
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
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ubottuVraag niet of je mag vragen, maar vraag!01:48
=== Apachez- is now known as Apachez
pi0anyone here use gsconnect with ubuntu 20.0402:12
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pi0also what is the name of the file explorer for gnome02:12
pi0i installed the minimal version of ubuntu 20.0402:12
pi0and i do not get the folder icon02:12
sarnoldis that nautilus?02:14
oerheksseriously, no nautilus with minimal install?02:22
pi0does nautilus mean full install?02:23
pi0i mean if i were to install nautilus02:24
sarnoldubuntu-minimal doesn't look like it includes any graphical anything https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/br4TzP4hQN/02:25
oerheksthat would be the mini iso without selection?02:27
oerheksnot the regular desktop, with minimal option, as i presume02:28
oerhekswhy would anyone take a bare install, and try gsconnect :-D02:29
sarnoldah, is there a 'minimal' thing in the installer that's unrelated to the ubuntu-minimal package? that's not at all confusing :)02:29
oerheksor: yes, nautilus pulls in gnome-desktop02:32
pi0the bare install is on a vm02:37
pi0with limited resources02:38
pi0my actual desktop is ubuntu full02:38
pi0oerheks: but not sure what the issue is with my ubuntu 20.04 and gsconnect02:41
pi0have you used gsconnect before?02:41
sarnoldhmmm, someone was asking about gsconnect the other day, and this url came up https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230155/ubuntu-20-04-gsconnect02:45
sarnoldthe last answer looks potentially most useful02:45
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pi0sarnold: are you on discord?02:58
sarnoldpi0: is that the chat thing or the forum thing?03:00
pi0the chat app with screenshare in all03:06
pi0just trying to trouble shoot this gsconnect issue :/03:06
sarnoldah, no, no chat thing03:09
pi0sarnold: i ran a few commands from the link you provided however i got these new programms installed and now sure how to remove them03:19
pi0what is the best method to search for installed apps and complete purge them out03:19
sarnolddpkg -l | grep '^ii' will show you what you have installed03:19
sarnoldapt purge packagename will remove it03:19
pi0thank you kindly03:22
pi0in regards to minicom03:25
pi0from that link, if the .desktop icon is not located in ./local/share/applications03:25
pi0where else can it be?03:25
sarnoldI found that with apt-file search minicom.desktop -- I got lucky that the name was logical :)03:26
pi0oh that is how you find files03:27
pi0it will searh the whole fs03:27
sarnoldit searches a database of packages and the files that the packages say they own03:27
sarnoldthe ubuntu repositories publish a file saying which packages own which files, and apt-file can download that database and search it easily03:28
sarnoldif you want to search the whole filesystem, there's a few choices for that -- the mlocate package builds an index every day that you can search with 'locate', and the findutils package provides a 'find' command that will search whichever directories and children you specify for whatever criteria you specify03:29
sarnold(there's also a newer plocate command that's a milliion times better than locate, but it probably isn't in any ubuntu yet; and there's an fd command that should be faster than the find command, but it may also not be in ubuntu yet)03:30
pi0i have an application called imagemagick how do i know what other programs rely on this app to run successfully03:36
sarnoldapt purge -s imagemagick  -- the -s asks to simulate removing it03:39
sarnoldthat'll only show packages known to apt to Depend: on imagemagick though -- any applications you may have installed outside of apt won't show up there03:39
jpmhI have read reports of issues with libgcrypyt that a user can gain root privs using gpg - how is this possible given that gpg does not have the setuid bit set03:55
sarnoldjpmh: my *guess* is that whoever said this was thinking of supplying malicious apt repository contents and then exploiting the gpgv process that is run as part of apt update or apt upgrade commands03:59
jpmhsarnold: that does not fit with what I'm reading.  They say that with libgcrypt 1,9.1 a carefully crafted gpg message can exploit this04:01
sarnoldjpmh: note that this is a GPG "message": http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease04:02
jpmhsarnold: OK - and how does such a message cause priv escalation if gpg does not have setuid04:03
sarnoldjpmh: because unattended-upgrades runs as root; or sudo apt update runs as root04:08
jpmhsarnold: but all reports say that it is dectypting a specially crafted message04:09
sarnoldjpmh: sure; an evil person could construct such a message, set up a web server on a cloud instance somewhere cheap, then perform DNS hijacking at a coffee shop or something to cause an ubuntu laptop to talk to *their* web server04:10
jpmhsarnold: I'm missing what you are siggesting here - how can gpg grant privs if it does not have setuid04:11
sarnoldjpmh: ubuntu installs the unattended-upgrades package by default -- this run apt get update basically every night. as root. apt runs gpgv to verify the package lists. apt *may* use the _apt user account for this task, I'm not sure. If apt uses _apt, then the exploit would need to get gpgv to emit "OK". If apt doesn't use the _apt account for verifying the lists, then it'll use the root account04:15
sarnoldjpmh: I've got to run -- if there's still a disconnect somewhere, try asking in #ubuntu-hardened, there's a chance someone else may be around04:17
sarnoldjpmh: have fun :)04:17
jpmhsarnold: TY04:18
vystyI've built a new computer and installed Ubuntu 20.04. My previous machine is running Ubuntu 18.04. What is the best way to transfer my files and settings from the old to new computer?04:21
deltabvysty: if your user id is the same on both systems, then transferring the files on disk should be straightforward, assuming they're stored under /home or dedicated directories04:27
deltabvysty: or you can connect the machines using a network and rsync the files across04:28
octav1ahaving an issue where i can ping and resolve all website dns fine, but i get 'connection refused' for all sites trying to open them04:36
octav1aany idea what might cause it?04:36
pi0sarnold: arg!05:03
deltaboctav1a: resolving to the right IP addresses?05:03
pi0my school comp pooped05:03
pi0Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout05:03
pi0wont boot up into the os05:03
deltaboctav1a: try tcptraceroute05:04
pi0is there any way to boot it up again05:07
pi0all of a suden05:14
pi0just did not boot up05:14
