
=== arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali
manadartstickupkid_, achilleasa: Anyone able to look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/12623 ?13:04
achilleasamanadart: got two comments on that13:14
manadartachilleasa: Added a guard based on the first one. Wave the second one through and I'll sort it in the follow-ups.13:24
juanoterocasHi goys, i've taking a look over jaas openstack bundle and all of them use MaaS dopleoy openstack, can I use manual cloud instead?15:17
manadartjuanoterocas: Depending on your network topology, you might not be able to do the same traffic segregation via spaces on a manual cloud, but it could be made to work.15:53
juanoterocasneed to study that space traffic segregation17:02
=== pmatulis1 is now known as pmatulis

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