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jayjois there a way to look at the files a package installs on packages.ubuntu.com (or debian, or another tool)? like dpkg -I package.deb before downloading?02:18
matsamanjayjo: what for?02:23
Bashing-omjayjo: Reference: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=appstream&searchon=names&suite=groovy&section=all . When one clicks the package (groovy (20.10)) >> Download appstream then click on "files" . Is one method.02:24
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) will be the 34th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2021 (http://ubottu.com/y/hh). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.02:56
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RoseBusDoes .appimage run inside a docker container03:30
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RoseBusIf so, does that mean it only has access to its own directory03:31
RoseBusAnd subdirectory03:31
oerheksThe format does not offer form of self-check with package authenticity verification or runtime confinement by sandboxing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppImage03:33
oerheksso, no.03:33
jrgso i managed to get my mouse to work in iterm2 and it works with tmux as far as selecting panes but it doesn't work with mc to click around03:39
jrgam i missing something here?03:39
matsamanjrg: is that even a thing mc supports?03:40
jrgmatsaman: yes because it works outside of tmux03:40
matsamanand what would be the point of using mc ... only to use a mouse03:40
matsamanoh okay, fair enough03:40
pinuscHello! Trying to fix overscan on an old TV. After many many many tries I managed to get it to work with an xrandr --transform command (xrandr --output HDMI-1 --transform 1.03,0,-22,0,-1,03,-10,0,0,1); however, the scaling only works for a second before ubuntu reverts it. Any idea how to avoid that?03:41
matsamanjrg: this maybe?: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/516800/how-do-i-enable-tmux-mouse-support/55956203:41
jrgno. that part owrks. the mouse itself works when swapping panes or resizing03:42
jrgit just won't work with whatever is running in the window/pane (like mc)03:42
matsamanjrg: anything other than mc?03:44
jrghm. trying to think of another console app that may support a mouse03:44
jrgmc is the only one that comes to mind. and of course tmux03:44
jrgmaybe lynx?03:44
matsamanmaybe this: https://midnight-commander.org/ticket/247903:44
jrglol. yah that will do it03:45
jrgI'm using xubuntu-13.10 with tmux-1.8 + mc-4.8.11 + xterm and mouse works. If you are experiencing problems with mouse under xterm+tmux, then try 'mc -x'. <- there it is03:47
jrgthat worked. thanks03:47
jrgjust made an alias to make mc="mc -x"03:52
matsamanjrg: cool03:58
nsaundersI'm stuck in a virtual terminal.  When I use alt-arrow to switch to the graphic desktop, I get a flashing cursor in the top left.  how can I kill all gui, and then bring up the gui again?04:39
Bashing-omnsaunders: What GUi are you using xfce, GNOME ?04:43
nukeu666i can see on netstat a process has a large recv-q. how do i find the pid? even sudo lsof -i doesn't return anything04:51
BoingoHi everyone, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I am on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and I am trying to setup 5 monitors with the Nvidia driver.04:56
BoingoI had 4, and it worked quite well with the Nvidia driver. Adding the 5th required adding a second video card. I could not get the Nvidia driver to work properly, so I changed to the nouveau driver, which allowed it to work properly. Performance is very sluggish though and I would like to try to get the Nvidia driver working.04:57
BoingoI think all the info to help is here:  https://gist.github.com/oboingo/b0f5a1e36ee8deef1b4d30cae59f102b04:57
BoingoPlease let me know if there is anything I need to add.  Huge thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide.04:57
kevrif i setup my own ubuntu repository, would i do this same thing: `deb http://url.to.repository/ ./` like the example with `deb file:/var/lib/mydebs ./`?05:48
kevrif going over http05:49