pi0does linux offer recovery boot05:14
deltabwhat happens?05:16
pi0when i boot up my laptop macbook pro05:16
pi0Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Reset failed (-110)05:17
pi0it hangs on that05:17
deltabthat seems to be a problem with some Bluetooth HCI (human/computer interface) device05:18
deltabat what stage in booting does that happen?05:19
pi0from the start05:20
pi0as soon as i hit power05:20
pi0it goes through the process and stops there05:21
deltabso the boot loader has started the kernel at least05:22
pi0i think so05:23
deltabyou should be able to interrupt the boot process before the kernel starts and try the rescue mode05:23
pi0what is the hotkey to load that menu05:24
deltabI think any key will do05:24
pi0i will try space bar05:25
pi0"/dev/sda2: recovering journal"05:26
pi0"/dev/sda2: clean ...... "stuff"05:26
pi0those are the only 2 lines05:28
pi0then it goes back were we talk about05:28
pi0i cannot seem to find the recovery menu05:28
pi0if i boot it from a different usb05:28
pi0is that an option05:28
pi0but what would i do then05:28
deltabdepends on what the problem is05:28
deltabif it's software (a bad update, maybe) you could use the working OS to repair the broken one05:29
pi0well did just remove a lot of stuff05:29
deltabif it's hardware, you might be able to find out which device05:29
deltabwhat kind of stuff?05:30
deltabah okay; that shouldn't affect the kernel05:30
pi0but not sure how to get to the recovery screen menu05:33
pi0were i can select a different kernel05:33
deltabthat's the boot loader05:37
deltabdo you know which boot loader your system is using?05:37
deltabor can you boot from another USB device?05:37
pi0not exactly sure05:40
pi0but once i boot with another usb05:40
pi0how do i select recovery from the hd itself05:40
deltabif your other OS works then use that05:44
HashHello my friend05:46
HashI made a guitar video and some parts suck which would like to clip out, is the gui for the ffmpeg thingy who can do this or is there a good program in ubuntu 2005:46
pi0but its just off the usb05:46
HashI don't know this.05:46
HashSomething like Windows Movie Maker (easy peasy, drop video, clip out parts, etc.)05:47
HashIt's probably easier to clip out using ffmpeg I guess. Then stitch em together. I wonder what happens if you cat a few video files into a new bigger video file. Does it mess up the encodings?05:49
deltabdepends on the format05:49
deltabit might work perfectly, or with a stutter or glitch, or it might only play one part, or it might not play at all05:52
deltaband you might lose the ability to skip through the window smoothly or at all, or the sound might be desynchronised, etc.05:53
deltabtry it, I guess; or look for video editing software; it's abailable05:54
deltabpi0: it should be able to access the hard drive05:55
deltabpi0: ah, holding shift should show the GRUB menu, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode06:03
deltabor press escape a few times06:04
deltabrecovery mode gives you a root shell and not much else06:05
deltabso a live CD/USB is generally nicer06:06
HashOk I just used this program called mpv and noted times and use ffmpeg to slice out a thing06:06
HashNow I have to figure out latency on the ubuntu 20.04 kernel and my reordings. I bought a mic06:06
HashOh ok I see, thanks for all the great info man06:06
Hashhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7eTUtdAyaI I did this. Sound is a bit muddy06:06
HashIs there an official RT kernel for ubuntu 20.04?06:07
deltabthere's a lowlatency version06:07
HashI need like a multi channel, multi track thingy to record in.06:09
HashSoftware I mean.06:09
HashSay I play a drum track in it, and while it's playing, record guitar on another track06:10
pi0how do i mount my hardrive06:17
pi0with boot usb06:17
Hashpi0: open console. as sudo/root type `fdisk -l` or 'lsblk' and find out the drive you want to mount06:19
Hashpi0: then depending on file system, you'd mount it with `mount /dev/sd(whatever) /your/mount/point'06:20
HashSpecifying whatever options you would need to pass.06:20
deltabpi0: if you boot using a live image it can start the GUI and you can use tools such as the Disks utility06:29
pi0well i was not able to recover from grub menu06:32
pi0but managed to mount the drive and cp to usb drive06:32
pi0thank you guys!06:32
pi0this really saved my hw06:32
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pi0deltab and Hash thank you06:47
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pi0how do i download the most current macbook pro firmware07:24
pi0for ubuntu07:24
pi0its an older comp07:24
pi0but i think it was a bluetooth firmware error07:24
ztaneTypeError: null has no properties _onFocusChanged@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:135:9 :D going crazy with this gnome07:37
ztane2.3 gigabytes of javascript errors from buggy gnome shell in 1 hour07:38
ztanewow... fix exists in upstream07:45
nanthencodeneethi am using dell vostro 15-3568 i installed windows in uefi. how to install ubuntu through usb uefi08:24
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: try to access the run time boot menu and choose usb uefi08:31
EriC^^press f12 when the pc boots to get the menu08:32
nanthencodeneeththank you Eric let me try08:32
EriC^^no problem08:32
nanthencodeneeth@Eric this is what i get when i press F12 https://ibb.co/tMN0zbt08:37
nanthencodeneethEriC^^ ^ can you help me08:39
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: hmm im assuming the usb isnt the toshiba one, try to use a different usb port and repeat the process nanthencodeneeth so that it shows up in the list08:41
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: how did you make the ubuntu usb?08:41
nanthencodeneethusing startupdisk creator08:41
nanthencodeneethoption present in ubuntu08:41
EriC^^i see, that should do it08:42
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EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: try also to press F2, go to General  boot sequence and enable uefi and select the USB stoage device as checked and put it at the top of the list before the internal hdd08:43
EriC^^then press f10 to save and exit08:44
nanthencodeneethEriC^^ https://ibb.co/B6mSwSX08:44
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: try to press 'add boot option'08:44
nanthencodeneeth@Eric ok i shall press that08:44
nanthencodeneethhttps://ibb.co/sWRXBdp this is what i get08:47
nanthencodeneethnow what should i  do EriC^^08:47
nanthencodeneethEriC^^ no usb listed in File system08:49
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ztanenanthencodeneeth: mmm ... those are just hard disks all08:51
ztanepartitions on the same device.08:51
