
Peppioerheks,  I'm getting errors when I run sudo ./autorun.sh00:03
Peppiwhen I lsmod | grep r8101 I do not see the driver installed :/00:03
Peppioerheks, the guy said: Recommend uninstalling the r8101 github driver, and the r8168-dkms driver, and letting the standard r8169 driver find both cards.00:09
Peppihow do I do that?00:09
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Peppiis there a place recomended for no paste for logs here?00:48
Peppiso I was doing this: https://github.com/ghostrider-reborn/realtek-r8101-linux-driver , and it worked in December as the logs show. But for some reason now it fails:00:49
Peppianyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?00:50
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PeppiI'm having this same issue: https://github.com/ghostrider-reborn/realtek-r8101-linux-driver/issues/401:47
Peppionce I install the driver, whenever the computer reboots I "lose" the driver and have to reinstall it01:48
Peppiany ideas what is going on?01:48
yatesi am trying to install solaar.01:54
yatesso i did this: https://paste.centos.org/view/1ead5df201:54
yatesthen when i try to run solaar i get this: https://paste.centos.org/view/1f73599d01:55
cyphaseyates, run ` python3` and try importing pyudev01:57
oerheksoh, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+package/python3-pyudev as python 2.7 is ending01:58
yatescyphase: python3 cannot import pyudev: ModuleNotFoundError: NO module named 'pyudev'02:00
oerheksyou are building 0.9, ppa gives 1.0.402:00
yatescyphase: aha. but i CAN import puudev into python202:00
cyphaseyates, have you tried install.. right. install python3-pyudev02:01
yatescyphase: yes, it is installed02:01
yatesoh wait.02:01
oerheksif that does not help, python-is-python302:01
yatesthats it02:02
cyphaseyates, which version of ubuntu?02:02
yatesi guess i had run "apt install python-pyudev". forgot the 302:02
cyphasesolaar should pull in the correct dependency..02:03
yateswhat's that command to show ubuntu version? i keep forgetting02:03
cyphaselsb_release -d02:03
yatesDescription:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS02:03
cyphasehttps://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/solaar says python 202:04
cyphasecan you chek the solaar version?02:05
cyphaseapt show solaar02:05
yatessolaar 0.9.202:06
cyphase[aste that whole thing in fact02:06
cyphasepaste* https://paste.ubuntu.com/02:06
cyphaseyates, did you say it's working after installing python3-pyudev?02:07
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yatescould it have something to do with my python symlink?02:07
yatesyes i did02:07
yatesat least i'm not getting that error any longer02:07
cyphaseare you getting some other error?02:08
yatesi have "python ==> python3"02:08
oerheksi would check out their official ppa02:08
cyphasein /usr/bin? that would do it02:08
cyphaseyates, you shouldn't mess with system python like that02:08
cyphaseor did you just alias it for yourself in bash?02:09
cyphasethe symptoms fit with symlinking it for the system02:09
cyphaseand, is solaar running correctly, or is there some other error now?02:09
yateshang on, checking02:10
yatestwo symlinks: which python => /usr/bin/python; ls -al /usr/bin/python => /etc/alternatives/python; ls -al /etc/alternatives/python => /usr/bin/python302:11
yatesit seems i made that change when running some robotframework tests. i think robotframework expected python to be python3. not sure of that, though.02:12
cyphasedo you remember doing that?02:12
cyphaseproblem solved :)02:12
yatesthis was a few weeks back02:12
yateswell what about robotffamework and / or my unit tests? changing it back would break them02:13
cyphaseyates, i find it highly unlikely that robotframework requires that `python` be python 302:15
rifleHi!  Where have I gone wrong with this `gsettings set` command (https://pastebin.com/thjzQYuN)?02:15
oerheksmaybe that was required for that 0.9 sloaar build02:16
yatescyphase: ok, well thanks much for helping me fix this.02:16
yatesvery much02:17
yatesPITA this was.02:17
cyphasenew commandment: Thou Shalt Not Touch System Python02:17
* Lutin waves @ sauvin :D02:18
yatescommandment shammandment..02:18
cyphaseit's a joking way to say it's a bad idea to do it, as you've just learned02:18
Bashing-omyates: See: ' apt show solaar '. in focal the app has a depends on python3:any .02:18
sauvinFortunately, my participation in this channel is not required.02:18
yatesreally? i thought you were serious. isn't your nick name "I Am"? :)02:19
Lutinsauvin required ? You think no-one can miss you ? You have isses02:19
yatesBashing-om: i'm on 18.04.5 LTS02:20
Peppican anyone tell me here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/299676/how-to-install-3rd-party-module-so-that-it-is-loaded-on-boot what is meant by: Copy the module to a suitable folder in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers.  ?02:20
sauvinLutin, I'm not an op here. It's pointless to harangue me in this channel, and I think you'll find the folks who _are_ ops here can be equally humourless.02:20
oerheksrifle,  in ubuntu 20.04/gnome super l is already standard for screensaver02:20
Lutinyates time to upgrade... there is always at some point that gap between the two LTS versions02:20
Lutinsauvin so, you are your of your power ? that is good Ubuntu is a friendly channel with smart people and knowledge ;)02:21
yatesLutin: we have specific, serious direction from our managers to stay on this version02:21
