
JawnSmithIs any core dev available to restart the autopkgtest for software-properties version in groovy?01:04
cjwatsonJawnSmith: Done01:08
JawnSmithcjwatson: thanks!01:08
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cpaelzerrbalint: it seems my questons in regard to systemd autopkgtest status didn't reach you yesterday09:50
cpaelzerrbalint: since today everything looks as bad or worse I've filed bug 1915126 about it09:51
ubottubug 1915126 in systemd (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest times out (or fails before that) in hirsute" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191512609:51
cpaelzerthat way you can pick it up whenever you are around and everyone else blocked by the same can chime in there09:51
cpaelzermfo: ^^ FYI09:51
cpaelzerbryce: ^^ FYI09:51
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seb128ddstreet, hey, I'm mostly curious but what is the moving behind https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/396926 ? there is no description or rational nor bug linked to the change13:23
seb128tjaalton, do you have any idea about the libxcb/s390x build failure?13:34
seb128    inlined from ‘parse_display_negative_fn’ at ../../tests/check_public.c:153:2:13:34
seb128../../tests/check_public.c:82:3: error: ‘%s’ directive argument is null [-Werror=format-overflow=]13:34
seb128   82 |   ck_assert_msg(!success, "unexpected parse success %sfor '%s'", test_string[test_type], name);13:34
seb128unsure why that would be arch specific...13:34
tjaaltonand only on ubuntu13:36
tjaaltonbut no, I don't13:36
ddstreetseb128 the author of the MR appears to have wanted to remove the python-requests-unixsocket dep from software-properties, and based on the project having no upstream commits in ~1.5 years it's probably good not to rely on it14:09
seb128ddstreet, it's confusing, the vcs and mp is from you?14:10
ddstreetseb128 this was his original mr https://code.launchpad.net/~slingamn/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/38918214:12
ddstreetthen this one, but i preferred to simplify it more https://code.launchpad.net/~slingamn/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/39688014:12
ddstreetso i opened the final mr14:12
seb128ddstreet, ah, thanks, the reference was missing, that one has useful details14:13
seb128makes sense now!14:13
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rbalintcpaelzer, thanks for the bug, i'm working on the next upload15:34
cpaelzerthanks rbalint15:45
cpaelzerif you have any further insight to it please dump it to th bug15:45
cpaelzerI've already got two other that are potentially looking into it and have told them to look&past at the bug to sync on it15:45
rbalintcpaelzer, do i understand correctly that the tests pass locally for you?15:47
cpaelzerrbalint: indeed15:47
cpaelzersystemd-fsckd        PASS15:48
cpaelzerI have not redircted the log, but can pass you a copy&poaste of the console if you think it would help (I don't think so)15:48
cpaelzerThis is the command that workss for me "sudo ~/work/autopkgtest/autopkgtest/runner/autopkgtest --no-built-binaries --apt-upgrade --testname=systemd-fsckd --shell systemd_247.1-4ubuntu1.dsc -- qemu --ram-size=1536 --cpus 1 ~/work/autopkgtest-hirsute-amd64.img"15:49
rbalintcpaelzer, no, your word is enough :-)15:49
cpaelzerI have not yet iterated on running all/more testcases an or CPU/memory capacity15:49
rbalintcpaelzer, ack, giving a try to running it on big vms worth trying imo, i'm rebasing my MP @ https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/38395315:50
rbalintLaney, please give a try to making systemd big on amd64 : https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/39774016:03
rbalintcpaelzer, ^16:03
rbalintcpaelzer, as i see ppc64el got better today16:04
cpaelzeryes rbalint, at least I got through two tests16:07
cpaelzeron ppc64el that is16:08
Laneyrbalint: I'll try it manually first, we'll see16:38
rbalintLaney, thanks!16:39
Laneycpaelzer's sizes there are the sizes of the instances we use currently though and it passed16:39
Laneydo you know why having a too small instances ends up with you in emergency mode?16:39
tdaitxdoko: I updated bug 1915009 with the requirements for MIR, should I ping someone from the ~ubuntu-mir and security team for reviews or is this bug update enough?17:13
ubottubug 1915009 in libmd (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libmd (dependency of libbsd)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191500917:14
tdaitxI am asking about the pings because I was told by mclemenceau that this is somewhat urgent17:15
mclemenceauthanks tdaitx for updating the ticket17:21
tewardthis will sound a tad like a "why are you asking" question, but at what point did /run and /boot get mounted with 'nodev' options, and is there a way to make that happen on older systems?  Asking on the older systems part because a vuln management system is whining about /run and /boot not being mounted with nodev.17:47
tewardmounted with nodev option by default*17:47
xnoxteward:  initramfs-tools, systemd built'in, fstab will try to mount those end points.19:20
xnoxteward:  if you want them with nodev, you should be able to set that in fstab; and do update-initramfs -u.19:20
xnoxteward:  then on boot it will be mounted without nodev option; but should then be remounted with it.19:20
xnoxteward:  if it doesn't it's a bug in ubuntu.19:20
xnoxteward:  more comonly people tweak the tmpfs size of /run. or like umask of /boot => so it's not that uncommon to customize those.19:21
rbalintLaney, how did the manual test go?20:03
rbasakvorlon, sil2100: TB meeting?20:04
Laneyrbalint: I didn't do it yet, I've been busy with .0 stuff20:16
ItzSwirlzrbasak: oops im late.. LP #1901344 reminder21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1901344 in cinnamon-screensaver (Ubuntu Groovy) "[SRU] Spotify album icon shows optimal CD disk instead of album/cover image" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190134421:09
santa_hi everyone23:13
santa_doko: note for whenever you can read: since a short time ago, I have been getting some kde packages built with files with the wrong owner23:16
santa_for example:23:16
santa_-rw-r--r-- buildd/buildd 18984 2021-01-21 23:44 ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kf5/kguiaddons/kmodifierkey/kmodifierkey_wayland.so23:17
santa_this file ↑ should be owned by root23:18
santa_I have the impression that the new libc6 & friends triggered this, but I have no solid evidence23:19
santa_this doesn't happen without -proposed23:19
santa_I have *temporarily* available here the results of a test rebuild of our kubuntu kde WIP packages: http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp3/23:21
santa_they are several packages affected from kde applications23:21
santa_so if you can give me a hand with this I would appreciate it very much23:22
santa_in case it's not libc6 & friends fault, sorry for the noise :)23:22

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