
lotuspsychjegood morning03:06
ducassegood morning07:15
=== akem is now known as akem1
lordcirthSo I've been wanting to deploy OpenNebula at work for years. And I just got assigned to evaluate it again. But in the latest version (5.12) they have made the upgrade scripts proprietary and requiring an expensive license.15:06
lordcirthIs anyone using ONE, or a good FOSS alternative?15:06
lotuspsychjelordcirth: there's a nebula snap, can you check if its a related software?15:08
lordcirthlotuspsychje, no, seems to be a networking thing15:10
lotuspsychjefew hits on snap find cloud too15:12
lordcirthI don't see what you mean. It doesn't matter if ONE is available as a snap if I can't update it15:13
daftykinshe's a snap pimp ;)15:34
lotuspsychjeme and millions of others lol15:41
daftykinsi don't think so15:43
lotuspsychjeogra has the numbers15:45
* lotuspsychje runs15:45
daftykinsi'm not gonna put the effort in to look up something i don't care for15:45
lordcirthI'm not against the idea of snap, just the implementation15:46
lotuspsychjethe snaps out there is impressive, and the users using it aswell15:49
lotuspsychjewould have been nice if the user had the choice15:49
lotuspsychjekeep snap-store and apt divided15:50
* ogra actually agrees, but thats above my paygrade ... 🙂16:10
daftykinsoh i thought it was a site not a user! hello :)16:15
hggdhwell, ogra is almost a site... :-)16:29
* ogra hugs hggdh 16:29
ogralong time no see ...16:30
* hggdh hugs ogra back, indeed long time. I miss ours meetings16:30
ograme too !16:30

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