
geniioctav1a: If the PSU has a lot of things connected, maybe disconnect something non essential like a floppy drive00:01
octav1agenii / Sven_vB -- Indeed, the issue appears to be a bad SATA data cable :/00:31
Sven_vBIn Ubuntu focal, is /usr/bin/pavucontrol from pavucontrol 4.0-1build1 somehow patched/different from the original PulseAudio's version?00:40
sarnoldSven_vB: you can grab the sources with apt-get source pavucontrol   or if your deb-src lines aren't set up, grab it from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pavucontrol/4.0-1build100:43
Sven_vBsarnold, thanks!00:45
chef_tripgreetings, i'm at wits end. my lubuntu boots to what looks like a frozen verbose startup, but ctl alt f2 gives me a successful login, startx gives me a cannot connect to x server no protocol specified, but sudo startx works, but gives me a strange looking lxqt desktop00:56
chef_tripany ideas how to get a normal GUI login?00:56
Toadisattvamaybe try reistalling lightdm?00:57
chef_tripsudo apt install --reinstall lightdm?00:58
krytarik!xhangs | chef_trip: Try this instead..01:00
ubottuchef_trip: Try this instead..: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority01:00
krytarikAlso, running the desktop environment as root but using your own home directory, you probably have screwed up the permissions of the latter.01:02
chef_tripubottu, can i do that from the root gui?01:02
ubottuchef_trip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:02
chef_tripcan i do that from the root gui?01:03
sarnoldkrytarik: oh, good call. using sudo startx has a very good chance of scribbling over all kinds of important files01:03
oerheksroot gui??01:03
chef_tripso, i should log out asap and tty instead?01:04
sarnoldyeah, check the ownership of all the files in your home directory, ls -la  would be a good start01:04
sarnoldyou might need to look deeper, too01:04
chef_tripi already changed the ugly theme which hurt my eyes, should i try to revert it to the ugly harsh theme before logging out?01:05
sarnoldprobably doesn't matter much01:05
chef_tripugh, what about if i just do another reinstall? would the home directory still have messed up permissions?01:06
chef_tripsarnold, should i ls -la while in the root gui or get out?01:06
oerhekswhy as root?01:06
chef_tripit was the only way to startx01:07
chef_tripstartx returned a...01:07
chef_tripgreetings, i'm at wits end. my lubuntu boots to what looks like a frozen verbose startup, but ctl alt f2 gives me a successful login, startx gives me a cannot connect to x server no protocol specified, but sudo startx works01:07
chef_tripumm, ls -la i really can't make sense of the output, that's way above me01:08
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit01:10
chef_trip rm .{X,ICE}authority no such file or directory01:10
chef_tripshould i type one of the x or ICE within the brackets?01:10
krytarikWell, it should work as it is, provided you are at the top of your home directory.01:11
Sven_vBI discovered a simple solution for my pavucontrol problem from earlier: I just have to launch it with the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable empty or unset.01:32
sarnoldSven_vB: oh *strange*01:32
sarnoldSven_vB: does it actually work to control pulseaudio in that case?01:32
Sven_vByes. I'm able to change headset volume  at least, and it shows VU meter for the headset flickering realistically.01:33
sarnoldnice, thanks for reporting back01:33
Sven_vBin #pulseaudio the odd behavior was seen as an Ubuntu-specific bug01:34
Sven_vBI had tried to compile original pavucontrol to compare, but got stuck at http://paste.debian.net/plainh/b9a6038801:35
oerhekshttps://twitter.com/JakeLobin/status/1358832403943477254 .. and China did not create Covid-19 ..01:36
oerheksoops wrong channel01:36
InZaneGamer84i wish twitter would collapse01:38
leftyfbInZaneGamer84: oerheks admitted making a mistake. Please stay on topic here01:39
InZaneGamer84leftyfb: sure :-)01:39
HashHello the friendly dudes of ubuntu01:44
HashI am using 20.034 but also kubuntu-desktop instead of regular buntu01:45
HashI am trying to figure out how to adjust a microphone gain volume01:45
HashWhen I talk into audacity, even next to mouth, it is very little volume01:45
HashWhich is a program to make mic more louder for pickup01:45
HashThis is a NEEWER mic, jacks into sound card mic in port, and has a 48w phantom power supply, not usb, no drivers needed.01:46
InZaneGamer84Hash: pavucontrol?01:46
HashI have pavu control open01:46
Hashsorry pavucontrol-qt is the one that opened01:46
HashNow where is the option to make the mic gain more?01:46
HashI checked out all the tabs01:47
sarnoldSven_vB: ^^ hah apparently there's a pavucontrol-qt too01:47
HashOk it showed up this time01:47
HashI see the mic I can select it01:47
HashI disabled the webcam internal mic and make this default only01:47
Sven_vBI found another solution that requires less modification on my scripts: printf >/usr/local/bin/pavucontrol '%s\n' '#!/bin/sh' 'export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=; exec /usr/bin/pavucontrol "$@"; exit $?' # then chmod a+x01:48
HashOk now I see a bar01:48
HashMic is now 100% 0.00db gain01:48
HashIt was by default -50.0 db01:48
HashHow come ubuntu default is so low?!01:49
HashYou guys should increase it to 100%/0.0 db gain01:49
HashYou know, normal. :D01:49
oerheksDOes one really use a mic with 10% gain?01:49
HashI mean I read wrong01:49
HashI read you said 100%. I dunno abotu 10%01:49
HashI don't even think it's usable at 10%01:50
oerheksone zero more01:50
Hashso my dyslexia was correct01:50
Hashso I use it at 100%01:50
HashI dunno.01:50
oerheksit is like volume @ 100%, it is too much.01:50
Hash100% mic gain01:51
HashHow does this sound?01:51
InZaneGamer84for some reason ubuntu @ 100 is wayyyy louder than win10 @ 10001:51
HashMic is about 1-2 feet away from amp01:51
HashIt's a 15W marshall amp01:51
HashWhat do you think?01:51
oerhekswhat application is using the mic?01:51
Sven_vBsome of my USB microphones send amazingly loud signal, too01:51
oerheksskype has some weird autovolume01:51
HashWell, this is not USB. This is directly into the mic port in the sound card01:51
HashI went this way becuase if I Wanted to upgrade my mic, if I went usb, I'd have to buy a whole new mic01:52
HashAnd USB mics have pre amp, amp, and all the electronics built into one package.01:52
HashI dislike this option.01:52
HashI went with a entry level studio mic, separate power supply, and no usb interface01:52
sarnoldHash: out of my laptop speakers, seems about right01:52
HashThis way, if I Want to upgrade my mic later, I can just buy  better quality studio mic01:52
sarnoldI almost never use those so it's hard to give concrete advice01:53
HashI don't have to rebuy a pre amp or anythign else.01:53
HashYeah, most people get sold on usb mics01:53
HashMarketing. I was never sold by marketing since I Was a kid.01:53
HashNo toys, nothing.01:53
HashMy brain is nice.01:53
oerhekseasy on the enter, thanks01:53
Hashoerheks: that's the quickest way to make someone ignore you.01:54
HashGood bye.01:54
Hashsarnold: I found no clipping to occur at 100% 0.0db gain. I did find clipping at 110%01:58
