access using chmod, chown, or setfacl09:40
Hashdeltab: I added the user to the 'disk' group09:42
HashThank you09:43
HashI think I got it so far. Will test more tomorrow09:43
loruHello everyone. On the latest 20.04 freshly updated, rebooted my server, "unknown filesystem btrfs" for my /home, I'm left out lol. Do you guys have an idea? I'm on kernel "5.4.0-65-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 17:25:17 UTC 2021", if that helps10:42
ripperaccording to this page              https://askubuntu.com/questions/1237337/how-to-install-ldoce5-viewer-on-ubuntu-20-04-64-bit10:48
lorufixed with a modprobe, will add it at boot10:48
lorucheers guys10:48
ripperi have problem with the sound part10:49
ripperappsrc.emit('push-buffer', Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped(self._data[:size].data()))10:49
rippercould you please help me ?10:50
ripperthe buffer doesn't play sound10:50
ripperi have aoss file installed too10:50
ripperDo you know how to set the script to play sounds with aoss not buffer?10:51
Monotokoif I want to modify my sources, am I still okay modifying sources.list directly or is there something else these days? (I'm working off 10 year old knowledge...)10:58
lotus|NUC!sources | Monotoko11:04
ubottuMonotoko: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:04
MonotokoThanks, for some reason the default setup is going to cn.archive.ubuntu.org which points to us.archive.ubuntu.org and is *very slow* in China11:05
MonotokoI've just switched it to a local mirror...11:05
cbreakmaybe the great firewall's out of capacity, blocking all the Tibet or Taiwan news11:06
Monotokooh, it's always been very slow downloading anything from outside... it's a delibrate annoyance11:07
cbreakif you verify hashes / signatures, then local mirrors should be fine.11:07
lotuspsychjeMonotoko: could it be your side, like router/firewall/vpn/proxy?11:07
cbreakas far as data integrity goes11:07
Monotokolotuspsychje: I've moved a few times and it's been like this for years, no VPN on right now... I've got about 700mb of updates11:08
lotuspsychjeMonotoko: if you sure its not your side you could ask for known issues at the #ubuntu-mirrors crew11:09
Monotokosure, I can put in a report11:09
ASDXis there a some good doco on what's required for 'autoinstall'? or some way to verify your user-data file before attempting an install?11:10
ripperDoes the {http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu} repository harmful to be in my repository list and get update?11:14
lotuspsychjeripper: what are you trying to do exactly?11:15
ripperI think i've been adding it by downloading some softwares before and today i suddenly noticed it in my udate repository list.so i just want to know if it is normal to have it there or not?11:17
lotuspsychjeripper: see the reccomended ubuntu sources on the factoid above ^^11:19
ripperlotuspsychje: i found it.I've added it when i wanted to install python.Do i still need it in my source list to be updated to get the python packages or not?11:32
lotuspsychjeripper: before you add other sources, use apt-cache search foo to see if it lists your favorite package11:33
lotuspsychjeripper: usualy we dont reccomend adding external sources or ppa's then the default ones11:38
ripperi see.thanks11:38
damaltor 11:39
ripperi'm affraid of being installed other packages from that ppa11:39
ripperwithout i know11:40
EriC^^ripper: that repo is supposed to be used to update EOL ubuntu11:44
EriC^^if you have to use it to download something old i'd remove it from the sources.list just in case11:44
ThinkT510ripper: python is a very important component of the base system in ubuntu. You really don't want to be changing the version. A lot of things will very likely break.11:45
ripperThinkT510: i see.but i've needed to use this package by the way.https://askubuntu.com/questions/1312070/sound-issue-of-ldoce5-viewer-written-in-python3-using-gstreamer11:47
ripperi've needed it as an old dependencies to install and use that package11:51
ThinkT510ripper: looks like ldoce5 hasn't seen any development since 2018. If it is using python2 then you are better off looking for an alternative.11:51
ThinkT510ripper: looks like the 2018 commit was a simple fix, the rest of the commits seem to be from 7 years ago. I think it is an abandoned project.11:55
ripperThinkT510:Do you mean the python2 will cause some instability in system?11:56
ThinkT510ripper: python2 is end of life, any software written in python2 will need to be ported to python3. I guess a lot of software in python2 is going to get abandoned due to lack of use.11:58
ripperi see11:58
YounderI just install Ubuntu 20.10 on  a 8Gb raspi 4. Found there are almost no snaps because the desktop version is so new. The command line utilities are much more complete as the Ubuntu server version has been around for some time.12:06
YounderAnyhow manage to install visual studio code and compile it from source. Any good recipe on how to make it into a snap?12:07
oerheksVS-code is amd64 only??? https://snapcraft.io/code12:11
Younderoerheks, yes. Ubuntu take 4 Gb to run and there seems no reason to make a arm32 version.12:39
Younderoerheks, VSC is written in javascript which is portable. The UI is blink engine which is ported to arm. The real problem is it needs python 2 which you need to download on 20.10. Also some clash between nodejs and the packages yarn download need to be untangled.12:42
Younderblink-engine is in chromium, opera etc12:43
oerhekspython2 is EOL, so i guess you want to use the version from https://code.visualstudio.com/download12:46
oerheksgood luck with that12:46
BluesKajHi folks12:53
slingamni'm trying to find reverse dependencies of a package in hirsute13:37
lotuspsychjeslingamn: apt policy packagename is what you need?13:39
slingamnhmm, i don't actually have hirsute installed13:40
slingamni'm trying to get this information from a website or something13:40
oerheksslingamn,  so check out launchpad + package + hirsute?13:44
lotuspsychjegood idea13:44
slingamni'm having trouble finding that information on either launchpad or packages.ubuntu.com13:45
oerhekswe have trouble finding out what package13:47
lotuspsychjewhats the magical package name slingamn13:48
lotuspsychje!info python3-requests hirsute13:49
ubottu'hirsute' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, u13:49
HamidrezaI would appreciate if you help me on : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/msz9trzTSB/13:51
lotuspsychjeno crosspost please Hamidreza13:51
Hamidrezalotuspsychje, I'm sorry I just update it13:51
oerheksapt-cache rdepends <package>13:54
BluesKajhirsute is actually valid, it's just not an official release OS atm, still under development13:55
random_programmeHi, I am trying to ssh into an Ubuntu VM and I am getting this error -13:57
random_programmeconnect to host *IP* port 22: Network is unreachable13:57
random_programmeDoes this mean that the VM is down or does it mean that the VM has crashed? Can theVM be restored if it’s the latter?13:57
oerheksI would question the host, \ random_programme13:58
oerheksdid ssh work before?13:58
random_programmeoerheks ssh was working before and I was running a command in the VM before the connection timed out. And from then on, I couldn't ssh into it again13:59
leftyfbrandom_programme: can you ping it?14:25
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svctHello, I have libx264-155 package preinstalled and I have a program which needs an older version libx264-152, should I uninstall the 155 version and then install the 152 or leave the 155 installed? I just don't want to break anything in case it's a dependency for a lot of things or smth14:38
drzacekHello there14:41
drzacekso I have some pendrive-distro here with, what looks like, ubuntu system14:42
drzacektrying to get python3 via apt install shows, that only python3.5 is available, which is a bit too old14:42
