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tseliotEickmeyer, I am working on a backport of nvidia settings (460.39) for groovy, focal, bionic as part of LP:  #1915003 . As for nvidia-modprobe, we don't package that, it comes from Debian09:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915003 in nvidia-settings (Ubuntu Groovy) "Always update the initramfs when changing power profile" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191500309:35
andrewshseb128: hi, are you around?09:37
andrewshseb128: I’m sorry I was angry in LP: #189356309:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1893563 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "netplan: can't login to ap mode with psk" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189356309:37
andrewshseb128: I’d really like to get wpa in Debian and Ubuntu in sync as much as I can09:37
andrewshideally, zero delta09:37
andrewshunfortunately, it seems there’s a been a divergence since late 201909:38
andrewshwith patches being cherry-picked from the upstream in a different order and under different names09:38
seb128andrewsh, hey, the patch was already in Debian I think when I cherry picked it no?09:45
seb128andrewsh, I'm not really maintaining that package, juliank had been doing most of the uploads in the past, I just helped landing some fixes09:46
seb128andrewsh, but yeah, agreed, it needs to be merged with Debian and ideally be in sync, I will try to work on that and try to think ask you/forwarding requests to Debian09:47
* juliank has not done any wpa work this cycle IIRC09:47
juliankseb128: you basically did almost all the cherry picks after my merge in 2019, but I guess you don't have a full mind map of them either and it doesn't matter who merges09:51
juliankandrewsh: We should merge such that we get back to the delta in 1ubuntu109:51
juliankI think you mentioned that the session ticket patch might not be needed anymore, but then I have no idea about that09:52
juliankthe other patch being the one adding IgnoreOnIsolate=yes09:53
juliankthe rest is just git cherry-picks and security fixes, not intentional delta09:54
andrewshseb128: well, yes you did, but since they all live under their own names in d/patches, it’s difficult to tell what is Ubuntu shipping what Debian isn’t09:54
andrewsh(I’m comparing patch series right now)09:55
andrewshjuliank: yeah, I see that, but it would have been so much better if at least the current release was worked on in Debian first or in sync09:55
andrewshI haven’t been paying attention to Ubuntu packages for some time and now — bam! — there’s a delta :)09:56
julianksome people just don't care about forwarding :)09:56
juliankum :(09:56
andrewshre IgnoreOnIsolate=yes: I’m curious whether it is useful in Debian or not09:57
juliankandrewsh: just be happy it's not grub2, that's at  2.04-1ubuntu39 atm09:57
* juliank dreads the day that will have to be merged09:58
JackFrost> debian-installer, live-build09:58
andrewshguess why Apertis switched to Debian from Ubuntu09:58
juliankJackFrost: those are fine, they don't get merged :D09:58
andrewshnot only we had to deal with Apertis to Debian delta, but also with Apertis to Ubuntu to Debian delta :D09:59
JackFrostYeah Ubuntu is on a *really* old version of live-build.09:59
juliankJackFrost: it's really just a fork of live-build that we use tiny bits of for building images10:00
juliankandrewsh: you shouldn't have to deal with the ubuntu to debian delta because well your base isn't debian, but ubuntu :D10:00
juliankthat's like you saying you want to migrate from Debian to building from scratch because you otherwise not only have to deal with the derivative - debian delta, but also the debian - upstream delta10:01
juliankWith the difference being that the ubuntu-debian delta is much smaller than the debian-upstream one10:01
juliankAlso Apertis being based on Ubuntu means either there was a paid contract in place to allow redistribution of Ubuntu binaries, they were redistributed without a license, or you had to rebuild them all from source and remove ubuntu trademarks10:04
juliankOTOH, with Debian you gotta be super careful about not violating software patents, because of the "if nobody sued us, we don't care" policy10:08
* juliank hates software patents10:08
* juliank also is super strict with legal, but in surprising ways that don't necessarily match the intention of the licenses10:12
* juliank has a personal Android app that does ship all the necessary legal notices in a copyright-format file inside the apk, but no way to view that file in the app10:13
juliank(which is the opposite of the other app's incomplete notices that are visible; it's arguably technically more correct)10:14