nanthencodeneethztane yes how can i make my usb come there08:52
ztanehmm not sure if it can be in the secure mode, i guess you need to somehow enable the legacy boot mode anyway.08:52
ztanehow could usb boot be safe anyway.08:53
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nanthencodeneethztane cant i boot usb in uefi i am new to to all these stuffs and and to be frank i dont even know what uefi is08:54
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: what happens if you press on the browse below for 'filename'08:54
nanthencodeneethi installed windows in uefi08:54
nanthencodeneethand tried to install ubuntu in legacy08:54
nanthencodeneethnow that made me switch between uefi and legacy each time when i needed to boot windows or ubuntu08:55
nanthencodeneethand i read that u should install ubuntu in uefi08:55
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: is ubuntu installed in legacy mode right now alongside windows? you can convert it from within the install to uefi08:55
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: try pressing filename, also make sure you try different usb ports in case it's having problems08:56
nanthencodeneethok EriC^^ let me try and will say in few minutes08:57
nanthencodeneethi cant even select legacy now it is seems disabled08:58
nanthencodeneethEriC^^ i changed usb to all the available ports no luck09:02
nanthencodeneethits is not getting listed09:02
EriC^^nanthencodeneeth: does filename show any usb device you can browse for files?09:04
EriC^^ok, try to get it to boot in legacy mode as you did before09:05
nanthencodeneethok i shall boot in legacy mode09:05
nanthencodeneethbut how can i add windows to grub09:05
EriC^^we'll switch ubuntu to use uefi09:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:08
MikkaI have a question about postgresql on 20.0410:34
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MikkaI deleted the directory /var/lib/postgresql/12 and I can't get it back10:35
MikkaI have reinstalled postgresql -12 -common -client  several times and it is never recreated ...10:36
MikkaBah... silly.. had to remove /var/lib/postgresql too ... now it was recreated10:40
Mikkathanks ;)10:40
akkonradis it possible to have topbar and launchbar visible on both screens?10:48
akkonradubuntu 20.10, gnome10:48
lotuspsychjemirror screens akkonrad10:49
akkonradlotuspsychje: so you say that it's not possible? or it's gnome extension or smthg10:50
lotuspsychjeakkonrad: no i mean, to see 2 the same screens you need to mirror them in settings10:50
akkonradI don't want to see both screens, what I want to have is to have topbar and launchbar on both of them and different apps used10:52
akkonradright now I've got it only on my primary screen10:52
akkonradand the second one holds only the app10:52
banisterfiendhi,is there a simpler way to write this shell script https://pastebin.com/nHW5FGkJ /10:52
EriC^^banisterfiend: that looks pretty short10:54
banisterfiendEriC^^ it seems silly to have a conditional there tho, is there a way to do it without even requiring an if?10:55
banisterfiendthe inverse logic oof bash sometimes confuses me10:55
banisterfiendi.e 0 is success and 1 is failure10:55
banisterfiendand how that works ni conditionals, is a mind f8ck10:55
EriC^^ldd | grep -q && return 0 || return 1 ?10:56
EriC^^banisterfiend: there's probably a better way to go about it, might try asking in #bash10:57
banisterfiendEriC^^ i was thinking i could leave out the returrn altogether10:57
yossarianukhi  - anyone know when the point release is out ?10:58
EriC^^yeah, i was just thinking that10:58
yossarianuki.e 20.04.2 ?10:58
Marquelshort cpu hotplug question: the system reports 8 cpus, of which four are currently offline and do not have their corresponding cpu*11:04
Marquelcpu*/ folder in the sysfs - how can i set them online?11:05
TJ-Marquel: are they hyperthreads (SMT) ?11:16
MarquelTJ-: virtual cpus from the hypervisor. they are listed in "offline".11:17
TJ-Marquel: if they are 'pretend' SMT they can be potentially disabled by boot-time kernel options to counter vulnerabilities - check the kernel log for clues11:19
Marquelpcpu-alloc reports CPUs 0 through 7, smp brings up 1 node, 4 cpus.11:21
Marquelbasically works as intended, the four additional vcpus are intended to be available in case of load peaks. as is now.11:21
TJ-Marquel: maybe you have to mark them as online via the hypervisor?11:24
MarquelTJ-: indeed looks like it.11:36
Marqueland now a11:36
Marqueli am too much of a coward to try, while that thing is busy doing critical stuff and i can't afford an untinded reboot.11:37
spanglesontoasthello does anyone know how to fix Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 ?11:39
Marquelspanglesontoast: what means "to fix"? being cynical i could say "buy a proper NIC, not some cheap RealTek stuff", but beyond that "fixing" can mean too many things to just guess.11:41
spanglesontoastI mean the driver in the kernel doesn't actually work from the get go, it simply keeps retrying the connection even using dhcp.11:43
spanglesontoastwhat kernel version is provided on the 20.10 livecd ?11:44
spanglesontoastbecause that works11:45
faLUKEhello. After apt full-upgrade I obtain this on ubuntu 20.04: "11:48
faLUKElibopenmpi-dev:amd64 depends on openmpi-bin (>= 3.0.0-1); however:11:48
faLUKE  Package openmpi-bin is not configured yet11:48
faLUKEhow can i fix it? thanks11:48
Sbur3Is there a channel for questions about setting up a 5.1 audio system to my 7.1 Asus Xonar AE audio card?11:49
Sbur3I am using Ubuntu11:49
TJ-faLUKE: "sudo dpkg --configure openmpi-bin"11:51
faLUKETJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7zFs2fn53X/11:53
faLUKETJ-: I'm trying this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62464085/openmpi-bin-error-after-update-kubuntu-18-04-to-20-0411:54
faLUKETJ-: it worked, thanks11:55
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c03I accidentally deleted all files on my boot partition. I am running a luks encrypted system partition, and an efi boot partition additionally. I have reinstalled the efi partition, but am unsure on how to recover the boot partition12:00
c03I am chrooted into the system partition with the boot partition mounted as /boot and the efi mounted as /boot/efi12:01
c03the efi partition has the esp and boot flags set.12:01
TJ-c03: you'll need to reinstall the installed kernels in order to put them back and cause building of the initialramfs initrd.img files and rerun grub-install and finally update-grub12:20
TJ-c03: "sudo apt install --reinstall $( apt list --installed 'linux-image-*' 2>/dev/null | cut -f 1 -d / | grep -v Listing ) "  should do the first part12:22
c03TJ-: Thanks12:34