drzacekso could any of you kind sirs explain to me how do I tweak the sources.list to get the current "stable"?14:43
drzacekapparently the debian versioning scheme with "stable/testing/unstable" doesn't work here14:43
drzacekhttp://paste.debian.net/1183580/ where "stable" is, was "xenial" or something before14:45
svctyou can download the latest python3 from their website https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-391/14:46
drzaceksure, but I assume everything here is a bit out of date14:47
drzacekon the system I am on right now14:48
drzacekI just want to dist-upgrade14:48
svctsorry I can't help then14:48
drzacekbut don't know what codename I need to put in sources.list14:48
Maikdrzacek: create a new pendrive install with the latest LTS (20.04 focal)?14:53
drzacekwould rather not14:54
TJ-drzacek: altering sources.list isn't a good way to release-upgrade. Should use "release-upgrade" tool itself14:54
drzacekany issues with upgrading from older version?14:54
drzacekrelease-upgrade? what's that14:54
TJ-drzacek: best would be to reset sources.list to the matching entries, then use "do-release-upgrade"14:54
drzacekkeep in mind those are my first 10 minutes on ubuntu14:55
TJ-drzacek: you can discover the actual installed release with "cat /etc/lsb-release"14:55
drzacekDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS"14:56
SneakyNickHello everyone. I hope you're enjoying life.14:56
SneakyNickI'm one of those who still suffers from post traumatic stress following canonicals decision to abort unity.14:57
TJ-drzacek: this may give you some more understanding: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/upgrade-introduction14:58
leftyfb!ot | SneakyNick14:58
ubottuSneakyNick: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:58
svctyou can still use unity tho SneakyNick14:58
drzacekTJ-, thanks14:58
SneakyNickokay. I have an issue. I can't load UEFI Firmware setup. I have tried ALL the usual approached. And I have never had this problem before. I dual boot Windows and Ubuntu using an UEFI boot menu, not grub. In the menu I got 'setup' as one of the options. When I select it, the system respons as if I'm clicking on a broken link.15:02
SneakyNickI have tried Lenovo forum, but without any responses so far: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Yoga-Series-Notebooks/UEFI-firmware-setup-not-loading-even-when-using-novo-button/m-p/506363215:02
SneakyNickIt's a strange issue. Do you understand? It's as if you select 'setup' but it simply won't load.15:04
RoeyNone of my Bluetooth output devices appear to be able to pair successfully with my computer..  pavucontrol only says "Establishing connection to PulseAudio.. please wait"15:04
Roeyhi stoo SneakyNick15:04
Roey*hi too15:04
SneakyNickAnyone got ANY suggestions for where I should be looking for troubleshooting? My own suggestion is virtualbox. Thinking something related to Secure Boot might affect. Pure speculation.15:05
drzacekhave you checked in bios if the secureboot thingy is active?15:06
leftyfbSneakyNick: what does virtalbox have to do with your dual boot issue?15:06
TJ-SneakyNick: have you tried a complete cold power-off on in case it clear some broken state that is retained during a warm boot15:08
SneakyNickthe issue is about UEFI setup not being available even when selected, that it won't load. My mentioning of Virtualbox is pure speculation, nothing worth attention if you got another suggestion.15:09
SneakyNickI have ofc tried to power off. But you are maybe talking about removing battery?15:10
SneakyNickBattery is physically unavailable, but I have turned it completely off, several times.15:12
SneakyNickThis is the weirdest problem I have ever encountered.15:14
SneakyNickThe reason I mentioned Virtualbox at all, is because installing it in Ubuntu triggered some Secure Boot software, which prompted me to enter a password which I afterwards had to verify upon next boot. I have no rational reason for it to be significant other than it be an interaction between OS and UEFI.15:18
ThinkT510SneakyNick: virtualbox was probably complaining that virtualisation wasn't enabled in the bios15:21
SneakyNickI'm fantasizing Virtualbox may alter a switch in UEFI or similarly. Pure speculation. As far as I am aware, the setup software is stored in NVRAM (chip, not hard drive) but the boot screen upon where I select 'setup' is stored at the UEFI partition. I don't know, but perhaps the UEFI partition is altered. I certainly hope not the NVRAM has been changed. Don't think it's likely, but I don't know - at all.15:22
ThinkT510SneakyNick: virtualbox requires kernel modules to be installed. if you had secure boot enabled then that would change the signature of the kernel hence why it asked you too reboot15:24
leftyfbSneakyNick: https://askubuntu.com/a/831241/115131115:25
ThinkT510secureboot and enabling virtualisation are the only 2 things that would touch your bios15:25
EriC^^SneakyNick: i think you can load the firmware from grub if you can access that15:29
EriC^^if you run "fwsetup" in the grub command line15:30
SneakyNickwell, I don't have grub. But I suppose I could install it.15:31
SneakyNickunless i do have it, unsure how it would be in a single boot system, which is what i suppose ubuntu is looking at since uefi handles booting.15:32
EriC^^SneakyNick: does F12 not work on the lenovo? isnt that for one-time boot menu15:37
chalcednyHi, I'm still trying to fix my husband's computer.  https://pastebin.com/nNmQeVFn15:38
SneakyNickMy grub file got GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 but still, no grub menu is present during boot.15:39
TJ-SneakyNick: it sounds like somehow, the Lenovo has got corrupted NVRMA if the firmware Setup option has broken15:40
TJ-SneakyNick: by default the menu is hidden ... tap Esc key to see the menu15:40
EriC^^SneakyNick: try holding shift when the pc boots15:40
TJ-(first thing I enable is  GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE="menu"15:40
SneakyNickyeah i'll hold shift. Wish me good luck i'll be back.15:41
TJ-GRUB can't detect shift toggle when doing UEFI - UEFI only reports key-down/key-up not toggle key status (Shift/Ctrl/Alt) hence using Esc15:41
fdelacruzdeltab: i figured out what was the problem15:42
fdelacruzi had misconfigure the network-config15:43
fdelacruzmy access point to be exact15:43
ThinkT510chalcedny: so you can boot to the desktop but everything is unusually large?15:55
chalcednyThinkT510, pretty much. Today I put a different keyboard on it, because the keys were sticky. Now it gave me a login prompt, so i typed the password and now it says:No Video Input | Enter Sleep Mode15:56
chalcednyI'm still logged into it over here.15:59
notobviouson ubuntu 20.04 "download and install automatically" is selected in software updates but it isn't installing automatically just downloading and prompting for installation. any ideas?15:59
oerheks"and prompting for installation." ? so what is your issue?16:01
ThinkT510chalcedny: are you intent on fixing the install? would it be an option to extract what you need off the drive and reinstall?16:01
lordcirthoerheks, they want it to install automatically, presumably16:01
notobviousyes i do16:01
oerheksi am sure there is no need to hit a key to install updates, it is part of the install itself16:01
lordcirthnotobvious, try: "sudo apt install unattended-upgrades && sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades"16:02
oerheks.. and even if you had to press a key, what is the issue?16:02
notobviousoerheks, so by "automatic" it means you do it with the mouse?16:02
chalcednyThinkT510, my husband got another hard drive, and ordered a ubuntu dvd, but it hasn't come yet.16:02
lordcirthoerheks, what if one wants security updates to happen when one isn't there?16:03
