
IrcsomeBot<nevergreen1> Anyone aware of the best way to get kernel 5.10? Debian testing aka “bullseye” has it or I could get it from source and I see the Ubuntu kernel PPA has 5.10 so I’m thinking the PPA but wanted to check04:07
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IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @nevergreen1, I've installed it manually via the kernel ppa archives and it works even with a nvidia card.09:21
user|4750I am having trouble with my Kubuntu installation on Virtualbox11:43
user|4750Whenever I try to resize my screen, it briefly resizes and then returns to the original size11:44
user|4750I set the Virtualbox size to the maximum11:44
user|4750Does anyone know how to fix?11:44
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IrcsomeBot<RikMills> That is this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40705812:13
ubottuKDE bug 407058 in common "KDE Plasma5 can't change resolution in VM after last update" [Normal,Confirmed]12:13
sardois there anybody ?12:54
BluesKajHowdy folks13:20
MetamorphosisHello, I am looking for an application to alarm me every 5 minutes and 17 seconds. Is there such app?14:41
BluesKajMetamorphosis, this might work for you, https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/make-your-linux-desktop-send-alerts-that-you-cant-miss/14:46
IrcsomeBot<nevergreen1> @bauchhaus, Thanks. Yeah I think I’ll go that route. Just have to apply some patches to it so I want to put together some kind of script that compiles 5.10 when there’s an update. I had hoped there was some automated way to do this with dpkg or apt but I haven’t found anything yet15:45
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DragnslcrMetamorphosis- you can use kdialog to display a message from a script17:05
DragnslcrFor times that aren't just a number of minutes, you'd have to write a script and use the sleep command17:06
DragnslcrIf it were just every 5 minutes, you could use cron instead17:06
NULL-MThe wall command is great17:09
NULL-MYou can make a simple shell script17:09
thesamuraironinhello there17:48
thesamuraironinanyone online?17:49
thesamuraironinmy installer said crashed at 93% but somehow kubuntu worked & i'm here17:50
thesamuraironin1st timer from windows10. trying to revive my device thru linux17:51
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