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tuxinatorGood morning, i am trying to understand which script in Ubuntu provides the login messages "updates pending" at login prompt, so i fount the script /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available however this script besides some other in that directory doesn't look like a usable script which does something, any hint?06:59
tuxinatorbtw i know i can use other scripts and methods for the same result, howeve i also want to understand how they do it07:02
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EriC^^tuxinator: 'sudo run-parts /etc/update-motd.d' helps?07:05
tuxinatorwell 90-updates-available doesn't look like a script ;-) thats my issue07:08
EriC^^tuxinator: yeah it looks like something else runs and writes the "stamp" which just says if any packages can be updated07:11
tuxinatorExaclty ;-)07:12
EriC^^aha, it seems "update-notifier" would do it, it's running here in ps aux07:13
EriC^^and the stamp is /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available07:13
haorfaniHi all, is this a place that I can ask for help for some issues I have with 20.04 ?07:23
EriC^^yeah haorfani07:24
haorfanigreat I have a thinkpad X1 gen8 and I installed 20.04 lts. I am getting choppy scrolling in every browser and I am losing frames when I play videos07:25
haorfaniI suspect I do not have the right video drivers, my graphics is Inter UHD07:25
haorfaniI ve read several threads online but I was not able to fix my issue07:26
haorfaniis anyone willing to help me here?07:26
EriC^^haorfani: you could start by trying 'sudo ubuntu-drivers devices' and see if any drivers pop up in the list07:27
haorfani== /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id ==07:28
haorfanimodalias : dmi:bvnLENOVO:bvrN2WET25W(1.15):bd12/07/2020:br1.15:efr1.9:svnLENOVO:pn20U9006KMX:pvrThinkPadX1CarbonGen8:rvnLENOVO:rn20U9006KMX:rvrSDK0J40697WIN:cvnLENOVO:ct10:cvrNone:07:28
haorfanidriver   : oem-sutton.newell-ace-meta - third-party free07:28
haorfanithat's what I got07:28
EriC^^!info oem-sutton.newell-ace-meta07:30
ubottuoem-sutton.newell-ace-meta (source: oem-sutton.newell-ace-meta): hardware support for Sutton Newell Ace platform. In component main, is optional. Version 20.04~ubuntu1 (focal), package size 1 kB, installed size 13 kB07:30
EriC^^haorfani: does 'apt-cache policy oem-sutton.newell-ace-meta' list it as installed?07:30
haorfaniHow do I check this? should I check in the additional drivers section?07:32
EriC^^haorfani: run the command 'apt-cache policy oem-sutton.newell-ace-meta'07:32
haorfaniit seems installed07:33
haorfani  Installed: 20.04ubuntu707:33
haorfani  Candidate: 20.04ubuntu707:33
haorfani  Version table:07:33
haorfani *** 20.04ubuntu7 50007:33
haorfani        500 http://lenovo.archive.canonical.com focal/sutton.newell amd64 Packages07:33
EriC^^the bot will 'unquiet' you shortly, please use a pastebin in the future07:33
haorfaniit looks like is used07:35
haorfaniPerhaps I should mention that I am using an external monitor with HDMI port, and the resolution is not up to 4k since the refresh rate is max 30 Hz there07:36
thopiekar#ubuntu+1 doesn't seem to be vivid anymore. Is there someone caring about 20.10?07:39
thopiekarSorry, meant 20.0407:40
EriC^^haorfani: i dont have much experience with graphics drivers, hopefully the channel will liven up a bit soon, so keep repeating your question every once in a while, the output of "lshw -c video" might help as well07:40
EriC^^haorfani: and also 'cat /proc/cmdline'07:40
thopiekarThe sudo package is broken in proposed because the permissions of the files inside the binary package are wrong. Basically pointing to "buildd:buildd".07:41
haorfani@EriC^^ thanks I will try again later07:43
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EriC^^haorfani: no problem08:11
SteelRosehello all! is there anyone here deploying Gogs on a HA-cluster and then mirroring it to another site? thanks!08:14
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tuxinatorEriC^^: update-notifier seems graphical? Wants to install some gnome-stuff?08:34
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EriC^^tuxinator: no idea08:45
haorfaniHi, I have a thinkpad X1 gen8 and I installed 20.04 lts. I am getting choppy scrolling in every browser and I am losing frames when I play videos. I suspect I do not have the right video drivers, my graphics is Intel UHD. You can see some info about the drivers here https://pastebin.com/4c8cVAnZ09:03