notobviousif this is the default setting and there isn't wrong with my installation, i am fine with it tbh16:03
notobvious*anything wrong16:03
oerhekslordcirth, oh, i thought unattended-upgrades is standard16:04
oerheksgood spot16:04
chalcednyThinkT510, he actually needs some stuff like the firefox profile16:05
chalcednycould i get that with commands?16:05
lordcirthI don't run Ubuntu desktop much, just server, so I don't know the GUI way16:05
ThinkT510chalcedny: if you had a livecd/usb you could boot that and then mount the disk and copy what you need16:05
chalcednyThinkT510, he probably ordered it from china on a boat.16:06
ThinkT510chalcedny: you don't have any other computers you could make live usb from?16:06
chalcednyive got 3 computers running windows. downloading here is a very bad idea.16:07
ThinkT510chalcedny: but its ok to connect to irc and ask for help?16:10
chalcednyThinkT510, irc is a low-bandwidth thing. Downloaging isn't.16:10
lordcirthchalcedny, FYI, in future you may be able to get updated ISOs with less bandwidth, using zsync16:11
chalcednyThinkT510, rural america is deprived of modern amenities, such as cable.16:11
ThinkT510chalcedny: so your display issue is with regard to the proprietary nvidia driver?16:13
chalcednylordcirth, very interesting.16:13
chalcednyThinkT510, it might be.16:14
ThinkT510chalcedny: if you can boot into the system then see what the following outputs: lsmod nv*16:15
ThinkT510chalcedny: lsmod will list the kernel modules currently loaded16:16
chalcednyThinkT510, chull@vir:~$ lsmod nv*16:16
chalcednyUsage: lsmod16:16
ThinkT510chalcedny: sorry: lsmod | grep nv*16:17
chalcednyThinkT510, ah ok :)16:18
irl25519Hi everyone. I have a weird issue and looking for ideas on how to fix it. After a recent apt upgrade, my desktop is showing all the files in my home folder. But I'm not expecting to see any files on my desktop. Is there some gconf/dconf variable I should set?16:18
irl25519I don't have a $HOME/Desktop directory. Since i don't have one then it should show no files on my desktop, rather than the contents of my home folder :)16:19
gp5st_Hello. I have an Ideapad 3 and I installed a fresh download of Ubuntu 20.04. The trackpad isn't working. I'm not sure where to begin debugging the issue. xinput only shows the XTEST pointer. Under keyboard is the XTEST keyboard, power buttong, video bus, power button, integrated camera, ideapad extra buttons, at translated set 2 keyboard16:20
chalcednyThinkT510, https://pastebin.com/Wb18LiyH16:20
oerheksirl25519,  weird problem, are you running mint or ubuntu?16:20
irl25519ubuntu 20.0416:21
irl25519yeah, totally weird16:21
irl25519wish i knew which package did that16:21
oerheksno Desktop folder .. maybe a good idea to reistall?16:21
ThinkT510chalcedny: looks like nouveau is already loaded. I was going to suggest trying that if you were using the nvidia driver.16:22
irl25519that's a last resort after this channel :)16:22
ThinkT510chalcedny: what does uname -a say?16:23
chalcednyThinkT510, let's see?16:23
irl25519@oerheks might be easier just to apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop and then install the package again16:23
chalcednyThinkT510, chull@vir:~$ uname -a16:24
chalcednyLinux vir 5.4.0-53-generic #59~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 21 12:14:56 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:24
ThinkT510chalcedny: 18.04.1 goes back a little. the current is 18.04.5. You're probably not ging to like my suggestion but have you made sure you've installed all available updates?16:27
chalcednyThinkT510, that isn't apt to cause more problems?16:29
gp5st_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1910184 I'm guessing is a bug that's been submitted.16:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1910184 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trackpad not working on LenovoIdeaPad 3" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:29
ThinkT510chalcedny: you should always be up to date for security reasons and bug fixes. Your issue might be solved with an update16:30
ThinkT510chalcedny: if you are on 18.04.1 you might have a lot of updates to go through16:31
chalcednyThinkT510, he should be on 20.04 ..16:31
ThinkT510chalcedny: 5.4 is the default kernel for 20.04 but your uname says you are on 18.04.116:32
chalcednythat is royally messed up.16:33
geniihwe 18.04 kernel16:33
chalcednyhe was / is definitely on 20.0416:33
PantherWhy does the updater keep grabbing 5.8 kernels?16:33
ThinkT510chalcedny: did you atone point do an upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04?16:34
oerheksgp5st_, twhat guide are you following for that Lenovo IdeaPad 316:34
chalcednyhe hasn't been using the computer for a couple of months16:34
oerheksthis post might have 2 fixes https://askubuntu.com/questions/1249298/lenovo-ideapad-3-14are05-touchpad-not-working-ubuntu-20-0416:34
chalcednyThinkT510, possibly.16:34
gp5st_oerheks, I don't have a guide. I've just installed from a USB drive16:35
ThinkT510chalcedny: if it hasn't been used for months then you certainly have updates to get16:35
SneakyNickI almost bricked my laptop. Only way I managed to enter OS, was by pressing a special key and select system UEFI recovery, which to make a long story short, doesn't work but it did at least alter UEFI boot order making Ubuntu partition boot first, before the boot menu and anything. Someone suggested I'd be able to access BIOS setup through a GRUB command. Was this a qualified suggestion, or a wild guess? Is it because of something relating to Secure Boot?16:35
oerheksother solution;  disable uefi, reverse to bios https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=33353816:35
ThinkT510chalcedny: typically that would be the first thing you should do to see if your problem is already addressed in an update16:36
chalcednyThinkT510, maybe november. not all that long.16:36
ThinkT510chalcedny: you'd be surprised16:36
gp5st_oerheks, ok, I'll try blacklisting that driver16:37
chalcednyThinkT510, remind me the command for update and upgrade?16:38
ThinkT510chalcedny: sudo apt-get update16:38
ThinkT510chalcedny: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:38
ThinkT510i that order16:38
SneakyNickI'm a little scared, because Secure Boot blocks USB from booting with backup systems. So, I need to get it right. The suggestion for BIOS setup being available through GRUB implies that it is ubuntu which is blocking setup from being available in the first place then?16:39
gp5st_ok, so I tried to install openssh-server and it claims it has unmet dependencies?16:39
gp5st_(so that I can do this from my laptop which has a mouse and I can copy/paste)16:40
ThinkT510chalcedny: update fetches the latest information from the repositories while dist-upgrade actually downloads and installs the packages16:40
chalcednygp5st_, openssh-server is amazingly useful.16:41
gp5st_chalcedny, it is, but this is a virgin ubuntu 20.04 install....why are there missing dependencies that it can't figure out?16:42
gp5st_ah, it seems openssh-client was installed via snap16:42
gp5st_by default? why16:43
chalcednygp5st_, the serever needs more stuff.16:43
gp5st_chalcedny, no, it needed a different version of the client but it couldn't update the client because it was installed with snap16:44
oerhekserr, why update the client?16:44
oerheksdid you run a proper apt full-upgrade?16:44
gp5st_i don't know. I just tried to install the server16:44
SneakyNickUnsure why, but it makes sense to me that BIOS setup would be available in GRUB if it is some Secure Boot thing with Ubuntu blocking it in the first place.16:45
gp5st_I did an apt-get dist-upgrade16:45
gp5st_and it claims there are no updates it needs16:45
EriC^^SneakyNick: ubuntu can't block the uefi firmware from loading, secureboot only means that it wont boot an efi file that isnt signed, eg grubx64.efi vs shimx64.efi16:45