Lutinyates yeah I see that a lot as well, I understand but what are theirs if I may ask ?02:22
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Lutinsauvin you say it again, you don't have humor as well, let's ingnore you because of it ;)02:22
yatessomething about the new ACLs breaking a lot of the stuff we use02:22
yatesi'm not sure myself all the justifications.02:22
Lutinyates yeah I get it02:22
yateswe use some expensive, license-required stuff, so...02:23
yatesi use fedora 32 at home. so i'm not averse to the new stuff02:24
yatesand it works BEAUTIFULLY!02:24
Lutinyeah but 18.04 is fine, it get's odd when they don't want to make it suppord that well with 20.04 and dependencies rely on it02:24
LutinFedora is really great! Why ? RH devs work on it ;)02:25
yatesis that a joke?02:25
Peppican anyone tell me what: /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers   <`uname -r`> means?02:26
oerheksthat is a system variable for the kernel version02:26
coffeeroasterPeppi: output of typing "uname -r"02:26
oerhekscurrently 5.4.x or 5.8.x ?02:27
Peppicoffeeroaster, thanks so much02:30
Lutinyates what is ?02:37
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DrecondiusIs there a channel dedicated to the server setup?02:41
raccoon_dogDrecondius: Try #ubuntu-server02:41
Drecondiusraccoon_dog Thank you.02:42
raccoon_dogYou're welcome.02:42
yatesLutin: your last statement to me02:42
yatesre: RH devs02:42
Lutinyates which part is a joke as none is actually02:43
yatesok, fair enough.02:43
yatesfolks minds work so darkly these days, you never know what is meant.02:44
yatesso solaar is now working on 18.04.5 LTS. i have my mouse/keyboard working on two different systems, fedora and ubuntu. that is nice!02:45
pi0anyone recommmend a simple backup util for ubuntu02:45
pi0i read about timeshift02:45
Lutinyates fedroa is really good, as RH devs works on a daily base on it... bugs are fixed in no-time02:46
yatespi0: https://linuxhint.com/11_best_backup_tools_linux/02:46
yatesLutin: i can attest to that. recently i requested and got a kernel module (nandsim) pushed out to mainline in about a week.02:47
yatesgood folks02:47
Lutinyap really!02:47
Lutingood alternative to CentOS ;)02:47
yatespi0: i am curious what you find as i am looking as well02:47
LutinI already used it in some sitations as alternative to CentOS02:48
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yatesi've been with them since fc3 - about 200602:48
yatesit wasn't always this smooth... :)02:48
yatespi0: i like fwbackups, but it looks like the developer stopped working on it in 2017. fedora doesn't have it in their repos (anymore?)02:50
pi0i think i might stick with timeshift02:54
pi0looks decent02:54
BluPhenix316anyone have issues with a Radeon 5700 XT and multiple monitors? I have a Left Monitor(i set as Primary), and a Right Monitor, however, sometimes games/apps when they go fullscreen will display on my right Monitor(secondary)03:05
BluPhenix316a change to ~/.config/monitors.xml didn't fix it03:37
InZaneGamer84So I moved my installation to a new, larger SSD disk using CloneZIlla. Everything went well according to CloneZIlla but of course it won't boot. CloneZilla reported that it updated grub but alas it didn't do that step correctly as I assumed it wouldn't!04:00
InZaneGamer84I can boot from the SSD drive but it boots the OLD installation from the old disk. I need to CHROOT into the SSD installation and run update grub. How do I do this?04:01
sauvinInZaneGamer84, one of the most knowledgeable people I know is active right now in ##linux.04:03
InZaneGamer84sauvin who?04:03
davrosare there any linux filebrowsers which display thumbnails of random contained images (perhaps the most recently accessed) on the folder icon06:18
mozzarelladavros: by random you mean they  change every time or they are picked at random but only once?06:20
HamidrezaHi guys, I was using ubuntu 16 and now I'm using ubuntu 20 , on ubuntu 16 I have some kernel tuning parameters in sysctl.conf, How can I check them and correct them for ubuntu20 and new kernel version?06:55
bibbleUbuntu 21.04 Kernel 5.10 Wayland, PC randomly restarts at least once daily, but seems completely stable on Windows 10.07:33
bibbleMemtest passes and second new PSU tested.07:33
bibbleMSI B550M Mortar WiFi, Ryzen 3900X, RX 5700XT, Corsair Vengeance RAM, Seasonic Focus GX PSU.07:33
bibbleCan never find logs for cause of restart.07:34
bibbleTop 5 distros on distrowatch all tried. Same random restarts.07:36
ThinkT510bibble: any reason you are using 5.10 and not 5.4 or 5.8 that are in the 20.04 repos?07:37
bibbleUsed 5.4 and 5.8, but still random restarts. 5.10 actually needed though for WiFi to work.07:38
ThinkT510bibble: sorry, I just noticed you said 21.04, that isn't released yet07:39
ThinkT510!ubuntu+1 | bibble07:40
ubottubibble: Hirsute Hippo is the codename for Ubuntu 21.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.07:40
bibbleTested 21.04 and 20.04.07:40
bibbleBoth also apparently have the latest stable AMD GPU drivers for the 5700XT.07:41
bibbleCan't figure out what Linux doesn't like about this machine.07:41
bibbleEspecially as there's benchmarks on YouTube of Linux using the same GPU.07:42
bibbleRAM and PSU. No error logs.07:42
bibbleWindows 10 stable, but Motherboard and GPU have drivers and software available to download and install.07:44