c03TJ-: Getting an E: Internal Error, No file name for linux-image-5.4.0-62-generic:amd6412:39
c03Trying to just install linux-image-generic results in an error; Failed to create symlink to vmlinuz-5.4.0-62-generic: Operation not permitted at /usr/bin/linux-update-symlinks line 6412:41
TJ-c03: ahhh, looks like you've got a foreign-arch in there too to cause the ":amd64" arch label to be appended12:50
c03Yes, I got desperate and copied /boot from my laptop earlier. Horrible idea.12:51
TJ-c03: probably need to manually fix-up the 'apt install' command to avoid that12:52
TJ-if you haven't already, use this to get the list then edit it manually before feeding it to 'apt install --reinstall' " echo $( apt list --installed 'linux-image-*' 2>/dev/null | cut -f 1 -d / | grep -v Listing ) "12:52
c03TJ-: How do you mean? Currently I'm just attempting apt install linux-image-generic, and that fails on the symlink creation.12:52
TJ-hang on, maybe we need to refine the list to just the versioned images12:53
reactormonk1I've got an 18.04 machine here which doesn't always boot correctly - the BIOS does post every time, but afterwards I only get a black screen about 60% of the time - booting via recovery works 100% though, but the resolution is crap.12:55
TJ-c03: "sudo apt install --reinstall $( apt list --installed 'linux-image-5*' 2>/dev/null | cut -f 1 -d / | grep -v Listing | sed 's/:amd64//' ) "12:55
c03TJ-: The listing doesn't contain any :amd64 images12:57
c03(before the sed)12:57
c03So I'm not really sure where it gets the :amd64 from.12:58
BluesKajHowdy folks13:01
TJ-c03: then :amd64 will be showing up as a Depends: of one of the parent packages, most likely linux-image-generic13:28
nanthencodeneethGRub is not comming after installation of ubuntu 20.04 its booting into windows13:29
nanthencodeneethany idea how to correct this13:29
oerheksnanthencodeneeth, hold left shift or esc key ?13:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:32
nanthencodeneethi installed windows first then i installed ubuntu .13:33
oerheksthat should be oke13:33
urmogohello, how to produce a core dump of 3rd party application13:37
urmogoapport seems to skip them13:37
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oerheksif apport skips that coredump, nothing gets written in /var/crash/ .. But it is disabled by default in stable releases.13:39
oerhekssudo systemctl enable apport.service or sudo service apport start. to make it work again?13:40
urmogoit works but reports the app is not from apt source13:41
urmogoit's a custom program which crash sometimes and i would like to investigate why, but it's hard without core file13:42
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oerheksask themaintainer of that special app?13:49
lotuspsychjeor if its on launchpad ubuntu-bug package?13:50
urmogoERROR: apport (pid 38996) Fri Dec 11 15:09:01 2020: executable does not belong to a package, ignoring13:52
lotuspsychjenot an official ubuntu package?13:53
urmogoyea it's a compiled application13:53
urmogoI'm running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on rasberypi13:53
lotuspsychjeurmogo: start it from terminal and leave a journalctl -f open to debug it yourself perhaps13:58
lotuspsychjeurmogo: we only support the official ubuntu packages from the repos here13:59
vlmis there a way to set a data cap on outgoing traffic for an interface?14:00
vlmi mean not to limit bandwidth, i want to set a hard limit of outgoing data and then shut down the interface14:01
InteloMy audio speakers stopped working. Pavucontrol also does not shows them. I tried  sudo alsactl init 0; sudo alsa force-reload   but that does not helps. Any clues?14:05
reactormonk1Intelo, journalctl -b14:11
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Inteloreactormonk1: https://termbin.com/lm3z14:29
reactormonk1Intelo, I assume builtin speakers?14:33
reactormonk1There's a few like pulseaudio[26996]: Error opening PCM device hw:4: No such file or directory14:33
Inteloreactormonk1: its a laptop having builtin speakers but I have connected external ones. both don't work14:34
reactormonk1Maybe there's something in dmesg that indicates a hardware failure?14:34
reactormonk1Intelo, what does the configuration tab of pavucontrol show?14:37
Inteloreactormonk1: https://imgur.com/7UYPq0k.png14:40
reactormonk1Intelo, does the first one offer you any configuration options if you click on it?14:41
reactormonk1... also, is that the builtin audio?14:41
Inteloreactormonk1: the last 3 are all externals14:42
Intelolast two points to same mic I have14:42
Intelodon't know about the top one14:43
reactormonk1Intelo, if you click on the "off" on the top one, what do you get?14:45
Inteloreactormonk1: https://imgur.com/rXjuoHn.png14:49
reactormonk1Intelo, scroll up, look for "audio output" or "audio duplex"14:50
reactormonk1... click on it14:50
MarquelTJ-: it was true, i had to do it from the hypervisor - the cpus started to appear in the VM and were startable (except no. 4 which refused to become online).14:52
Inteloreactormonk1: https://imgur.com/G5P09WB.png14:52
reactormonk1Intelo, ahh duh. I was hoping for an easy resolution.14:52
Inteloreactormonk1: in a nutshell what seems to be the problem?14:53
reactormonk1Intelo, I was _hoping_ it was just a bad pulseaudio config and it didn't show up in pulseaudio because of that.14:53
reactormonk1... which isn't the case :-(14:53
reactormonk1Sorry, I was looking for anything that would point to something obvious, but I couldn't see anything.14:54
TJ-Marquel: thanks for letting us know :)14:54
MarquelTJ-: cpu4/online produced an I/O error when trying to write a 1 into it.14:58
javi404anyone having performance problem with 20.04.2?15:31
javi404radeon driver15:31
genkgoHello, I have a question on network connections. I have a primary VPN that controls the full network (unchecked the local network only box). But I also have another VPNs with the local network box checked. When I first connect to the primary VPN, then I cannot connect to any IP of the second VPN. While if I first connect to the secondary VPN, I can reach both networks.15:38
genkgoHow can I make sure the order of connecting to the VPNs does not matter?15:40
summonnersounds like a netmask or ip restriction in place for one of the VPNs. You might want to check in #networking genkgo - they're more on topic for that stuff15:40
genkgosummonner: thanks, will check there!15:40
coconutjavi404, seeing no one answers: do you have the same problems on a recent 5.4 kernel?15:53
javi404coconut: im gonna have to check15:54
javi404let me save all my tabs and such and revert, what is the proper way to do that?15:54
javi404in fedora i just pick in grub15:54
javi404not sure ubuntu15:54
