
jayjo-I've been running into this problem the last few months (mentioned it here a few times) but its not a big enough issue to really dig into. My external webcam on ubuntu desktop becomes unavailable after something like 24 hours. A restart fixes it, so it's easy enough to deal with. But browsers, zoom, cheese, etc can't see the device after a while. Any ideas how I should try to debug this, in order to even00:49
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jayjo-start a bug report? Is video a certain part of the kernel, or a certain log I should check out? The other issue is I usually notice it is no longer available a good while after it becomes unavailable00:49
leftyfbjayjo-: jayjo- https://askubuntu.com/a/116107400:50
sarnoldoh wow that looks promising00:51
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jayjo-I'm about to restart, and things will work for a bit, but I'll guess we'll find out in a few days :) I'm changing /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend to -1 ... it was 2 before01:00
sarnoldjayjo-: btw that file reflects only *runtime* status -- it won't persist across the reboot01:00
sarnoldjayjo-: does unplugging and replugging the device work?01:01
jayjo-no, unplugging/replugging doesn't seem to help01:03
jayjo-what is "2" for usbcore autosuspend? the askubuntu page recommends -1 to disable. Is that in a kernel doc?01:04
sarnoldI'm guessing that '2' means 2 seconds, based on the 'autosuspend=5' part of https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/power-management.txt01:07
isapgswelli915.modeset=0 got blank screen01:07
sybaritenI'm _pretty_ sure that my old ass ubuntu 16 machine loses its (wired) connection to my router very regularly, each day in the night.01:10
sybaritenI then have to go physically to the machine (which is supposed to be headless) and click among the network connections and chose the wired one and it gets back up on its feet again and everything is copacetic.01:11
sybaritenI have other machines running in the same LAN which dont exhibit the same thing (not the exact same ubuntu version though). Whats the first thing i want to investigate to find the reason for this problem?01:11
sarnoldsybariten: are there any messages in dmesg or the log files that may report why the link changes state?01:13
sybaritensarnold: yeah i dont know which log files are best to attack to be honest  :)01:14
sarnoldsybariten: does any of your networking infrastructure have enough logging to let you know if another device on the network is acting oddly? perhaps something else comes up with the same IP address or same MAC address, or perhaps your system sends so many error packets the switch gives up on the port or something?01:15
sybaritenHmmmmmm i wouldn't _think_ so, i have a pretty limited number of devices, they all tend to keep the same IP's although its DHCP. I have a strong feeling this is down to this machine only. I just need to know what to investigate01:17
xamuasybariten: ip -stats link show <interface>01:25
sybaritenxamua: https://termbin.com/gakx01:27
xamuanothing too crazy there. a few dropped packets01:30
xamuajournalctl -u NetworkManger might give you some hints01:38
sarnold16.04, probably no systemctl01:42
sarnolderr journalctl01:42
sybariteni do have that tool as it seems01:45
sybaritenliterally like that, or NetworkManager?01:45
sarnoldheh does it work? :)01:45
sybaritenit spits out a lot of stuff from january 22 until today01:46
InZaneGamer84if i do 'pip install foobar' I shouldn't run into problems should i?01:49
InZaneGamer84as far as pkg conflicts with apt or dependancy resolution or whatever?01:49
InZaneGamer84someone told me not to use pip to install python pkgs... that might of been on manjaro though? i cant remember01:49
InZaneGamer84will pip install somepkg mess with a ubuntu install ?01:50
xamuasybariten: journalctl -u NetworkManager --since yesterday01:50
xamuayou can specify a time range using --since and --until as well01:51
sarnoldInZaneGamer84: it'd be worth researching a bit more; I don't know python world real well but I think I've heard that a plain pip install will overwrite packaged things, and that it'd be best to stick to using pip from within virtualenvs or something similar01:52
sybaritenxamua: aha aha... what am i seeing, more or less?   https://pastebin.com/raw/pdBLpYB901:54
InZaneGamer84sarnold: that's distressing! I'm not familiar with virtualenvs but I guess I'm fixing to be01:55
xamuasybariten: so, since it looks like it hasn't dropped recently, you'll want to run that same command after it drops again to see if it offers any hints as to why01:56
sybaritenxamua: how do you mean? On the machine when the connection is actually dropped (is out), or just after i have reconnected after the next drop out?01:58
xamuaafter the next drop01:59
xamuaalternatively, scroll through all the logs since 22 Jan looking for the last disconnect02:00
xamuausing --since and --until to narrow it down02:00
sybaritenxamua: aha aha... thanks02:02
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henry8any deja dup backup gui experts in here?02:37
lotuspsychjebest to ask your specific issue to the channel henry8 so volunteers can think along02:42
henry8looks like deja dup version 42.7 no longer uses duplicity...02:43
henry8recently upgraded deja dup, sometimes need to use duplicity via command line and it's no longer on my system after upgrading deja dup02:44
lotuspsychje!info deja-dup02:45
ubottudeja-dup (source: deja-dup): Backup utility. In component main, is optional. Version 40.7-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 263 kB, installed size 1504 kB02:45
henry8wondering if others have similar experience02:45
lotuspsychjehenry8: are you on 20.04 and how did you upgrade deja-dup?02:46
henry8yeah, 20.0402:46
lotuspsychje40.7 is what you should have then henry802:47
henry8my original deja dup software was freezing before finishing restore so i tried uninstalling and reinstalling via app store02:47
henry8it actually ended up being a snap.io version 42.702:48
lotuspsychjeah ok, you're on snap?02:48
henry8yeah, didn't realize until finished downloading and thought i'd give it a try02:49
lotuspsychjehenry8: you can contact the community/dev for issues here; https://discourse.gnome.org/tags/c/applications/7/deja-dup02:49