nvzI got a rather simple but annoying problem. I ran an upgrade which is wanting to install a new kernel, but I'm out of space on /boot I can't remove any old kernels cause dpkg has locks, if I kill it, remove the locks, it tells me the last process wasn't completed..07:44
nvzI could of course /manually/ remove stuff from boot but I fear thats going to complicate clean removal of the packages later07:45
ThinkT510bibble: how random are we talking about? is it sometimes hours between and other times minutes or is it usually just within minutes of booting?07:46
nvznm I seem to have slapped it around enough to allow me to clealy remove some images07:46
bibbleThinkT510: usually after an hour or multiple, then random restart, then seems to gradually happen quicker.07:48
Hamidrezais there anybody to help me?07:48
bibblenvz something "apt install -f" or "dpkg --configure -a" help.07:49
ThinkT510bibble: pure guess here: maybe an overheating issue?07:49
bibbleThinkT510: possibly. Though CPU & GPU generally seemed to be within limits on HardInfo reporting. Think read that the AMD GPU on Linux could have emergency limit set earlier.07:51
bibbleBeen playing Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk fine on Windows 10 though. Uptime in the days.07:52
bibblePerhaps the motherboard is too new for Linux really.07:53
bibbleUbuntu OK with NVMe Gen4 etc ?07:54
cbreakI have a 20.10 on a Taichi X570 with a Ryzen 5800 X, and a Samsung 980 Pro, which is PCIe 4.007:57
cbreakit works, kind of, but I never tried to run it for more than a few hours07:57
bibbleInteresting. Guess NVMe 4.0 should be fine then. Suspicion is the GPU because the PC has restarted before when installing drivers. Even when installing any distro, except Debian network installer no gui and Ubuntu 21.04 safe mode.08:01
cbreakmy thing runs an NVidia GT 1030 somethingsomething08:03
cbreakthis thing here: https://www.digitec.ch/de/s1/product/msi-geforce-gt1030-2gh-lp-oc-2gb-grafikkarte-649780208:03
bibbleThinkT510 could be right about the overheating because the Unigine Heaven graphics test runs continuously when fixed to 60fps, but PC restarts quickly if fps unlimited. But doesn't explain why just randomly restarts after watching 90 minutes of YouTube etc.08:04
bibblecbreak: good it works, though Linus says NVidia is naughty and this AMD card should be better/easier supported.08:06
bibbleNvidia probably best really though. Apparently their DLSS particularly. Very efficient how it scales the render instead of render full resolution.08:09
bibbleWanted to avoid Windows so much, that bought a new PSU to test first instead of installing it first. Unfortunately on Windows 10 full time until can hopefully get Linux stable.08:12
cbreakNVidia's the only way to get CUDA, and Cuda's the best way to do machine learning08:12
cbreakPSUs are probably the most reliable component in a computer08:13
bibbleWould be interesting to get involved with machine learning. Especially some Deepfake stuff. So impressive.08:17
bibble"Everybody can make Deepfakes now"08:26
bibbleBy Two Minute Papers. 06:5508:27
cbreakthe deep fake stuff isn't that impressive. The really impressive networks are GPT-3 for example09:11
cbreakor Deep Mind's Alpha Zero / Mu Zero09:12
cbreakbibble: or this one: https://openai.com/blog/dall-e/09:12
bibbleAh, interesting.09:23
Neihi, maybe someone here has an idea. I've an error report for my GNOME extension of a Ubuntu user. they say they're using Ubuntu 20.10. My extension ( https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/946/panel-world-clock-lite/ ) doesn't work for them. I just installed a fresh Ubuntu 20.10 in a VM and it works for me!09:42
billybigriggerhey chan, this might be a dumb question....is there anyway to know if a fiber channel hba, that looks functional in dmesg, will actually work if i spend money on a proper lc mm om3 cable? :P reason i ask is that i'm new to the headache that i've discovered called....fiber channel.....09:42
NeiIt doesn't find a GSettings schema, so does anyone know how Ubuntu triggers GSchema compilation (that should automatically update /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled )?09:43
billybigriggeri have aquired 2x emulex fiber chanel hbas, with transceivers, and only need a cable....but i just want to possibly verify that it actually works?09:43
billybigriggerdmesg shows it recognized, but how do i know there's a driver attached to this pcie card and its working?09:43
billybigrigger[    1.274177] kernel: Emulex LightPulse Fibre Channel SCSI driver
billybigrigger[    1.274182] kernel: Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.09:45
billybigriggerthere's no lines above or below that reference an actual driver name which is throwing me off09:46
billybigrigger[    1.276410] kernel: scsi host6: Emulex LPe12000 PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter on PCI bus 01 device 00 irq 1609:47
billybigriggerlspci -v -s 01:00.0 says there is a kernel driver in use.....09:51
billybigriggeranyone with FC experience able to assist?09:51
billybigrigger        Kernel driver in use: lpfc09:51
billybigrigger        Kernel modules: lpfc09:51
SteelRosehello all! I have added a user to the sudoers file and also to /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloudimg-ubuntu with the NOPASSWD:ALL option, still sudo asks me for a password... am I overseeing something obvious? Thx!10:18
EriC^^SteelRose: what does 'sudo -l' show?10:18
SteelRoseEriC^^: where can I paste the results to share it here?10:19
Neitry https://paste.ubuntu.com/10:20