javi404also posted here just to document: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457547&p=14018855#post1401885515:55
coconutjavi404, you can do that too in grub with ubuntu iirc, and if not you can customize kernels in grub with "grub customizer".15:56
javi404ok, i guess let me test grub customezer in a vm before i do something crazy15:57
javi404i can't blow up this workstation at the moment.15:57
javi404i did recently enable grub so i can pick memtest86 on boot which doesn't work btw.15:58
javi404i had a mem problem / freezing, but reseated the dimms and all is solid now except the performance issue.15:58
coconutjavi404, grub customizer is easy to use, i have it installed by default to change booting kernel versions when something is wrong.16:02
javi404coconut: so just install it, run it, that's it?16:03
javi404when i boot it will ask me?16:03
coconutjavi404, no you change the grub config to boot a kernel version by default that you want, that's all. You just have to push the right kernel to the top of gui of grub customizer.16:05
javi404got it16:05
coconutThe save it and let it run. After that, reboot and fingers crossed.16:05
oerheksjavi404, Radeon HD 4250 is below the minimum specs, that Radeon HD 5670/5690/5730 should be oke16:06
javi404yeah, but there is a noticable change after the update16:06
oerheksopenradeon is for ATI 5xxx and up16:06
zen_coderhow can I make sure that my files created on a samba share are all marked with read/write access of a certain group?16:13
oerheks answered yesterday; zen_coder, with ACL ? https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-manage-acls-on-linux16:15
oerheksanyway, writing as a member of that group should be sufficient, no?16:15
zen_coderoerheks: what I have atm is the new files create have read access by that specific group16:16
zen_coderbut not write access16:17
zen_coderI used in the samba config the "force group" entry16:17
ghost2911Hi. What is the simplest way to set permissions 774 for user www-data, for a file or folder created inside /var/www ?16:55
ghost2911permissions should be set automatically when file or folder created inside /var/www I mean16:56
coconutThe software updater keeps asking for removing old kernels in a popup a lot. Can i change that somewhere to not do that anymore? I want the kernels to stay.17:01
pavlosghost2911: probably you need 775 for /var/www and owner www-data17:02
ghost2911pavlos probably, but I want that everytime something new created inside /var/www gets 775 and owner www-data17:03
ghost2911no matter what )17:03
sanderxHi all! I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 and had a problem during that upgrade with initramfs. It is probably this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/189774717:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897747 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.136ubuntu6.3 failed to install/upgrade: installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:04
sanderxAlthough everything seems to be working as expected I want to be sure. How can I check that everything is working as expected?17:05
pavlosghost2911: chmod 775 -R /var/www and chown www-data:www-data /var/www17:05
ghost2911pavlos, yes this sets once permissions what happens if you create a new file17:07
ghost2911If I'm root then the file gets root user and group also but I want www-data17:08
ghost2911I saw sgid could do the thing at least for owners17:08
pavlosghost2911: if owner of /var/www is www-data, any file/dir created under, will inherit that dir's owner/perms17:10
ghost2911no it takes default the user you are using17:11
seamammali can google but if anyone knows why my 20.04 ubuntu dont recognize my sony mico sd card :)17:12
seamammaldrives me mad17:12
seamammalcontent in the micro sd from sony camera is not shown on ubuntu altho the OS does recognize and open the sd card17:12
ghost2911that's why you have all those acl, umasks etc cause by default is not enough sometimes17:13
lotuspsychjeseamammal: recover data with photorec, then try to reformat with gparted17:18
seamammalok hope it works thanks17:20
seamammallotuspsychje:  which one to download:)? https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/gpart17:24
lotuspsychjeseamammal: sudo apt install gparted testdisk17:25
sla3kHey all, so I wanted my user to do 'sudo su' without a password and added 'myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' to '/etc/sudoers' file; followed by logging out and login back, when I do sudo su it is still asking for a password? following one of the posts here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/426644/allowing-sudo-su-without-password-over-ubuntu17:25
sla3kwhat is it that I am doing wrong? thanks17:26
sla3kOS: Ubuntu 18.0417:26
leftyfbsla3k: log out and back in17:30
leftyfbsla3k: also make sure your line in the sudoers file is above any include lines17:30
sla3kleftyfb: did that17:31
sla3ka couple of times actually17:31
compdocsla3k, create a file like:   /etc/sudoers.d/010_sla3k-nopasswd17:31
compdocin the file write:  sla3k ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL17:32
sla3kLOL, looks like I locked myself out, FML..getting error on sudo su now, syntax error in /etc/sudoers17:34
sla3kSince this is a fresh VM off of Proxmox, I'll just go ahead and re-install and start afresh17:35
microsDoes anyone know of a service that can check a processes main thread liveliness  (verify its not long term blocked)?  I checked some suggestions from earlier but they arent quite the right thing.  Like a heartbeat request/response, or a way to do this through the proc file system; or other method.  Possibly, make a case why its not needed?17:37
leftyfbsla3k: when you make these changes, you should always use visudo17:37
microsleftyfb - oh yes, learned that the hard way!17:38
leftyfbI also make sure to login on another terminal and su to root and leave it logged in in case I need to fix anything17:38
leftyfbas root*17:38
sla3kI generally do all the above if this would be critical VM but I am just playing around, my ub16-docker VM is very well intact and I would think twice messing with that one17:39
seamammalthanks it works17:49
yosin_anyone know any g ood guides to installing tensorflow on ubuntu mate?17:50
yosin_theres not many helpful places to go and i keep coming across an error17:50
leftyfbyosin_: you'll have to seek support from https://www.tensorflow.org/install17:51
yosin_leftyfb: ok thank you. it pulls up an error saying Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable17:53
yosin_so i figured it was more of a generic issue than a tensorflow issue17:54
leftyfbyosin_: that error sounds specific to the installer, not ubuntu17:54