henry8thanks, appreciated02:50
lotuspsychjehenry8: for non-canonical snaps we cant help much as they are externally maintained02:50
henry8thinking of trying a different backup option... no totally happy with deja dup... any recommendations?02:50
ubottuborg is a fast backup tool with incremental backups: https://www.borgbackup.org/ (Ubuntu packages: borgbackup, borgbackup-doc, and borgmatic)02:51
lotuspsychjethis seems to be popular these days02:51
henry8nice, thanks, i'll check it out02:51
Qen-JoanaHello everyone. I have a quick question. I upgraded my CPU from an i7-3930k (HEDT) to Xeon, and when I booted up my system, a couple apps stopped working and I am getting an error: "sudo: unable to resolve host *hostname*: Name or service not known"  Any ideas on how to fix/reconfigure?03:30
Bashing-omQen-Joana: Try this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-change-hostname-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux .03:34
Qen-JoanaI will try that! First, I will restart my PC. I suspect this may be more than just an issue with the hostname, though, likely a problem with machine ID? BRB.03:44
Bashing-omQen-Joana: End result we want the system to match up with /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files.03:45
Bashing-omQen-Joana: End result we want the system to match up with /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files.03:46
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pi0sarnold: is there a proper way to search installed packages03:53
pi0i want to remove unused packages03:54
pi0but also want to check for possible dependency issues03:54
Qen-JoanaBashing-om: I seem to have resolved one symptom of the problem by adding in an entry for my supposed-hostname to the hosts file... does this sound like a bad idea? The sudo commands are working now, though.03:55
sarnoldpi0: dpkg -l | grep ^ii   will show you what's installed03:56
sarnoldpi0: apt purge packagename  will immediately the purge the package if nothing depends upon it; it'll suggest what else needs to be removed, in case something else depends upon that package03:56
sarnoldpi0: the orphaner tool can help you find packages that nothing else depends upon; be careful with this one though03:57
pi0orphaner i will google that one04:02
pi0thank you04:02
Bashing-omQen-Joana: I have always done so "manually"; hostnamectl is a systemd thing.04:04
pi0sarnold: when compiling within linux, and you will be using the make -j <some number>04:07
pi0were do you obtain the proper numbers? is there a cat /proc/something?04:07
Qen-JoanaBashing-om: Do you mean that I need to go through that linked page again and try to do it correctly? ;)04:14
Bashing-omQen-Joana: Naw - if the two files match I would suggest just run 'sudo hostnamectl set-hostname <new-hostname>' for cheap insurance.04:16
Qen-JoanaBashing-om: I just did that command and nothing broke, so thank you!04:19
Bashing-omQen-Joana: Glad-it-helps :D04:20
swear000anyone here?04:33
matsaman’fraid so04:33
swear000I am on 20.04.204:35
swear000anyone know how to resolve kernel issues?04:37
matsamanwhat kernel issue?04:38
Bashing-omswear000: Depends - what kernel - uname -r - are you running - there remains a few issues with the 5.8 series kernels.04:39
Bashing-om!info linux-generic-hwe-20.0404:42
swear000They made a lot of changes and there are many bugs.  I added some basic parameters to get the kernel to boot.  I have a lot of errors that need addressing.04:42
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe-5.8): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 18 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; arm64; powerpc; ppc64el; s390x)04:42
swear000what is tracker miner and why does it say: Unable to get XDG user directory path for special directory04:50
matsamanswear000: some GNOME file indexer04:54
matsamanswear000: it was looking for some freedesktop-specified directory and didn't find it; probably irrelevant to most everything04:54
swear000true a lot of journal messages are harmless but I want to get as many as I can sorted out quickly.  I still have to recompile the kernel after getting the journal log cleared04:57
swear000I think Xwayland is responsible for a lot of these.  I have no idea why they decided to add SNAP packages either.  I am running Ubuntu because it is still more stable and secure than Windows and better than most Distributions I have tried05:02
conrhave used ubuntu on a dev05:03
conrdedicated desktop hardware for a couple of years for pms, nas, etc.05:04
conrcan i achieve this similutanously on Windows 10 with WSL or VituralBox?05:05
swear000It's a nice distro and more stable than most.  I just want to get rid of the journal spam05:05
InZaneGamer84swear000: ok I gotta pine in. Ubuntu is not more stable than Debian stable05:06
InZaneGamer84some parents are crazy when the kids are sane though....05:06
swear000I replaced my Windows 10 with UBUNTU because, although I can run WSL, windows still has too much bloatware05:07
InZaneGamer84swear000: preaching to the choir man05:07
swear000I used Debian in college.05:07
InZaneGamer84and it's only going to get worse with win10x05:08
swear000I though Ubuntu was based on debian05:08
InZaneGamer84ms has lost touch with their users05:08
InZaneGamer84it is05:08
InZaneGamer84it's technically derived from debian05:08
InZaneGamer84that makes ubuntu the child and debian the parent05:08
InZaneGamer84im using kubuntu which is derived from ubuntu. i love kde plasma. dislike ubuntu's DE05:09
InZaneGamer84my introduction to linux was ubuntu 10.10 and I left ubuntu when they switched their DE from gnome 2 to what they have now.05:09
InZaneGamer84i don't like gnome 305:10
InZaneGamer84conr: what are you trying to achieve?05:10
swear000I am not a big fan of GNOME myself but it is the default.05:10
InZaneGamer84thus i defaulted to another distro lol05:11
InZaneGamer84kde plasma is nice! win 10 DE is way behind05:11
swear000UBUNTU is the only one that I can use secure boot with05:11
InZaneGamer84turn secure boot off!05:11
conrInZaneGamer84: im building a gaming pc with windows10 but would like to move my unbuntu box to virtually run on win10.05:11
