
=== [zzz]_ is now known as [zzz]
mazhar_sanvii'm using xubuntu for about 1 week. Whenever i'm watching any video on youtube the screen goes black and gets locked. So i need to unlock again with my password.06:46
mazhar_sanviis this a bug or something else? How can i fix it?06:46
diogenes_mazhar_sanvi, what Xub version?06:49
diogenes_run: ps aux | grep [s]creen | nc termbin.com 999906:51
diogenes_share url06:51
=== [zzz]_ is now known as [zzz]
diogenes_mazhar_sanvi, could be xfce4-screensaver bug.07:05
diogenes_try xscreensaver instead.07:05
mazhar_sanvidiogenes_, ok thanks07:10
diogenes_mazhar_sanvi, a more simple way is to enable presentation mode.07:12
mazhar_sanvidiogenes_, ok07:19
=== [zzz]_ is now known as [zzz]
FeXoRIs there a way to forbid any application to raise above the active one unless the user clicked a "Window Button"?13:11
diogenes_FeXoR, window manager tweaks > focus > activate focus prevention13:15
FeXoRdiogenes_: I have that enabled. Still every new window will go to the top of the visual stack.13:17
diogenes_FeXoR, also try: window manager > focus (untick) automatically give focus...13:19
FeXoRdiogenes_: Ah, yes. Good thought. Still new windows open on top x)13:20
diogenes_FeXoR, could be a bug then.13:21
FeXoRI would like the windows that has focus to always be on top (which doesn't seem to be possible, only placing on top when it gains focus - which is not true if a new windows is raised above it).13:24
FeXoRI would have thought that wouldn't be very strange to hope for :D13:25
FeXoR(It's especially an issue with password windows (often without any hint which application it is linked to) raised above a window that is above the window the password field is linked to. That suggests that the password field is that of a different window which can be quite serious ;)13:28
diogenes_FeXoR, password field will always popup on top of all windows ignoring all the settings.13:29
FeXoRSo the user does not have control over the visual order of windows.13:31
FeXoRWhat about not allowing (non-window) notifications?13:31
FeXoR(I have notifications behavior Do not disturb off (whatever that means) but any new application will have it's notifications enabled)13:39
FeXoR(By default Do not disturb was on and notifications popped up, too)13:40
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FeXoR(The Ubuntu upgrader has the behavior I want for all windows I think. It seems to open in the background)13:50
FeXoRdiogenes_: While focusing newly opened windows fixes the issue with parts of the user input from e.g. keyboard going to a different window it also means focused window and window on top does not correspond. That's why I had that on I just remembered ~o_o~13:53
diogenes_FeXoR, no clue it never bothers me, i rarely need that anyway, if i ever want a window to stay on top i just right click and pick 'Always on Top'.13:55
FeXoRYea, but I don't always want the same windows on top obviously. User input like clicking on a window or on the windows button should change focus and order IMO. But the options for "When a window raises itself" come to late ... I never want a window to raise itself :D13:57
FeXoRSorry, Pidgin closed "unexpected". Have I missed an answer? :)14:11
FeXoR(Or is this channel logged somewhere public? :)14:12
user80hi guys18:40
user80how are u?18:40
user80sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:42
=== FeXoR1 is now known as FeXoR

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