Inteloreactormonk1: thanks its ok :) I appreciate17:55
DaCheatHello -- having an issue with gvfsd and gvfsd-backends nautilus and thunar won't show any network backends, reinstalled gvfsd and gvfsd-backends (happens on 18.04 and 20.04)17:57
DaCheati get "failed to open / on ". Operation not supported when i try to hit "browse network"17:58
DaCheatalso seeing this: GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 12:59:30.514: g_volume_monitor_get_mounts: assertion 'G_IS_VOLUME_MONITOR (volume_monitor)' failed17:59
yosin_thank you lefty18:05
sla3kcompdoc: creating a file under /etc/sudoers.d/ worked without any issues18:10
sla3kThanks ;) cheers18:10
compdocits nice not having to type your password all the time18:11
sla3kYea, specially when it's a sandbox18:12
dave_uyI have a machine which is failing to update zfsutils-linux (0.8.3-1ubuntu12.6). What should I do?18:18
dave_uyI think it might be this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux/+bug/191414618:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1914146 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "package zfsutils-linux 0.8.3-1ubuntu12.6 failed to install/upgrade: installed zfsutils-linux package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]18:18
cluelesspersonWhen you hit the Windows key on ubuntu18:21
cluelesspersonwhat's this overlay that pops up called?18:21
cluelesspersonshows running windows and a search box18:22
ThinkT510isn't that called the Dash? (not to be confused with the dash shell)18:23
DaCheatalso getting an error "nautilus: /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libffi.so.7: no version information available"18:35
=== denningsrogue4 is now known as denningsrogue
javi404tried 5.4 kernel, broke everything.18:41
javi404had to boot back into
javi404fuck my life18:41
javi404im gonna need VS code like tomorrow18:41
sanderxHi, does anybody care to help me with initramfs?18:41
Maikjavi404: mind your language please18:42
javi404Maik: sorry18:42
javi404will do18:42
jiggawattzMaik: "f***  my life" is not so bad18:48
jiggawattzit's not obscene language directed at anyone else18:49
hggdhjiggawattz: still, we would really like you to mind your language18:49
jiggawattzhggdh: Me specifically?18:50
jiggawattzI didn't say it ;)18:50
coconutjavi404, other solution would be to use your onboard intel or amd graphics without dedicated gpu.18:50
javi404coconut: have 3 screens, using both onboard and dedicated18:50
hggdhgrep fuck18:50
javi404hggdh: you are gonna get yelled at by Maik18:50
hggdhI apologise18:51
javi404I accept your appologies, carry on friend18:51
coconutjavi404, ok yes sorry then, cannot help18:51
hggdhjavi404: the above is for you18:51
* javi404 goes to my own channel to rant.18:51
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
javi404this sucks18:51
hggdhjiggawattz: the apology was for you (and the others in the channel)18:51
javi404i can type into vs code for like 2 seconds, and then unusable18:51
javi404can't boot 5.418:51
javi404regret update18:51
* javi404 googles for bucks18:52
=== MikeB67 is now known as dbasinge
Maiksome people should read the irc guidelines more often ;)18:52
coconutyou cannot get back in 5.8 either?18:52
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Maikjavi404: also i didn't jell, i asked you kindly18:53
hggdhbut this is enough. Message has been passed, we can let it rest now18:53
javi404ugh, there is a driver on the amd site, from 201518:55
javi404that doesn't sound safe18:56
sanderxGot disconnected. Did anyone respond to my question regarding a the problem with initramfs during the upgrade?18:56
javi404sanderx: what issue are you having?18:57
sanderxDuring upgrade it complained about somehting with initramfs. It might be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/189774718:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897747 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package initramfs-tools 0.136ubuntu6.3 failed to install/upgrade: installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:57
sanderxIt seems as if the upgrade otherwise went smoothly. But I want to be sure that nothing is broken...18:59
sanderxMy question would be: How can I do that? In particular, how can I check if anything is wrong with initramfs or something depending on it?18:59
semitonesHey, feeling like a noob here trying to use putty to connect to a ubuntu server. I want to match the host keys, but they are showing in different formats. PuTTY is showing me the ssh-ed25519 key fingerprint in a hex format. ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub is showing it to me in a sha256 format. ssh-keygen -E md5 ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub doesn't work. Am I on the right track19:03
semitoneslooks like I was putting -E in the wrong place. Oops19:08
dave_uyI created a forum post here. Any help would be appreciated! https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=245755619:09
leftyfbsemitones: why are you using putty to ssh when ssh is already built into ubuntu?19:10
semitonesThe computer I am using to connect to the ubuntu server is a windows one.19:11
semitonesat the moment19:11
javi404sanderx: i get an error on kernel upgrades because I'm booting off of md devices19:17
sanderxWhat is an md device?19:17
sanderxAnd did that distro upgrade include a kernel upgrade?19:18
pavlossanderx: I think md = software raid19:20
hispeedbetter join ubuntu since centos is dead :D19:23
compdoctoo late, ubuntu membership is closed19:24
hispeedohh but I know someone from the ubuntu community so i have connections19:26
compdocalrighty then19:27
UnexpectedEOFwhat is nice?19:29
UnexpectedEOFI read a bit about it19:29
oerheksnot much to read: man nice;  nice - run a program with modified scheduling priority19:30
hispeedcompdoc I already run one ubuntu server so at least I know how to install it, hehe.19:31
UnexpectedEOFI mean, how will it affect the program?19:32
oerhekswith more/less priority?19:32
UnexpectedEOFlike -2019:32
oerheksWhat the effect for your situation means, you will find out?19:33
UnexpectedEOFthere is a program that I don't want to use up too much cpu19:33
UnexpectedEOFa bot that I run that I don't care too much about19:34
sanderx@pavlos thanks.19:36
sanderxjavi404, I don't think that is the case for me.19:37
pavlosUnexpectedEOF: you can, "man nice" to read all about nice20:09
pavlosUnexpectedEOF: also, "man renice"20:10
UnexpectedEOFthank you20:11
=== popey5 is now known as popey
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=== nicktoaddtogroup is now known as f4ulty
f4ultyhey fam <320:41
f4ultyheyo! :D20:42
f4ultyman, I have missed IRC :D20:42