SteelRosehttps://pastebin.com/TuZBbHid <-- I used this instead :-)10:21
SteelRoseare /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloudimg-ubuntu mutually exclusive?10:23
SteelRoseEriC^^: do you see anything odd in my pastebin?10:23
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EriC^^SteelRose: it looks right10:42
SteelRoseEriC^^: hmm... sudo still asks for a password even when the user clearly has a NOPASSWD:ALL on both /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloudimg-ubuntu ...10:45
EriC^^SteelRose: odd, maybe try a quick login "sudo login <user>"10:45
SteelRoseoh great.. now I rebooted the VM and sudo -l only shows the entries for root ... :-/10:46
SteelRoseEriC^^: it asks for a password as well10:46
SteelRosethe idea is to have a user for Ansible playbooks that can become root via sudo so I don't have to parse any password...10:47
SteelRoseas I mentioned, the very same approach works flawlessly under CentOS 810:47
faLUKEhello. I have a quite old tv-monitor. When I set resolution to 1280x720, all the borders are quite good, but when I use 1920x1080 lines are bad to see. Is there a way to improve this?11:22
cbreakuse the native resolution of that TV11:29
faLUKEcbreak: how can I know the native resolution?11:30
faLUKEin the tv menu?11:30
cbreakit's not in the manual?11:30
roryIf it's an old TV it might be accepting a 1080p input but displaying it on a 720p panel. The only way to know for sure is to find out this info for the model of TV.11:36
handlebarThere might still be information on that particular model and product still on the internet.11:38
routebeewhat is the package management gui called in ubuntu? i have to install it with apt12:52
lotuspsychjeroutebee: synaptic?12:55
lotuspsychjeroutebee: or snap-store?12:55
routebeeis the software center thingy different from synaptic? Im on Gnome and i dont have the package gui12:57
routebeei want to $sudo atp-get install <name>12:58
routebeebut i dont know what the software center is called12:58
lotuspsychjeroutebee: wich ubuntu release are you on?12:58
routebeejust going from memory 20.04 LTS12:59
lotuspsychjeroutebee: 20.04 has now snap-store as default package manager aka (ubuntu software)13:00
routebeemmk so apt-get install snap-store?13:00
routebeei'll try13:01
BluesKajHi folks13:01
lotuspsychjeno, its a snap routebee13:01
lotuspsychjeroutebee: sudo snap install snap-store13:01
elektrinisso I have internal sata HDD ext4 and USB-C external HDD NTFS.13:02
elektriniscopying files from internal to external, getting only 35MB/s13:02
routebeei thought snap was a sandbox13:02
routebeewhy put open sourse materials in snap13:02
elektrinistop says mount.ntfs is taking over 50% of CPU13:02
elektrinishowever not sure why it's so slow13:03
lotuspsychjeroutebee: there is also gnome-software in the apt repos if you want13:03
routebeenah i dont really care13:03
routebeesnaps it be13:04
jimwhat is the package name of the software center?13:07
jimor is it even packaged?13:07
routebeehe just tole me it was a snap called snap-store and thet there was a deb package called gnome-software is i wasnt happy with that13:08
routebeewhat i was thinking of ws snap-store13:09
jimoh ok13:09
jimthat's all I have, unfortunately, and you no doubt told the folks here the whole story13:10
jimdo you run gnome?13:10
jimI don't pay for software that's made available for free, and I never, ever accept or agree to implied terms... such as the chanserv message here, and shrink wrap licenses, stuff like that13:12
jimI know you want the thing, and that's just fine... but know that software center was written by canonical to -sell- software13:14
routebeeon other distros you can use snap to run proprietary software like discord of zoom or what now13:14
jimyeah, and I do use zoom and discord13:14
routebeei have never had to pay for anything but its a sandbox that catches and logs evil activity by proprietary bit and bobs13:15
jimoh ok... ever see interesting stuff in the logs?13:16
routebeebut it is itself proprietary and when you install it it says that it may (or may not) have backdoors in it itself13:16
routebeei use firejail for stuff i think is malware13:16
jimyou mean software center?13:16
routebeeno snap13:17
routebeesoftware center is the snap store13:17
routebeesnap is something different13:18
utmanThe repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/shutter/ppa/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.13:18
utmanN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.13:18
utmanplease help13:18
utmanhow toinstall tis13:18
routebeeduno utman13:18
routebeehand around and someone will help im sure13:19
ThinkT510!info shutter13:19
ubottuPackage shutter does not exist in focal13:20
jimfirst off, I read something a few mins ago, that says software center is GPL3 and LGPL313:21
jimit's been replaced... last release of it was 4 years ago13:21
jimwhat has it been replaced by? GNOME Software13:22
jimto install gnome software instead, first you need gnome-terminal13:22
jimlast stable release was 10 days ago13:23
utmanthanks ThinkT510  routebee13:23
jimgimme a sec13:23
routebeefull on13:27
mortUh, where did pygmentex go? The pygmentex program was apparently in texlive-science package in 18.04, but it's not there anymore?14:02
ThinkT510!find pygmentex14:02
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11894 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pygmentex&searchon=names&suite=focal&section=all14:02
mortwell it found a lot of Ws14:02
