[02:44] Growing pains :) [02:47] You're that old? :o [08:33] JackFrost: i was under the impression only young folk have growing pains? [09:03] :D === dkessel12985 is now known as dkessel1298 [09:33] ochosi: I did consider this, yes. Old folk just have pain. === lynn_ is now known as gryphon [23:18] if you see issue raised by user in #xubuntu, https://xubuntu.org/download/ goes to file-not-found & needs correcting... want me to raise a ticket (lp) or anything? [23:37] guiverc: Fixed, thanks for relaying and helping! [23:37] :) thanks krytarik & most happy to help [23:38] was this for 20.04, as i fixed the link last week? [23:38] It was for the .0 fix one. [23:40] they added a .0 after the .2, what is the point of that [23:46] JackFrost: anyway we can put tracker on the 20.04 torrent file, so that we can get notified when it goes 404 [23:47] Hmm?