[06:34] good morning desktoppers [06:36] Morning oSoMoN [06:36] hey duflu [07:24] good morning [07:24] salut didrocks [07:38] Good morning [07:38] Morning didrocks and jibel [07:38] Hi duflu [07:41] salut jibel, duflu [08:17] lut didrocks, oSoMoN, jibel [08:17] hey duflu [08:17] salut seb128, ça va? [08:17] happy friday! how are you? [08:18] Hi seb128 [08:18] I'm freezing [08:18] but other than that I'm fine [08:19] jibel, I'm tiiirrrreeedd, kids were not sleeping in turn during the night (and woke up at 7am anyway) [08:22] salut seb128 [08:58] salut jibel, seb128 [09:04] \o\ [09:05] hey Laney [09:05] Salut oSoMoN Laney [09:08] hey oSoMoN and jibel [09:08] TGIF! [09:08] I'll try to look at that MP today if possible, at least at a code level if not running it [09:09] Hi Laney [09:09] hey duflu [09:13] hey Laney [09:18] Happy Friday desktoppers [09:19] good morning kenvandine ! [09:19] early bird :) [09:19] hey early kenvandine :) [09:24] o/ didrocks and kenvandine [09:24] not sure you're allowed to be in the morning greeting round though [09:28] Whoa. google-chrome has error messages mentioning libva. oSoMoN is it supported?! [09:28] I do mean Chrome, not Chromium === alan_g_ is now known as alan_g [09:32] duflu, yes, since version 88 (the current stable series) [11:04] Morning desktoppers o/ [11:04] good morning Wimpress [11:08] You're up early kenvandine ! [11:09] hey hey Wimpress [11:09] yup [11:09] Wimpress: see what you have done to him! :) [11:09] Sorry. [11:47] morning [12:10] woot, fixed a gnarly appstream-generator bug I think [12:44] bah, not quite [12:49] threads [12:49] just say no [13:14] hello ;) [13:29] who dat [13:32] Laney, me? [13:32] you! [13:33] Laney, I've been slammed with work and covid and stuff [13:34] * Laney waves at darkxst [13:34] * darkxst waves back at Laney [13:34] hope you don't mean that literally wrt covid [13:34] no, not literally, Ive been working from home for a year now [17:28] k, hacking from the day [17:28] https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/snaps.html [17:29] kenvandine, ^, it also gives an easy access to the build pages and logs, still some tiding up and graphical improvements needed but it's a start [17:36] seb128: awesome [17:39] kenvandine, the summary is that there is quite some updating work needed! [17:39] yeah === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [18:18] seb128, very nice! === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson