=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone === dkessel12981 is now known as dkessel1298 === raccoon_dog_ is now known as raccoon_dog [20:28] hi [20:29] xubuntu font rendering is so much better than in ubuntu mate [20:29] how is this possible? [20:29] espesially in google-chrome [20:29] my eyes are not crying anymore :) [20:30] it's Xfce's magic. [20:30] haha awesome [20:30] can you explain a bit more please, how come the fonts render better in google-chrome? [20:34] i don't use it so no clue. [20:36] alright then [20:36] thanks [20:36] (did not mean this in a sarcastic way btw) [20:36] just thanks for the response, normally there is not a quick repsonse :) [20:36] have a nice evening