f4ultyold EFNet head from 20+ years ago :P20:43
=== f4ulty is now known as f4ulty0ne
sarnoldit's a bit quieter these days but still the best place to get help :)20:48
f4ulty0neabsolutely :D20:50
f4ulty0neanyone have an opinion on keybase?20:50
f4ulty0netrying it out :X20:50
matsamanfor what, exactly?20:51
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
RadSurferSOMEONE please explain why putting "Dock" on right-hand side obscures those 3 buttons needed to access OTHER ITEMS of your applications? How do we then switch to the other pages of applications?!?20:53
leftyfbRadSurfer: can you explain what you are referring to? What version of Ubuntu?20:53
RadSurferYou know that panel of "favorites" that appears usually on left-hand side? slide-out panel?20:54
leftyfbRadSurfer: the "dock" is on the left side by default20:54
RadSurferYes, but when moved... how do we switch between pages of applications20:54
RadSurferTry placing it on Right hand side... it covers up 3 BUTTONS20:55
leftyfbRadSurfer: does this happen to new windows you open or just existing windows?20:55
RadSurferwhat windows?20:55
leftyfbRadSurfer: the windows with the buttons you're referring to20:55
RadSurferthis is about accessing the collection of applications (icons)20:55
matsamandid Ubuntu actually officially make the dock moveable? I thought that was always third party hacks20:56
RadSurferYes, you have been able to move it for a long time now20:56
RadSurferexcept its weird how its implemented20:56
matsamanit's probably really hacked in =P20:56
RadSurferand he doesn't know what I mean by switching between pages of apps20:56
leftyfbmatsaman: nah, it's right in the default settings20:56
matsamanleftyfb: cool20:57
matsamanRadSurfer: screenshot would make it apparent to anybody20:57
RadSurferAt BOTTOM of the panel, theres these little DOT-pattern, by clicking on that Dot pattern, brings up a NEW screen of Applications to select (launch)20:57
RadSurferthere are usually 3 pages of those applications I can launch, understand now?20:58
RadSurferI want to know how to manually switch between them... a keyboard short cut20:58
leftyfbRadSurfer: I hit the <super> key and type the application I want to open. I mainly don't use the icons in the dock20:58
leftyfbapplication *name20:59
* RadSurfer sighs20:59
RadSurferanyone have a clue what I'm describing here?20:59
JoeLlamaHi there!  I have older (2007) Intel Core 2 computers with SATA 1 and 4G memory running at 2.4 GHz.  I want a version of Ubuntu that will run fast with out a bunch of fancy graphic features that will slow the systems down.  What version of Ubuntu do you guys think I should get and where do I get it please? :)20:59
RadSurfer3x3 dot pattern takes you to where I am describing...20:59
RadSurferI like that question JoeLlama :)21:00
JoeLlamathanks RadSurfer21:00
leftyfbJoeLlama: have you tried lubuntu or ubuntu mate?21:00
JoeLlamaI have used xubuntu21:01
RadSurferOh! I figured out my problem! doh!21:01
RadSurferxubuntu was very cool in its day; haven't tried it recently!21:01
leftyfbJoeLlama: try lubuntu and mate21:01
matsamanJoeLlama: not dedicated GPUs?21:02
JoeLlamahrm I had issues with lubuntu leftyfb21:02
matsamanno* dedicated GPUs? that is21:02
JoeLlamathe GPU is GeForce 860021:02
leftyfbJoeLlama: feel free to try ubuntu mate or ask for help with lubuntu when you're running it21:02
matsamanwell any dedicated GPU is going to make any "fancy graphic features" work perfectly fine21:02
matsamanany dedicated GPU whatsoever21:02
JoeLlamahrm ok21:02
RadSurferfor what it's worth, after clicking on that 3x3 dot pattern from slide-out "panel", goto ALL applications, then just type Down-array, or page-down! it advances!21:02
JoeLlamahow does lubuntu compare to xubuntu?21:03
matsamanJoeLlama: it's meant to be lighter21:03
matsamanI couldn't tell you if it is21:03
JoeLlamaand should  I use 16.0421:03
RadSurferless elaborate desktop21:03
matsamanthe nature of Debian/Ubuntu binary packages is such that a lot of optional support is built-in21:03
matsamanso Xfce comes with GNOME support you don't need21:03
matsamanand LXDE probably comes with similar things you don't need21:03
JoeLlamaunno what those are matsaman21:04
matsamanJoeLlama: you should use the latest LTS version of Ubuntu at the very least21:04
matsamanXfce is the desktop environment Xubuntu uses; LXDE is the one Lubuntu uses21:04
JoeLlamaoh ok21:04
JoeLlamaxubuntu worked pretty well21:04
leftyfbJoeLlama: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso  that will give you 32bit 18.04. But you'll have to install your own desktop packages including your D21:04
matsamanGNOME is essentially the default Ubuntu desktop, it is comparatively enormous21:04
matsamanas is KDE21:04
JoeLlamawhat version of xubuntu should I use>21:05
matsamanXfce is a lovely desktop21:05
f4ulty0nethis true? - keybase app acquired by ZOOM.21:05
matsamanwhichever is the newest that isn't a beta21:05
matsamanf4ulty0ne: that's what I heard yes21:05
matsamanf4ulty0ne: what is it you even want keybase for?21:05
f4ulty0neI thought keybase was a neat chat app.21:05
f4ulty0neover it now :D21:05
matsamanI mean you have IRC, so...21:05
f4ulty0neand dang glad :D21:06
JoeLlamaI dunno what archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso is21:06
matsamanall chat system protocols can be encrypted at this point21:06
JoeLlamawhat is mini.iso?21:06
matsamanJoeLlama: probably just a smaller image that is uglier during installation21:06
matsamanand the same after installation21:06
leftyfbJoeLlama: it's a stripped down installer21:07
javi404anyone running radeon kernel driver on 20.04.221:07
JoeLlamahrm leftyfb said I will have to install a desktop package with it... where do I get that>21:07
leftyfbJoeLlama: during the install it should ask you which desktop to install21:07
matsamanJoeLlama: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/20.04.2/release/21:07
JoeLlamaokay leftyfb so what is that iso?  xubuntu?21:07
matsamanJoeLlama: chances are you have an amd64 architecture21:07
JoeLlamamatsaman it's core 2 intel21:08
matsamanJoeLlama: that's amd6421:08
JoeLlamaoh ok :) heh21:08
JoeLlamaso then I am looking at Xubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)21:09
JoeLlamahow does that compare with your link leftyfb?21:09
matsaman'bionic' is for version 18; there's really no reason to not use 20.04 at this point21:09
f4ulty0nehey fam, anyone recommend a good BNC/ZNC?21:09
f4ulty0neI was checking out xshellz21:09
leftyfboh, ok, if it's 64bit, then go with 20.0421:09
leftyfbf4ulty0ne: please keep on topic here. This is Ubuntu support21:09
JoeLlamahrm ok ok21:09
leftyfb!ot | f4ulty0ne21:09
ubottuf4ulty0ne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:09