haorfaniDoes anyone want to help me update the graphics drivers if that is the issue?09:06
tuxinatorheorfani: well you could try different kernels and boot them09:11
haorfaniis there any tutorial to give me some idea how to do this?09:12
tuxinatorhaorfani: is this your device? https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/202005-2793709:14
tuxinatorWell then i assume a hardware issue not a software issue09:15
tuxinatorand actually you should get Lenovo Support for it09:15
haorfanibut I do not have these issues in W1009:16
tuxinatorask them first, maybe it is a official issue, maybe they have a special repository or special notes for your installation or even a special image09:16
tuxinatorwell Lenovo supports the device with Ubuntu, so ask them as you would for windows problems first please, else people here maybe invest much time to help you for issues lenovo is already aware of and has solutions09:17
tuxinatorjust call their hotline09:17
tuxinatoror write the Lenovo guy in the forum there: https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-X-Series-Laptops/x1-carbon-8th-gen-official-ubuntu-20-04-where-to-download/m-p/504069609:18
haorfanigreat thanks09:19
tuxinatorhaorfani: A final idea, is your bios up2date?09:19
haorfaniI did it09:19
tuxinatorAtleast the version in above certification link?09:20
haorfaniI thought that it would solve some problems but it did not09:20
tuxinatormaybe it has to be the exact version they mention: LENOVO: N2WET14W (1.04 )09:20
haorfaniok I ll check this09:21
tuxinatormaybe some bios settings, but please ask them first, i mean it is already cool that they support Ubuntu on the devices, so show them you are using it ;-) and use their support :D09:21
leumashmHi guys, when i try to run the command line history, i notice it starts from line 1000+ how to retrieve back from line 1 all the way to the last command used in history?09:46
kevrwow, s-tui is awesome!09:55
EriC^^leumashm: you could do 'cat ~/.bash_history'09:56
EriC^^leumashm: you could run "export HISTSIZE=$HISTFILESIZE" >> .bashrc     and then when you open a new terminal "history" will show them all09:58
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leumashmEriC^^ thank you that worked!10:04
nukeu666Something is forcing processes to background be sending sigstop, how do i find why that's happening?10:38
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mortsoooo when's Ubuntu's files on the desktop extension going to be fixed12:26
mortcurrently, it's janky as all hell, can't drag multiple things at the same time, and drag and drop doesn't work, and you can't double click a program on the desktop to launch it, so I'm not entirely sure what the point is12:28
ThinkT510mort: you'll need to ask the extention developer12:30
mortisn't that Canonical12:31
mortapparently not12:31
mortwell, Canonical is shipping it, so I suppose it's their responsibility to contribute it, fork it, or remove it12:32
foxideOr to continue shipping it in the form that the upstream project provides it.12:34
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mortI mean yea, but when upstream is some random guy's side project and it forms the core of the Ubuntu experience...12:35
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ThinkT510by definition an extention is not a core part of the Ubuntu experience12:35
mortit's not a core part of the GNOME experience, but Canonical ships it with Ubuntu, enabled by default12:36
mortjust like the dock is a core part of the Ubuntu experience even though that too is an extension12:36
* kirk781 still misses Unity12:37
ThinkT510in that case, have you checked to see if it a reported bug on launchpad?12:38
mortseems like at least some of the issues I'm having is reported to the upstream repo, such as https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/ShellExtensions/desktop-icons/-/issues/2212:40
BluesKajHowdy folks12:40
kirk781BluesKaj, hello12:41
foxidemort: If its not on launchpad, I would highly recommend opening a bug there, even if there's already an upstream bug report.12:41
mortbtw, it seems like Canonical agrees that they have some responsibility for the extensions they ship, I see commits from van Vugt in the upstream commit log12:41