juliankThen like I'm the person who'd file take down notices against archive.org for mirroring my website10:15
juliankAnyhow back to the topic of wpa patches10:16
juliankandrewsh: So I spent like 2 minutes and merged the branches back together10:20
juliankandrewsh: The additional patches we have that you don't are the10:21
juliank(in addition to those two already known ones)10:21
andrewshjuliank: yeah, I merged those in too already10:24
juliankeww, all my uploads yesterday need new glibc10:30
juliankandrewsh: Dropping debian/patches/session-ticket.patch is something I'm happy to do in May if you think that this is something that was fixed in a different way, but I don't want to do it in the final third of the cycle; especially during a pandemic where people don't travel much and only see their home APs :(10:32
andrewshjuliank: sure10:33
andrewshwhat about IsolateSomething10:33
andrewshwould it be useful in Debian? would it harm?10:34
juliankandrewsh: I don't really know, I guess it's useful if you go into single user mode and still have working wifi if all you have is wifi? (I think it would have that effect?)10:35
juliankDoes it do harm?10:37
juliankI didn't hear any complaints10:37
juliankbut I'm not subscribed to wpa bugs10:38
juliankanyhow this is already a lot cleaner now https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/2:2.9.0-17ubuntu110:38
juliankCan't wait for -18ubuntu1 :D10:38
andrewshprobably more like -19ubuntu1 :)10:40
juliankandrewsh: and whee, it FTBFS10:42
juliankon ppc64el and s390x10:42
juliankamd64 was fine :(10:43
juliank../src/p2p/p2p.c:1459:21: error: writing 2 bytes into a region of size 1 [-Werror=stringop-overflow=]10:43
juliank 1459 |   p2p->op_reg_class = p2p->cfg->op_reg_class;10:43
juliankso odd10:45
juliankThis file was not touched by patch changes, so I don't know10:47
juliankwaiting for arm* results10:47
juliankarm64 is ok10:53
juliankBoth LHS and RHS are "u8 op_reg_class"10:57
juliankdoko: is there a compiler bug on ppc64el/s390x, did osmething change there?10:57
julianksee backlog to 11:4210:57
juliankp2p->op_reg_class = p2p->cfg->op_reg_class is just assigning to a member of a struct pointer10:58
juliankending up with: error: writing 2 bytes into a region of size 1 [-Werror=stringop-overflow=] seems like completely off10:58
dokojuliank: unlikely. could you try to build with -O3 on amd64 as well?10:58
juliankdoko: it also fails on 390x, which is -O2 too10:59
dokoyes, and uses more aggressive inlining by default10:59
andrewshjuliank: builds on Debian :)11:00
juliankdoko: yup, fails with -O3 on amd6411:01
julianklet's try wpa from release pocket11:01
dokoandrewsh: s390x has a lower baseline in Debian, ppc64el defaults to -O2 in Debian11:03
juliankdoko: So I added _Static_Assert that both operands are sizeof() == 1, which passed, but it then errors out11:06
juliankso this is super weird11:06
juliankI'm going to pop patches now and see if I can get it to build11:06
juliankdoko: Heh no, actually the static assert makes it work, so definitely triggering a compiler bug11:08
juliankBut this is too hard to forward11:08
andrewshdoko: oh, interesting11:10
seb128juliank, thanks for the wpa merge11:13
juliankShould I build it at -O1 on ppc64el/s390x to workaround it?11:14
juliankI don't want to know what code it generates that it lands at that error :D11:14
juliank../src/p2p/p2p.c:1457:21: warning: writing 2 bytes into a region of size 1 [-Wstringop-overflow=]11:22
juliankoh I see11:22
juliankOld release had it as warning, new one as error11:24
juliankIt's building with -Werror now11:25
juliank181:CFLAGS += -Werror -DEAPOL_TEST11:26
juliankandrewsh: So it fails on ppc64el/s390x because CONFIG_EAPOL_TEST is now set11:27
juliankandrewsh: Which enables -Werror, which is clearly wrong11:27
juliankSo we gotta patch that out I believe11:28
juliankbecause it violates common sense to build distribution packages with -Werror in any case11:29
juliankCONFIG_EAPOL_TEST says "development testing"11:29
juliankthen we can also drop -Wno-error=array-bounds $(warning WARNING: Building with -Wno-error=array-bounds)11:31
juliankotoh, super security relevant, so maybe keeping werror on is actually useful?11:35
juliankwondering who actually does wpa on ppc64el and s390x :D11:45
juliankI passed -Wno-error=stringop-overflow -Wno-error=format-truncation for now11:49
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andrewshjuliank: oh12:14
andrewshjuliank: I guess eapol-test can have its own cflags12:15
andrewsh    cp -v --remove-destination $(WPASUPPLICANT_DOT_CONFIG) wpa_supplicant/.config12:30
andrewsh+   CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -Wno-error=stringop-overflow -Wno-error=format-truncation" \12:30