InZaneGamer84conr: easy. so you wanna run ubuntu inside a vm?05:12
InZaneGamer84conr: imo a vm instance will provide a more 'complete' experience than WSL05:12
conrcorrect. just wondering what works best for 24/7. wsl, virtualbox?05:12
swear000I can toggle off secure boot but then I get an error about no operating system05:12
InZaneGamer84conr: are you a developer? dev on linux?05:13
InZaneGamer84swear000: do you have more than one hdd?05:13
conrInZaneGamer84: yes but i have a mac for that05:13
swear000no it is a laptop05:13
InZaneGamer84conr: then you don't need WSL crap. use virtualbox05:13
conri just want ubuntu for pms, nas, openvpn05:14
InZaneGamer84conr: it's a 'premiere' experience05:14
InZaneGamer84conr: a vm instance is perfect for u05:14
InZaneGamer84swear000: dual booting on uefi secure boot is doable but .... complex?05:14
conrInZaneGamer84: ive used vbox before on mac. nice. its it pretty stable?05:14
InZaneGamer84conr: lol indeed. rock solid05:15
InZaneGamer84conr: you need to configure the vm correctly though for a linux guest05:15
conrInZaneGamer84: should i use debian instead of ubuntu?05:15
swear000I tried dual booting but it is pointless.  I either need to run Windows or a Linux that supports my hardware05:15
InZaneGamer84conr: it won't matter really. try both05:16
InZaneGamer84conr: use ubuntu or debian stable05:16
InZaneGamer84swear000: what kind of laptop do you have?05:16
conrInZaneGamer84: does vbox have access to networking or file drives?05:16
InZaneGamer84conr: of course!05:16
swear000Acer aspire v 1505:16
InZaneGamer84swear000: you have to properly partition your hdd. GPT UEFI05:17
InZaneGamer84swear000: do you want to dual boot or give the whole hdd to ubuntu?05:17
InZaneGamer84conr: virtualbox has good documentation. peruse it05:17
swear000The whole drive is UBUNTU and it is LUKS encrypted05:18
InZaneGamer84swear000: and why are you using encryption? are you going to have sensitive data on the drive?05:18
InZaneGamer84swear000: that just adds another layer of complexity to properly setting up the disk so it will boot05:18
swear000yes I am in healthcare05:18
InZaneGamer84swear000: one min i will find you a good page05:19
conrswear000: me too05:19
conrit healthcare05:19
swear000good place to be05:19
* InZaneGamer84 bows05:21
InZaneGamer84thank you for your service!05:21
InZaneGamer84swear000: https://askubuntu.com/questions/927924/how-to-install-ubuntu-in-uefi-mode05:21
InZaneGamer84swear000: you must create an EFI 100MB partition for uefi boot05:22
swear000yes I know.  I am running it now.05:22
swear000I am just getting messages like: Getting invalid resource scale property05:24
swear000,  error in livepatch check state: check-failed, reference to undefined property "MetaWindowXwayland"05:24
swear000, gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file05:24
swear000, etc.05:24
InZaneGamer84swear000: where is that coming from?05:24
conrInZaneGamer84: can you explain what linux guests are!05:25
InZaneGamer84conr: yes05:25
InZaneGamer84you have a 'host' which is the OS that is running the VM. Or running the virtual box program. In your case the host is windows05:25
InZaneGamer84the 'guest' is the VM05:25
InZaneGamer84in your case, a linux 'guest'05:26
InZaneGamer84the 'guest' is what's being emulated05:26
swear000journalctl -b -0 shows the errors mostly from init scripts and Wayland and GNOME05:26
conrok simple05:26
InZaneGamer84conr: yup05:27
InZaneGamer84swear000: what kind of gpu chipset is in your laptop?05:27
swear000Intel HD Graphics 550005:27
InZaneGamer84swear000: is hardware acceleration enabled for your DE? it's not running in software mode is it05:27
InZaneGamer84swear000: no issues with drivers?05:27
swear000 i2c_hid: probe of i2c-ELAN0501:00 failed with error -22 from touchpad and thermalzone error from iwlwifi but it does work05:30
InZaneGamer84swear000: run this 'sudo apt-get install inxi' then 'inxi -D' and paste output05:31
InZaneGamer84swear000: inxi -G not D05:31
swear000  Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 5500 driver: i915 v: kernel05:31
swear000  Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver: fbdev unloaded: modesetting,vesa05:31
swear000  resolution: 1366x768~60Hz05:31
swear000  OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel HD Graphics 5500 (BDW GT2) v: 4.6 Mesa 20.2.605:31
InZaneGamer84swear000: one min05:32
InZaneGamer84swear000: which version of ubuntu are you running?05:32
InZaneGamer84k hold on05:33
InZaneGamer84you're good05:33
InZaneGamer84driver is loaded as i91505:33
swear000yes the system works but it there are just small technical issues to iron out05:34
InZaneGamer84swear000: is there any lag when you drag windows around?05:34
swear000not really.  A few glitches sometimes.  The system hung earlier today but the kernel just got updated05:36
InZaneGamer84swear000: i'm not so sure you firmware is loaded for that gpu05:37
InZaneGamer84swear000: run 'lsmod | grep 'intel' paste output05:37
swear000btintel                28672  1 btusb05:38
swear000bluetooth             577536  11 btrtl,btintel,btbcm,bnep,btusb05:38
swear000intel_rapl_msr         20480  005:38
swear000intel_rapl_common      28672  1 intel_rapl_msr05:38
swear000intel_powerclamp       20480  005:38
swear000snd_hda_intel          53248  405:38
InZaneGamer84don't flood05:38
InZaneGamer84you're gonna get kicked05:38
InZaneGamer84paste to a pastie05:38
InZaneGamer84a site05:38
swear000any good site?05:39
InZaneGamer84i don't see the gpu firmware loaded05:40
InZaneGamer84you know the 'additional drivers' app or whatever?05:40
InZaneGamer84open that up and paste a screenshot05:41
InZaneGamer84ill give u a link05:41
swear000It says no additional drivers available05:41
InZaneGamer84one sec05:41
swear000I don't think it is like NVIDIA or AMD05:42
swear000I would probably have to work with xorg or the framebuffer05:43
InZaneGamer84do 'sudo prime-select intel'05:43
InZaneGamer84yeah it's different05:43
InZaneGamer84bpaste.net i mean05:43
InZaneGamer84its late im sleepy05:43
swear000prime-select command not found05:44
InZaneGamer84type 'intel' and hit tab. what comes up05:45
InZaneGamer84i still don't think your desktop is in hardware acceleration mode05:46
InZaneGamer84im looking05:46