foxideIs there a bug open in launchpad?12:43
morthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/1813441 seems like it12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813441 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Can no longer drag and drop files between desktop and applications" [Medium,Triaged]12:43
foxideThen there you go.12:43
BluesKajhi kirk78112:43
gordonjcphm, I thought it was just me12:44
gordonjcpcouldn't work out why I could copy files with the command line to ~/Desktop directory but not drag and drop from an app12:44
morthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/1886322 is there too12:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1886322 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Unable to move all selected files on desktop" [Low,In progress]12:45
mortbut just because the bugs exist in launchpad doesn't mean they'll be fixed any time soon, or ever12:45
foxideBut I doubt that kvetching in here about who's responsible is going to speed that up, either. ;)12:46
morthey https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons/+bug/1812883 is there too12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1812883 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Desktop view flashes every time ~/Desktop changes" [Medium,Triaged]12:47
mortall my favorite long standing bugs12:47
mortit seems like bolting on a whole desktop onto a desktop environment is hard12:49
ThinkT510isn't the desktop just essentially a glorified folder? using a file manager to manipulate files seems to be the way to do it.12:50
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mortevidently, that's GNOME's opinion too12:50
mortI'm not here to defend the decision to add back a desktop as an extension12:51
foxideYou're just saying that if Ubuntu is going to ship their core desktop as relying on this, they should put some work into making sure its in some kind of release-ready state.12:53
mortyeah - and to be fair, it seems like they _have_ put work into it12:54
gordonjcpUnity was better12:56
* gordonjcp realises he should be trolling that in -offtopic12:56
morttbh, I like gnome, especially with the dock and such12:57
gordonjcpI think if it was vanilla gnome rather than gnome trying to look like unity it'd be better12:57
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cbreakunity < unreal14:06
nukeu666what does having a high recv-q in a connection in netstat mean? could be at an attack/worm14:27
lotuspsychjenukeu666: a question for ##networking14:29
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YounderOk, got a zed stereo camera to work on a raspi 4. I wouldn't register. Now the USB can get the image data but the fancy 3d distancing software uses NVIDIA hardware. Trying to write something that does something similar using a 'Intel Neural Stick 2'15:32
YounderThat plugs into a USB 3 port.15:32
YounderNot sure if i can open-source it. Should probably talk to  StereoLabs first.15:34
codehotterI am trying to enable "stable interface names" on a system that previously used eth0, eth1 etc. To that end, I removed net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 from the kernel command line, deleted /etc/udev/rules.d/70-interface-names and rebooted. One of my interface now has the name ens226, the other has name eth1. Why was eth1 not renamed? If I do udevadm test-builtin net_id on eth1 I'm thinking it should be named15:35
codehotterens160 not eth115:35
codehotterWhat could be causing this? Where do I look?15:35
codehotterUbuntu 18.0415:35
YounderAre you used to 16.04? The interface names changed with te change to systemd.15:36
codehotterI'm especially confused why one of the interfaces now has a "proper" stable name but the other one is still named eth115:36
codehotterIs eth1 itself a valid stable interface name?15:36
codehotterMaybe it is named eth1 but "predictably" or whatever15:36
YounderMine are emp6s0 and emp5s015:37
codehotterI thought I would be able to use the udevadm test-builtin command to predict the name, but that gets me ens160 not eth115:37
codehotterI'm not understanding how it came up with eth1, especially since the other one did get an ensXXX name15:37
Youndercodehotter, ho you mean empXXX15:38