HashSeems like 100% is good.01:58
sarnoldnice nice02:01
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InZaneGamer84are there alot of ubuntu users that come in here trying to get assistance in setting up "auto-mount" by adding an UUID entry to fstab?02:29
InZaneGamer84would it be worth it to code a python script that automates this process? I know python...02:29
ornxka_im in the buntu installer02:30
ornxka_and it says new partition table02:30
ornxka_what kind of partition table does it make?02:30
ornxka_and perhaps more importantly, why doesnt it tell you?02:30
InZaneGamer84doesn't it?02:31
ornxka_i dont see any mention of it anywhere02:31
InZaneGamer84paste a screenie02:31
ornxka_when i create a new partition i am asked if i want it to be primary or logical, so i guess its mbr?02:31
ornxka_im not sure how id get it here, this is on another computer02:31
InZaneGamer84are you in the graphical installer?02:32
ornxka_i am also not sure how i can get it to create a gpt partition since i intend to use efi02:32
InZaneGamer84i'm pretty damn sure it notifies you of the type of partition table that will be created.02:32
ornxka_well, it didnt for me, so either it was supposed to and didnt, or it wasnt supposed to02:34
InZaneGamer84i've never heard of such02:34
InZaneGamer84and i've done ALOT of ubuntu installs02:34
InZaneGamer84if fact, if you're patient. i'll spin up a vm, run the installer and show you02:35
ornxka_i will be very surprised if your experience is different than mine02:35
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: give me a few02:35
ornxka_https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?version=20.04.2&architecture=amd64 that is the version i just downloaded02:35
InZaneGamer84yeah that's what im booting now02:36
InZaneGamer84i had to reboot it because i didn't have a hdd attached. almost there02:40
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: what the hell02:44
ornxka_perhaps this is a recent change?02:44
InZaneGamer84if so it's a lame change. let me go into the live system and run the installer. I swear i remember see it. hold on02:44
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InZaneGamer84i had to turn on EFI for the VM. think i'm good now and will see it02:46
InZaneGamer84so far I don't see it...02:51
ornxka_my condolences02:52
InZaneGamer84i guess ubuntu is trying to emulate M$02:53
InZaneGamer84now I have to know what's going on02:53
ornxka_how deep does this go??02:54
InZaneGamer84Why doesn't the Ubuntu Installer inform the user of the partition type or allow the user to pick between MBR/GPT?It seems to be MBR by default?02:54
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: did you boot with secure boot on?02:54
InZaneGamer84or off?02:54
ornxka_i can only assume the answer is something along the lines of "big words like partition tables are scary so we will just get rid of them"02:55
ornxka_its a macbook pro02:55
ornxka_so there is no secureboot that i am aware of02:55
ornxka_whats more, the disk was EFI, and when i made a new partition table, it was MBR02:55
ornxka_i dont think this machine will even boot MBR02:55
InZaneGamer84I wonder what the deal is02:56
InZaneGamer84ornxka_:  look https://askubuntu.com/questions/1296257/installing-lubuntu-20-04-with-gpt-and-efi02:58
InZaneGamer84I booted in efi and it was doing MBR....02:58
ornxka_this sounds like an actual bug02:58
InZaneGamer84i just read virtualbox doesn't support UEFI boot02:59
InZaneGamer84so that may be why I didn't see it02:59
InZaneGamer84or is it?02:59
InZaneGamer84aren't EFI/UEFI same?02:59
InZaneGamer84i'm in the uefi shell on the vm now. gonna figure this out03:09
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: i've got it03:15
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: boot into the live system. Click "try ubuntu" and use GParted to created the GPT partiton table03:15
InZaneGamer84i don't know what's up with the freaking installer03:16
InZaneGamer84why doesn't it call gparted anyway03:16
InZaneGamer84instead it's that lame simple interface to I don't what for partitioning...03:17
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: you get it installed? all set?03:37
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ornxka_hooray i finally got it all booting04:04
InZaneGamer84ornxka_: great04:09
InZaneGamer84would gparted of been installed if I wouldn't of selected a 'minimal' installation?04:19
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zmagiiI have an external monitor. How can I control brightness without setting it on the screen's buttons?05:32
zmagiiIf I adjust brightness on my laptop's keyboard, it only sets the laptop screen brightness and not the external display.05:33
zmagiiOn Ubuntu Studio 20.04.05:33
humachinezmagii: xrandr --output [display-name] --brightness [value]05:44
humachinezmagii:  you can get the display name by running xrandr without any arguments05:44
zmagiihumachine: Thanks05:48
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Milenchoguys could you pls suggest me a good Wifi PCI card which is compatibly (i mean) working good with ubuntu07:10
ThinkT510Milencho: anything from intel should be fine07:35
Milenchocould you pls suggest one (link) my MB is AMD MSI B550 if there is any difference07:36
DoctHi. Is it possible to create a file that cant be deleted by rm?07:42
DoctHow would I create this file?07:42
HashOne sec it's in my desk drawer in the other side07:42
DoctOh haha07:42
HashTP Link, Milencho07:43
HashMilencho: The TP Link 150Mbps TL WN722N07:43
HashIT has a sticker on the box that says 'Linux Support'07:43
MilenchoHash, this is not PCI-E07:43
HashI use it in my Ubuntu 18 and 20 machine07:43
HashThe one I mentioned is a USB stick with antenna07:43
ThinkT510Milencho: that motherboard seems to have a PCI-E slot. just make sure whatever wifi card you get is PCI-E07:44
HashDoes that work for you?07:44
HashOh I'm sorry I mistead.07:44
Milenchoit's an USB stick ? i have already one, but for some reason connection is bad07:44
HashYou said PCI specificaly.07:44
Milenchoit's working out of the box i mean there are drivers in the kernel07:44
HashI mean PCI vs USB 3 won't matter as much.07:44
Milenchobut i'm not satisfy as wifi dongle07:44
HashYou won't saturate the max bandwidth, at all.07:44
HashWhat matters is the antenna and catching a good strong signal07:44
Milenchoare you using some special drivers not these one in the kernel?07:45
HashJust default ubuntu07:45
Milenchowhich version is your tp-link i think the first one was with Atheros chipset but the next v 2.3.4 are with rtl07:45
HashOne second I will have to insert it into the pc07:46
Milenchoin my case the signal is not the problem because the wifi router is 3-4 meters from the box07:46
Milenchobut for some reason net/speed/connection is horrible07:47
HashI'm pretty sure this is 150mbps so it's usb307:47
Hashwhichis max 5gbit07:47
Hashpcie is similarly fast so let's see07:48
Hashback of the usb stick doesn't have a sticker with a version07:48
Hash[32340.589730] Chip Version Info: CHIP_8188E_Normal_Chip_TSMC_D_CUT_1T1R_RomVer(0)07:49
HashAccording to dmesg07:49