mortthe link says no results tho14:03
ThinkT510was it a python2 package?14:04
mortI don't know?14:05
ThinkT510if so then it would have been removed since python2 is EOL14:05
mortit's a fairly fundamental part of the latex ecosystem though14:05
morthonestly, fuck everything latex, every time I try to do anything with it I just encounter all kinds of issues and the entire ecosystem seems to be a garbage dump14:06
BluesKaj!labguage | mort14:08
BluesKajerr language :-)14:09
ThinkT510mort: texlive-science is in 20.04 but it is in universe14:09
mortpygmentex seems to have been updated to python 3, but fairly recently14:09
BluesKaj!language | mort14:09
ubottumort: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:09
mortis "fuck" offensive or is it being mean to the latex ecosystem which is offensive14:09
BluesKajno F bombs please14:10
utmanFor this command, sudo npm install -g yarn14:31
utmani am getting this14:31
utmanyarn@1.22.10 preinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/yarn14:31
utman> :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || true)14:31
utmanIs this some error?14:31
utmanor it states something else?14:31
utmanMy installation of something else is which depends on yarn is failing due to this error. So figuring that out14:32
ThinkT510utman: best ask npm help rather than ubuntu14:32
utmanthanks ThinkT51014:32
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PeanutHowdy - I'm doing a 20.04 net-install on a machine with lots of NVMe drives (U.2 and M.2). I've used the installer to create a mdadm raid-1 for / and installed the OS without issue. But GRUB fails to install, saying that it can't install on /dev/md0. Usually I should be able to select which device to install on, but I don't get that option, either?14:51
cbreakmd0 is probably not a real device15:03
cbreakhow about you install it in the efi partition of your actual ssds?15:03
PeanutNo, md0 is the mdadm mirror device for the root partition.15:03
Peanutcbreak: I would, if the installer gave me the option to install it anywhere else than /dev/md0.15:04
PeanutFound a work-around: Exit into a shell during the installation, and then do a chroot into /target (after mounting /target/dev and /target/sys). From the chroot, one can run update-grub and then grub-install on the two NVME drives that make up the mirror. Seems to mostly have worked, except that grub never gets configured to spawn a tty on the serial port (and these machines have no gfx card). But that's15:33
shinobiMy system had it's drivers updated from Ubuntu Base. How do I see what was updated?15:53
oerheksshinobi, , if you cannot find such simple dpkg log, why do you care about drivers?16:07
shinobioerheks: because I keep getting disconnected from wifi and wanted to see if that may be fixed.16:09
oerhekslshw -C network should give some number.. or check dpkg log16:11
oerheksif you keep disconnecting, it is not fixed most likely16:11
lordcirthPeanut, did you create the mdraid using 2 partitions, or 2 raw drives?16:37
lordcirthAre the drives formatted GPT? You are using EFI?16:39
coffeeroasterAnyone have success with an Intel iwlwifi + bluetooth adaptor( 3168NGW) ? wifi works great but BT is a total mess.17:29
coffeeroasterI'm on 20.04 but really need BT to work. Open to suggestions17:30
Koopzi think i just made a major dum dum17:43
Koopzcopied the /etc/fstab from a backup of another system into another one17:44
lotuspsychjecoffeeroaster: if you want volunteers to help you, try to !details up your issue so they can think along with you17:44
Koopzi'm scared of the UUID=<uuid goes here> / ext4 defaults 0 0 in it17:45
summonnernoatime,defaults  :)17:45
JivanPalYou can find out the UUID of a device using blkid, e.g. `blkid /dev/sda1`17:46
summonnerinfo on that for the curious: https://tldp.org/LDP/solrhe/Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3/chap6sec73.html    yeah, rh, but it's the same core17:46
JivanPalIn `/etc/fstab`, `UUID` refers to the *filesystem* UUID, and `PARTUUID` refers to the *partition* UUID17:47
JivanPalYou can use one or the other17:47
Koopzof course i didn't check the contents of the file before overwriting it17:48
Koopzbut there's a /dev/sda1 as well with type vfat17:48
leftyfbKoopz: you'll have to write the fstab manually then. Or restore from the correct backip17:48
Koopzcan't have a backup when you just started from a fresh installation :D17:49
leftyfbthen just reinstall17:49
leftyfbit's going to take you longer trial-and-erroring your fstab17:49
JivanPal"but there's a /dev/sda1 as well with type vfat" — That will be the EFI System Partition17:50
leftyfbit takes what, 5 minutes to install ubuntu server?17:50
Koopzi already spent half the day on this installation17:50
Koopzsetting up tons of other things17:50
leftyfbKoopz: ah, then you want ansible :)17:50
Koopzyeah seeing /dev/sda1 being mounted on /boot/efi in mount -l17:51
leftyfbKoopz: I'm about 80% done writing an ansible playbook to rebuild my laptop exactly the way I want it. Going to save me so much time going forward17:51
Koopzdoes that go into fstab?17:51
JivanPalWhat environment are you in currently? Booted into the new server instance?17:52
JivanPalWhat's the output of `blkid` on its own?17:53
Koopzone of our internal server's mainboards flipped the bird over the weekend so i'm having the perfect monday17:53
Koopzwe backed up specific directories instead of the whole system and i got forced to install a fresh ubuntu server on a VM17:55