codehotterI think it depends on the specific hardware in your system15:38
codehotteremp6s0 ens160 etc are all names I "expect"15:38
codehotterbut I'm not expecting eth115:38
Youndercodehotter: What is the hardware on the system?15:39
codehotterIt's a virtualized server, one of the network interfaces (ens260) is a virtual E1000 network card and the other is a virtual VMXNET network card15:39
codehotterI'm not understanding why the VMXNET card got named eth115:39
Youndercodehotter, from https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1001805 'Note: VMXNET driver is only supported on kernels earlier than 3.3'15:43
codehotterah, it's from the driver. Thank you, that makes sense.15:44
codehotter"If the kernel claims that the name it has set for a device is predictable, then no renaming is performed."15:47
codehotterFrom `man systemd.link`15:47
codehotterSo it's probably vmware driver providing the eth1 name, and this is trusted by systemd.15:48
codehotterThe other e1000 fake device does not use vmware's driver, so it gets a name I expect.15:48
codehotterThank you Younder for pointing me in the right direction.15:48
YounderNo problem. Just got lucky ;)15:48
KonCan anyone on Focal do a quick "apt show python-is-python3" and confirm that it breaks the "python" virtual package?16:01
KonSeems any package which calls "python" as a dependency will force python2 installation even when python-is-python3 is installed16:01
YounderKon: it worked on my raspi 416:02
gordonjcpKon: what am I looking for?16:02
gordonjcpBreaks: python, python-is-python2, python-is-python2-but-deprecated16:02
KonThank you16:02
gordonjcpUbuntu 20.04.1 LTS \n \l16:02
KonJust wanted to confirm it was an issue with mainline Ubuntu repos16:02
KonSo I can file a bug16:03
gordonjcpthat's Focal, isn't it?  Got a picture of a cat on the desktop16:03
KonYes indeed16:03
YounderKon: sorry the pi uses 20.1016:03
KonNo worried Younder, thanks for the help16:03
master_latchhowdy, I could use some help with apt. When I `sudo apt upgrade`, I get all "Failed to fetch ... 404 Not Found" errors.16:09
master_latchI have done `sudo apt update` and presumbly because I have done it recently, everything is "Ign:"16:09
master_latchI have confirmed that my clock isn't the issue, it's set to the correct time16:10
master_latchI also tried `sudo apt autoremove --purge` to no effect16:11
master_latchas well as `sudo apt upgrade -f`16:11
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lotuspsychjemaster_latch: can you pastebin the whole output of the errors?16:11
lotuspsychjemaster_latch: are you behind a proxy/firewall/router that could block?16:15
lotuspsychjei can browse on my side16:16
master_latchI don't think so. I'm at home, and I've done sudo apt upgade before...16:16
master_latchI can also ping that ip16:17
lotuspsychjemaster_latch: wich country are you?16:17
YounderSounds like the stuff you get when you have no network or the DNS is broken16:17
master_latchPossibly related: I kicked off the upgrade yesterday about 10 seconds before we lost power16:17
YounderBeen there16:19
master_latchalso possibly related to the firewall question: in order to access some internal work sites, I run this: ssh -D 8080 -o ServerAliveInterval=2 -o ServerAliveCountMax=2 -N $PROXY_HOST16:19
master_latchbut is that likely to be the cause? I suppose I could just kill it to test16:20
Youndersound unlikely16:21
Younderis ufw enabled?16:22
master_latchnot sure, but don't think so16:23
master_latchalso in case it's relevant, this is WSL16:23
YounderSecond does the /etc/apt/sources.list look corrupted16:23
master_latchnot to my untrained eye. Looks like a regular text file16:24
master_latchall the deb lines are uncommented, the deb-src are commented16:24
YounderShould be fine then16:24
master_latchis there some way to make apt like, I don't know, discard its cache or whatever? Do some kind of hard reset to what it thinks is true?16:25
master_latchI have very little understanding of how it works16:25
Youndermaster_latch, sudo apt clean, but I am not sure this hels much16:26
master_latchthat might have helped... now a lot of the output looks like this:16:30
master_latchGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates/main amd64 bsdutils amd64 1:2.34-0.1ubuntu9.1 [63.1 kB]16:30
