
callmepkgood morning01:38
dufluMorning callmepk 01:40
callmepkmorning duflu 01:41
seb128goood morning desktopers05:29
dufluMorning seb05:59
dufluUh, too late05:59
jibelGood morning all06:01
dufluMorning jibel 06:01
jibelHi duflu 06:01
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:55
jibelSalut oSoMoN 06:55
oSoMoNsalut jibel 07:02
dufluMorning oSoMoN 07:08
oSoMoNhey duflu 07:11
didrocksgood morning07:19
dufluHi didrocks 07:24
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 07:28
didrockshey duflu, salut oSoMoN 07:34
marcustomlinsonmorning callmepk duflu seb000 jibel oSoMoN didrocks07:49
dufluHi marcustomlinson 07:50
callmepkhi marcustomlinson 07:50
callmepkand hi jibel oSoMoN didrocks 07:50
marcustomlinsonhey duflu, is the fire under control there?07:50
duflumarcustomlinson, I can't tell actually. It's far enough away07:52
dufluEven further away it looks like the north of the state is flooding07:52
marcustomlinsonok I hope it stays that way07:52
didrockshey marcustomlinson, callmepk 08:02
seb128hey again desktopers08:38
didrockssalut seb128, ça va ?08:39
seb128lut didrocks, un peu decalqué niveau sommeil mais sinon ça va. Et toi ?08:42
callmepkhi seb128 08:42
seb128hey callmepk 08:43
didrocksseb128: ça va, les tracas habituel mais pas besoin de s’étaler dessus :)08:44
dufluHi seb128 08:46
WimpressMorning desktoppers o/08:59
dufluMorning Wimpress 08:59
jibelGood morning Wimpress 08:59
seb128hey Wimpress, jibel, Laney 09:03
dufluHi Laney09:03
didrockshey Wimpress, jibel, Laney 09:03
seb128oh and also hey duflu :-)09:03
Laneymoin seb128 duflu et didrocks 09:05
oSoMoNhey ho marcustomlinson, callmepk, seb128, Wimpress, Laney 09:06
seb128lut oSoMoN!09:06
jibelsalut didrocks 09:08
marcustomlinsonhey seb128 Wimpress Laney09:09
seb128hey marcustomlinson!09:11
callmepkhey Laney 09:21
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
Laneyhey oSoMoN marcustomlinson callmepk 09:55
ginggshi desktoppers!   i see some packages in merge-o-matic universe that used to be in main, e.g. fonts-vlgothic, fonts-ipaexfont, which are no longer maintained.  is it worth trying to keep the delta, or should they just be sync'd?10:47
Laneyginggs: Be better if those fontconfig files were upstreamed to Debian I guess; personally I think they're still valuable10:51
ginggsthanks Laney10:52
Wimpressseb128: Asking you since you're the last person on the desktop team to touch libdbusmenu.12:25
WimpressI'm being asked if the developer running the Ayatana Indicator project could be the upstream for libdbusmenu?12:26
seb128Wimpress, didn't they fork the different indicator projects under new names? are they changing their mind on this now?12:44
WimpressYes, they did.12:44
WimpressNo, they are actively developing Ayatana Indicators. Recently the requirement to use patched GTK for IDO was removed in Ayatana Indicator.12:45
WimpressThey are actively expanding the portfolio of indicators.12:45
seb128well they did fork e.g libappindicator, I wish they had asked to take over those instead12:47
seb128anyway to reply to the original question, I'm not owning the project, I would personally be fine with it but I don't think I can take that decision12:47
sunweaverseb128: we forked many components under a new name.12:52
sunweaverfor dbusmenu, my fear is that the impact on 3rd party projects might be immense.12:52
sunweaverBut I haven't checked fully, yet.12:52
Wimpressseb128: Meet sunweaver. DD and one of the maintainers of Ayatana Indicators.12:52
sunweaveras of today, it would be easier to keep the dbusmenu namespace.12:52
seb128we exchanged email in the past12:52
seb128as it would have been easier to keep the libappindicator one12:53
sunweaveryeah, admittedly.12:53
seb128we wouldn't be in the situation now where different distro or desktop are on different forks12:53
sunweaverI was a bit hasty back then and did not count in the full impact.12:53
sunweaverso, back to dbusmenu... The UBports people and also us devs of Aytana Indicators heavily rely on dbusmenu and I wonder if it would be ok, to maintain it under the AyatanaIndicators umbrella.12:55
sunweaverthus avoiding the fork, but also releasing the dbusmenu code from CLA.12:56
seb128I would be fine with that but I'm not the position to decide that, Wimpress should be able to figure out where to ask though13:04
seb128would you be open to do the same for the other libraries or do you think that doesn't make sense now that they diverged?13:04
sunweaverseb128: thanks for this13:04
sunweaverseb128: which other libraries do you have in mind?13:04
seb128libayatana-appindicator vs libappindicator13:05
seb128Ubuntu still uses libappindicator as of today and libayatana-appindicator is in universe13:06
sunweaverI presume the libappindicator <-> libayatana-appindicator can-of-worms has been opened now.13:06
seb128well, probably similar situation for the indicators themselves13:06
seb128it's just a shame that we end up with different versions, there was no need for that13:06
seb128but we had the discussion over email at the time, or rather after fact, so that ship probably sailed by now...13:07
sunweaverthe libappindicator fork could have been avoided. So a big sorry from my side. The fork of that library wasn't necessary, esp. not the name space change.13:07
