[09:42] Hello. I'm trying to solve a radeon regression, and having trouble rebuilding the Ubuntu kernel on focal. The build fails and mentions x86 but I'm on x86_64. Log: http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1l9lyf.txt I'm using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel as instructions. [22:13] Hello. I'm trying to solve a radeon regression, and having trouble rebuilding the Ubuntu kernel on focal. The build fails and mentions x86 but I'm on x86_64. Log: http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1l9lyf.txt I'm using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel as instructions. [22:14] Quozl: Does the patch involve changing anything in the headers? [22:15] jeremy31: no, just radeon_display.c deep down. [22:15] Quozl: I would just try to build the needed modules then [22:16] hmm, i'd appreciate a pointer to how to do that. i do recall a linux.conf.au talk about it ten years ago, but things will have changed. [22:17] Quozl: Just cd into the directory where the changes are made in terminal and do> make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules [22:18] Then copy the module to where the original is after renaming the original [22:18] (for reference, the regression is incorrect pll1 setup for my system, possibly because of bad edid. https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/issues/164) [22:18] thanks. i'll look into that. [22:19] Quozl: It is what I usually do for wireless changes I make. I can't see building an entire kernel for a change to one module [22:23] jeremy31: oddly, it fails, not able to find an include file, as if it can't reach the existing file in the include/ directory of the kernel tree ... http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/y/1l9xs3.txt [22:30] * Quozl hops on his bike [22:31] Ok, do a> make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) clean [22:32] then try the make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules from /kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/ [23:18] jeremy31: thanks, a substantial improvement, i'll debug further why some things are undeclared ... http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1l9yjk.txt [23:20] Quozl: Might have to remove some things from the Makefile in the drm directory to ignore the i2c [23:20] or you might have to run the make command from /drivers/gpu [23:22] clean, make modules in drivers/gpu, same undeclared. did i do something wrong after copying /boot/config-$(uname -r) ? make oldconfig asks questions, which is a surprise. [23:23] Quozl: I haven't copied any files from /boot/config or used make oldconfig when doing wifi drivers [23:24] jeremy31: okay, thanks. how have you configured when doing wifi drivers? [23:24] Did you clone from git.ubuntu.com or enable source code repos? [23:25] a kernel repo clone with a remote git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-focal.git and i'm on a branch of my own based on ubuntu-focal/master ... and i've "git clean" to get rid of everything else. so in theory it's a clone from git.ubuntu.com [23:26] I normally enable the source code repos, and do> apt-get source linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) [23:26] Then I make my changes and most times it works [23:27] 'k, thanks. [23:27] must mean there's something magic between a git clone and the source package. i'll give it a try. [23:33] Quozl: I think your original problem with building an entire kernel was related to the directory name as it must have been an exact match to a currently installed version [23:37] ah. [23:48] jeremy31: certainly much better with the source package, but still an odd compilation failure, claim of a missing pblk-trace.h header file, yet it is certainly present; drivers/lightnvm/pblk-trace.h log:http://dev.laptop.org/~quozl/z/1l9zCF.txt [23:49] it is not, however, present in /usr/src/linux-headers-5.8.0-43-generic ... hmm. [23:53] I don't know what to do to fix that, that must have been for an entire kernel build [23:53] i had climbed the source tree each time i hit a snag. [23:55] Quozl: Any chance the fix is in the 5.10 kernels? [23:56] i can test. i've reviewed all changes since, and none have a commit message that explains the problem, so not likely. the bugs in the trackers are still open. [23:58] Quozl: have a bug report filed?