andrewsh    dh_auto_build --sourcedirectory=wpa_supplicant \12:30
juliankandrewsh: Standard policy is to never build distribution packages with -Werror and patch it out of upstreams if they force it12:32
juliankandrewsh: because that stuff means that if a compiler introduces a new warning you get FTBFS on rebuilds and that sucks12:33
juliankandrewsh: I added those options globally for now, but I think a patch to remove -Werror from wpa_supplicant/Makefile is the right approach longer term at least12:34
andrewsh...or adding -Wno-error :)12:53
andrewsh...before the Debian-specific cflags12:54
andrewshhmm, it didn’t work13:21
rbasakcjwatson, wgrant: may I have an ack from one of you please on the changes file header additions I intend to start using in git-ubuntu? I've had no response to my post on vcs-pkg-discuss@ at the Debian end, and I think the Ubuntu thread is concluded.13:27
rbasakAFAICT, Launchpad isn't affected, but I'd appreciate your consideration for any future foot-shooting I may be doing here.13:28
andrewshjuliank: pushed some commits13:35
juliankandrewsh: I was surprised the -Wno-error=... bars worked, despite coming before -Werror, also scared if -Wno-error would have disabled -Werror=string-format thingy13:49
juliankandrewsh: commits lgtm13:50
andrewshjuliank: maybe they didn’t :D13:54
andrewshI didn’t test on Ubuntu s390x builders13:54
juliankandrewsh: they do work, but it was odd, I'd have expected -Werror to override any former -Wno-error13:55
andrewshreformulated the package descriptions13:55
andrewsh"IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP Authenticator" is really *not* the best possible way to describe what hostapd does13:56
dokorbalint: Setting up systemd (247.3-1ubuntu2) ...14:20
dokocp: '/etc/resolv.conf' and '/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf' are the same file14:20
doko$ ls -l /etc/resolv.conf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf14:22
dokolrwxrwxrwx 1 root            root             39 Nov 11 09:54 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf14:22
doko-rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-resolve systemd-resolve 746 Feb  2 12:05 /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf14:22
andrewsha bit of an off-topic question: is it possible to update non-core packages in the LTS Ubuntu?14:31
andrewshmore specifically, I’m interested in debos14:31
andrewshjuliank: pkgconf is in universe, pkg-config is in main, will it make difference for Ubuntu if I start preferring (with |) pkgconf?14:38
cjwatsonYou'd want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates to start with14:45
cjwatsonCore or non-core isn't necessarily a controlling factor14:45
cjwatsonrbasak: I will queue it up to think about, but I think this is probably best done without an annoying low-level headache14:47
andrewshcjwatson: well, my understanding is that updating a leaf package has less potential of introducing breakage14:53
cjwatsonandrewsh: Agreed in general, but I'm not active in reviewing SRUs these days so all I can do is point you at the docs14:55
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andrewshjuliank: if the pkgconf | pkg-config change makes things inconvenient for you, please shout15:06
juliankandrewsh: were allowed to use universe stuff during build, just not link to it or depend on it from the binaries15:16
andrewshpkgconf/pkg-config is purely a build dependency15:23
Eickmeyertseliot: Hi! Thanks for the info. The problem is that there seems to be an incompatibility and nvidia-smi seems to be failing. The only explanation we could come up with is that nvidia-settings and nvidia-modprobe aren't matching.15:58
tseliotEickmeyer, all nvidia-modprobe does is load modules, and create devices. nvidia-smi calls that, when available. I'm not sure what the error is.16:01
Eickmeyertseliot: I'm not sure what the error is either. I'll probe deeper.16:02
Eickmeyertseliot: Just figured it out. '/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe: unrecognized option: "-s"'16:03
EickmeyerThat's what happens when I run nvidia-smi.16:03
tseliotEickmeyer, maybe try nvidia-modprobe from hirsute16:05
Eickmeyertseliot: Yeah, that might be the only option, but this is affecting the OEM that I work for that uses focal.16:06
tseliotEickmeyer, you can rebuild the one from hirsute in focal16:07
Eickmeyertseliot: I actually just installed the .deb and everything seems to work fine. This might require a backport.16:08
EickmeyerI'm a MOTU, so I can help if you would like.16:08
tseliotEickmeyer, it's in multiverse, so it's not something that we support16:09
Eickmeyertseliot: Right, which means I should be able to sponsor the backport myself and ping the living junk out of people like teward.16:10