Koopzsimultanously migrating from 18 to 20.04 LTS17:55
Koopz /dev/sda1: UUID="3339-B54E" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="3bcc32ac-e37e-4f7c-94ea-8201e1fb19b1"17:56
JivanPalThat's the only line?17:57
Koopznah there's also /dev/sda2 of which i grabbe the uuid and put into the fstab17:58
JivanPalOkay, so what's the fstab contents now?17:58
KoopzUUID=624b494a-b4da-46d1-b832-3823aec2226a / ext4 defaults 0 017:59
KoopzUUID=624b494a-b4da-46d1-b832-3823aec2226a / ext4 defaults 0 017:59
Koopz /swap.img       none    swap    sw      0       017:59
Koopzand a bunch of samba shares17:59
JivanPalWhat happened to the /dev/sda1 line?17:59
Koopzthis is the edited fstab from the backup17:59
JivanPalSo you deleted the that line?18:00
Koopzi did naht18:00
JivanPalSo what is that line?18:00
Koopzthe one mentioning the UUID?18:00
Koopzthat's /dev/sda218:00
Koopzthere was no line for the boot partition on the old system's fstab18:00
Koopzi'm wondering wether i have to add it now18:01
JivanPalYeah, that's weird that there was no such line18:01
JivanPalLet me check my Ubuntu install's /etc/fstab, one sec18:01
JivanPalCan you give the whole blkid output?18:03
Koopzmy dev server apparently doesn't have a separate boot partition18:08
JivanPalAlright, this should do you:18:08
JivanPalUUID=624b494a-b4da-46d1-b832-3823aec2226a / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 118:08
JivanPalUUID=3339-B54E /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 118:08
JivanPalUh.. the last line I wrote seems to have disappeared, it was the swapfile line18:09
KoopzIRC eating fake commands18:09
JivanPalIt matched what you already have though, so no need to change that18:09
Koopzcheers m8, now i don't have to be scared about this thing no longer booting :P18:10
seanbrightwill running 'netplan apply' (after modifying just DNS servers) kill any open connections?18:42
=== mnemonic is now known as Guest71164
lordcirthseanbright, it shouldn't, but if you are using ssh, use 'netplan try'18:53
lordcirthThat has some chance to revert if you lose connection18:53
seanbrightlordcirth: k18:54
seanbrightlordcirth: worked. thank you.18:54
isapgswelldo not first boot your New notebook with macOS/windows19:00
isapgswelldo setup/bios hardening, and boot via liveusb and install any distro19:01
isapgswellin some cases this procedure disable intem MEI19:02
isapgswell*intel MEI19:02
JivanPalOr explanation?19:03
isapgswellJivanPAl i brought a G7 and a did that19:03
isapgswellJivanPal disable all intel and dell vendor specific19:03
isapgswellJivanPal if it was used to server19:04
isapgswellJivanPal but when i update the bios the process reverted19:04
JivanPalHow do you know the IME was ever disabled?19:06
isapgswellJivanPal because ubuntu fresh install, lsmod |grep mei didnt get mei mei_me module19:07
isapgswellJivapPAl like purism notebooks19:07
JivanPalDid you try `insmod mei_me`?19:07
isapgswellJivanPal no19:08
isapgswellJivanPal i beliee linux lkm would make it19:08
isapgswellJivanPal if you do what i said, do not update bios or the procedure is useless19:09
isapgswellJivanPal Another procedure i make it was to zeroes my m2 ssd19:10
isapgswellJivapPal 256gb19:10
JivanPalIt may just be that udev was unable to detect the IME for whatever reason and did not autoload the modules19:11
JivanPalOr systemd19:11
isapgswellJIvanPal i had a purism notebook19:11
isapgswellJivanPal no error log man19:11
JivanPalWhat you've observed does not demonstrate that the IME was disabled, only that Ubuntu couldn't detect it; the IME could still have been operating, unknown to the OS19:12
isapgswellJivanPal yes, but i do not make anything to do so19:12
JivanPalThe only way to check that I can think of would be to reproduce the conditions under which `mei` and `me_mei` are not autoloaded (that is, the "no OEM, only Ubuntu" install you described), and then `insmod mei me_mei` and see if you can interact with the IME19:13
JivanPalIf you can, then your hunch is wrong; if you can't, further investigation is required19:13
oerheksonly intel SRT is mentioned, to disable https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:13
isapgswellJivanPal coreboot has a program to try to interact to intel mei19:13
isapgswellJivanPal and report itś status19:14
* oerheks would not mess around with CoreBoot19:14
JivanPalHave you tried Coreboot on the machine in question?19:15
JivanPalIn order to see whether it can talk to the IME?19:15
isapgswellJivanPal no19:16
isapgswellJivanPal i read about coreboot after19:16
JivanPalThis is the sort of further investigation one would need to do19:16
JivanPalThis sort of research could make a good undergrad computer science thesis19:16
isapgswellJivanPal some samsung notebooks has notebook and memory upgrades19:16
isapgswellJivanPal my advice is to remove ssd/hd factory19:17
JivanPalUsenix and IEEE would be interested in this sort of thing19:17
isapgswellJivanPal purism notebooks is expensive a lot19:18
isapgswellJivanPal and almost nobody is like richard stallman that uses lemote19:19
JivanPalI very much expect that it's just a matter of Ubuntu not autoloading the kernel modules19:20
JivanPalThere's no logical reason I can think of as to why not installing Windows or macOS on an OEM machine first would result in the IME being disabled19:20
isapgswellJivanPal folow the procedure i mention and maybe its right19:22
isapgswellJivanPal if right do not update bios19:22
JivanPal"Maybe" being the operative word19:23
