=== _slack_canonic10 is now known as EmilioGranell[m] [13:37] Hi all! 🙂 [13:38] I'll be working with Luke on some charms === _slack_canonic10 is now known as DavidBooth[m] [13:39] Hi Emilio - nice to meet you! [13:40] What are you going to be working on? [13:46] Hi, I'll be working in a MLFlow charm [14:18] hey Rui Vasconcelos who's the PM for AI/ML at Canonical, @kenn [14:20] hey Ken> who is our key technical contact on the Kubeflow team, Ian Booth who is some kind of juju master, and John Meinel also on the core juju team (I think!). Folks, Emilio is helping me work on the mlflow charm 🙂 and FYI, so you can follow along, we are organising our work here: Issue operator#470 opened: support Python 3.9 [15:20] Issue operator#471 opened: remove python 3.5