HashThe Realtek RTL8188EE is an 802.11bgn 2.4G single-chip that integrates Wireless LAN (WLAN) and a network PCIe interface controller. It combines a WLAN MAC, a 1T1R capable WLAN baseband, and WLAN RF in a single chip. The RTL8192EE provides a complete solution for a high-throughput performance and low power consumption integrated wireless LAN device.07:50
Hashr8188eu that's the driver being used07:51
Milenchoi'll try again and i'll reinstall drivers07:54
ThinkT510Doct: if the file was created by root and the user is using rm then the file won't be deleted due to lack of permissions07:55
Milenchocable is cable but i have wifi and she will kill me if i use cable in the middle of the room :-D07:55
Hashnope man07:55
HashHere I got you07:55
HashGet on amazon or whereever, get you a like nice solid 100 or 150 ft cable or whatever you need07:56
HashRun the cable along the wall, by the floor. Then use those little plastic clips, and run the cable like that07:56
Hashhttps://www.amazon.com/Premium-Self-Adhesive-Finisher-Organizer-Management/dp/B08NX293SP/ something like this07:57
HashCable is always better.07:57
Hashhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B0838ZR8D4 or something like this07:58
Hashif there is a doorway, go around it, up and over, hence the clips and the long cable.07:58
HashThat will be far less headache then wifi, and she won't complain07:59
DoctI'm not familiar with Ubuntu at all. I'm using github actions, and files are loaded into an ubuntu virutal environment (i think?). I'd like the ubuntu system to delete a file if it exists. Based on your answer, theoretically its possible for someone to create the file as root? and then the virtual environment wont be able to delete the file? I'm08:00
Doctusing https://www.onworks.net/os-distributions/ubuntu-based/free-ubuntu-online-version19 how would I create a file as root?08:00
HashDoct: are you familiar with linux at all?08:01
Doctcurrently I'm finding `sudo touch file` `sudo tee file` and `sudo chown root:root` for changing the owner after creating the file08:01
DoctNot really08:02
HashDoct: 'sudo' means super user do08:02
HashWhy are you putting sudo before said commands?08:02
ThinkT510Doct: if the user uses sudo to get root permission they will be able to delete any file made by root08:02
DoctHash: I believe it creates the files, so that the file is owned by root?08:03
HashDoct: What are you ultimately trying to accomplish. I'm sorry I Came late to the party08:03
DoctRight. You said [2:55:15 AM] <ThinkT510> Doct: if the file was created by root and the user is using rm then the file won't be deleted due to lack of permissions08:04
Hashif you want to create a file that cannot be deleted by rm? For what purpose?08:04
catbeardsudo chattr +i /path/to/file08:04
catbeardfixed :)08:04
ThinkT510Doct: yes I did, and sudo is the way to get root permissions as a user. If a user can't use sudo then they can't modify any files made byroot08:04
DoctI'm using github actions, and files are loaded into an ubuntu virutal environment (i think?). I'd like the ubuntu system to delete a file if it exists. Based on your answer, theoretically its possible for someone to create the file as root? and then the virtual environment wont be able to delete the file?08:05
Hashdon't make it immutable08:05
catbeardif you don't want it to be able to be deleted08:05
catbeardeven with sudo08:05
HashBut I want first to understand why he wants it08:05
DoctI want to be able to delete any file08:05
DoctI want to ensure that rm file deletes the file08:05
catbeardah, don't chattr then08:06
HashThen just rm as root unless it has extended attr set08:06
Hashjust rm is fine.08:06
Hashrm -f will do file, but most peple don't use that08:06
Hashor it's implied, I forgot.08:06
DoctSo `rm -f file` will delete a file, even if the file was created by root?08:06
HashDoct: no08:07
HashNow you need to worry about permissions08:07
HashLinux permissions crash couse might do you good on google08:07
Hash5-10 min read08:07
catbeardforce is never implied08:07
Doctrwx permissions? chmod?08:07
HashI misremembred08:07
HashI was thinkin -d08:07
Hashno on euses -rd08:07
Hasheveryone knows -rf08:08
HashSomething. I'm so tired right now. I been studyign all day. I retire now. Bye08:09
DoctTake care. Thanks for the help08:10
HashI swear I thought it was -f for file, -d for directory, and -F force08:10
HashOh right, I'm on linux.08:10
Hashoh ffs. Right. GNu stuffs is diff.08:10
HashCarry on08:10
DoctI missed this "sudo is the way to get root permissions as a user. If a user can't use sudo then they can't modify any files made byroot"08:11
HashSometing to do with how it marks inodes for deletino or marks them as 0 and not empty or soemthign something.08:11
Doctso `sudo rm -f file` will definitely delete any file? if sudo works08:12
Hashoh right -d is directory, -f is forcve, and -r/-R is recurse08:12
HashDoct: you don't need -f08:12
ThinkT510Doct: essentially yes08:12
Hashas root, or sudo, just rm the file08:12
Doct-f supresses confirmation, correct?08:13
HashCorrect, irrc08:13
HashDoct: have you read 'man rm' ?08:13
Doctwhy dont i need -f?08:14
Doctis this good enough? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DeletingFiles :D08:14
catbeardbecause -i is not implied08:14
Hashinteractive mode is affected by this08:14
Hashwhat he said08:14
catbeardsometimes in bashrc it might be to have confirmation on manual removals08:15
Hashyou want confirmations on removals, as some fs make it hard/impossible to undel08:15
catbearde.g. an alias08:15
HashYou can also make an alias for rm that just mv your target to a ~/.Trash destination08:16
saberuNewbie question: I am trying to add a second public ipv4 address in Ubuntu 20.04 using Netplan. Now, i used to be able to add IP addresses in the old network config system but this stumps me. I'm using Linode and added the IP on the panel, then I added a 2nd interface denoted eth0:0 and put the ip there with the correct gateway;08:16
saberuBut when I type 'ifconfig eth0:0' it doesn't show the IP, just shows the mac address of the interface08:16
DoctI should be running commands in a fresh ubuntu virtual environment. So there shouldnt be aliases08:16
HashMost GUI desktop DE etc. come configured with a trash can08:16
HashBut for command line deletions, you can make a trash cn by making a simple bash function08:16
Hashand parsing for $1 etc.08:16
HashBut you're new to linux. So I dunno08:17
catbeardsaberu: did you restart networking?08:17
saberucatbeard yes well I rebooted the whole machine08:18
catbeardpost your /etc/network/interfaces ?08:18
Hashremove() { mv $* ~/.Trash } and alias rm='remove ' and then you can probably use it like rm file.txt and it will get moved to ~/.Trash instead of immediate deletion08:18
saberu# ifupdown has been replaced by netplan(5) on this system.  See08:19
saberu# /etc/netplan for current configuration.08:19
saberuand im doing the config in the netplan yaml file08:19
techiedHi, I have a PowerEdge R730xd with 3 PCIe NVMe disks (Samsung 970 Evo 500GB) and I'm trying to install Server 18.04.5. I initially went through the installer and installed it to one of the NVMe disks, however after the reboot, it didn't start Ubuntu and the server's boot menu doesn't show Ubuntu as an option. I figured that the server didn't08:34