isapgswellJivanPal to me mei was missing19:23
JivanPalIf you can demonstrate that it's "really" instead of "maybe", publish a report, myself and many others will be very interested!19:23
JivanPalAll you saw is that the `mei` module was not loaded automatically19:23
isapgswellJivanPal yes19:23
isapgswellJivanPal i do not tryed insmod19:24
JivanPalThat doesn't mean the actual Intel Management Engine wasn't working19:24
isapgswellJivanPal yes unil someone try19:24
JivanPalWhy don't you try? :-)19:25
isapgswellJivanPal money19:25
JivanPalDowngrade the firmware and do what you did before, but try `insmod` this time19:25
isapgswellJivanPal i did with a new notebook19:25
isapgswellJivanPal dell blocked downgrade19:25
JivanPalAnyway, you're almost certainly wrong about it disabling the IME, it makes no sense on the surface19:26
JivanPalEspecially since it then decided to "wake up" after a firmware upgrade19:26
isapgswellJivanPal fastboot minimal or disabled preference19:27
isapgswellJivanPal unhappy i dont knew coreboot and do not tested insmod19:28
isapgswellJivapPal anyone that wanna try19:28
isapgswellJivapPal my G7 autoload minix19:29
isapgswellJipanPal with updated bios19:29
isapgswellJivanPal the secret in my opinio is secureboot and nvram19:30
leftyfbisapgswell: ok, let us know if you have any other support questions with ubuntu19:30
isapgswellJivanPal tree points: secureboot nvram and fastboot19:30
isapgswellleftyfb why ubuntu certified hardware do not mention Gold Silver like h-node19:32
isapgswellleftyfb or a ranking19:32
leftyfbisapgswell: maybe contact Canonical for their certification project.19:33
isapgswellleftyfb ok19:33
cjdesnoanyone tried setting up the raspi4 uart for communicating with a hat on ubuntu 20.04? thought i had everything configured properly, but not seeing any traffic on the port19:45
leftyfbcjdesno: you might ask in #raspberrypi   even though you're running Ubuntu, the tools will be the same as raspiOS, but the hardware is specific to pi19:47
cjdesnoyeah, might as well19:49
=== tnewman2 is now known as tnewman
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:31
ixdapSo, I have one of these new fangled keyboards with more modifiers than you can shake a stick at. I count 5 on one side and 3 on the other, although I like both shifts to be the same. What do I type for cut'n'paste?21:31
ixdapyou know, on windows its ctrl-c, ctrl-v21:32
ixdapon a mac its cmd-c, cmd-v21:32
ixdapI am thinking, like on the mac, I'd rather not lose ctrl-c21:32
sarnoldshift+insert does the same paste as the middle-click mouse21:32
sarnold^C and ^V require toolkit support21:33
ixdaper, laptop with trackpad.21:33
ixdapbesides pointing device is not keyboard.21:33
ixdapI seem to remember having to set this up for myself in 1992, but there's been progress since then, yes?21:35
ixdapIs there something good on tv?21:36
leftyfbixdap: ctrl+c works just fine in ubuntu in all applications except terminal. In terminal it's CTRL+shift+c21:38
ixdapIs there some cute gui option (like a radio button) where I can just say "cut'n'paste like a mac"?21:39
leftyfbixdap: no21:40
ixdapMicrosoft using ctrl-c for copy was an act of vandalism.21:41
leftyfbixdap: let us know if you have any further ubuntu support questions21:41
ixdapHow dificult would it be to change ctrl-c to meta-c for all my applications?21:42
ixdapor anything I might install (before I install it)21:43
leftyfbixdap: https://askubuntu.com/a/1124521/115131121:43
ixdapThis is what I actually like about linux systems. Nothing I learned ~30 years ago is obsolete.21:46
ixdapWhere does /proc/bus/usb/devices come from these days (focal 20.04)22:02
oerheksSame as 18.04?22:04
ixdapI don't have one. mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb returns an error (mount point does not exist). I cannot create the folder.22:05
ixdapwas it still a thing in 2012?22:06
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ixdapok. so deprecated in 3.5 in 2012, but it would likely have been in released distros of the time. wow. debian lenny. That long ago ...22:12
cluelesspersonI can't pair with my airpods over bluetooth22:53
InteloIs it possible to have 2 mouse with two coursors and two keyboards typing on those two cursors at the same time in the same GUI screen?22:59
sarnoldIntelo: I suspect that may not exist23:00
Intelosarnold: hm.23:01
oerheksone can dual seat, but with 2 screens, on 1 machine.23:02
geniiThere's another thing called multi-seat but probably not what you're looking for23:02
* genii slides oerheks the cookie bag23:02
* oerheks fills it to the brim and shuffles it back23:03
leftyfbIntelo: why do you think you need such a thing?23:08
Inteloleftyfb: two people sitting side by side spliting a wide screen23:09
Intelooerheks: genii I see23:09
InteloI know those23:09
leftyfbIntelo: 2 computers? Maybe a VM on the machine tied to the 2nd set of peripherals?23:09
Inteloleftyfb: I have that too but wanted native/ non-vm23:09
leftyfbIntelo: what's the benefit over 2 machines and/or a VM?23:10
sarnoldIntelo: hmm, some *big* monitors actually have two inputs and you wind up running two cables to the system to plug them in.. usually folks run something like xinerama to treat the two screens as one, but you could probably do the dualseat thing and give one person the left half, the other person the right half.. it'd be like those split-brain folks23:11
Inteloleftyfb: performance, low system load23:11
leftyfbIntelo: you know you get better performance with people on their own machines right?23:11
