
kleberswgrant, hi! I opened a support question yesterday about a linux-riscv kernel that's currently blocked because we can't build it: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/69555109:13
kleberswgrant, would you be able to help us with that?09:13
cjwatsonklebers: I'm going to be working on this today09:43
kleberscjwatson, thanks!09:44
mopHi all, for a last second bug discovered I must revert a package that was overrided by "Replaces" directive in the package control file11:06
mopthe Replacing package now is removed but I doesn't still see the old version package using apt-cache policy is there something that I can do ?11:07
mopor is just matter to wait some scheduled script ?11:09
cjwatsonmop: it would help to have some more specifics if you want us to investigate something - archive URL and package names and versions11:26
moprepo: https://launchpad.net/~openquake/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/11:52
moppackage "resurrected": oq-python3.6 , package removed: oq-python3.811:52
mopoq-python3.8 had "Replaces" directive against oq-python3.611:52
mopmy actions were:11:52
mop - upload oq-python3.611:53
cjwatsonSo at the publishing level Replaces is basically irrelevant to anything FWIW.  Of course it matters a good deal to dpkg/apt11:53
mop - upload oq-python3.811:53
mop - remove oq-python3.811:53
mopapt-get update11:53
mopapt-cache policy oq-python3.6 -> no packages11:53
cjwatsonWhat Ubuntu release are you using?11:54
cjwatsonSince this PPA supports multiple releases11:54
cjwatsonCan you share a pastebin with the output of the apt-get update and apt-cache policy commands?11:55
rbasakI get the impression that what's happened here is that a new source package produced a binary package with the same name, so overwrote the binary produced by the old source package.11:56
cjwatsonRight, that's certainly a possibility but I want to make sure I have all the details11:56
juliankheh apt itself doesn't care about replaces, they're just no-ops that tell dpkg not to error out on file conflicts - update-manager has some hackery in it to u11:57
rbasakSorry, yes, I'm getting ahead of things here.11:57
* rbasak leaves you to it11:57
cjwatsonI don't see any recent upload of oq-python3.6, so I assume when you said "- upload oq-python3.6" you mean the upload in 201811:58
mopI copied from another repo11:58
mop1 hour ago11:59
mopmore or less11:59
mopthere is some job that must run ?11:59
cjwatsonYou can see on https://launchpad.net/~openquake/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages that no such copy has been processed11:59
cjwatsonHave you checked your email for failures?11:59
cjwatsonIncluding spam folders or whatever11:59
cjwatsonCopies are processed by a job, but it's much more frequent than hourly11:59
mopno, the web interface seems correct ...11:59
cjwatsonThe versions of oq-python3.6 in your PPA were published on 2018-09-0612:00
cjwatsonI don't even see any attempts to copy oq-python3.6 from anywhere to anywhere today in our logs12:01
mopoh, it's correct, sorry it was just for oq-libs package12:01
mopoq-python3.8 and oq-python3.6 was both on the repo for a while12:02
mopthen I just removed oq-python3.812:02
cjwatsonSo in that case it's as rbasak said: your oq-python3.8 source package produced a higher-versioned oq-python3.6 binary package which overwrote the old one, and then when you removed the oq-python3.8 source package the lower-versioned oq-python3.6 binary package was not automatically resurrected12:03
cjwatsonAre you aware that clients with the higher-versioned oq-python3.6 binary package already installed probably won't automatically be downgraded to the lower version?12:03
mopyes but newer stay there for minutes12:04
cjwatsonA single source package that (I think?) builds all of Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.8 and gives them all a 3.8 version number seems ambitious at best, but that's your problem :)12:04
cjwatsonOK, so you can probably repair the situation with a self-copy12:04
mopcopy the package on the same repo from the same repo ?12:05
cjwatsonGo to https://launchpad.net/~openquake/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+copy-packages, select the oq-python3.6 source packages there, select "This PPA", "The same series", and "Copy existing binaries", and copy12:05
cjwatsonOK, so that will take a little while to process but then it should be sorted12:07
cjwatsonI'll keep an eye on it12:07
moptnx, always reactive, tnx a lot12:09
cjwatsonmop: Looks right now12:25
mopcjwatson, yessss12:26
moptnx a lot12:26
cjwatsonno problem12:27
mopcjwatson, a question related to what happens: keep oq-python3.6 and oq-python3.8 both on the repo was the right choice to be able to get older version of 3.6, correct ?13:17
cjwatsonmop: If you want both sets of binaries to exist at the same time, then you should build them from separate source packages and make sure that the sets of binary names built from each of those source packages don't overlap.13:23
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