irl25519Think I found the solution to my issue by the way. For some reason XDG_DESKTOP_DIR in ~/.config/user-dirs.dir had been set to $HOME. Not sure how. But that's what i needed to alter to fix it16:46
oerheksoke, you installd the server, did you follow a guide to setup a client?16:46
EriC^^SneakyNick: did you try accessing the uefi firmware via grub by typing 'fwsetup' ?16:46
EriC^^SneakyNick: if it still doesnt work and none of the keys that are supposed to access the bios work perhaps you should consider reinstalling the uefi firmware somehow and first maybe trying to reset the CMOS16:47
gp5st_oerheks, what guide? `apt-get install openssh-server`16:48
SneakyNickNo, I almost bricked. Doing backup of some files now, before further attempts.16:49
oerheksa good start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH16:50
gp5st_I'm quite confused why you think that link is helpful, esp when the first non-404 link's 2nd line is to apt-get install openssh-server16:53
SneakyNickEric: Updating grub almost rendered my system useless. Not sure why exactly. But doing update-grub affected the uefi boot menu.16:53
oerheksgp5st_, 2nd url is all you need?16:55
gp5st_oerheks, you obviously didn't read my initial complaint16:55
oerheksyes, complaints is all i read :-(16:56
gp5st_the issue was apt wouldn't install it because it appears the default client is a snap and it couldn't reconcile the version that is installed by default with the server install. I had to purge the client and then install the server and client16:57
gp5st_sorry, this trackpad has put me in a bad mood because i'm installing linux because windows refuses to work without a microsoft account because of something called s mode and to install without a MS account I had to turn off the router to prevent it from connecting to the wifi because it won't give you the option to disconnect. I'm just in a foul mood this morning; I'm sorry. It's been 3 hours on this laptop for my kid that he16:59
gp5st_needs for school and I havn't been able to do my own work yet16:59
lordcirthgp5st_, consider removing snapd entirely to prevent further problems17:04
gp5st_oerheks, ok, so a couple of rabbit holes down to update hte kernel and then https://askubuntu.com/a/1276453 you pasted above works17:05
gp5st_not sure what `pci=nocrs` on the grub cmd line, but it seems to have worked17:05
SneakyNickA more general newbie question. Shouldn't GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 make the grub menu available? To me it seems like it is often the case the menu is still unavailable.17:06
SneakyNickwhy would that be the case, unless there is another contradictory line further down ofc.17:07
SneakyNickIt seems quite simple, right?17:08
lordcirthSneakyNick, I would check for other timeouts, yes. Where are you setting it?17:09
SneakyNickwhere? in the etc defaults grub file, which on my system is pretty much as if it was a fresh install. And doing a update-grub afterwards ofc.17:11
SneakyNickI'm also confused over both grub and grub2 being available on my system, which is a remake of ubuntu 21.04 (the version with unity desktop installed)17:12
lordcirthSneakyNick, there are several places it can be set. Check the final result in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (?) for "timeout"; if there is anything but your =10, you can track it down from there17:12
AryanHi, when I install a package, where can I find the installation file?17:18
ThinkT510!heir | Aryan17:18
ThinkT510!hier | Aryan17:19
ubottuAryan: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier17:19
lordcirthAryan, dpkg -L <pkg>17:19
SneakyNickthe /boot/grub/grub.cfg is a scripted file, a little hard to read easily, but anyway. Thanks.17:20
SneakyNickAnyone got a comment on why both grub and grub2 is available? I suppose it is default on Ubuntu 21.04.17:21
SneakyNickgrub and grub2 are distinct pieces of software, yes?17:21
lordcirthSneakyNick, no need to read it all, just grep or use less with /17:21
Aryanubottu: I mean the .deb file17:21
ubottuAryan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:21
AryanThinkT510: ^17:21
Aryanwhere can I find the .deb files?17:22
lordcirthAryan, /var/cache/apt/archives17:23
oerhekslocate *.deb17:23
EriC^^SneakyNick: what's "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999" give?17:25
EriC^^SneakyNick: also run 'cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999'17:25
gp5st_sorry, battery went17:26
JakethepythonGood afternoon, This may not be a chat for the channel but i am using Teams on Ubuntu 20.4 and i cannot upload files from any other directory other than Downloads17:27
SneakyNickthe first question:   https://termbin.com/yxb517:27
SneakyNickthe second one is maybe too long for outputting it onto chan17:28
oerheksJakethepython, softwarecenter > installed > teams > permissions is the most likely place to change that.17:29
SneakyNickthink it will become ugly if i attempt to paste into chan.17:30
ThinkT510SneakyNick: that is what the termbin links are for17:30
lordcirthJakethepython, how did you install Teams?17:31
JakethepythonThrough the Software center17:31
oerheks2 helpfull links to understand why snaps are great17:35
SneakyNickheres cat grub: https://termbin.com/mlxv17:40
SneakyNickif you're thinking about the menu, i'd think it should at any rate be available through using right shift or escape during boot.17:41
SneakyNickRegarding accessing bios setup from grub. Would it be the same as rebooting ubuntu into firmware setup? As in doing ***systemctl reboot --firmware-setup***17:44
SneakyNickOr would access from grub be different, since it is earlier or something?17:45
SneakyNickgrub is loaded before the kernel, while i guess systemctrl would promote an action done after kernel loading. Have no idea, thinking loud.17:46
SneakyNickI'm 43 years old and still a newbie :)17:47
EriC^^SneakyNick: only grub2 is installed, but there's grub (legacy bios) and grub efi installed17:52
jadaxI have a patch to one of the modules and I would like to build it against current running kernel (5.8.0-41), what's the best way to go about it?17:52
jadaxshould I be using git vs apt-get to get sources?17:53
EriC^^SneakyNick: the /etc/default/grub seems kind of off, try setting GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 and GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu17:54
lotuspsychjejadax: do you have an ubuntu bug ID about that yet?17:54
EriC^^then update-grub, no idea regarding your question regarding systemctl vs grub's fwsetup17:54
SneakyNickoh. Serious? So when I'm using update-grub, I should have been doing update-grub2 ?17:55
EriC^^SneakyNick: no, same thing17:55
SneakyNickgrub even added an entry for UEFI settings menu17:57
jrgthere isn’t a proxmox channel?17:57
jrgwhat is the world coming to?17:57
SneakyNickFeel it strange, that update-grub is same as update-grub217:57
SneakyNickodd, weird, if not just aesthetically.17:58
EriC^^SneakyNick: update-grub actually just runs grub-mkconfig with /boot/grub/grub.cfg as the output file, its just a convenience17:59
EriC^^some distros dont even have update-grub and you have to grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:59
SneakyNickok, i'll try to reboot now. Hope to be able to get in here again.18:01
SneakyNickgrub menu didn't load. And holding right shift didn't do any either.18:06
EriC^^type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999'18:08
SneakyNickAnd also, I'm pretty sure that after doing update-grub, the uefi menu is messed up at some level. I'm able to boot directly into Ubuntu and that's it. No windows.18:08
EriC^^what do you mean by uefi menu?18:09
SneakyNickthe menu which handle dual boot,18:09
SneakyNickI'm dualbooting, and the menu which selects system is produced by uefi software.18:10
SneakyNickit should have read 'uefi boot menu' instead of 'uefi menu'18:10