Inteloleftyfb: that increases cost23:12
InteloI was curious to have best of both worlds23:12
leftyfbIntelo: could this be done over ssh?23:12
Intelosarnold: hm23:12
sarnoldis a second monitor really so expensive?23:13
Intelosarnold:  for scale. yes23:13
leftyfbIntelo: if so, you could setup a raspberry pi that the 2nd keyboard is plugged into, it's ssh'd to the 1st machine using tmate running on the 1st in a separate window on half the monitor screen23:13
Inteloleftyfb: the tmux runs fine. I was talking about gui23:14
leftyfbIntelo: what sort of work would these 2 people be doing in GUI?23:14
Inteloleftyfb: and by the way, in my case, only one computer is involved23:14
Inteloleftyfb: two people sitting side by side spliting a wide screen23:14
Intelopair programe23:15
leftyfbIntelo: that doesn't answer the question at all. If they're "coding", why can't they do this over ssh?23:15
Inteloleftyfb: intellij idea over ssh?23:15
Inteloleftyfb: and by the way, in my case, only one computer is involved  < did you get this part. ssh is for 'another' machine23:16
leftyfbIntelo: I'm referring to a $10 raspberry pi as the 2nd computer23:16
leftyfbIntelo: which intellij can run on23:17
Inteloleftyfb: in your suggestion, this $10 RP can just ssh? Not acces gui or other machine?23:17
leftyfbIntelo: it could do either. It can run it's own Ubuntu GUI(though you might want the $45 one at that point) and/or ssh to the main machine. If the former, you can run applications from the 1st machine over ssh forwarding to the pi. All the processing of said application gets done on the 1st machine23:19
Inteloleftyfb: also what is this $10 pi? does it has a hdmi port? a wifi/ether port?23:19
leftyfbIntelo: seriously, you are unaware of raspberry pi's?23:19
Intelois this x11 forwarding over ssh?23:19
Inteloleftyfb: never bought one23:19
sarnoldrpis are pretty decent little machines for cheap23:20
Inteloin x11 forwarding, the gui is run at client (needs processing)23:20
leftyfbthe $10 pi is the raspberry pi zero w which would be fine to just do ssh. But if you want a full GUI with run intellij or X forwarding, I'd suggest the Pi 4 which can be had for $3523:20
Intelosarnold: ok.23:20
Intelothat zero and 4 will have ether/hdmi?23:21
leftyfbIntelo: in X forwarding, the client window is drawn on the ssh client, but the processing all gets done on the machine the application originated from23:21
leftyfbIntelo: they both have HDMI, yes23:21
sarnoldif you've got a bit of extra money, I've heard good things about https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-h2plus/23:21
leftyfbIntelo: the Pi4 has ethernet, both have wireless23:21
oerheks ULTIMATE Edition of IntelliJ IDEA https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/enabling-web-application-support.html#Enabling_Web_Application_Support-28-include-0-chunk-30-chapter23:23
Inteloleftyfb: sarnold this  is $100 . Is it ok ? https://urun.n11.com/arduino-urunleri-ve-setleri/raspberry-pi-4-8gb-yeni-versiyon-P46995572723:29
leftyfbIntelo: if you need the 8GB version, sure. The 1G version is $3523:31
sarnoldIntelo: you'll never confuse it for a high-end system, but yeah, they're pretty good little machines. I've got an rpi3b+ that I used with a gui for a few hours for fun before deploying it into its job23:31
Intelothis is $400 in 2Gig https://urun.n11.com/arduino-urunleri-ve-setleri/raspberry-pi-4-2-gb-model-b-P43359527023:32
Intelomodel b23:32
leftyfbthat is an option23:32
Intelosarnold: so can I run intellij on RP4?23:32
sarnoldIntelo: no idea, do they have aarch64 aka arm64 builds available?23:33
Inteloleftyfb: I feel like its a bit costly at my side but anyway. I hope it has internal memory23:33
leftyfbIntelo: https://geektechstuff.com/2019/06/08/installing-intellij-ide-on-raspberry-pi-java-raspberry-pi/23:33
Intelosarnold: neever did this before23:33
Inteloleftyfb: it will lag. right?23:33
Inteloleftyfb: sarnold what max can I do with a rp4 / latest?23:33
leftyfbIntelo: it has it's own memory, as for storage, throw down $20 for a micro ss card for it23:34
leftyfbIntelo: at this point, you might be better off asking more about the pi in #raspberry pi. I'm just offering this as a solution. Either for the workstation or X forwarding or just ssh. Or maybe VNC23:35
sarnoldIntelo: I *think* the memory on the rpis is soldered on, so whatever you buy it with is all its ever going to have23:35
pizzaiolofwiw i treat rpis as a single use type of deal, keep it very limited23:35
Intelosarnold: oh ok23:35
Intelosarnold: leftyfb why not get a low end android phone and chrome cast instead of PI. I just need shell/ssh. An app in android would do it too23:36
Intelobut the mobile phone will have much other functions23:37
Intelojust thinking..23:37
sarnoldI've never done a keyboard on a phone before23:37
leftyfbIntelo: sure, it's your setup. Though you won't be running Ubuntu on it. Also, the pi is much cheaper23:37
Intelobluetooth keyboards..23:37
sarnoldthey sell them, so they must work :) but I think I heard termux is a dead end on android..23:37
Inteloleftyfb: as per specs I gues.23:38
leftyfbIntelo: I thought you needed to run intellij?23:38
Inteloleftyfb: was a wish that cant be true I think23:38
Intelointellij don't even run good on low end laptops...23:38
leftyfbIntelo: either way, we are well beyond the scope of this channel23:38
Inteloleftyfb: ya. thanks again23:38

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