techiedsupport booting from NVMe, so I went through the setup again but used a 2GB flash drive as the EFI/Grub install disk. Now it'll boot, but just to the Grub prompt and I can't get any further with my knowledge. What am I missing?08:34
ThinkT510techied: is the disk you are trying to boot from set as the boot device in the bios?08:39
techiedThe NVMe drive doesn't show up in the BIOS, but I've tried it with the USB disk at the top of the boot list and also using the one-time boot menu to select the USB disk, both times it just sends me to the grub prompt08:41
ThinkT510if you installed ubuntu on the nvme drive then that is where it would have automatically installed grub08:41
ThinkT510if you cannot get the bios to boot from nvme then you'll need to get grub installed to a disk it cn boot from08:42
techiedI manually selected the flash drive as the GRUB install location after the default way (install to the same as the root FS, which is the NVMe drive in my case) didn't work08:42
techiedSo GRUB is on the flash drive08:42
techiedHere is where I am able to get to, it seems like grub isn't detecting my NVMe drives, as the only one shown is the USB drive, with the grub partition: https://i.techied.me/QerU2/neQErEGO12.png08:49
routebeehey guys and gals10:37
routebeeI am getting "This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630)" at https://rokfin.com10:38
routebeei had a similar problem on my last install and i added a codec to fix it10:39
routebeebut i cant remember what codec10:39
routebeeI am reading that I need the Shark007 codecs but it doesnt ring a bell10:40
routebeei thought i just needed flash but google tells me flash has just gone out of service10:40
routebeeand i now google Shark007 codecs and it tells me they are windows only10:41
engloshWhy can't I start my AppImage app from the desktop? I can do `./app.AppImage` from the terminal but double-clicking does not work. And yes, I did set it to be an executable in the Properties.10:48
summonnerenglosh, perhaps the logs have something?11:02
engloshsummonner: what logs?~/.xsession-errors? I can only see the WARNING: tempfile is deprecated; consider using mktemp instead. warning11:03
englosheven if I open it with another application and select "Run Software", nothing happens and I can't see any window popping up11:04
summonnertry using desktop-file-validate app.appimage11:05
routebeehow do i remove packages that apt mares as no longer needed again?11:07
summonnerroutebee, run apt11:07
engloshalso, if I try to autocomplete the AppImage name on the terminal by pressing tab, it doesn't work. It never autocompletes that file11:09
engloshbut it autocompletes others. Does anyone else have that problem?11:09
engloshsummonner: the very last line says app-portable-linux-x86_64.AppImage: error: filename does not have a .desktop extension11:10
routebeeim still getting this fucking video error code This video cannot be played. Please refresh the page.(Error Code: 102630)11:10
juanonymouswhat do i need to install when i get this error? can't find package dns11:10
routebeei have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras11:11
routebeeno joy11:11
routebeei have restrted gnome and firfox11:12
routebeeno joy11:12
routebeemmk... i had uninstalled the codec package when i restarted firfox and gnome so i installed it again and alt-f2 r enter and restarted firfox and it worked11:16
MICROburstis there an ubuntu channel focussed on ubuntu servers?11:16
MICROburstty. --- tried it with 's' at the end :)11:17
summonnerenglosh, yes, that might be the problem11:25
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=== ianychoi__ is now known as ianychoi
MetamorphosisHello. Which of the following commands uses one option and two arguments?  1- Is -a -I /tmp  ,  2-Is -al /home  ,  3- Is -I /tmp / home  , 4- Is all /tmp /home11:30
BatoehGood morning.11:35
summonnerMetamorphosis, homework time is it?11:35
BatoehIs there server documentation for 20.10? I found this page for 20.04. I am figuring that they just have docs for LTS just to keep things simple and I should have trouble using the documentation as long as I am not just copy pasting commands like a fool. Does that sound accurate? :)11:37
BatoehI should have no trouble*11:37
summonnerBatoeh, what page?11:38
BatoehI apologize. I forgot to paste it. https://ubuntu.com/server/docs11:39
Metamorphosissummonner nope. I study marketing. I'm learning linux through books11:40
summonnerMetamorphosis, well, the first problem I see you having is you're using an I when you should be using an L11:42
Kartagishi. why is patch -p1 < $(curl https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2020-06-06/tckn_kontrol.2.0.rector.patch) giving me ambigous redirect?11:43
summonnerKartagis, why not just pipe the patch11:44
summonneralso, remember to use switch for following links11:44
Kartagissummonner: you mean curl https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2020-06-06/tckn_kontrol.2.0.rector.patch|patch -p1 ?11:45
summonnercurl 'http....' | patch    if that's the command yes, I'm unfamiliar with patch11:46
vincenzomlhi there12:22
vincenzomlHi there12:23
lotuspsychjehow can we help you vincenzoml ?12:23
vincenzomlI am not an expert of python at all, and need to run programs that use tensorflow-gpu 1.1512:23
vincenzomllotuspsychje, hi, thanks for asking :D12:24
vincenzomlWhat I don't understand is if ubuntu ships only python 3.28 because that's how people work12:24
vincenzomlor if there is a way to get an older version (seems like I need 3.7 for tensorflow 1)12:24
vincenzomlmaybe a specific ubuntu-friendly repository where I can choose older versions of python12:25
vincenzomlI need this to reproduce some research results that have open source code, but not ported to tensorflow 212:28
vincenzomlprobably the best would be to have a chroot with a previous ubuntu version, or a docker image, or a virtual machine. What's the most obvious path? I'm using a server so no GUI to configure e.g. virtualbox.12:28
cbreakvincenzoml: you can install python3.6 and python3.7 from some ppa thingie12:35
cbreaklike deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/deadsnakes/ppa/ubuntu focal main12:37
cbreakvincenzoml: you could also try to do that in a docker thingie, but that'd be more troublesome12:38
cbreakor you could compile your own version of tensorflow for py3.812:38
cbreaknot sure how troublesome that'd be specifically for this change, but compiling it in general is very time consuming and annoying12:39
BluesKajHowdy all12:54
vincenzomlcbreak, hi, sorry I don't know why I get disconnected after a while12:55
vincenzomlso compiling tensorflow is not at my reach12:55
vincenzomlI think I want to go the docker way, and learning it, but12:57
cbreakI am going the ppa route12:58
cbreakit works12:58
vincenzomlI have a very basic admin question. I want to add my user to the "docker" group. I used vigr and added my name after "docker" with the usual syntax, but no matter how many times I log out and in, I am still out of that group12:58
vincenzomlvia ssh12:58
vincenzomlcbreak, will keep it in mind12:58