EriC^^oh ok so the uefi menu of the pc, not grub18:12
EriC^^ubuntu for sure did not touch that after 'update-grub' that only writes /boot/grub/grub.cfg and no more18:12
EriC^^SneakyNick: can you type 'sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999' ?18:13
EriC^^also did you try pressing 'esc' to see if grub shows up?18:13
SneakyNickAfter I did update-grub, I was unable to do anything, like I said my laptop almost bricked. Only option available was a special reset menu, which provided me a 'system recovery' option, which doesn't work since recovery partition doesn't exist. However, selecting the system recovery option did alter the booting order(mysteriously), which then changed from 'uefi boot menu' first to 'ubuntu' first.18:15
SneakyNickyes i tried pressing esc, could be i should try it more. But I think I should have made it if it was correct, but not completely sure.18:18
EriC^^SneakyNick: try adding this line to /etc/default/grub18:18
EriC^^then sudo update-grub18:18
EriC^^what happens currently if you press Windows in the uefi boot menu?18:19
SneakyNickI'll put it at the end of the file, if it matters.18:19
EriC^^SneakyNick: also please type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999'18:19
SneakyNickThe uefi boot menu isn't working, I suppose. At least it didn't after doing the grub update. And yes, I acknowledge it seems strange, but we are in strange-land. As I wrote out on lenovo forum, I have been able to select setup, but the system behaves as if selecting setup is like clicking on a broken link.18:21
SneakyNickparted -ls : https://termbin.com/fdmo18:23
SneakyNickI'm pretty much sure that if I change the uefi boot order into showing boot menu first, it won't boot.18:25
EriC^^SneakyNick: you could change the uefi file that boots from ubuntu if you wanted, using efibootmgr18:26
SneakyNickyeah i know, change boot order or make new entries.18:27
EriC^^SneakyNick: i didnt understand though, if you press F12, you should get the one time boot menu, do you get that? and from there can you choose windows or ubuntu or uefi usb, etc?18:27
EriC^^and you're saying there if you choose windows it just doesnt do anything?18:28
SneakyNicknot sure exactly what you mean. What I said, is that a working system turned into a non-working system after doing grub-update.18:29
SneakyNickI suspect it is related to Secure Boot.18:30
SneakyNickRight now I don't have a boot menu, it goes directly into ubuntu.18:30
Some_PersonGot a weird issue. Whenever I print something, I get 2 extra pages with this error on them: "Invalid page range: Drum\\\ Unit device-uri=lpd"18:32
Some_PersonHow do I stop this?18:32
SneakyNickI could try to do a one time boot directly into into windows,18:37
SneakyNickEric^^ if that was what you meant18:38
SneakyNickCheck if I'm able to boot into windows directly,18:38
SneakyNickI'll do that.18:38
SneakyNickEric^^ I could do a single boot into windows.18:42
SneakyNickPerhaps it turns out the boot menu works after all.18:43
SneakyNickthe uefi boot menu18:43
SneakyNickJust stranged it didn't18:43
SneakyNickNot sure I want to try it18:43
SneakyNickI'll try it, a one time boot into the boot menu18:44
SneakyNickEric^^ what have we, the uefi boot menu worked for the single boot18:47
EriC^^SneakyNick: what exactly is the issue you're having? it hasnt been very clear to me18:48
SneakyNickSetup is unavailable.18:48
EriC^^ok so you cant access your bios is what you're saying18:48
SneakyNickUEFI firmware settings is unavailable18:49
EriC^^ok great18:49
EriC^^try to reset your CMOS maybe, or update/reinstall your firmware18:49
SneakyNickI'm able to select it in multiple ways, but it is as clicking on a broken link, metaphorically.18:49
EriC^^ok perhaps try in ##hardware ?18:50
EriC^^this has nothing to do with update-grub / secureboot i can tell you that for sure18:50
SneakyNickAnd I suspect the problem can be associated with virtualbox.18:50
SneakyNickThe problem originated in parallell with my use of virtualbox, and secure boot - as far as I'm able to see.18:51
oerhekssome uefi bios versions only work properly with a password set18:51
SneakyNickNot hundred percent sure. Don't use bios setup every day.18:52
SneakyNickIt wonder if your reasoning re connecting to setup through grub may have something to it.18:54
EriC^^SneakyNick: ah, i guess it's worth a shot18:55
EriC^^SneakyNick: did you try adding the last lines i pasted to grub?18:55
EriC^^the recordfail ? then update-grub18:55
SneakyNickIt's fluffy, but I wonder if secure boot sign the startup drivers, and that there are continiued verifications being done, based on the signings from secure boot.18:56
StadtpiratShould 'apt upgrade' update from 20.04.1 to 20.04.2? It doesn't work for me, but I'm on WSL2, so maybe there's a difference? Or does 'apt upgrade' not even do that?18:56
SneakyNickyes, I added GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=$GRUB_TIMEOUT to the end of grub file.18:57
leftyfb!wsl | SneakyNick18:57
ubottuSneakyNick: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:57
StadtpiratOh, I didn't know there's a special channel for that. Thanks mate!18:57
SneakyNickyes, then i updated grub18:58
SneakyNickubottu, how nice. Maybe I should try to install windows 10 instead of my beloved 8.118:59
ubottuSneakyNick: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
leftyfbStadtpirat: sorry, that was meant for you, not search_social18:59
leftyfbStadtpirat: sorry, that was meant for you, not SneakyNick18:59
leftyfbStadtpirat: but yes, on a normal Ubuntu installation, a regular apt upgrade should get you the latest point release19:00
SneakyNickQuestion now is how to access grub on a single boot system19:02
oerheksesc or left shift19:03
SneakyNicknever mind what i said about single boot.19:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:03
SneakyNickok, i'll give esc and shift a couple of more tries,19:03
SneakyNickok, i'll give esc and shift a couple of more goes19:03
oerheksthat is, *if* there is grub installed in WSl i have no clue19:03
leftcaseI'm having a really odd problem. Using Xubuntu 20.04.1 I joined an Xbox One controller to my computer using bluetooth. When I press the home button on the controller it opens Edge on my computer, if Edge is already open, it opens a new tab. I'm not really sure where to start trying to figure this out. Does anybody have any suggestions?19:11
Stadtpiratleftyfb, Yeah, it worked now. Don't know what I did wrong before.19:11
StadtpiratI'm trying to do diff two files but I want to ignore (not compare) lines that start with a semicolon (;). I tried the following command to no avail:'diff -I "^;" /etc/php/7.2/fpm/php.ini /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.ini'19:12
StadtpiratAnyone seeing an issue with the command? It still diffs the entire content.19:12
SneakyNickdudes i tried holding, pressing repeatedly, left shift, right shift, esc - grub won't load19:17
SneakyNickI don't have very much software installed, its a fairly vanilla system.19:19
ThinkT510SneakyNick: are you sure it is installed on the harddrive you are trying to boot from?19:19
SneakyNickI only have one drive, but partition? Unsure how to answer your question.19:20
SneakyNickI'm booting from the efi partition.19:21
ThinkT510SneakyNick: grub needs to be installed to the root of the whole harddrive (sda) rather than any partition (sda1)19:21
SneakyNickWhich passes the thing further to the ubuntu partition.19:21
ThinkT510SneakyNick: yes19:22
SneakyNickAre you suggesting this type of chain won't work?19:23
SneakyNickuefi boot loader --> grub19:23
ThinkT510SneakyNick: I don't know where you have grub installed19:23
SneakyNickhow do i formally check? But I absolutely expect it to be installed on the only partition available with ubuntu on it.19:24
SneakyNickDon't remember specifically, but I suppose it was handled automatically by ubuntu installer.19:25
