[18:13] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/psa-20-04-2-install-failure-bug-images-soon-to-be-recreated/20846?u=laney [22:22] @ahoneybun new images have been respun [22:24] Sweet! [23:25] how are you, @ahoneybun ? [23:26] aka "Florida man" [23:26] <3 [23:26] I'm OK kinda have had headaches for a bit of time. [23:26] I think I found the cause. [23:27] bad tooth? or allergies? [23:27] I've had both, plus sinus infections although those are easy to pinpoint [23:28] since you want to saw off the front of your face [23:53] I believe it was because I keep sleeping head first on a heated blanket connection slot. [23:53] lol [23:53] you hothead you [23:53] lol [23:54] ok, I've been putting off doing upgrades b/c nvidia [23:54] now to bite the bullet and do them and restart