vincenzomlI can do both, I also want to learn docker at some pont12:58
cbreakdocker: https://hub.docker.com/layers/tensorflow/tensorflow/1.15.5-py3/images/sha256-181ff142e73ed8efe350f49288c7b0f5681fde66534a76d8de4fc75d4e30d571?context=explore12:59
cbreakfrom https://hub.docker.com/r/tensorflow/tensorflow12:59
vincenzomlcbreak, the experiment requires other stuff to be installed via pip and outside pip; do you think I can create a regular ubuntu docker image and install stuff in it and keep it permanent or is it "wrong"?12:59
cbreakjust use this image as base image13:00
cbreakand install the rest in your docker file13:00
cbreakuse tensorflow/tensorflow:1.15.5-py3 as FROM base image13:00
vincenzomlbut still I have no clue why logging with ssh I am not added to the docker group13:00
vincenzomllike this:13:01
vincenzomlvincenzo@Lakshmi:~$ tail -n 2 /etc/group13:01
vincenzomlvincenzo@Lakshmi:~$ groups13:01
vincenzomlvincenzo adm cdrom sudo dip video plugdev render lpadmin lxd sambashare voxlogica13:01
cbreakdid you try to log out and back in?13:02
lotuspsychjeuse a pastebin when large texts vincenzoml13:02
vincenzoml(sorry I thought 5 lines would be ok)13:02
vincenzomlcbreak, yes I logged out and then back in13:02
vincenzomlI suspect ssh has something to do with that13:03
vincenzomlbut I am a bit shy of restarting the ssh service from remote :D13:03
cbreakwhat's the worst that can happen.... :P13:03
cbreakyou can start a screen that does some sleep 600 && shutdown -r now in a root shell13:04
cbreakand if you don't log back in in time to stop it, it reboots :D13:04
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Milenchoanyone using wifi dongle with 8812AU chipset?13:20
Milenchoi have some troubles with setup13:20
lotuspsychjerealtek Milencho ?13:20
Milencholotuspsychje, yup according to lsusb -v13:20
MilenchoRTL8812AU tp-link tu4 v113:21
lotuspsychjeMilencho: on kernel 5.8?13:21
Milenchoyup kernel
Milenchoi've installed the drivers with dkms from official repository13:21
lotuspsychjeMilencho: realtek has always been kernel sensitive13:21
lotuspsychjejeremy31: got any idea for Milencho ^13:22
Milenchoi've installed rtl8812au-dkms_4.3.8.12175.20140902+dfsg-0ubuntu13_all.deb13:22
Milenchobut card is still not avaible13:22
lotuspsychjeMilencho: you default iso didnt pickup your wifi?13:23
Milenchowhat u mean with default iso13:23
Milenchoi've installed the package, rebooted and nothing13:23
lotuspsychjeMilencho: i mean while you installed ubuntu13:23
Milenchoit's not loaded the module or i don't know but with ifconfig i don't see the card13:23
lotuspsychjeMilencho: do you still have older kernel versions in your list?13:25
Milenchoguess i13:25
Milenchoi didin't delete them13:26
lotuspsychjeMilencho: can you try to boot one, see if an older kernel picks up your module?13:26
Milenchoi can but not at this moment because i'm at work :-D13:26
Milenchoit was working with some of the old kernels not sure which one13:27
Milenchobecause i didin't use the dongle last 2 weeks13:27
lotuspsychjeah, thats what i wanted to know Milencho13:27
Milenchobut it was working not with this default pakacge, i've tried something from "google" with some repo from github13:27
lotuspsychjeMilencho: so we need to find the recent bugs on the kernel13:28
Milenchobut 're right this RTL shits... are always problematics13:28
Milenchoi'll buy something with Atheros....13:28
lotuspsychjeMilencho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=013:28
lotuspsychjebrowse here for the latest filed bugs13:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1914874 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wi-Fi sometimes disappears after reboot on AMD Ryzen machine" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:31
Milenchosomething like that but not sure13:31
lotuspsychjelets c13:31
lotuspsychjeMilencho: thats a Wi-Fi 6 AX20013:33
lotuspsychjeneeds to be your wifi chipset specific13:33
Milencholotuspsychje, https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au/issues/65813:34
Milencholotuspsychje, rtl8812au,, 5.8.0-43-generic, x86_64: installed13:41
Milenchoeverything looks good with the driver and dkms/headers13:41
Milenchoso may be it's time to buy atheros chipset wifi dongle :)13:42
vincenzomlcbreak, but if I do that as you suggest, won't I loose my uptime? :D13:43
BluesKajif it's loose you'd better tighten it, otherwise you'll lose it :-)13:45
cbreakvincenzoml: oh, yes... and maybe more :P13:48
vincenzomlanyway, it's the terminal in vscode, that uses a "remote connection", that does not change groups. What sorcery is this13:51
vincenzomlthat "remote connection" creates a server on the remote machine via ssh, for those who don't know, and care.13:51
Milencholotuspsychje, its working now13:52
vincenzomlcbreak, thanks, I can now run docker. Will follow the rest that you wrote above.13:52
Lvl4SwordWhat's the best way to get the status of the screensaver/lockscreen in 20.04? Doesn't seem like any *-screensaver-command is installed by default13:57
rockdarkoI was troubleshooting a problem with mail until I tried the same on centos/arch with no problem. Basically, the mail/mailx packages from mailutils have slightly changed (ie -A instead of -a for attachement -a is now append header). Problem is mail delivery works but when I include an attachment although it gets there fine I lose the body. I can't find anything about that.13:58
rockdarkoin both cases mail delivery occurs successfully - I get the body just fine if I remove the attachment13:58
rockdarkoand postfix doesnt complain of no body (with the "hope thats ok" line) - so it really feels like a bug to me13:58
lotuspsychjeMilencho: how did you solve?14:26
Milenchoi've installed drivers from let me check but github aircrack....14:26
Milenchooffcial repository "for hackers"14:27
Milenchomake;make install; reboot and miracle it works14:27
Milenchodon't ask me why :-D14:27
Koopzwhat's the difference between mount -t cifs and mount.cifs ?14:28
Koopzand why does mount.cifs work while mount -t cifs doesn't14:28
Koopzno never mind14:29
skywalkanyone can tell me why my ubuntu server crash and my ssd start 'beeping' or making electricity noise following this ? Feb 10 00:51:13 thoth kernel: [57595.733798] md: data-check of RAID array md1 every day14:29
Koopzapparently i can't use a credential file in 20.04 anymore14:30
cjokeWhat do I have to do if I want to login to my googleaccount on firefox/chrome/chromium without need to authenticate/type password ?14:33
aienaskywalk: mught be some hardware failure14:37
aienaCan you check if you ssd is readable on another system14:37
aienaif the drive is damamged ubuntu cannot boot14:37
aienayou could try connecting your ssd to a different SATA port on your motherboard14:38
aienacjoke: i think you can save a password in all those browsers14:39
aienai dont use that feature also it usually remains logged in too unless you clear browser data14:40
aienaif you mean you want to login without a password that is not possible if you forgot your pasword you may reset it from your backup email and then set it again14:40