DaCheatQuick question -- on 18.04 having a heck of a time dealing with pkg-config not behaving as expected, mainly this: "invalid flag in pkg-config --libs: -Wl,--export-dynamic"19:25
DaCheatversion is 0.29.119:25
ThinkT510SneakyNick: by default grub would have been installed to /dev/sda (assuming you have one harddrive)19:28
ThinkT510SneakyNick: and if you have windows on it too then you would see grub whenever you boot19:28
SneakyNickYeah, but the boot menu has been handled by UEFI boot management, so I've never seen a grub menu here as far as I can recall.19:29
ThinkT510if uefi was configured to boot your one harddrive then it should pass you onto grub19:31
ThinkT510are you sure you don't have a small ssd too?19:31
SneakyNickYes, suppose you're right. No I only got one drive, wish you were correct (128 gig)19:32
ThinkT510is it an nvme device or sata?19:32
SneakyNickno idea, its a fairly cheap system from 201619:33
SneakyNickThere is something odd going on and I suspect it's associated with secure boot.19:34
ThinkT510secureboot is often more trouble than its worth19:34
SneakyNickIt's a little scary, because now I for instance can't use my external rescue usb-sticks19:35
SneakyNickCan't boot external os19:35
ThinkT510and that is frustrating because you know it is your device and you want to access it19:36
SneakyNickThe only usb stick which works, is the one with a windows installer on.19:36
SneakyNickwell, I'm a little worried about not being able to handle it, so in worst case to brick the system19:36
ThinkT510I have a laptop with secureboot and I disable it. I bought the laptop and it is my device. Microsoft doesn't decide what I get to do with my hardware (which is essentially what you are allowing if you keep secureboot enabled).19:38
SneakyNickIt's strange, when I try to select uefi setup, the system responds. It pauses for a brief time and screen blackens, as if setup is about to load, but instead I'm sent back to the boot-menu.19:38
SneakyNickYes, I want to disable secure boot, but for doing so, I need to access bios setup.19:39
ThinkT510SneakyNick: you'll need to consult your manufacturer's documentation on how to do that for your device.19:40
SneakyNickThinking it could be a chance I could access it from grub, but it seems like grub menu is difficult to get to appear.19:41
ThinkT510grub is a bootloader, uefi passes to grub (never the other way around)19:41
ThinkT510depending on the manufacturer of the device some uefi implementations are very buggy (so your worry about bricking the system is very valid)19:42
SneakyNickYes ThinkT510, I think it seems like you got it right.19:42
SneakyNickWell, getting a grub menu should be doable.19:43
SneakyNickIt doesn't seem like a hardware problem.19:44
=== gurmble is now known as grumble
SneakyNickBecause, the system works.19:45
SneakyNickI read, write - edit. No instabilities or randomness worth nothing if context is hardware malfunction.19:46
SneakyNickI did try ***systemctl reboot --firmware-setup*** but it didn't work.19:47
agile_prgI cannot find the command loginctrl on ubuntu 20.0.119:48
agile_prgany ideas where it went19:48
sarnoldagile_prg: what does this command do?19:49
SneakyNickI'm not sure, but I wonder if I tried to reinstall everything, if the secure boot stuff could end up blocking something, for instance block me from installing linux.19:49
sarnoldagile_prg: oh, heh, are you looking for loginctl(1) ?19:49
agile_prgthe name of the executable is loginctrl is all I know19:50
ThinkT510SneakyNick: that is essentially what it is designed to do. hence why you can only boot a windows usb stick19:50
SneakyNickAs of now, I'm not allowed to use a usb-stick with ubuntu on it. I don't know, but seems like I'd need access to bios setup and turn off secure boot.19:50
sarnoldagile_prg: where did you find this name?19:50
sarnoldagile_prg: I can't find anything in any ubuntu source package with the name 'loginctrl'19:50
SneakyNickHence, reinstalling system might not serve me well.19:50
sarnoldagile_prg: that page only discusses loginctl, not loginctrl19:51
SneakyNickAnother question btw: When applying the command systemctl reboot --firmware-setup it doesn't need a sudo password,19:52
* agile_prg hides in intense embarassment, I was not here, this never happened!19:52
SneakyNickIt enables system to reboot without sudo password.19:52
sarnoldagile_prg :) hehe19:52
sarnoldSneakyNick: it'll use polkit to determine if the user requesting the reboot has privileges that way19:53
SneakyNickOr maybe it was just me who just had entered sudo password earlier, never mind.19:53
sarnoldSneakyNick: that'd only work if you used sudo on the command19:54
SneakyNickI also want to add: same result if I try to access bios setup from a ms win perspective. It seems to work fine, I for instance reboot into setup from the windows installer usb, but setup turns out to be unavailable.19:55
SneakyNickWhat do you folks think of me if I suggest this problem of accessing setup to be related to virtualbox?19:58
SneakyNickI have no clue, but thinking it can have set off a switch or something19:59
leftyfbSneakyNick: the ability to access your BIOS has absolutely nothing to do with Virtualbox being installed on one of the drives19:59
leftyfbSneakyNick: you should be able to access your BIOS even if you physically remove the drive containing Virtualbox or any other piece of software on it19:59
oerheksleftyfb +120:00
oerheksi think this have been told before?20:00
leftyfbSneakyNick: at this point, if you cannot access your BIOS, this is a hardware/firmware/BIOS issue and not related to Ubuntu20:01
oerhekscheck the vendor manual20:01
leftyfbalso possible user/usability issue20:01
treatsI'm fighting a strange behavior.  My audio levels aren't working as expected.  Rythmbox is working great, so I'm using that as a benchmark.  Playing media through the default video player or VLC produce a volume that's audible but noticably lower than rythmbox.  I've used pulseaudio, done a fair bit of searching, but I haven't been able to20:02
treatsshake this issue.20:02
treatsAdditionally, my mic levels are extremely low, to the point of being unisable.  I can hear me on playback, but the levels are so low it's practically off.20:03
treatsUbuntu 20.04 on the Swift 3 AMD20:04
SneakyNickI am able to access bios. The efimngr software informs me that the boot order is stored in NVRAM.20:04
SneakyNickSome of the issue, I suppose, is that BIOS (UEFI) is partly on hard drive and partly on chip.20:05
sarnoldI've never seen bios-things on drives before20:06
foxideNothing regarding BIOS or UEFI resides on a disk. It's all firmware.20:06
oerhekssarnold, toshiba had such solution, 486 era20:06
sarnoldoerheks: omg why20:07
foxideThe binary that it executes may be on-disk, but BIOS/UEFI do not.20:07
oerheksbecause license20:07
foxides/do not/are not/20:07
SneakyNickThe reason I'm suggesting Virtualbox, is because it's the only software i have which seem to interact with bios. More specifically, Secure Boot, which seems to me as a plausible candidate for why the system is selective about how setup is accessed.20:07
oerheksvirtualbox interact with uefi bios? grinn20:07
SneakyNickIt seems to me that - on my system - Secure Boot regulates access to setup.20:08
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foxideIt does not.20:08
oerheksi am not sure what the real problem is now,  it seems all small talk to me20:09
SneakyNickI'll investigate more and hope it's okay if I come back and ask general questions and or share findings.20:11
SneakyNickwho got the intellectual side of eufi covered, is it intel+microsoft?20:13
ThinkT510SneakyNick: virtualbox does not touch your bios. installing virtualbox in linux requires kernel modules which will change the signature of the kernel (thus affecting secureboot).20:13
