[02:23] PR snapd#9919 opened: many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces <⚠ Critical> [07:08] morning [07:30] mborzecki: for your comment on #9906, were you referring to some other observed bug? I don't think snapd ever tried to enable these service files itself [07:30] PR #9906: wrappers: don't generate an [Install] section for timer or dbus activated services [07:31] jamesh: ah, so we're ok then [07:32] mborzecki: right. This was primarily to stop the services being reported as disabled. It has the side effect of stopping users running "systemctl enable" on them behind snapd's back though. [07:36] hey guys [07:36] hey mvo [07:36] good morning zyga [08:03] morning [08:04] zyga: mvo: pstolowski: hey [08:04] mvo: can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1915156 ? [08:04] Bug #1915156: sudoers file keeps being tracked as part of snapd [08:05] mvo: i looked at package workflows, but it's not clear where is the right point where we can try to remove /etc/sudoers.d/99-snapd.conf [08:18] mborzecki: thanks, I have a look at this [08:18] mborzecki: conffile removal is a bit of a tricky topic [08:19] pstolowski: also good morning :) [08:19] o/ [08:29] PR snapd#9919 closed: many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces <⚠ Critical> [08:34] pedronis, mborzecki, pstolowski I will do 2.49 now, just merged the delegate fix from ian. any concerns? [08:34] PR snapd#9904 closed: tests/nested/core20/boot-config-update: skip when snapd was not built with test features [08:34] PR snapd#9920 opened: many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces (master) <⚠ Critical> [08:36] mvo: sounds good, i don't have anything unmerged [08:37] mvo: go for it, i don't have anything to land for 2.49 [08:40] thanks! [09:28] mborzecki: hey, i saw you self-requested your review on #9853, do you have some time to look at it? would be great to pave the way for the other PRs in the queue ;) [09:28] PR #9853: api: validate snaps against validation set assert from the store [09:54] pstolowski: yes, will do in a bit [09:55] ty [09:55] pstolowski: hi, I tried to answer your question in #9901 [09:55] PR #9901: o/devicestate,many: introduce DeviceManager.preloadGadget for EarlyConfig [09:56] pedronis: thanks, btw, silly question, what do you mean with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9893#discussion_r573065948 ? [09:56] PR #9893: store: support validation sets with fetch-assertions action [10:00] PR snapd#9906 closed: wrappers: don't generate an [Install] section for timer or dbus activated services [10:00] pstolowski: sorry, I think I left out a word. I meant to move the append to the first if with the same condition [10:02] pedronis: ah, that, yes, makes sense, i was considering it before [10:02] thx [10:02] pstolowski: if the value appended was a value and not a pointer, that doesn't work, but it's a pointer here unless I'm mistaken [10:03] pedronis: yes, sure [10:05] PR snapd#9921 opened: boot: helper for setting up a try recover system [11:11] pedronis, mborzecki thanks for the review [11:19] yw [12:15] PR snapd#9853 closed: api: validate snaps against validation set assert from the store [13:46] PR snapd#9922 opened: api: validation sets monitor mode [14:41] mborzecki, ijohnson, pedronis the snapd build failure on risc-v on hirsute seems to be caused by a the go upload that dropped the risc-v patches, so nothing we can do on our side [14:41] weird, but also maybe good since it's not our problem for sure :-) [14:42] aka problem solved ;) [14:50] mvo: do you want me to sort out to conflicts with #9920 ? [14:50] PR #9920: many: add Delegate=true to generated systemd units for special interfaces (master) <⚠ Critical> [14:52] ijohnson: uh, I did not even saw them, sorry [14:52] ijohnson: I must have done something silly, I thought I had based this on upstream/master [14:53] PR snapcraft#3436 opened: WIP: More complete PYTHONPATH in the gnome-3-38 build environment [14:54] ijohnson: let me have a look [14:54] mvo: ok, I also have a branch ready too if you'd rather me just open a new pr [14:56] ijohnson: either way is fine, just had a look and the conflcit is trivial to fix (already done) [14:56] sure you can push your fix then [14:56] ijohnson: pushed then [17:22] PR snapd#9918 closed: boot: use a common helper for mocking boot assets in cache === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [18:12] PR snapd#9923 opened: o/snapstate/check_snap.go: add support for many subversions in assumes snapdX [18:18] mvo hey [18:18] mvo a bit late, are you around? [18:18] zyga: in meetings [18:18] mvo sure, maybe I can catch you the day after tomorrow [18:19] wanted to sync about that snap-update-ns problem [18:25] zyga: sure, maybe I can answer async? [18:26] mvo sure, wanted to ack if anyone had more insight into this problem and if it was pin-pointed as to exact which mount entry is at fault [18:39] zyga: we did not dig deeper but I think it is and we need to implement your idea about x-fragile [18:41] mvo did maciek comment on the idea and the problem? [18:42] mvo tomorrow I have a whole day of meetings, but I would love to sync later to see how to implement it [18:42] (so Friday) [18:43] zyga: the consensus is that you are right but we did not yet dove deep [18:43] (AFAIK) [18:43] thanks [18:43] I'd love to try this over wekeend [18:43] I'll send some ideas on Sunday [18:47] zyga: \o/ [20:13] PR snapcraft#3436 closed: WIP: More complete PYTHONPATH in the gnome-3-38 build environment [20:42] PR snapd#9924 opened: interfaces/docker-support: add autobind unix rules to docker-support === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [21:25] emi__torino: hi! would you mind adding me as a collaborator to the ufw snap? I talked about this with Beret before I left (and also roadmr, but he isn't here now; also, hi Beret! :) [21:25] emi__torino: I'll give you the address in privmsg [21:27] emitorino: hey, I didn't see your answer if you gave one [21:27] sure, let me do it (trying again) [21:27] emitorino: thanks! :) [21:29] jdstrand, I cannot. Since I am not a collaborator it seems I dont have the permissions to do it [21:29] hmm, well, roadmr said he would do it for me. I guess I can ask him when he is around [21:29] I can ask in the internal snappy mattermost channel to roadmr [21:30] emitorino: ah, if he's there, that would be great. thank you :) [21:56] hey jdstrand! [22:02] jdstrand, you should be again a collaborator to the ufw snap. Could you please share? roadmr un-revoked the share [22:10] hey kenvandine :) nice to 'see' you :) [22:10] emitorino: let me check [22:18] emitorino: ok, I was looking for an invite, but it looks like it was just done without it. I now see it in 'my published snaps' and can see https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/ufw/. I'm good. thanks and thanks to roadmr :) [22:18] great jdstrand !