[00:07] Bug #1914669 opened: Can't read why a machine is broken [00:16] Bug #1914669 changed: Can't read why a machine is broken [00:19] Bug #1914669 opened: Can't read why a machine is broken [08:59] Bug #1914742 opened: deploy is slow ( 15 Minutes for 13 Nvme ssd and 6 partitions) [09:02] Bug #1914742 changed: deploy is slow ( 15 Minutes for 13 Nvme ssd and 6 partitions) [09:05] Bug #1914742 opened: deploy is slow ( 15 Minutes for 13 Nvme ssd and 6 partitions) [11:41] Bug #1830690 changed: Composing a machine with multiple interfaces on different spaces results in unconfigured interfaces [12:20] Bug #1914762 opened: test network configuration broken with openvswtich bridge [12:26] Bug #1914762 changed: test network configuration broken with openvswtich bridge [12:29] Bug #1914762 opened: test network configuration broken with openvswtich bridge [16:18] Bug #1914776 opened: maas rack controllers read call hung, failed with Expired timestamp [16:24] Bug #1914776 changed: maas rack controllers read call hung, failed with Expired timestamp [16:27] Bug #1914776 opened: maas rack controllers read call hung, failed with Expired timestamp [18:30] Bug #1914807 opened: rack can't contact region, deployments fails [18:33] Bug #1914807 changed: rack can't contact region, deployments fails [18:42] Bug #1914807 opened: rack can't contact region, deployments fails [19:27] Bug #1914812 opened: curtin fails to deploy centos 8 on nvme with multipath from ubuntu 20.04 [21:24] Bug #1914828 opened: MAAS  cannot configure/control wireless network interfaces