ThinkT510secureboot requires the kernel to have a certain signature, to prove it hasn't been tampered with (which is the whole point of secureboot)20:14
SneakyNickis it sort of like a hash?20:14
sarnolda chain of hashes, sortof20:14
sarnoldthe secureboot bios verifies the bootloader, the bootloader verifies the kernel, the kernel verifies kernel modules20:15
SneakyNickwhat i was thinking earlier, is that my system seems to believe setup is attempted accessed by unsigned software, hence it won't load. Pure speculation ofc. Based on loose associations.20:17
SneakyNickThanks for great help!20:17
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leftyfbSneakyNick: Might I suggest disabling secureboot completely20:30
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foxideSneakyNick: UEFI setup access occurs before anything involving secureboot happens. You've got this backwards.20:51
HashA chain of me's?20:54
HashSister, you can't even handle one of me.20:54
HashWrong channel...20:55
foxideHash: I now have additional questions.20:56
treatsIs there a list of compatible laptops floating around?  I just tried the Acer Swift 3 AMD, which is nice and nearly there, but I can only troubleshoot for so many hours before giving up.  I'd love an AMD laptop that's light with a good battery to work with Ubuntu (or another popular flavor of Linux I suppose).21:16
treatsThe Librem 14 looks nice, but it's $$$$21:16
SneakyNickfoxide: I understand what you're saying. I don't have any detailed information, but if I try to make it fit anyway, I'd end up with something like this: What if the software used for generating e.g the current uefi-boot-menu leaves a 'mark', meaning the software regulating access to setup will be able to decide whether access to setup (access to turn off secure boot) was signed or not. That the software used to turn off secure boot will need to be21:16
SneakyNickverified. Makes sense.21:16
sarnoldtreats: there's a https://certification.ubuntu.com/ -- but note that sometimes it reflects *preinstalled* versions of ubuntu and you'd have a bad time if you try to reinstall21:18
treatsSo some of them installed then tweaked it until it worked and called it a day?21:18
sarnoldmore like fiddled with device drivers, etc, but yeah21:23
cluelesspersonI'm looking for laptop suggestions that would support ubuntu well.21:23
SneakyNickit feels sometimes like there are 'swiches' in play. Sometimes there is a lag, just a reboot is needed etc etc21:24
SneakyNickHorribly imprecise language of course, but perhaps you're able to rephrase it even if you don't agree?21:26
treatscluelessperson System76 is the only one I know shipping native https://system76.com/laptops/lemp10/configure21:27
cluelesspersonI've had a lot of success with modern thinkpads21:27
SneakyNickOr where you playing with me? That it's obvious?21:27
SneakyNickSoftware is a somewhat secret industry isn't it.21:28
SneakyNickilluminate home league.21:28
SneakyNickWon't discuss it here and now, with you, but I have been having problems with my dear ubuntu being hacked. That I've been spied on. Probably by some gov people, whatever that means.21:30
SneakyNickAlmost got kicked once from a linux channel, for discussing how surveillance works. How to protect myself kind of exchange, with a little complaining over software devs playing along with the folks spying on me.21:32
SneakyNickanyway. uefi bios, setup. Virtualbox.21:33
foxideSneakyNick: None of that works the way you just said it did.21:37
foxideSneakyNick: Sorry to be blunt about it, but you do not have a solid grasp of how UEFI, secure boot, etc. work.21:37
regedithello, trying to SSH to some machine from my local computer works, but trying to ssh from another server keep resulting in "Connection refused"21:47
regedithow can i troubleshoot this?21:47
zen_coderI (with admin rights) have mounted a new hard disk. However I can still not access it (permission denied) How can I mount a hard disk so every user can access it?21:49
sarnoldregedit: connection refused could be a firewall set to REJECT packets, on any of the machines involved -- either end point, any routers or firewalls in the middle21:52
sarnoldzen_coder: what filesystem is on the new drive? does this filesystem have permissions? are they correctly configured?21:53
javi404I don't remember, does ubuntu have a memtest on the boot cd?21:53
regeditsarnold: so if the destination machine is working fine from my local computer, does that mean the above mentioned "another server" is the one with the problem? how can i confirm this21:53
zen_coderthe hard disk has already data and is formated with ext421:53
Bashing-omjavi404: Memtest is not supported for UEFI - proprietary there is: http://www.memtest86.com/ <- proprietary offering for the UEFI systems.21:56
zen_codersarnold: ?21:56
javi404i don't need UEFI, 10 year old machine.21:57
javi404but if there is an iso21:57
javi404I can add it to my vtoy usb disk21:57
javi404flash drive rather21:57
javi404i have ubuntu 20.04 on a workstation that keeps crashing every few days21:57
Bashing-omjavi404: Then yes there is memtest.21:57
javi404it's fucking 58 degress in that office so not heat and now it's annoying21:58
javi404Bashing-om: it seems like memtest86 and memtest86+ are 2 different things, a fork?21:59
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hggdhjavi404: please mind your language22:02
Bashing-omjavi404: So far as I can see - memtest86 is the UEFI proprietary offering, whereas memtest86+ is the bios opensource version.22:03
javi404Bashing-om: that's what it looks like, thanks for confirming22:09
javi404just downloaded it22:10
javi404on to the ventoy usb, let's see if there is really something up with this sytem.22:10
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zen_codersarnold: hi?22:22
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sarnoldjavi404: there is, iff you boot into legacy / CSM mode -- the free memtest doesn't run on uefi22:27
sarnoldregedit: it might take some bisecting to figure out -- try ssh from other hosts in the same network, other hosts not in the same network, etc22:27
sarnoldzen_coder: if the filesystem is ext4, then you 'just' need to set permissions on the files so that everyone can interact with them; you might want to set the group owners on all directories on the filesystem, and set the setgid bit on all the directories, to encourage the processes to create new files with the group of the directory, rather than users' individual groups22:30
sarnoldzen_coder: this *might* require also mounting the filesystem with the 'bsdgroups' mount option. I can't recall if that's necessary or sufficient..22:30
cluelesspersonhi there, when I return from suspend, ubuntu takes several minutes to reconnect to wifi22:33
regeditsarnold: turns out host (namecheap) had outgoing ports closed, had to ask support to open mine 👍 thanks22:33
cluelesspersonI find that when I restart network-manager, it reconnected immediately.22:33
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sarnoldregedit: aha! that'll do it :)22:35
charolastrawhy is apt mixing up the versions of a package. says "libmysqlclient21 is already the newest version (8.0.23-1ubuntu20.04)." while apt-cache show also shows a "Version: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.10.1" for that package. is it because of the "1" infront of "ubuntu"?22:36
charolastraand a related question: can i see from which source a package was installed from?22:37
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Bashing-omcharolastra: Mu mirror update this day: "Unpacking libmysqlclient21:amd64 (8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) over (8.0.22-0ubuntu022:42
Bashing-om.20.04.3) ..."22:42
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charolastraso that should spread and an update will be available soon?22:44