Eickmeyer(for reasons)16:11
tseliotyes, it shouldn't be a problem16:11
Eickmeyertseliot, teward (because reasons): LP# 191553416:58
EickmeyerLP: #191553416:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915534 in nvidia-modprobe (Ubuntu Groovy) "Please backport nvidia-modprobe 460.32.03-1 (multiverse) from hirsute" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191553416:58
tewardEickmeyer: not sure why you have Focal and Groovy tasks - backports won't trigger those 'fix released' items i don't think17:04
tewardsince backports sits outside the standard updates process17:05
EickmeyerMy SRU instincts kicked-in.17:05
Eickmeyer(removed now)17:06
Eickmeyerteward: My question is, is anyone even working on backports?17:08
tewardnot really, but getting things into backports isn't *too* hard if there's valid reason for it17:09
tewardthe problem is the way backports have been *anyone* can request backports.17:09
tewardso there's always been burnout17:09
EickmeyerI see.17:09
tewardand the proposal I made a year or more ago hasn't been put into effect yet.17:09
tewardbecause things kind of got problematic17:09
tewardso i haven't chased it17:09
EickmeyerWell, considering I'm working on behalf of an OEM making an official request, I wonder if that would have some influence.17:12
tewardmaybe. but i'm always hesitant touching anything from 'restricted' or 'multiverse'17:14
tewardthe main reason for this is because backports still need someone to actually keep an eye on the package and opt to keep it updated with security etc.17:15
tewardbecause that's a Big Thing17:15
juliankShouldn't this be SRUed?17:16
tewardit probably SHOULD17:17
tewardwhich requires Kernel and Foundations to look at it17:18
tewardEickmeyer: backports to fix bugs is not the proper approach ;P17:18
juliankEither backport all of nvidia-modprobe as an SRU (the changes are small and probably necessary for the full 460 stack that's in focal), or just the fix to add -s17:19
tewardi'm more concerned that the 460 stack can't install as is currently in this system o.O17:20
tewardand it's a 20.04 system AND ubuntu-drivers LISTS it as a viable driver17:20
juliankteward: you don't need nvidia-modprobe for normal operatio nafaict17:21
tewardthat i believe17:21
tewardi still however can't install the 460 stack ;)17:21
juliankoh well17:21
tewardjuliank: this should still be SRU'd, however as it's Multiverse i'm not touching it with a 20 foot pole ;)17:23
tewardnot without the relevant teams evaluating the SRU first17:24
tewardbut as a backport to fix a bug that doesn't make sense for -backports17:24
juliankteward: it's completely free software though, it's a Debian contrib package, so the diff is easy to review :D17:25
juliankbut yeah, kernel sdhould have a look I guess, I don't know17:25
tewardjuliank: perhaps, but given the... i'll call it 'fiasco' of the 20.04.2 fallout of the HWE stack, I'd still like kernel to look at it17:25
tewardbecause I have *no idea* if this actually requires the HWE stack or not or such, or the minimum required kernel version for compat, etc.17:26
tewardwhereas Kernel team does know17:26
julianktseliot: ^ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-modprobe/+bug/191553417:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915534 in nvidia-modprobe (Ubuntu) "Please SRU nvidia-modprobe 460.32.03-1 (multiverse) from hirsute" [Undecided,New]17:29
* juliank renamed from backport to SRU17:30
Eickmeyerteward: juliank: Do you think I should reformat it as an SRU then?17:35
juliankI'd wait for feedback before putting in the work17:35
tewardwell you DO need to put the SRU template in place yes17:35
tewardat the very least17:35
EickmeyerCan do.17:35
tewardand then wait for feedback17:35
juliankalso describing what the problem actually is would be helpful17:35
julianklike what does that script do, how does it fail, and why is that bad for the user17:36
juliankand for which users17:36
EickmeyerBasically, anyone using nvidia-smi is the issue here.17:36
juliankEickmeyer: remember that SRU team are not domain experts and have no idea what nvidia-smi is or does17:37
Eickmeyerjuliank: I included text from the help output for that reason in the SRU.17:43
Eickmeyerjuliank, teward, tseliot: Uploaded, awaiting approval.17:47
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tewardjuliank: i wouldn't be surprised if Kernel is asked to comment on the bug though from Eickmeyer, because it needs to be compatible with the kernels available in the target releases.  In the off chance these changes can't work or not with older releases.  :P21:36
Eickmeyerteward: It is, it doesn't contain any actual binary drivers.21:37

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