
RikMillsmitya57: do you perhaps have an idea on this ubiquity crash? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/518163515/UbiquityDebug.txt15:35
mitya57RikMills: looks like ssid should be converted from a QVariant to string before using it as a dictionary key.15:37
mitya57So something like "ssid = ssid.toString()" should fix it, but maybe similar changes are needed in other parts of the code.15:38
RikMillsthanks. I will have a scan of the code15:38
RikMillsssid = index.data(QtNetworkStore.SsidRole)15:45
RikMillsthat occurs in 2 definitions, so I guess yes15:46
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> Maybe just appending .toString() in both definitions will be enough15:46
RikMillsyeah. going to be a pain to test, as I have no spare laptop to test at the moment. maybe some VM tech can emulate a wireless connection15:47
RikMillsas the wifi page is skipped without15:48
RikMillsanyway. thanks :)15:48
fvogtRikMills: You can use mac80211_hwsim + hostapd for that, though I usually forward a usb wifi dongle if available15:56
RikMillsfvogt: aha. thanks :)15:57

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