Bashing-omcharolastra: Depends - where did you get the package from ' apt policy libmysqlclient21 ' .22:45
SneakyNickfoxide: you didn't have to tell everyone how far off I am and how poor my understanding is. I've been working a lot for this.22:46
charolastrait says: *** 8.0.23-1ubuntu20.04 100 <br> 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status22:46
SneakyNickfoxide: anyway, still - thanks for telling me.22:46
SneakyNickAre the workings of UEFI for instance zecret? I mean, the level of knowledge I'm aspiring at for solving my silly little problem?22:48
Bashing-omcharolastra: More of interest here is the 500 lines(s).22:48
charolastraright, here's the output: https://pastebin.com/PMPW4Njs22:49
Bashing-om!info libmysqlclient21 groovy | charolastra22:51
ubottucharolastra: libmysqlclient21 (source: mysql-8.0): MySQL database client library. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.10.1 (groovy), package size 1193 kB, installed size 7207 kB22:51
Bashing-omcharolastra: Humm ,,, ^^ ... what sjows ' sudo apt update ; sido apt upgrade ' ?22:53
dabblerdudeHello everyone.22:53
dabblerdudeHey bashing-om.22:53
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Welcome back - issues ?22:54
charolastranothing unusual: https://pastebin.com/PSDt13gL22:55
ax562Hello dabllerdude22:55
Bashing-omcharolastra: Yeah looks same - is the package manager in a happy state ' sudo dpkg -C ' - returns to prompt only ?22:58
sarnoldcharolastra: try: apt policy libmysqlclient21   -- this will show you which versions are 'newest' in the various configured repositories and pockets22:58
charolastrasarnold: already linked that output above22:59
Bashing-omsarnold: https://pastebin.com/PMPW4Njs - mirror not synced up ?23:00
dabblerdudeHey Bashing-om.23:04
dabblerdudeI got disconnected for a second.23:04
dabblerdudeAnyway, what I was trying to say was that I tried out the terminal commands you gave me and they didn't seem to work.23:04
dabblerdudeI'm still getting those freezes.23:04
madkapuHow do I quit.23:05
jeremy31madkapu: /quit23:05
sarnoldcharolastra: that version number seems like it comes from http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/pool/mysql-8.0/m/mysql-community/mysql-community_8.0.23-1ubuntu20.04.dsc -- did you install this from oracle manually? or previously have their repository configured?23:05
Bashing-omdabblerdude: In regards to a proprietary driver for an Nvida card ?23:05
dabblerdudeAlso, whenever I boot up Xubuntu with the linux-lowlatency kernel, the system freezes completely at the login screen and I have to do a hard reboot.23:06
dabblerdude@Bashing-om: But with the regular generic kernel I've been using, I've been getting those regular desktop freezes I told you about. Has Xubuntu been always buggy?23:08
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Any hints 'journalctl -b -0 ' <- shows messages from the current boot.23:08
Bashing-omdabblerdude: I have used (x)ubuntu since the 14.04 release - solid as a rock on my system ( once a nvidia driver was available in 14.04).23:09
Bashing-omdabblerdude: "sysop@2004x-c:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga >> 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GK208B [GeForce GT710] [10de:128b] (rev a1)" :D23:13
charolastrasarnold: that might have been the case because mysql-workbench was buggy so i looked for other versions. i'll try to uninstall all mysql stuff23:13
SneakyNickhi, i got a question about practical everyday use of secure boot. On my system it is enabled, and when I try to use an external usb-stick with ubuntu on it, I am prompted with a message about 'enrolling' it.23:14
SneakyNickThe blue screen says i have to remember to make sure its a genuine key before enrolling it.23:14
SneakyNickwhat does it all mean ?23:14
deltabSneakyNick: booting from an external drive?23:15
SneakyNickits when i select an option 'enroll key from disk' or 'enroll hash from disk'23:15
SneakyNickbooting from external drive, yes.23:15
SneakyNickit begins with ERROR verification failed, and a code for security violation23:16
SneakyNickthen the two options, key or hash - from disk.23:16
SneakyNickif I select key, I'm presented what seems like a hardware address. PciRoot(0)/Pci(0x10,0x0)/Usb(0x1,0x0)/HD(Part1,Sig30E4FE9F)23:19
sarnoldSneakyNick: did you perchance try to enroll a new key before a reboot? eg executing mokutil yourself, installing a dkms package, etc?23:20
deltabright, identifying the PCI bus, USB port, and USB stick partition23:20
SneakyNickAnyone knows what is going on? The PciRoot-stuff is presented as some value I'm supposed to select. I didn't dare, I turned power off.23:20
SneakyNickOkay, but where would it lead - would it require me to set a password or something, or what?23:21
charolastrasarnold: seems to have fixed it, thanks23:21
sarnoldcharolastra: nice :)23:21
SneakyNickOr is it just for making me okay it, that I have to report the usb stick as okay and trustworthy?23:21
sarnoldSneakyNick: it leads to, iirc, a big blue screen that asks you to confirm adding the new key to your secureboot configuration23:22
sarnoldthe images aren't loading for me yet but iirc there's images on this page23:22
SneakyNickSo its basically about adding the usb stick to the family of trusted software?23:23
sarnoldSneakyNick: I have no idea where the usb stick comes from, it might be entirely unrelated even..23:23
SneakyNick:)I'm terrified of secure boot. Afraid of digging myself into a hole I won't get out of.23:25
vimartHi everyone23:29
sarnoldhi vimart23:30
sarnoldSneakyNick: I *hope* the bios has a way to reset keys somehow23:30
vimartHello sarnold , how's your day?23:32
sarnoldany day above the ground is a good day, right?23:32
vimartoh yeah, defo23:33
SneakyNickIf I understand you correctly, it's basically about secureboot asking me if the usb-stick is okay. Which sounds weird, since I thought the thing was about making a centralized authority decide what's trustworthy or not.23:33
SneakyNickthe usb stick with an operation system, I should add.23:33
dabblerdudeBashing-om: I'm back again. This time, I just got another desktop freeze.23:36
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Looks at the boot log ' journalctl -b -0 ' ?23:38
deltabSneakyNick: no, it's about you as the owner of the machine deciding which software can run on it23:41
dabblerdudeBashing-om: https://pastebin.com/9L76rvEN23:41
deltabSneakyNick: hence (as I've just found out) 'MOK', for Machine Owner Key23:41
dabblerdudeThis is the output from the "journalctl -b -0" command.23:41
jeremy31SneakyNick: Usually easier to just disable Secure Boot23:42
Bashing-omdabblerdude: One page of many - Have a looksee through the whole log and see if anything jumps out at you.23:44
dabblerdudeReading that log, nothing stands out to me.23:45
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Then all I can suggest is to open a terminal on the same screen you are working - where you can see output - and in this terminal run ' journalctl -f ' to watch the system in real-time.23:47
dabblerdudeBashing-om: That'll be a useful command. Thank you!23:47
deltabSneakyNick: one of the things secure boot guards against is an attacker bypassing OS protections by booting the machine with their own OS; hence it needs you to tell it which OSes it should allow23:48
Bashing-omdabblerdude: Freezing is NO fun - took me forever to find that I had my drives misswired to correlate with my SATA controller. Freezes are hard to isolate.23:50
dabblerdudeBashing-om: I was seriously going to consider switching to a different distro.23:50
Bashing-omdabblerdude: can not hurt to see what happens with Booting "try ubuntu" form a live environment. Isolates to a system config/hardware issue.23:52
SneakyNickthanks for informing me about secure boot.23:59

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