cjokeaiena: well, I have this 2 factor/way auth activated on googleaccount, and I can get 1 generated password that I login with my app, once. then It should not ask anymore. I tried now in firefox and use lockwise, but it seems like google redirect and then that url I passed into lockwise is not usefull anymore. hmmm... It's just so sad, have to type password for everything while already logged into a14:49
cjokeaiena: thanks for reply, ill look further.14:49
aienaah disable 2 factor auth then14:49
aiena2 factor auth is added security on purpose14:50
cjokeaiena: what do you mean ?14:50
cjokeits not safe?14:50
cjokejust bloating thing up ?14:50
aienai mean 2 factor auth is a password + phone pin/hardware key etc.14:50
aienaso you need both for authorisation everytime14:51
Koopzoooh man14:51
aienaif you only use a password then google can use it across services14:51
Koopzthe credentials file had CRLF line endings14:51
cjokeaiena: no, your wrong. I dont need, since i generated a uniq code from my googlesettings.14:51
cjokethat i put into my "app" once. for not need to auth anymore while using this on my device/computer14:52
Koopzthis kept me up for hours14:52
aienacjoke: anyway ask google its not an ubuntu problem :) their forums will likely help you.14:52
cjokeaiena: thats what I thought, again, thanks for reply :)14:53
aienamost welcome.14:53
SteelRosehi all! I just installed 20.04 LTS on a laptop and I can install new stuff with apt and snap. So far, so good. When I click on the "A" for Ubuntu Software it tries to run but it dies a few seconds afterwards without showing any error... is that normal? Thanks!14:55
aienacjoke: just be careful when using these things to not lock yourself out totally e.g. stolen phone/damaged phone/broken app see if google has a contingency plan for sthose situations too.14:56
aienaSteelRose: did not foolw what do you mean by When I click on the "A" for Ubuntu Software14:57
aienaSteelRose: I am actually on kubuntu now but will fire up an ubuntu 20.04 vm to try to understand your issue14:57
SteelRoseaiena: thanks14:58
skywalkaiena: well the server is up and running right now, but when I went downstair, I hear a beep beep beep coming from the ssd, there's no speaker on a ssd, so not sure, but looks to be either a mechanical noise, or some sort of circuit noise? and its been doing this every day at the same time14:58
SteelRoseUbuntu 20.04 runs Unity as WM. KDE is totally different...14:58
SteelRoseaiena: I'm talking about the graphical software manager14:59
aienaSteelRose: it does not matter and no ubuntu 20.04 does not use unity14:59
aienaafaik ubuntu 20.04 uses gnome directly14:59
aienai think ubuntu dropped unity in ubuntu 1414:59
aienait does not matter as I said I have booted an ubuntu 20.04 vm15:00
SteelRoseaiena: you're right... GNOME...15:00
aienaso that is using whatever comed with ubuntu15:00
leftyfbskywalk: sounds like a hardware issue with your SSD15:00
aienaso since my ubunutu vm runnning in  kvm is ubuntu not kubunutu can you describe your problem so i can tell you if it is normal or not15:01
SteelRoseaiena: if you have not modified the default bar on the left hand-side there are a few icons. One of them looks like an "A" and it launches the Software Manager ... in my case, it is not the case...15:02
aienaSteelRose: ok I am launching the software centre on my VM tot est15:02
aienaVM to test15:02
aienait is downloading a software catalogue now but I see a window for me SteelRose15:03
skywalkleftyfb: well ssd is up and running perfect, but for the server to crash at the same time every day, that isnt a hardware issue15:03
SteelRoseaiena: thanks mate! it seems like there is a problem on my end15:04
aienaSteelRose: yup no crashes for me in my vm15:05
aienamy vm is brand new so its practically unmodified only ubuntu repos on it15:05
aienawanted to figure out some gnome DE stuff to help others15:05
aienaSteelRose: it may just be corrupted configs15:06
SteelRoseaiena: it's a brand-new install ...15:06
aienaSteelRose: when you were installing did you choose to update the system during setup15:07
aienamine is a brand new vm install too I cannot reproduce it so we need to do some troubleshooting with your help15:08
aienaon your system15:08
SteelRoseaiena: yes, I did15:11
aienaSteelRose: I usually avoid that bit and update the system in one shot after install just give me a moment I am a bit old school on ubuntu so just tinkering around in my vm so i can see how to help you15:12
aienaas in been using kde for a while i use gnoe at work but i do everything from command line so never ever used the software centre15:13
SteelRoseaiena: I'm rather new on Ubuntu but fear not...15:14
aienai am never afraid :) I have used several linux distros so my experience is a combo of all of them only few things change from one to another.15:15
aienathe cli is stable across all mostly so I've unfortunately got used to doing all system admin there15:15
pavlosskywalk: if you hear more than one beep, there is a hardware issue, the bios is complaining15:18
SteelRoseaiena: no worries... I will reinstall and will skip the "online updates" during the process as suggested... let's see if this improves anything ...15:21
aienaSteelRose: nah15:21
aienaits most likely something trivial15:22
aienacan you open up a terminal15:22
aienaand then type "sudo su" and press enter15:22
aienait will ask for a password enter your current users password if it succeeds the terminal shell windows sign should change to a "#" tell me when you got there15:23
jwhitmoreBuilding kicad from source and failing to find one of OCEConfig.cmake  or  oce-config.cmake   can't find out which package either is in? Anyone got any idea how to find out?15:23
SteelRoseaiena: done15:23
aienarun the command "apt update" there tell me when it finishes or if you see any errors there15:24
SteelRoseaiena: all OK15:24
aienajwhitmore: install liboce-foundation-dev and try again15:25
aienaSteelRose: can you show me the output15:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:25
SteelRoseaiena: "All packages are up to date"15:27
DaCheatX related question -- I have a usb external monitor that makes the rest of my X session perform terribly. I want to run said monitor on it's own X session, whats the best way to do this?15:27
SteelRoseaiena: don't worry mate... I will reinstall or perhaps choose Kubuntu instead. I too use KDE15:27
aienaok I was just having fun poking around on ubuntu 20.0415:28
aienaseems like the ubuntu software centre is actually a "snap" package15:28
SteelRoseaiena: hmm... let me check that15:28
aienaif I run snap-store.ubuntu-software from terminal the software centre opens up15:29
SteelRoseaiena: snap-store dumps a core when I run it from the shell ... huh15:30
aienabut this meaans there is no terminal output15:30
akkonradmy slack icon took over the chrome icon in launcher (ubuntu 20.10), it was working fine before, maybe update broken it?15:32
aienaSteelRose: you could try installing the whole system again like i suggested but this is very funny your issue15:36
aienai am afk for dinner bbl15:36
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SteelRoseaiena: I'm downloading Kubuntu now15:46
