
=== Glassjoe is now known as Guest86601
=== Glassjoe_ is now known as Glassjoe
lotuspsychjegood morning03:00
UssatSo, this might or might not be the right place to post this, but I am gonna do it anyway. One of the fairly high profile devs of ansible , a RH employee and a friend, had a terrible loss a few days ago. His baby daughter died. Afew of us in #RHEL have started a Go Fund Me to help the family out. Just sayin.  https://www.gofundme.com/f/rhel-family-loss-ava-miller?d=:signedDonationId&utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email03:05
UssatNot spamming, and I appologize for the post, I know its really off topic03:06
Ussatand Good Morning03:07
lotuspsychjeUssat: do you know from what cause their baby died?03:09
UssatI do not, they have said very little and are pretty much just keeping to themselvs at this point03:10
lotuspsychjeallright, terrible news anyhow03:11
UssatAye, it is03:11
UssatThis is the Father of the baby:  https://developers.redhat.com/authors/adam-miller03:12
sarnoldgood guy03:13
UssatYes, very03:13
UssatA lot of people took it hard03:14
=== puff` is now known as puff
lordievaderGood morning07:05
ducassegood morning07:19
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
coconutyes! ubuntu-20.04.2 is on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com :)19:29
marcoagpintogood news19:53
=== popey5 is now known as popey
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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