=== akem is now known as akem1 [12:48] /list [13:08] /!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\ [13:11] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:13] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ === px is now known as Guest36357 === Guest36357 is now known as px [19:46] is anyone aware of driver issues with wifi card on macbooks? [19:47] I can`t remember what type it is [19:47] I have this problem with disconnecting, the signal is good [19:48] i didn`t have wireless until I tagged off for propriotary drivers [19:50] dragon2: there's all sorts of problematic driver issues for wifi. the solution depends on the details. either way, the solution is not specific to lubuntu. [19:55] no, I guess it is debian or ubuntu in general, or the copyright developers [19:56] I just know there were wifi issues with macs years ago, and it took ages before they corrected it with upgrades [19:57] I doesn`t have to be driver or even hardware related, could be other things [20:03] it's not [20:04] it's either the wrong driver, a conflict with another driver, the way the driver is configured [20:05] i've seen lots of cases with random and frequent disconnections have to do with power management being turned on [20:05] how to deal with that differs depending on the driver [20:11] Probably one of those problemmatic Broadcom ones [20:16] my experience with old ppc macs suggest that those broadcom chips are pretty reliable [20:16] i've seen it more with realtek especially [20:16] but who knows what broadcom is up to in more recent times [20:27] Also the ones where the mini-pci/pcie slot on the laptop are actually some thing on the USB cause headaches when the computer decides to do USB power saving things [20:29] ohhh that's fun === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_ === will_ is now known as will777 === tijara_ is now known as tijara [23:48] cyborgzeta[m]: welcome :)