yoasifany idea on how i can get this bug looked at? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/190731815:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1907318 in linux (Ubuntu) "GNOME lockups in nouveau" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:54
SteelRoseaiena: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231932/ubuntu-software-doesnt-open-in-ubuntu-20-04 <-- this solved my issue.15:57
SteelRoseTL;DR: I removed and reinstalled the snap-store package15:58
SteelRoseaiena: thanks for your assistance anyway15:58
coconutAnyone success with the fingerprint reader on a thinkpad x1 extreme?16:00
oerhekscoconut, is it in the Fprint device list?16:02
oerhekshttps://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html and https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui16:03
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leftyfbskywalk: if your SSD was running perfect, it wouldn't be emitting noises and yes, a bad SSD could very well lead to the server crashing at the same time every day due to multiple factors16:10
coconutoh, i do get it to work. Thanks anyway oerheks!16:34
Celsiusshi, i am trying to set up an ubuntu vm, during the installation I could easily set a static ip for this vm, then it bootet and I installed docker, when I did a reboot after that, the network did not work17:11
CelsiussSo I read this page under the section "Configuring an interface" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConfigurationCommandLine/Automatic17:11
Celsiussthe ip commands worked as expected, however when making the changes in /etc/network/interfaces, the network is still broken after a reboot17:12
aienaCelsiuss: hang around i'm not so good with network stuff and vm's add another layer of trouble17:15
aienadocker is virtualisation inside virtualisation17:15
Celsiussyeah true lol17:16
Celsiussand also here is how my /etc/network/interfaces looks like https://i.imgur.com/RMfGKht.png17:17
leftyfbCelsiuss: what version of ubuntu? The 2 latest LTS releases do not use /etc/network/interfaces by default17:23
Celsiussleftyfb: it's 20.04, what should I use instead?17:25
leftyfbCelsiuss: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan17:25
Celsiussahh great, thanks leftyfb , will take a look :)17:26
Lvl4SwordRe-asking in cause someone knows: What's the best way to get the status of the screensaver/lockscreen in 20.04? Doesn't seem like any *-screensaver-command is installed by default17:49
nolan_Hey, guys... I had a quick (dumb) question for anyone that knew the terminology or how to accomplish it... I've done it before in the past, but I forget how to do it or what it was called... Somehow, I need to connect to a machine via SSH and while I'm connected to it, my IP changes from my local WAN IP here at my house... to the WAN IP of the machine that I'm connected to via SSH...17:58
leftyfbnolan_: you mean you want to create an ssh proxy?17:59
nolan_Yes, that's it...17:59
leftyfbnolan_: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/ssh-proxy-bastion-proxyjump18:00
nolan_SSH Proxy, to where when I am connected by SSH ... I can open a browser here on ny local network and that browser uses that other machines IP18:00
nolan_Thank you18:00
leftyfboh wait, that's not it18:00
nolan_Is it a VPN?18:00
nolan_I've done it before in the past for my Dad's business... but I can't remember how I had my configuration setup18:01
rorynolan_, ssh -L local_port:remote_address:remote_port username@server.com18:01
leftyfbnolan_: https://www.howtogeek.com/168145/how-to-use-ssh-tunneling/  go to the "Dynamic Port Forwarding: Use Your SSH Server as a Proxy"18:01
nolan_Thank both of you guys...18:01
rorynolan_, eg: ssh -L 8080: username@server.com18:02
rorynolan_, you can set up a SOCKS proxy too, that's probably what you used actually https://ma.ttias.be/socks-proxy-linux-ssh-bypass-content-filters/18:03
leftyfbrory: you know I already linked to instructions right?18:04
nolan_I'm trying to just open a regular nothing special web browser so I can use it to get a browser GUI installation screen... so that would just be either ssh -L 443: username@server.com ....?18:04
nolan_Yes, I got them.. thank you.18:04
nolan_either 443 or 80:localhost username... etc, etc... right?18:04
leftyfbnolan_: your browser will need to be configured with your local dynamic proxy as stated in both sets of instructions18:05
nolan_Ah, I forgot that step as well..18:05
leftyfbnolan_: unless you only need to access a single URL from this remote location, then you don't need dynamic18:05
nolan_We did have to do that.. We always used Firefox in that situation18:05
nolan_Okay.. yeah, I just need a specific nonchanging URL to start the installation process.18:05
nolan_and I don't really want to tack on an entire Xserver session ontop of the OS install JUST to browse the web ONE time.18:06
nolan_I guess I could, at least... but I don't really want to..18:06
TJ-nolan_: this visual guide can be useful in figuring out what you need  https://robotmoon.com/ssh-tunnels/18:06
nolan_Thanks, @TJ18:06
leftyfbnolan_: what is it exactly you're trying to setup through this tunnel?18:07
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AnnoyedGreetings. New install of 20.04.2 server. Trying to set up an additional network interface for the inside network. the installer-created /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml file works ok for the outside interface, (enp3s0) which is DHCP from the ISP. I'm trying to change the inside interface (enp5s0) from dhcp to static, but "try" throws errors, but won't tell me what... any good examples of this or any ideas?18:16
leftyfbAnnoyed: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan18:17
Annoyedleftyfb, that's pretty close to what I have, except I'm not specifying gateway or nameserver for the inside interface, it doesn't need them.. other machines on the network use this as their uplink, and that is handed out via dhcp18:22
AnnoyedI had this setup working under 18.04, but was using two *.yaml files. Since the new one referred to enp5s0, I thought I could do it in one file18:25
AnnoyedDo you have to have a yaml file for each interface?18:33
leftyfbAnnoyed: you ca n do either18:43
leftyfbAnnoyed: care to pastebin your yaml file?18:43
AnnoyedThat was the last single file attempt.18:44
AnnoyedI ran debug try with both files and it worked18:45
Lvl4SwordFor my question earlier ( getting status of the lockscreen/screensaver in Ubuntu 20.04 ) here's how I did it ... dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver --type=method_call --print-reply --reply-timeout=1000 /org/gnome/ScreenSaver org.gnome.ScreenSaver.GetActive18:45
Lvl4SwordIn case anyone else also needs that ^18:45
AnnoyedGoing to try what debug merged next... if that fails, I'll just use two files.18:45
leftyfbAnnoyed: try https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zdRqQJb9ZQ/18:49
AnnoyedOk, this is too weird. netplan --debug try generated a single file config, which I put in a single file and it worked. but it's very close to what I had. Will PB in a min18:52
leftyfbwhat was different?18:54
leftyfbAnnoyed: run a diff on them18:54
leftyfblooks a lot like the one I made for you18:59
