
=== Napsterbater is now known as Guest12855
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
Kasonwhy would my system tell me it can't find the cd command when I try to use it with sudo?08:50
sigvKason: `cd` is a built-in command of the shell you are using. executing `cd` as a separate command on its own does not provide any benefit for you outside of your shell's context.08:52
Kasonsigv: ok. that's interesting. had never encountered a situation where it had come up before08:53
KasonI can cd in to /etc but get '-bash: cd: /etc/wireguard: Permission denied' when I try to go into one of its directories08:57
TJ-Kason: you need to use an interactive 'sudo' session as 'root' with "sudo -i"09:01
twbKason: "sudoedit /etc/wireguard/wg-DPRK.conf"09:02
Kasonthanks guys09:11
=== denningsrogue7 is now known as denningsrogue
raddyI am running Ubuntu 20-04 and I have enabled PasswordAuthentication no and ChallengeResponseAuthentication no and have restarted ssh as well12:10
raddyBut still password is being asked12:10
raddyPassword authentication is default12:10
ograraddy, AuthenticationMethods publickey12:26
ogra(and make sure the pub key is on the server and secret key on the client indeed)12:26
raddyI need your help13:40
raddyI configured a new ubuntu 20,04 server and everything was well and fine13:41
raddyI rebooted it to apply update, since then ssh login is damn slow13:41
twbraddy: it is probably DNS13:44
raddytwb: No, stuck at stuck Successfully set console input code page13:47
twbraddy: SSH does not have "code pages"13:49
twbCan you describe your symptoms more?13:49
raddytwb: key pair authentication. password login disabled, login successful, take about 10 minutes to login,13:52
twbTell us exactly and in full detail: full information about the inputs; what you typed/clicked/did; what you saw, and what you expected to see13:53
raddyI think, I have found the issue.13:53
raddytwb: Failed to retrieve unit state: Connection timed out13:55
raddytwb: when trying to restart sshd13:55
twbSo you ran "sudo systemctl restart ssh" ?13:56
raddyservice sshd restart and I know the command is correct13:56
twbWhat is the output of "systemctl status ssh"?13:57
raddyclient ssh is running in -vvv for your information13:57
raddyall commands are slow13:58
raddyI think there may be a problem in loop back device or hosts file13:59
raddytwb: Can you give hints ?14:00
twbWhat is the output of "systemctl status ssh"?14:00
raddyFailed to get properties: Connection timed out14:00
twbThat sounds like maybe dbus is broken14:01
twbLet's check for basic resource exhaustion.14:01
twbWhat is the output of "free -h"?14:01
raddyMem:           31Gi       659Mi        27Gi       1.0Mi       2.7Gi        30Gi14:02
twbOK that is fine.  What is the output of "df -h"14:02
raddy3.5TB free14:03
raddyin /14:03
twb*all* fliesystems are less than 80% full?14:03
raddyexcept loop back devices, yes14:03
twbThe loopback filesystem is a squashfs?14:04
raddyHow to find that14:04
twb"mount" (with no arguments)14:04
raddytmpfs shm14:04
twbIf shm is 100% full your system is broken14:05
raddythat's is not full,14:06
twbThen I do not understand you14:06
twbDo you know how to use a pastebin?14:06
twbplease pastebin full output each time, then14:07
raddyWhich command ?14:07
raddyAll auth is slow14:07
raddynot commands14:08
twbrun "sudo -i" to become root and stay root14:08
raddyYeah, I became root after quite a long time of waiting14:09
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
dwigtonCan a NIC be setup as a trunk with no untagged traffic? I am attempting to put LXC containers on different vlans but am not sure how to to tag the default interface such that I can still ssh into the server.19:23
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
RoyKdwigton: just named the default interface eth0.1 and it should tag vlan119:26
RoyKthen don't use eth019:27
RoyKreplace names to whatever your nic is called19:27
dwigtonAh, the naming scheme matters?19:27
RoyKthe dot <n> means vlan <n>19:28
RoyKit's that simple19:29
dwigtonBut does the first part need to be eth0? or enp0s25 in my case?19:30
dwigtonOk, thanks, I had set it up using cloud-init and it seemed like I could name them whatever I wanted since the config file defines the vlanid and parent interface.19:35
tewarddwigton: unless you've done some trickery with cloud-init and netplan match blocks to define special names for your interfaces, it'll be whatever they are as detected - such as `enp0s25`.  If your interface is `eth0` then it's eth0, if it's enp0s25 it's enp0s25.  If I have match trickery on Netplan to make my interface named 'internet' then technically it'd be 'internet' at the beginning.  But that's some chaotic level stuff.19:41
tewarddwigton: so unless you've provided a name other than enp0s25 you need to use the interface name.19:41
tewardTECHNICALLY in cloud-init you can preconfigure it to be any 'name' but if the first part doesn't match an interface nothing gets configged.19:42
nikolaj_basherOn my server where i running af web app I use smtp office365 to send email from. But somehow it ends up in the receivers spam. Is there some how I can bugfind why I have set up and spf record on the mail domain but I send it from a sub domain, du I need to include the subdomain in the dns record?20:43
nikolaj_basheror is there a better channel to get some help??20:51
tomreyni doubt there's a channel dedicated to the office365 smtp service or an email deliverability channel. you could reviewing microsofts' documentation on their service.21:06
tomreynunless you're running a mails erver on ubuntu and have trouble sending mail from there, it's hardly an ubuntu topic21:07

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