[00:08] Tim | GenerEOS | Genpool.io was added by: Tim | GenerEOS | Genpool.io === kubuntu is now known as Guest17688 === Guest17688 is now known as kubuntu__ === kubuntu__ is now known as kubuntu_ [02:24] No kicks for idling. If that were the case, this forum would be empty :) [02:24] As for VPN, I have not used OpenConnect so I cannot advise. [03:50] (Photo, 991x527) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WXAqhjHL/file_41435.jpg [03:50] (Photo, 755x601) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VPNOc7Db/file_41436.jpg [03:50] (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/MDbox7nm/file_41437.jpg [03:50] Just How???? [03:51] I tried to install Kubuntu on Disk D [03:51] And at the terminal I have not an GPT markup [03:56] (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3qG80L6I/file_41438.jpg [03:56] (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/nqRaaMfR/file_41439.jpg [03:57] (Photo, 755x601) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/zP9HmoFl/file_41440.jpg [03:57] (Photo, 800x425) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/BfCYMcxf/file_41441.jpg === lex is now known as Guest7427 [04:34] @ri5h46h, bro i have solved my read only system issue. i partitioned some free space out of that partition and created another partition using gparted. Now no more errors when i access my old partition anymore. [04:35] donnow how the issue got solved. pure luck may be. I was not able to shrink the partition via windows disk management [04:36] Good to hear! I would have never guessed to attempt that option. [04:36] @thanveer787, wow nice :) [04:39] i was trying different things for the last week. [04:39] @thanveer787, which Distribution are you on as of now ? neon ? [04:39] @ri5h46h, yeah still on neon [04:39] @thanveer787, nice ! [04:52] kde neon or kubuntu? === kubuntu is now known as Guest16254 [05:03] ToTheTelegram was added by: ToTheTelegram === lordievader is now known as Guest18024 [06:03] Any one know how to fix this error: module: vboxdrv: Unknown rela relocation: 4??? Get it when running: sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup [06:03] Wrong wrong kernel-modules-combinations? === robert_ is now known as Guest89891 === Guest89891 is now known as robert__ === robert__ is now known as Guest89891 [10:23] erfan_sta was added by: erfan_sta [10:24] 0753 [10:25] hello guys [10:26] i have problem with my kubuntu can i give help here? [10:27] @erfan_sta, post your questions/problem directly. [10:27] @erfan_sta, dontasktoask.com ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… [10:33] @ri5h46h, ok i install my kubuntu 20.04 about 2 month in my system and i get update about pluse audio two week ago and i updated but when i log in my system after that i got log about โ€ฆ snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: no codecs found! โ€ฆ and three other error can i downgrade pluse audio to fix that? [10:40] @rustyshka, install EASEUS Partition Master in your windows make your partitions GPT without formating partition [10:57] @rustyshka, your windows is installed is installed in MBR/legacy style. [11:02] @ri5h46h, can convert to GPT i do that in my system before its Easy [11:03] @erfan_sta, yes I have also used EaseUS to convert. [11:03] but how will windows boot then if we convert it's disk to gpt ? [11:04] yes but i didnt get error when do that my windows come up without problem [11:06] @erfan_sta, can anybody help? [11:14] @erfan_sta, ? [11:59] @ri5h46h, Yeap, but, why it answered efi? [12:00] If my disk is mbr [12:13] @rustyshka, because you booted the OS in UEFI Mode [12:14] @rustyshka, I think your machine is uefi type but you have windows installed in mbr style [12:14] I just writed an iso with rufus and it's all [12:14] @ri5h46h, Here is my bios type is old [12:15] @rustyshka, then the installer shouldn't ask for EFI [12:16] Here is no legasy or efi [12:16] May be try to rewrite? [12:16] @rustyshka, send a photo of your firmware settings [12:16] Iso I mean [12:16] @ri5h46h, bios I men to say [12:16] @ri5h46h, Here is russian language [12:17] @rustyshka, can you change that to english for a second a send here [12:17] ๐Ÿ˜… [12:17] Ok, min [12:22] @rustyshka, a picture of your bios settings [12:22] @ri5h46h, What's settings [12:23] @rustyshka, shutdown your pc and press the key to get into your bios [12:25] (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/oMvnPRMF/file_41444.jpg [12:26] @rustyshka, ok your system is legacy, confirmed [12:26] @rustyshka, now boot Kubuntu [12:26] I deleted it at last time, minute, I'll check if it here [12:27] I just formated usb hdd [12:29] Damn, I deleted [12:29] @rustyshka, create again [12:29] I download theb I'll write u okay? [12:29] @ri5h46h, I also deleted an iso ๐Ÿ˜• [12:30] @rustyshka, what, you deleted the iso also ๐Ÿคจ [12:30] ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ [12:31] What's better, lts or default? [12:32] when you will create live usb from Rufus keep the Partition scheme as MBR. [12:32] Ok [12:53] Howdy all [13:11] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:12] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:12] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:12] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:13] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:15] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:15] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:39] Troll invasion? [13:40] looks like it [13:40] ot spam [13:41] or [13:41] they are everywhere its seems [13:41] except the protected channels [13:42] yeah, the kubuntu chans are affected [13:42] and #kde [13:44] add the r flag [13:44] problem solved [13:46] Or just relax since it's been dealt with already.. [13:46] nice [15:31] David liu was added by: David liu [16:39] Onur Yuruten was added by: Onur Yuruten === diana is now known as nat_exel === pedro_ is now known as MrOshimaida [17:26] infinitygem_RahulGupta was added by: infinitygem_RahulGupta [17:27] 8325 [17:28] Any have problems with firefox suddenly become extremely slow? [17:29] Idk [17:29] These browser are slowly all the times all the world [17:29] this problem seems recent [17:30] and related to HTML5 video [17:30] watching HTML5 video for a while, suddenly video becomes choppy [17:30] close all the tabs, open some simple page up, top sites list, bookmarks, etc. [17:30] and everything stays slow and choppy [17:36] youtube also uses html5 iirc and it's not slow and choppy === kubuntu is now known as Guest5294 [17:53] Maik: yeah, it's strange, everything is fine then suddenly out of nowhere things get really slow [17:53] no explanation at all, no errors, nothing starting up, no excessive memory usage, cpu usage, etc. [18:26] hi. who use microsoft bluetooth mobile mouse 3600 in kubuntu 20.04? i can't pair it with my laptop [19:06] Guys, wtf, I have MBR and a Legacy BIOS, but Kubuntu answers EFI [19:07] Wtfff === daniele_ is now known as daniele_huh [19:09] ciao a tutti [19:11] Didn't get you [19:13] Italiani ce ne sono?? === dilfridge is now known as Wile_E_Coyote === Wile_E_Coyote is now known as dilfridge === reza is now known as reza__ === fabio is now known as Guest88457 [20:04] !it [20:04] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi ยซ /join #ubuntu-it ยป senza virgolette)