AnnoyedOnly difference I see was the way the address was specified. But the [] syntax worked in the 18.04 install.. And I had tried the - syntax19:00
AnnoyedI was in the middle of trying the debug generated config when you made your suggestion.19:01
AnnoyedBut yeah, they're close. just for the hallibut..... let me try ours19:02
AnnoyedDoesn't like yours, either. ERROR:Error while loading /etc/netplan/test2.yaml, aborting.19:05
jwhitmoreHello all, trying to install kicad from source and build process is looking for OCEConfig.cmake or oce-config.make  Can't find a package on Ubuntu for that. I believe the RedHat package is occt-devel. Is there any way to find an equivalent package on Ubuntu?19:05
leftyfbAnnoyed: possibly an indentation issue19:05
jayjo-when pushing to an ubuntu PPA, is there a way to use a non-release, like experimental, or do all packages have to explicitly mention hirsuite, groovy, focal, etc?19:06
Annoyedyeah, maybe. What the hell is wrong with sticking to std practice, a space is a space is a space? :D19:07
AnnoyedOr even better... what was wrong with the old school "interfaces" ?19:07
leftyfbjwhitmore: kicad is up to version 5.1.5 in Ubuntu. Are you sure you need to compile it? ( those files do not exist in ubuntu)19:07
leftyfbAnnoyed: yaml format is more easily managed but is more restrictive in formatting19:08
AnnoyedOh, well, at least I got something that works. Thanks for your help.19:08
jwhitmoreleftyfb, yes unfortunately I need master :(19:08
Annoyedleftyfb: Don't you mean mangled?19:09
leftyfbjwhitmore: you'll need to reach out to the kicad project for support then. Your issue is with their code, not ubuntu19:09
jwhitmoreleftyfb, cheers for your help!19:09
jwhitmoreleftyfb, and thanks for taking the time19:09
AnnoyedThanks again.....19:18
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aienajwhitmore: actually just install liboce-foundation-dev19:33
aienaand try again19:33
uDdHsaWwkI have to install ubuntu, but I have no usb sticks atm nad only blank cd-r's (normally I always use usb sticks) - even the server image is nearly 1 GB, any suggestions what to do here?20:12
The_LoudSpeakercan anyone help me with this. have same error on a lenovo laptop.20:13
uDdHsaWwkis there a minimal.iso ?! can't find it https://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/ubuntu-releases/20:13
oerheksone solution, the mini iso ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:14
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: have a look here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1258641/after-grub-appears-i-see-acpi-bios-error-messages-before-ubuntu-20-04-starts-nor20:14
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: as a pointer google the error message in conjunction with grub (which is the boot system)20:14
uDdHsaWwkoerheks: bionic is 18.04 ?!20:17
uDdHsaWwkor what am I missing here?20:17
oerheksyes, i see no 20.04, or i must be mistaken20:17
uDdHsaWwk20.10 is what I would want, but I can't find it either20:17
uDdHsaWwkI think it always was kind of "hidden" somewhere, but it seems to simply not be there20:18
oerheksinstall 18.04, and do a releaseupgrade after that?20:18
uDdHsaWwkwould probably work in theory20:18
uDdHsaWwkstupid workaround though20:19
uDdHsaWwkoerheks: thanks though20:19
The_LoudSpeakeruDdHsaWwk: I googled it in conjunction with ubuntu.20:19
leftyfbuDdHsaWwk: you can usually find usb flash drives at local convenient stores and gas stations. Obviously at big box stores as well20:20
The_LoudSpeakeralso, i don't have nvidia so blacklisting it won't help ig. (re: the link you sent)20:20
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: I remember having boot up issues, mostly they were related to grub20:20
sarnolduDdHsaWwk: this was written before 20.04 was released but it's probably still mostly right https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/1451020:21
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: there's a shortcut on bootup screen to edit boot options, you will have to look there ; sorry I don't know how to help further, but I thought pointing you towards that direction might nevertheless help :)20:21
uDdHsaWwksarnold: maybe I don't know what netbooting is? but I am not sure how that helps20:22
The_LoudSpeakeruDdHsaWwk: it's okay. :)20:22
The_LoudSpeakeri will try disabling acpi once.20:22
sarnolduDdHsaWwk: many nics know how to retrieve enough OS from somewhere else to let you install without any media20:23
uDdHsaWwksarnold: leftyfb: oerheks: thank you guys, I found a really scratched up blank dvd-r...20:23
oerhekshave fun!20:23
The_LoudSpeakeri think I don't need acpioff btw. guess the errors went away after a apt upgrade.20:32
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: solved? :)20:33
The_LoudSpeakeri think so yes. the friend who had this issue pinged saying the errors are not there on a reboot after apt upgrade.20:34
uDdHsaWwkThe_LoudSpeaker: nice20:35
uDdHsaWwkenjoy, say you fixed it remotely and cash in $$$ :P20:36
uDdHsaWwksome leet hacker skills right there20:36
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The_LoudSpeakerturns out he had interrupted dpkg in middle of some updates.21:30
The_LoudSpeakerso a dpkg-reconfigure -a and apt upgrade fixed it.21:30
The_LoudSpeakerand no I only accept payments in coffee.21:30
The_LoudSpeakerFeel free to send over a mug full of coffee anytime. :)21:31
UbuntuInstallParHello everyone! I have a problem with installing the latest Ubuntu on an Asus laptop (with nvidia graphics). Unfortunately my installation stalls when it arrives at the partition choice for some reason, and I don't know how I can fix that, any help is greatly appreciated!21:41
DoctHi I'm trying to write a glob expression to match all files, except those in a specific directory. I;m not having any luck finding answers online or trying expressions myself21:42
DoctMy attempt is !(/dir_to_exclude/**)21:42
UbuntuInstallPar(I used 3 different USBs, decided to install xubuntu instead, but nothing: this is the screen when it hangs: share riseup net/#J5ayj6mubkuNXzzSWOqcKw )21:43
leftyfbDoct: try #bash21:56
oerheksUbuntuInstallPar, see the !nomodeset option22:18
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.22:19
oerhekselse state your hardware and nvidia card, see if there are simular issues22:19
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UbuntuInstallParoerheks ubottu thanks i will try that!22:21
octav1aHow can I enable focal repos on groovy?23:05
jeremy31octav1a: That is almost certain to cause serious issues23:06
octav1aokay, how may I install 5.4 kernels in place of 5.8 on groovy?23:07
sarnoldwhat problem are you trying to solve?23:08
octav1acompilation of AMD opencl drivers23:08
octav1a(build will fail with 5.8 kernel, but works with 5.4)23:10
sarnoldthey haven't updated yet?23:11
octav1aapparently not23:11
ekkisis snap the recommended way to install stuff now?23:12
ekkisand if so, how can I examine the contents of a package? specifically I need to know whether the package provides any mechanism for auto-startup... like a script for /etc/init.d or something23:12
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