sunweaverWith the system indicators, it is different.13:07
sunweaverAyatana System Indicators now work on a vanilla GTK 313:07
sunweaverthe GTK3 patch that Ubuntus ships is not necessary anymore.13:07
seb128that would have been a welcome change for the ubuntu indicators as well I think 13:08
sunweaverUbuntu Touch / UBports / Lomiri upstream is currently switching over to Ayatana Indicators, Ubuntu MATE has already switch, as well. So, for system indicators, I recommend trying Ayatana System Indicators and consider switching over.13:08
sunweaverThe development is quite progressive and will be co-funded by the UBports foundation in the near future, I hope.13:09
seb128we don't use those indicators anymore for Ubuntu so I guess that's not for us to decide which variant is being used13:10
sunweaverWhat we could try to do in Ayatana Indicators is providing a drop-in replacement for libappindicator (esp. for the gir1.2-* packages), so that you don't have to port all applications.13:10
seb128well porting is not the issue13:10
sunweaverseb128: it's more for the flavours (like XFCE, lubuntu and such)13:10
seb128I think porting is fine enough13:11
sunweaverok, then.13:11
seb128is that you end up having a choice to make between competing implementations13:11
sunweaverIf you need any changes to libayatana-*, simply file a pull request on github.com/AyatanaIndicators and I'll be happy to process that.13:11
seb128which is a sucking situation to be in, especially where there was no reason to create the competing situation13:11
sunweaverI guess, at that time I felt quite helpless regarding having an impact on the code base13:12
seb128I've personally difficulties to get behind an hostile fork of opensource projects13:13
seb128but I should probably get over it there13:13
sunweaverI discussed various changes with David Barth around 2012 for the Unit Greeter, the patches ended in nirvana and I guess I should have tried again regarding indicators.13:13
seb128you didn't even try to reach out to ask if you could take over the upstream project at the time (what you are doing now today for libdbusmenu)13:13
sunweaverAlso, at the time when I forked indicators, it became obvious that the projects were switching into sustainmaint-mode.13:13
seb128right, which would have been a perfect time to help them carry forward being becoming maintainer13:14
sunweaverseb128: I think, all I can say today is: I am tootaly sorry for my hastiness at that time.13:14
seb128thanks for saying that13:14
sunweaverIt would have been the better approach to stick heads together. I realize that now (and also many times before, but haven't said it to the right person).13:15
seb128anyway, that said and going forward, I would support handing over libdbusmenu, I will try to see if I can help Wimpress with that request13:16
seb128and we need to revisit using libayatana-appindicator for Ubuntu13:16
WimpressThanks seb128 13:16
sunweaverthanks for expressing your pain about it and exchanging thoughts here and now.13:16
sunweaverseb128: awesome and thanks!!!13:17
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:27
jibelGood morning hellsworth 14:27
hellsworthhey jibel :)14:28
seb128hey hey hey14:30
seb128Wimpress, meeting? ;-)14:31
WimpressHello o/14:31
seb128ah :p14:31
didrockshey hey14:31
Wimpress#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2021-02-0214:31
meetingologyMeeting started at 14:31:35 UTC.  The chair is Wimpress.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick14:31
WimpressRoll call:  didrocks, duflu, hellsworth, jamesh, jibel, kenvandine, Laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN, seb128 , tkamppeter, Trevinho, robert_ancell, callmepk14:31
WimpressHello desktoppers :-)14:32
Wimpress#topic rls-bb-bugs14:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1782984 in libx11 (Ubuntu Groovy) "Assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost' failed with multiple applications" [High,New]14:33
WimpressAssigning to Timo14:34
WimpressEverything else is in order.14:34
Wimpress#topic rls-ff-bugs14:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1910838 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "stopped working after latest update" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:35
WimpressI think we discussed that one last week.14:35
WimpressWaiting for feedback.14:35
WimpressHWE is being discussed.14:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1912498 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Focal) "Preinstall some new essential raspi packages in the official raspi images" [High,In progress]14:38
WimpressANy of us involved in the above?14:38
WimpressLooks like sil2100 is working that?14:38
LaneyNah, that's for Łukasz, assign it imo14:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1913656 in ghostscript (Ubuntu Focal) "Fix for Ghostscript 9.50 upstream bug needs to be back-ported" [Medium,New]14:39
WimpressAny takers?14:40
Laneyfor Till maybe?>14:41
seb128tkamppeter_, ^ one SRU for you maybe there?14:41
Trevinhoguess it's for TIll?14:41
WimpressTill wins a bug14:41
hellsworthtill he protests..14:42