InZaneGamer84open up system settings and go to software and updates05:49
InZaneGamer84you see a drivers tab?05:49
InZaneGamer84on second thought i think the intel drivers are in the kernel05:50
InZaneGamer84you said you updated the kernel?05:50
InZaneGamer84the new kernel has bugs in it im hearing05:50
InZaneGamer84so idk05:50
swear000yes the new kernel is buggy.  Once I clear the journal of errors, I will recompile and be able to use some features.  Get some rest and thanks for checking05:52
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semitonesKiwis and Australians of #ubuntu08:17
semitonesIf i'm logging in remotely with ssh, should I be creating just one keypair for myself and reusing it, or making one keypair for each device like i've been doing08:18
semitonesliterally awakened in the middle of the night by this thought08:18
superschnellI regularly lose connection to my BT speaker and when I do (usually after leaving my laptop on for the night), Ubuntu loses the abilty to see any devices in a scan08:33
superschnellHow can I fix this?08:33
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ajnrHi how to check Moherboard board chipset series and chipset number are exists in my system?  theoritically I have Intel B 36509:07
cluelesspersoncouldn't login just now, login password box showed a spinning wheel next to it forever09:09
NETSOFGood Morning09:14
cadabraxHi, I'm getting this error (corrupted cache) when running apt update. I tried apt clean and deleting /var/lib/apt/lists/* but it's still there. How can I fix? The error: https://dpaste.org/pnqg09:34
cadabraxI also tried deleting the mentioned file (/var/lib/dpkg/status) but got an error so I put it back.09:35
cadabraxan error that the file was missing, that is.09:35
gebbioneAm I doing anything wrong when i try to mount this samba share or is it really a permission error ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9qQVFxMkND/10:02
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lesshastewhen I leave chromium over night and come back it decides it can't connect to the internet. chromium is currently in that state10:22
lesshasteis this a known problem and what I can I do?10:22
shibbolethanyone have/use a lenovo ultra dock?10:38
gebbionelesshaste, use chrome11:04
lesshastegebbione, hmm11:05
InZaneGamer84does firefox release a damn update every other day?11:20
InZaneGamer84they need to stop11:20
lotuspsychjeInZaneGamer84: this is the ubuntu support channel, not the complaints channel11:22
InZaneGamer84lotuspsychje: indeed!11:22
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:23
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InZaneGamer84can someone help me understand why I've lost WRITE access on all my disks? drive topology > https://bpa.st/LW5Q11:40
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chilverscwith scp, can I copy a remote directory into an existing local directory without it creating a sub-directory? e.g. something like; scp -r remote:/foo/bar ./output without it creating output/bar?12:45
BluesKajHi folks12:48
masterkorpI am trying to downgrade the kernel but I cant12:49
masterkorpI did  sudo apt remove linux-image-5.4.0-65-generic linux-headers-5.4.0-6512:49
masterkorpbut on reboot uname -a is sitll 5.4.0-65-generic12:50
BluesKajmasterkorp, try sudo apt-get remove --purge 5.4.0-65, if that's your real issue.12:54
masterkorptried, aftter a reboot it sill boots onto 5.4.0-6512:55
BluesKajor sudo apt remove  --purge 5.4.0-6512:55
BluesKajmasterkorp, first of all why are you trying to downgrade?13:04
EriC^^chilversc: maybe if "output" doesnt exist, havent tried it though13:05
masterkorpBluesKaj amdgpu pro drivers wont work13:14
masterkorpI need to bot to an older kernel13:14
BluesKajthe xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu driver is the probly the correct driver if the gpu is one of these families, Bonaire, Hawaii, Kaveri, Kabini Mullins, Iceland, Tonga, Carrizo, Fiji, Stoney.13:18
masterkorpyeah, opencl is broken on those, all I want is to downgrade now13:19
BluesKajmasterkorp, it doesn't matter what you want, it's what you need that will work, downgrading a kernel is rather drastic13:23
masterkorpyes it is, i've been wat this for 2 days13:24
masterkorphere is proof13:24
masterkorpmore proff13:26
BluesKajwhynot install one of kernels that will work rather than removing the current one, then remove it after you're sure the new one works13:34
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devonSystem fails to notice speakers plugged in, how to fix?13:54
chilverscEriC^^: yeah, if it doesn't exist it works fine, I just wanted it to be easily repeatable without needing to delete the output folder first13:58
EriC^^chilversc: you could always use rsync, rsync -av /dir/ /output   would copy the contents only  (because of the trailing "/" after dir)14:01
emilspWill 20.10 ever get this commit backported to it's NM? https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/-/commit/4ddfc5c14b6f82d802988332d92a7e05b18d1ff0 This breaks VPN clients that set their DNS directly via systemd-resolved.14:12
lotuspsychjeemilsp: do you have an ubuntu bug ID about this?14:14
emilsplotuspsychje: I do not, and I think I can't find a relevant one, should I create one?14:32
lotuspsychjeemilsp: if you want the devs to debug something, i would consider find en existing ID and affect yourself, or create a new one14:33
lotuspsychjeemilsp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager browse here for the existing ones14:34
emilspI'm already looking at those :)14:34
lotuspsychjeemilsp: thank you to file bug #191515314:46
ubottubug 1915153 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NetworkManager will change DNS config via systemd-resolved of unmanaged interfaces" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191515314:46
rockdarkoI was troubleshooting a problem with mail until I tried the same on centos/arch with no problem. Basically, the mail/mailx packages from mailutils have slightly changed (ie -A instead of -a for attachement -a is now append header). Problem is mail delivery works but when I include an attachment although it gets there fine I lose the body. I can't find anything about that.14:46
rockdarkoI get the body just fine if I remove the attachment14:46
