[13:07] /!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\ [13:09] /!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\ [13:11] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:12] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:13] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:14] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:15] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:17] /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ [13:53] heyo, #ubuntu-quality just had a bit of freenode spam, can we add -r or +cntf to the channel flags? [13:55] cnft are already added just need the r flag i guess [13:55] ItzSwirlz: If it's more recent than about half an hour ago, then report it to network staff, otherwise it's been dealt with. [13:56] And they were about everywhere that isn't protected by +r [14:01] hence the question to add +r to #ubuntu-quality [14:01] to prevent this from happening again [14:04] We are talking exactly 5 spam messages here though.. [14:06] And it'd be at the channel ops' discretion to set it or not, which popey is one of. [14:23] popey recommended to ask you guys [14:23] I know, hence why I commented on him specifically. [14:27] frankly, there is not enough volume to justify +r [14:57] well #ubuntu-quailty is also bridged to a telegram group [15:05] and though I'm not IRCC or op in -quality I don't disagree with hggdh's assessment