WimpressEverything else is assigned.14:42
oSoMoNit's "adopt a bug" day14:42
Wimpress#topic rls-gg-bugs14:42
WimpressIs fine ^14:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1913651 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Groovy) "/usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers:PermissionError:/usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers@480:__call__:main:invoke:invoke:invoke:new_func:invoke:autoinstall:command_install" [High,Triaged]14:43
Laneyit's for tselio_t and in progress afaik, assign it14:44
WimpressYep. Assigned.14:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1913651 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Groovy) "/usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers:PermissionError:/usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers@480:__call__:main:invoke:invoke:invoke:new_func:invoke:autoinstall:command_install" [High,Triaged]14:45
WimpressThat is being handled by Dave.14:45
seb128that was the same number than before?14:46
Laneywrong link, or else we're all in the matrix14:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1901272 in pi-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "Can't connect Bluetooth devices after reboot - Ubuntu 20.10 on Raspberry Pi 4" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:46
WimpressThat one ^14:46
WimpressEverything else is in order.14:46
Wimpress#topic rls-hh-bugs14:46
WimpressIs fine ^14:47
WimpressAlso fine ^14:47
Wimpress#topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages14:48
seb128tiff is waiting for MIR team, their meeting is just after this one14:49
seb128I will go ask if it didn't get picked for review because it was assigned14:49
seb128n-m sounds like a systemd issue, I pinged r_balint about it14:49
rbalintseb128, ?14:49
seb128rbalint, we are reviewed blocked in proposed for our team and I was talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/191406214:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1914062 in systemd (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager-wait-online.service in 1.28.0-2ubuntu1 fails to start in LXC" [Undecided,New]14:50
rbalintn-m does not start in lzc14:50
WimpressAnything else in excuses a cause for concern?14:50
seb128software-properties/armhf, probably to check with foundations14:50
seb128that keeps beeing flaky or problematic14:50
WimpressFlappy test?14:51
seb128but otherwise nothing new or problematic, the few glib failures probably need to be checked14:51
seb128and that's it14:51
Wimpress#topic AOB14:51
WimpressAnyone have anything else they want to discuss?14:52
WimpressOK, I'll go.14:52
WimpressI met with the Yaru team last night.14:52
rbalintseb128, the log from the bug contains this: Get:263 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu hirsute-proposed/main amd64 network-manager amd64 1.28.0-2ubuntu1 [2002 kB]14:53
WimpressTL;DR in terms of Yaru - merging the GTK4 and GNOME40 themes looks to be business as usual.14:53
WimpressNo expected major issues.14:54
seb128I'm going to upload GTK4 to hirsute today14:54
seb128Debian NEW is taking forever and since there was a call for testing on discourse14:54
WimpressYaru team do have one request though.14:54
WimpressCan GNOME40 snapshot be uploaded to a PPA so they can test/validate everything is indeed working?14:54
WimpressSo, next cycle then?14:55
seb128we will eventually get there, but one of the reason we postponed is that we don't have the engineering capacity to do the work required by the updares14:55
seb128the lack of resources applies also to some degree to the ppa14:56
Laneythere's a gtk4 package in debian, and that has a demo application or two in it14:56
seb128we might have wip work landing at some point14:56
Laneywhich is probably good enough to rebuild on ubuntu, and use for testing14:56
seb128Laney, I'm basically just fake syncing the version that is sitting in NEW14:56
Wimpressclobrano ^14:56
seb128I just finished a test build on hirsute and it's fine :-)14:57
Laneyso I assume the demos are packaged in there and they can be used for now until we get some apps which require it14:57
WimpressI have nothing else to add regarding Yaru etc.14:58
WimpressAnyone have any other topics?14:58
WimpressAlso Feichtmeier ^14:59
seb128I'm just going to mention recent topics from discourse for those not follow the website14:59
WimpressGood point!14:59
TrevinhoWimpress, clobrano: I can do the simplest thing by just copy the debian sources (as they are) in a PPA once they hit that... 14:59
Trevinhomay be enough for testing14:59
WimpressThanks Trevinho 15:00
seb128Trevinho, Debian is frozen15:00
Trevinhowell experimental isn't going to be updated?15:00
seb128they might still update to experimental but I doubt that's going to be a focus15:00
WimpressAre we done?15:01
seb128I think so15:01
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:01:53 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2021/ubuntu-desktop.2021-02-02-14.31.moin.txt15:01
WimpressThanks everyone.15:01
hellsworthgonna miss you Wimpress 15:01
didrocksthank you Wimpress!15:02
jibelThanks Wimpress 15:02
callmepkthanks Wimpress 15:02
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