lotuspsychjeemilsp: could you also run: apport-collect 1915153 from a terminal please14:46
rockdarkoin both cases mail delivery occurs successfully14:46
emilsplotuspsychje: will do, thanks for the tip :)14:49
lotuspsychjeemilsp: thank you, the devs will be able to debug better with all logs pulled into the bug14:51
lotuspsychjeemilsp: if you find a second user to affect your bug, it will get auto confirmed and get more attention, tnx for the apport collect15:04
newlinux^can someone tell me what is round robin chain?15:07
leftyfbnewlinux^: in what context?15:08
emilsplotuspsychje: lots of our users have been complaining about this, but I'm not entirely sure if it'd be right to direct them to this bug.15:44
lotuspsychjeemilsp: well im sure the devs will also look upstream, see whats next to proceed, the user heat cant do much harm15:46
emilspfair, will do.15:46
AnnoyedGreetings... Is there something with the 20.04.2 server installer that won't install as EFI? This is a machine that had 18.04 on it, in EFI mode.. but the 20.04.2 installer seems to want a BIOS boot partition16:05
BluesKajAnnoyed, maybe this is relevant, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PTPdwFhk6H/16:25
MaikBluesKaj: they said it was only for the desktop flavors, no mention of the servers16:27
BluesKajMaik, ok16:28
Annoyedyeah, doesn't seem relevant... It installs and  boots, but in BIOS mode, not EFI16:29
BluesKajdo you have secure boot or fast boot enabled?16:29
AnnoyedI just created a new installer USB using Rufus, rather than pendrive linux.. something I read says that works better16:30
Maikrufus isn't recommended afaik. BalenaEtcher is used often though.16:31
oerheksmust be a setting missed, rufus.. i don't like it either https://rufus.ie/pics/rufus_en.png16:33
oerheks2 settings actually16:33
oerheks2nd as shown, bios or uefi16:33
ennozddhi I installaed a snap package, I want to stop a running snap program how do I do it?16:34
AnnoyedFast boot is off, don't know about secure.. will look at that if this attempt fails16:34
oerheksennozdd, can you explain what snap you want to stop?16:35
ennozddis systemctl stop snapd.nextcloud.* a good idea?16:35
ennozddit's nextcloud16:35
AnnoyedAhh! it seems to have been the pendrive / Rufus.. Rufus seems to be doing it with the EFI bootg16:35
Annoyedheh.. but the installer seems to choke on adding a GPT partition to the RAID 0 array16:38
ennozddoerheks: oh shit, "snap stop nextcloud" did the trick :)16:39
oerheksgood find, i was reading sudo systemctl stop/disable snap.nextcloud.apache16:40
ograyeah, dont use systemctl with snaps directly16:40
ograsnap stop/start/logs/etc16:41
oerheksogra, agreed, not easy to find with nextcloud manual16:41
ogra(see "snap help" for more)16:41
ograhttps://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap has some nextcloud specific info too16:42
* oerheks bookmarks16:42
AnnoyedOh, well, I can set up the RAID later.. If I can get the thing installed and booting correctly16:42
ennozddogra: can I ask you a question, I need help with deployment of two programs16:44
ennozddogra: I want to set up tiny tiny rss and nextcloud on my 1gb ram vps, but each program wants to listen on port 8016:44
ennozddshould I look for docker containers or snap packages? or maybe reverse proxy?16:45
gebbionereverse proxy, edge reverse proxy like traefik16:46
AnnoyedAnyone got an idea about long time (2 min+) network setup?  "A start job is running for Wait for Network"  seems to be no time limit? Takes 2 min, 7 seconds16:46
AnnoyedGet that during bootup16:46
gebbioneennozdd, the previous message was for you16:46
ograennozdd, well, docker wont help you, tere is only one port 80 on the host ... cant you just chnage the app config to listen on 81 or some such ?16:48
ograennozdd, i.e. see the link that i posted above, it tells you you can change the default port of nextcloud with: sudo snap set nextcloud ports.http=8116:50
ennozddogra: I just checked for ttrss snap but it doesn't even exists  unfortunately16:50
ograennozdd, https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap for completeness ...16:50
AnnoyedYep, that was it.. Gotta use Rufus to create the installer USB16:53
ennozddogra: that's a good workaround but there will be 3 web servers running. port numbers can be confusing. I'd prefer something like cloud/adguard/ttrss.example.com/  so I guess I'll go docker way and set up a reverse proxy17:04
ennozddI hope docker won't eat up all the ram I got17:05
pikapikaHow can you check the status of an apt update/upgrade running in the background?17:09
pikapikaie the automatic ones started by the os itself17:09
pikapikanot a manually started apt17:09
leftyfbpikapika: tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log17:10
ograennozdd, good luck !17:10
pikapikaHow can you check the status of an apt update/upgrade running in the background?17:11
pikapikaie the automatic ones started by the os itself17:11
pikapikanot a manually started apt17:11
pikapika(I think my last messages hadn't reached)17:11
ThinkT510pikapika: leftyfb answered you: tail -f /var/log/dpkg.log17:11
oerhekstail /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades-dpkg.log , but leftyfb's answer should do too17:13
pikapikaleftyfb, already checked that file17:13
pikapikaSeems it hasn't flushed the present logs to disk yet17:13
pikapikaThinkT510, yes thank you17:13
leftyfbpikapika: that's not how it works. It's realtime.17:13
leftyfbpikapika: if you don't see something in that log, then the package hasn't been upgraded yet17:14
pikapikaBut as I said, I think it hasn't flushed the new entries yet17:14
pikapikaBecause the last entry it shows is from a few days ago17:14
leftyfbpikapika: as I said, that's not how it works, it's realime17:14
leftyfbpikapika: then nothing has been installed or upgraded in a few days17:15
leftyfbpikapika: or your system is broken or not ubuntu17:15
pikapika /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade --download-only17:22
pikapikaThis is the script thats running17:22
leftyfbpikapika: ok?17:22
pikapikaWas just trying to see what/how the automatic upgrade was invoked17:23
leftyfbpikapika: just because it's running doesn't mean it's doing anything17:23
leftyfbpikapika: it's part of the service that runs17:23
