
RikMillssanta_: sort of11:59
santa_RikMills: ugh, I'm a bit busy right now12:07
santa_in any case:12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915250 in fakeroot (Ubuntu) "buildd file owner/group for shared libraries " [High,Confirmed]12:08
RikMillssanta_: thanks. subbed to that12:09
santa_↑ the important owner problem, I've forwarded the thing to doko so he is taking care of that12:09
santa_atm I'm doing a test rebuild against the latest binutils he uploaded (built against the old libc) to see if it fixes the problem12:09
santa_another important thing12:09
santa_the packages we have in the staging PPA are built with the first defective round of tarballs12:10
santa_I haven't rebuild all with "a" versions except for kconfig12:10
RikMillsyeah, I figured that12:11
santa_however I have built them in my server and I see no problem (keep in mind they are just a couple of translations missing)12:11
santa_so my idea is: just keep them mostly as they are, and whenever you upload to bileto/archive it will be automatically fixed12:12
santa_that being said, I plan to do a few fixes more for fw:12:12
RikMillsthat sounds fair, as the ppa packages will go away12:12
santa_- lintian overrides for long descriptions (I see no way to shorten them)12:13
santa_- mark one package of kconfig as Multi-Arch: foreign to get rid of the lintian warning12:13
santa_- maybe re-enable the acc test of kconfig and fix it if it's broken12:14
santa_and this way we will have everything mostly green12:15
santa_at least better than the previous version12:15
santa_also, I have fixed a small glitch in kubuntu-retry-builds in master12:16
santa_and that's it for now, I also have a bunch of misc news about my build machines, but let's leave that for the weekend12:16
santa_if you have any comments, please shoot :)12:17
RikMillsdon't think so. having fun with copyright :/12:19
santa_alright, 10000000000000 thanks for your work12:20
santa_the best or nothing XD12:20
BluesKajHowdy folks13:03
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Focal] has been marked as ready18:16
santa_hi everyone21:15
santa_RikMills: plasma-firewall and kpmcore are out of sync in git21:16
santa_also I'm happy to say the libc6/binutils problem mitigation by doko is working so far21:16
guiverchttps://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ links download 20.04.2 (not - needs to be updated?)21:57
mparilloI think the links on Kubuntu.org are correct. It is the image at the top of https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/20.04.2/release/kubuntu-20.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso that shows, correct?22:50
mparilloAnd then the links lower down. I think there was a re-spin where some users running non-free drivers were without a kernel or something like that.22:51
guivercmparillo, the 64-bit download points to 20.04.2 and not later  (with OEM fixes included as I understood it)22:52
mparilloCan you refresh?22:56
guiverc:)  refreshed & all as I'd expect.  thanks mparillo 22:56
mparilloMy pleasure. I may create a bug just for tracking.22:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915467 in Kubuntu Website "Download does not point to re-spun20.04.2.0 ISO" [High,Fix released]23:02
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