
siso_/!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\13:08
AimHerexF/!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\13:12
r3mUc/!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\13:14
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m], RikMills : plasma in 21.04 clicking on restart in the menu seems to have no effect18:18
OvenWerksshutdown too18:18
OvenWerkslogout too...18:18
OvenWerksok sudo reboot for the win18:21
OvenWerksUh oh.... typing this from c-a-F2 It seems I can't log in either The session manager has a place to put password but nothing happens18:23
OvenWerksHow closely wedded to things is pipewire? That may be a my problem. I am building pipewire from git and removed pipewire so I could install the new one.18:25
* OvenWerks will reinstall studio 21.04 :P18:29
MauroGaspari[m]OvenWerks been testing 21.04 for a while and have not noticed those issues. Later I'll try to run latest updates and see if i can reproduce your problem.18:47
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: I think it was removing pipewire removed something that depends on it18:48
OvenWerksI will have to just try installing the new PW over top18:48
RikMillsOvenWerks: kwin-wayland and plasma-workspace would link against the pipewire lib from the archive, so if you messed with that it could be it21:05
OvenWerksRikMills: so replacing pipewire may also give me trouble?21:06
RikMillssounds possible, especially if ABI changed21:10
OvenWerksHmm, so how does one test newer version of pipewire than the old one ubuntu ships with?21:11
OvenWerks(Old as in missing all the interesting bits like jack)21:12
RikMillsI thought the one we have has jack support? Just disabled?21:13
OvenWerksthere is no pw-jack21:13
OvenWerksthere is a pw-pulse21:13
OvenWerks(I think that is what they are called but seeing as I could not login any more I am going to reinstall)21:14
RikMillsUsing pipewire as a substitute for JACK21:15
RikMillsJACK clients can be configured to output via pipewire instead of JACK.21:15
RikMillsTo enable this:21:15
RikMills* create an empty file /etc/pipewire/media-session.d/with-jack21:15
RikMills* either run JACK clients using the pw-jack(1) wrapper, or copy21:15
RikMills  /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/ld.so.conf.d/pipewire-jack-*.conf21:15
RikMills  into /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ and run ldconfig as root.21:15
RikMillsthat is from our pirewire readme21:15
RikMillsbut this is not my thing21:16
OvenWerksRikMills: thank you I will try that. It could also be that pw has been updated since I first installed 21.0421:47
OvenWerksRikMills: we do not have pw-jack, so I will have to try the other way22:02
OvenWerksRikMills: just for your info... that does not work. the file /usr/share/doc/pipewire/examples/ld.so.conf.d/pipewire-jack-*.conf does not exist22:14
OvenWerksmaybe it is all devided into little packages22:17

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