leftyfbpikapika: https://wiki.debian.org/UnattendedUpgrades17:25
pikapikaAh, thanks17:25
pikapikaFound it17:27
pikapikatail -f /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log17:27
pikapikaThis is the file that is showing new updates at the present time17:27
pikapikaleftyfb, this file seems to be showing new changes17:27
leftyfbpikapika: can you point to a package listed in unattended-upgrades.log as being installed and not also showing up in dpkg.log?17:29
pikapikaINFO No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals17:37
pikapikaSo I guess the process just checked for updates, found nothing, then went quiet17:37
P-NuTHi all. How difficult is it to take a working ubuntu desktop installation, and make it boot from PXE to a machine, but the file system is entirley a ram drive.18:10
P-NuTAs in there is no disk drive in this machine.18:10
grkblood13does landscape perform the same type of tasks via respect to baseline management that ansible does?18:13
leftyfb!landscape | grkblood1318:13
ubottugrkblood13: Landscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/18:13
grkblood13im not seeing anything saying it does configuration management on the level ansible does, but everything is high level that im reading.18:17
grkblood13i probably need to watch an extensive demo of what it does18:17
leftyfbgrkblood13: it's not meant to do detailed configuration management18:18
InteloWhat protocols/techniques do video/screen share software like zoom, anydesk, teamviewer use? And which ones are the most efficient (protocol wise speaking)?18:19
InteloI want to make my own. Which language would be appropriate?18:19
leftyfb!ot | Intelo18:19
ubottuIntelo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:19
Inteloleftyfb: ok18:20
grkblood13I dont think it handles automated deployments either. atleast I haven't read about it yet.18:23
oerheksIntelo, 3 examples of prop. protocols, ask the internet18:24
Intelooerheks: ok18:25
grkblood13do you have a suggestion for automated deployment software to run on ubuntu?18:29
leftyfbgrkblood13: ansible18:29
leftyfbgrkblood13: or something like MAAS18:29
iamtheworstdevit seems like my usb subsystem keeps failing.. (my speakers pop and I lose my mouse/kbd).. I'm not even sure where to begin troubleshooting that / what logs .. anyone have some pointers?19:21
iamtheworstdevthe computer stays up.. any animations going on stay animated.. slack updates.. etc.. I just can't use any USB devices.. even if I plug new ones in19:21
sarnoldiamtheworstdev: dmesg, journalctl are probably the places to start looking19:30
leftyfbiamtheworstdev: if you can reproduce this, either by waiting X minutes/hours, then see if you can replicate it with your keyboard working or not working in your BIOS after said time. If that doesn't reproduce, try a live cd/usb19:36
=== Ringtailed-Fox is now known as RingtailedFox
iamtheworstdevleftyfb, it always works just fine after reboot.. like now19:46
iamtheworstdevthat was a forced DC because I lost usb again19:46
iamtheworstdevFeb 09 14:45:29 pop-os gsd-usb-protect[6512]: Error calling USBGuard DBus to set a clean configuration state: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.usbguard1 was not provided by any .service fil>19:49
oerheksso you installed usbguard, that is bugging you?19:52
oerheksor is this standard in PoP-os?19:52
iamtheworstdevi don't know what usbguard is19:52
iamtheworstdevI'll go with a popos thing19:53
oerheks!info usbguard19:53
iamtheworstdevthatr's the only error I see before a bunch of device disconnects come running through19:53
ubottuusbguard (source: usbguard): USB device authorization policy framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.6+ds-1build1 (focal), package size 128 kB, installed size 487 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:53
oerheksit is optional, so remove it ? sudo apt remove usbguard19:53
leftyfb!popos | iamtheworstdev19:53
ubottuiamtheworstdev: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)19:53
legonickHello!  Anyone a ntpdate-debian expert?20:04
legonickI'm wondering what options are available for /etc/default/ntpdate.20:04
oerheks#debian is full with experts..20:08
oerheksSince Ubuntu 16.04 timedatectl / timesyncd (which are part of systemd) replace most of ntpdate / ntp20:08
leftyfboerheks: they're referring to the binary called ntpdate-debian which is part of the ntpsec-ntpdate package20:08
legonick@oerheks, cool, thanks, I'll ping over there.20:08
legonickntpdate-debian is run when an interface is brought up.  It uses /etc/default/ntpdate.  I'm not sure what options are available in that config. file.  Looking for a way to disable it.20:09
oerheksi have found a howto for 20.04 https://www.tecmint.com/install-ntp-server-and-client-on-ubuntu/20:10
AavarHi. It seems that Linux Mint (and most other modern distros) are using as the name-server. How can I change this and use the DNS from the DHCP-server instead?20:11
leftyfbAavar: are you running mint or ubuntu?20:12
Aavarleftyfb: I'm sorry. Posted in both channels. I am using mint on this PC, but I have the same issue on mu ubuntu-machine next to me.20:12
leftyfbAavar: is just pointing to systemd-resolved running on your machine. You machine IS using the DNS provided by DHCP. You can see it by running systemd-resolve --status|grep "DNS Servers"20:13
realiesmercurial seems broken on 20.04?20:16
Aavarleftyfb: Strange. If I run nslookup (or host) it shows I am using and it does not resolve names that is only on my dns delivered from dhcp. If this is the default behaviour. Is there a "right" way to turn it off?20:17
oerhekspython 2.7 from previous install, realies ?20:18
realiesoerheks, fresh docker container, my vm does the same20:18
leftyfbAavar: run: host <hostname>  # pick a hostname from your local network20:18
oerheksrealies, how did you install? python3 -m pip install mercurial ?20:20
oerheks2.7 is not standard, AFAIK.20:20
sarnoldmercurial-common: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py20:21
realiesoerheks, it clones https://www.mercurial-scm.org/repo/hg fine20:21
sarnoldit might have been packaged20:21
Aavarleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnZyjBkVvB/20:21