JoeLlamaso th3n I am going with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/20.04.2/release/21:10
f4ulty0nesorry lefty, forgive me :(21:10
f4ulty0newon't happen again21:10
matsamanJoeLlama: desktop-amd64, yes21:10
JoeLlamao k !21:10
JoeLlamathanks guys (:21:10
matsamanJoeLlama: if it turns out you don't like it21:10
matsamanJoeLlama: you can always change your desktop environment without reinstalling21:10
matsamanif you want21:10
JoeLlamawhat's not to like :)21:10
* matsaman shrugs21:11
JoeLlamaokay thanks bye for now21:11
matsamanlater on21:11
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
goodTimesImmortIdeally I'm trying to copy the contents of a folder from local to remote where duplicates are replaced and other files already ther are left intact.21:26
goodTimesImmortWould this be the result of scp -r directory/ me@server: /home/destination_with_different_name/21:26
goodTimesImmortOr is that just going to copy the directory into the destination?21:26
leftyfbgoodTimesImmort: look into rsync21:30
matsamangoodTimesImmort: does sound like plain rsync -a or -av would do what you want21:32
goodTimesImmortThank you for your guidance random citizens. I shall do some research.21:33
matsamanrsync -av ./dir/ user@host:some/other/place/21:35
matsamanjust be careful with the trailing slash with rsync21:36
matsamanrsync -a ./dir else/where/ will create else/where/dir/, but rsync -a ./dir/ else/where/ will fill else/where/ with /dir/'s contents21:36
matsamanwhen in doubt I would say always use a trailing slash for directories, and always explicitly include the name you want at the end of the destination path21:37
matsamanand if you use sshfs to mount the destination ahead of time, instead of using user@host:path, you can just specify the path, and you'll get tab completion21:39
toonstruckheya peeps, anyone alive? I am in desperate need of hints/help...I have set up ssmtp ( works perfectly, tested sending via commandline ) and trying to get php mail to send mails... php reports everything as working fine but I never get any mails21:48
pi0in .desktop how to i launch an app as root21:51
f4ulty0netoonstruck, are you using wordpress?21:53
leftyfbpi0: what application do you think you need to run as root?21:54
toonstruckno, just simply the built in mail function ( mail(reciver@email.something, subject, message) )21:54
pi0OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.021:55
pi0getting this error message21:56
f4ulty0nepi0.. sick nick :D21:56
f4ulty0nelike it.21:56
leftyfbpi0: why on earth would you want to run that as root?21:56
pi0f4ulty0ne: thank you :)21:57
toonstruckf4ulty0ne: any ideas? :P  I did edit php.ini to reflect ssmtp location and flags21:58
f4ulty0nepi0: soy-tain-ly :D21:58
f4ulty0necertainly :D21:59
pi0leftyfb: not sure how to resolve this issue21:59
leftyfbpi0: contact Ameritrade for support with it. I can tell you running it as root is not the right solution.21:59
f4ulty0neAmeritrade, meh :/22:01
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
toonstruckand then there was silence :P22:09
mihaelHow do I setup this in netplan? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qXcKHmDphy/22:11
leftyfbmihael: https://getlabsdone.com/how-to-configure-netplan-network/#VLAN-interfaces-on-ubuntu-using-netplan22:13
leftyfbmihael: example of MTU setting: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan22:14
leftyfbtoonstruck: feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat. This is a support channel where there isn't constant chatting22:15
mihaelleftyfb: thank you22:19
PaulDotHey, I'm having an Issue while trying to dual-boot Ubuntu 18.04. It throws the error "failed to load ldlinux.c32 ". Could anyone help me??22:49
oerheksdid you check the iso after download?22:52
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu22:52
PaulDotNo, let me try that22:53
oerheksand how did you write the iso?22:53
PaulDotUsing Rufus22:53
sarnoldah, try again with dd22:54
oerheksdepends on the host22:54
PaulDotwhat are u on about?22:54
oerheksif linux, yes, dd the iso22:54
PaulDotnah, my main thing is windows22:55
PaulDotso i'm running the Rufus flash on windows22:55
PaulDotand then I'm trying to boot ubuntu from the USB22:55
PaulDotI'm on windows, so that brew thingy won't' work :P22:56
oerhekssarnold, rufus is officially mentioned, i am not fond of it either https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#1-overview22:57
oerheksbut thing is, is this an UEFI machine or legacy bios?22:57
PaulDotI tried both22:57
PaulDotfirst normal UEFI22:57
PaulDotthen the legacy bios22:57
PaulDotboth didn't work22:58
sarnoldoerheks: zounds that's a lot more complicated than I expected22:58
oerheksyou should choose whatever windows is installed in.22:59
oerheksUEFI should go fine22:59
PaulDotk, lemme try again with just UEFI22:59
oerheksldlinux.c32 error suggests the iso is damaged22:59
PaulDotI just re-flashed it, still the same22:59
PaulDotso, how do I check the integrity of the iso file?23:00
PaulDotwell, that works like a charm xD23:01
oerheksread back?23:01
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which a checksum is provided), see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu23:01
geniioerheks: I knew it was something like that....23:01
PaulDotBut, hohw do I run this on windows...23:01
PaulDotI don't have brew installed23:02
PaulDotShould I just install that?23:02
oerheks winMD5Sum. https://askubuntu.com/a/60782923:03
geniiWindows has a sum checker built in already called certutil23:03
PaulDotk, hold on, lemme try that23:04
geniiSo something like:    CertUtil -hashfile C:\wherevertheisofileis\isofile.img MD523:05
PaulDotoh sweet23:05
PaulDotone sec23:07
PaulDotoutput: 44343bc1373c6dc826ebb58839155c3923:09
PaulDotnow what? Compare that to another one23:11
PaulDotnow what? Compare that to another one?23:11
sarnoldthere should be an MD5SUMS file on the archive with the md5sum of the iso you've downlaoded. in the directory23:14
aroonianyone have this problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1245108/some-snap-apps-dont-start-second-or-subsequent-time ;; snaps like authy only seem to launch the first time (20.04)23:30
sarnoldarooni: is there anything in journalctl output?23:31
aroonisarnold:just "Feb 04 16:37:42 LilArooni snapd[1542]: storehelpers.go:551: cannot refresh: snap has no updates available: "authy", "canonical-livep" and Feb 04 17:27:06 LilArooni albert.desktop[10059]: 17:27:06 [DEBG:applications] Indexing desktop file: authy_authy.desktop`"23:34
sarnoldarooni: hmm none of those sound like trouble :(23:36
arooniapparently others have had this issue before23:49

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