leftyfbAavar: ok, now:  host aa-srv4 <ip-of-your-local-dns-server>20:21
Aavarleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gbfM4KszTM/20:22
oerheksoh, they are not ready yet... https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Python320:22
leftyfbAavar: and is what results from systemd-resolve --status|grep "DNS Servers" ?20:23
Aavarleftyfb: Yes it is :)20:24
leftyfbAavar: then something isn't right20:25
leftyfbAavar: is it the only DNS server that shows up?20:25
Aavarleftyfb: Actually, it shows up twice for some reason. That might be my fault for tinkering with it. Let me check my other machine.20:26
leftyfbAavar: also, what exactly is in your /etc/resolv.conf ?20:27
Aavarleftyfb: Actually. On my other machine it shows twice aswell.20:28
leftyfbAavar: what OS's are you running on these 2 machines?20:28
Aavarleftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jWV8w7ymkg/20:29
Aavarleftyfb: Ubuntu 20.04 and linux mint 20.120:29
leftyfbAavar: nmcli device show | less   # look through this and find the DNS servers mentioned20:30
AavarMaybe there is a way to refresh the systemd-dns?20:30
Aavarleftyfb: Do you want me co copy and paste the lines?20:31
leftyfbAavar: nah, just look for lines beginning with "IP4.DNS" and confirm if it's your 157 address or something else20:32
Aavarleftyfb: Yes, there is one line and it is the correct server.20:33
leftyfbAavar: systemctl status systemd-resolved   # is it running?20:34
Aavarleftyfb: yes (and btw. It's resolving domains from the internet :))20:35
Aavarleftyfb: Maybe there is something wrong with my network (router?)?20:36
leftyfbAavar: no, because when we specify the DNS server (router?) explicitly it works. I'm not sure what's wrong. Everything looks to be setup correctly20:37
Aavarleftyfb: I did find a hack to fix it. I can change the resolv.conf manually and set it read only. It's a hack, but it works :)20:38
leftyfbAavar: I consider that a broken system. Great for troubleshooting to find the actual problem, but not a good long-term solution. Especially not for every machine on your network20:39
Aavarleftyfb: i'll do that for now. Maybe i'll ask the same question in a few months time. Thank you for trying :)20:39
Aavarleftyfb: I'll try to google it some more. At least I know how it is supposed to work :)20:39
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jayjo-does launchpad support ecdsa openpgp keys?20:51
sarnoldjayjo-: it might just be worth trying it; I can't spot a clear answer in the source one way or another21:00
Sbur3I''m using Ubuntu 20.10.  When I update, I get a notification that one source doesn't have a Release .... How do I remove the ppa for Mixxx?21:07
sarnoldSbur3: there's a ppa-purge package that provides a tool to help with that21:07
oerheksSbur3, open software settings, disabl;e it from that gui21:07
oerheksno need for furter actions, as it should never have installed anything21:08
oerheksfocal was the last one https://launchpad.net/~mixxx/+archive/ubuntu/mixxx21:08
Sbur3It is something to download ppa-purge?21:09
oerheksno need to use that heavy tool, it reverses packages and removes the list21:09
oerheksal you need to do is disable it21:09
Sbur3oerheks: Disable ... how?21:12
oerhekswith your mouse?21:13
oerhekshow? read back, software settings21:13
jayjo-sarnold: import wasn't working, I was wondering if that might be why. I did try and RSA key and it worked OK, so I think EdDSA/ECDSA is unsupported21:15
sarnoldjayjo-: dang :(21:15
oerheksindeed, Launchpad does not currently support EdDSA - it currently supports RSA, DSA, and ElGamal key21:16
Sbur3oerheks: I opened system settings21:16
Sbur3oerheks: I can t find what to do with ppa21:19
oerhekssystem-settings <> software-settings21:20
Sbur3oerheks: Is there a command to get rid of the ppa for mixxx ...cuz ppa-purge didn t work21:24
chef_triphi i've been googling and still can't figure out how to resolve my xorg .xauthority issues. it's an old macbook pro from 2008 and has run fine for years with various linux distros until now. now none of my partitions are able to boot except for the small mac os partition which i guess i need to keep but never use21:26
chef_tripi did sudo startx and finally got a GUI but, something weird and i couldn't log out, only back to terminal for sudo reboot21:27
chef_tripi can't understand the log files output. i tried to install nvidia drivers, which have worked in the past. but now upon bootup the MBP displays a moklist error21:30
chef_tripcould not create moklistrt21:31
bobo87hi, can I have technical question?21:50
* tonyt tosses a technical question towards bobo87 direction21:52
bobo87thanks, I have notebook (Dell G7 17 7790), where windows was wiped out and kubuntu 20.04 was installed, everything looks normally, but there are frequent (once a week) disk corruption problems (on rotational disk), what should be next steps, to decide, if it is a SW or HW problem, or what to do next?21:53
sarnoldwhat's in dmesg or journalctl output?21:54
bobo87last messages currently after reboot are like "EXT4-fs error (device sda2): ext4_lookup:1701: inode #14427630: comm Thread (pooled): iget: checksum invalid", there was no power shortages or things like that21:55
bobo87gsmartcontrol short self test was ok, now running extened one21:58
bobo87most often, problems are with files, that were last accessed (like browser cache), but it is not strict, I also saw problems with files, that I haven't touched few weeks22:05
leftyfbbobo87: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/disk-check.html.en22:05
leftyfbbobo87: if that doesn't come up healthy, time to get a new drive22:06
bobo87here is pastebin from smart (but it says, that overall health test passed) https://pastebin.com/7nbcKYnU it's ok to change drive, I just want to be sure, it solves problem :)22:07
bobo87ouch,I was kicked or disconnected for a moment22:09
sarnoldbobo87: you didn't miss anything while you were gone; look through your journalctl logs to try to find *why* you've got errors22:12
bobo87I don't have enough experience to be sure about that - I only see results from kernel, that says, there are errors22:17
SanShii have typed "ls" into a terminal to show the content of the directory, but nothin happened.22:26
SanShiwhat is wrong22:26
oerheksmaybe nothing is wrong?22:27
sarnoldSanShi: depending upon what exactly "nothing" means, maybe you need to hit ^Q to unpause the terminal22:27
oerhekscheck what folder you are in, under what user?22:27
SanShiit immediatly shows the prompt again22:28
oerhekstry ls -la # shows hidden files... else there is nothing there22:28
sarnoldah, empty directory then?22:28
CuriousAre there jails on linux based distros?22:28
SanShiit is an empty directory22:29
oerheksCurious, on ubuntu? yes http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/jailkit.8.html22:29
SanShionly . and ..22:29
Curiousoerheks: thanks22:30
bobo87if SMART extended check shows no problem, what should be done next? :)22:30
sarnoldCurious: you can also supply apparmor policy (on some distros), selinux policy (on other distros), seccomp2 policies, use namespacing to provide various virtualized views of the OS, virtualization to provide entire virtualized machines, etc..22:31
CuriousI was mostly curious about container solutions, Docker is fairly poor solution for persistent data (like holding databases for example), I know it's possible to bind or assign volumes or whatnot, but it's just not as satisfying. Something like chroot is a lot more satisfying in my opinion22:34
sarnoldCurious: you may enjoy lxd22:34
oerheksindeed, lxd comes in mind too22:35
Curioussarnold: is there a quick guide for LXD so I could get my feet wet, see what it's all about and how it ticks?22:35
Curiouswhy is there an emoji -_-22:36
leftyfbCurious: https://ubuntu.com/blog/lxd-in-4-easy-steps22:36
sarnoldleftyfb: oh yeah, nice find, that's better than what I was finding22:36
CuriousLXD seems nice22:40
chef_tripgreetings everyone. i'm having trouble getting to a GUI after installing proprietary graphics drivers(ubuntu 20.10). is this a good place to seek help for this problem? googling hasn't helped23:05
sarnoldchef_trip: yeah, this is pretty good23:08
chef_tripsarnold, thanks, well, i have been using this old macbook pro for over a decade,loads of different linux distros on it, since 2009 full time. and the performance with nvidia is so much better i really need to use it, but now i have a black screen with a cursor23:09
sarnoldnvidia doesn't support everything forever23:10
sarnoldubuntu-drivers should know what can work out, though; how did you install the new drivers?23:11
chef_tripsarnold, i've had this problem before, but always resort to a reinstalls rather than tackling the solution, because i've never been able to sort it out. on this machine i've successfully installed nvidia drivers with Lubuntu 20.10, and now it doesn't work, i don't know why, it did before, same install23:11
chef_tripalso, MX Linux was able to install the drivers successfully, but now also not working. this is after cloning a drive with clonezilla btw, so it should be byte for byte exactly the same, right?23:13
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.23:14
oerheksit all depends on wht macbook pro actually23:15
chef_tripi believe i've done that before23:15
oerheksand which nvidia, 9400?23:15
chef_tripit's a macbook pro 4,1 geforce 8600m gt23:15
chef_tripi believe it's the nvidia 34023:16
chef_trip340.108 iirc23:16
oerheksi find no other answer than the nomodeset tweak23:20
chef_tripnomodeset right after quiet splash?23:23
chef_tripin the past i've been able to get a slow but working gui with sudo apt remove or purge nvdia-* and if necessary installing nouveau drivers, but that's not working this time. i get can't write to xauthority errors, and xorg log file stuff which i don't understand, but this time no. what does work is sudo startx, but it's a very weird desktop, and i can't logout. i think you shouldn't run startx as sudo but i tried it and it23:28
chef_trip(sorta) worked, so, the drivers are there that work, and i deleted xauthority files, that's when sudo startx worked, but now i'm stumped23:28
chef_tripnomodeset just booted to an apparently hung verbose screen, but ctrl alt f2 gave me a tty terminal (or whatever it's called)23:29
Sven_vBwith Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS focal, Xfce 4.14, pavucontrol 4.0-1build1, how can I open two instances of pavucontrol, to see output and input devices next to each other? in xenial, I could run pavucontrol --tab 3 & pavucontrol --tab 4 & and get two instances. however, in bionic, it seems to just switch tabs in the one single instance.23:30
Gojira000032Hi, does anyone know if nano has a shortcut to insert characteres? Replace characters instead of add characters on cursor position.23:35
sarnoldGojira000032: I don't know nano and I don't really understand the question, but try hitting the 'insert' key on your keyboard and see if that does the trick23:37
oerhekson the bottom you can read ^\ replace23:37
Sven_vBwhat other program than pavucontrol could I use in Ubuntu focal to manage which program's audio goes to which speaker/headset and how loud?23:39
Sven_vB(and which microphone which program should record from)23:40
sarnoldSven_vB: probably pactl and pacmd can do that23:40
Sven_vBsarnold, right. I forgot "graphical" program :)23:40
Sven_vBworst case I could run alsamixer in a terminal window, but a real GUI would be nicer23:41
Sven_vBmaybe someone in #pulseaudio will know how I can fix pavucontrol.23:43
octav1aplug in SATA disk and get SRST failed (errno=-16) a few times, then "reset failed, giving up". Does that mean the drive is dead / unrecoverable?23:44
geniioctav1a: Not neccesarily. If it is in some external enclosure it might not be getting enough power23:47
octav1aIt's just a standard ATX power supply cable, 3.5" hdd, and it audibly / tactily spins up.23:48
Sven_vByou may be lucky enough that it's just something about electrical connection, maybe the cable.23:52
Sven_vBoctav1a, ^23:53
geniioctav1a: SRST failure means it was unable to initiate communications with the drive after trying to reset it. If the drive is actually physically ok then the usual cuplrits are loose connectors, or inadequate power supply23:53
geniiThe errors which are usually the death signs are not SRST but flat-out I/O errors23:54
octav1aOk, maybe I will try it in another system....23:54
octav1aThat's what I thought as well.23:54

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