master_latchbut there are still significant number of failures16:31
YounderThere is also a 'sudo apt autoclean'16:32
master_latchhm, I just did `sudo apt upgrade --fix-missing` and it's downloading packages now...16:32
master_latchI guess I assumed that was the same as `sudo apt upgrade -f` which a friend suggested I try16:32
YounderYes, that one has saved me a few times in the past. Forgot to mention it.16:33
Youndermaster_latch, no -f is forced16:33
master_latchwell, it appears that despite the appearance that it was working, I still get a bunch of 404 errors at the end (I guess they are collected during running and dumped at the end)16:34
master_latchI can even wget packages on the lits16:36
YounderThe 404 usually mean that a repository in the fore mentioned sources.lst isn't found16:36
master_latchoh wait, I was possibly incorrect when I said I could wget packages in the list. What I actually did was wget a random package from the same server and path, but when I looked for the exact same package, I don't see it listed16:38
master_latchfor example: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openjdk-lts/openjdk-11-jdk_11.0.9.1+1-0ubuntu1~20.04_amd64.deb16:38
master_latchif I visit that location in a browser, I can see there are packages with names matching up to "openjdk-11-jdk_11.0.9"16:39
master_latchcould it be an issue with my sources.list? I don't remember messing with this file but...16:51
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bynarieHello fellow ubuntuians, is there a channel for ubuntu wsl?17:38
Patrick_ <Patrick> the fact that you had the guts to go on national television and challenge julia child..umm yeah17:38
bynarieis there like an ubuntu-wsl channel17:42
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide17:42
bynariekrytarik, thank yoyu17:44
leftyfb!ot | Patrick_17:46
ubottuPatrick_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:46
SynfulAckI setup a openvpn access server and in the docs for the client it has you install the openvpn3 client. Its not even in the repos by default. Is it even neccessary?17:54
giacohello! I need a software that would help me skimming a lot of mostly-silent audio files visually by displaying the audio wave profile18:07
giacodo you have any idea to accomplish this?18:07
Xatenevanyone else has the problem that ubuntu just freezes completely randomly (I suspect due to high memory usage)18:12
CarlFKXatenev: does the mouse pointer and clock stop updating ?18:12
XatenevCarlFK, yep18:13
Xatenevonly reboot helps18:13
Xatenevcant do anything anymore18:13
Xatenevi have 4 friends with the same problem, everyone running ubuntu 20.0418:13
CarlFKdo you have a machine on your network that can ping the frozen box?18:13
CarlFKbtw - I have problems too.  I blame the 100's of tabs in chrome and firefox.18:14
Xatenevhm, I could connect one18:14
CarlFKbut most of the time it will respond to pings, so I give it 10 min and it sorts itself out18:14
Xatenevyeah I also had that it could recover but thats only 1/10 of the time when it happens18:15
Xatenevand it happens twice a day which is quite annoying for working :|18:15
Xatenevi blame java :P18:15
XatenevI increased swap size and I think it made it a _little_ better, but not really18:15
CarlFKif you can ping and ssh in (if you have enabled that) and check top.  100% of the time my load is above 50 (even 20 I think is 'too high')18:16
Xatenevbut shouldnt the system be able to recover from that :P even just killing random processes feels better than just dying18:17
CarlFKi think it will, if you give it enough time.  which might be hours or decades18:28
CarlFKer, I know it will in some cases.  syslog will show: OOM killed process 123...  https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/153585/how-does-the-oom-killer-decide-which-process-to-kill-first18:30
drakonanHey yall I got a question... ive prob used ubuntu the most over my time in linux but it seems its frowned upon...  so i keep asking myself if i should be trying to learn another distro... so i guess question to you is how do yall use ubuntu and is it a skill you can make money from (im currently not working and i guess im goning through a mid life crisis year 3 or something idk) i feel as if the more i learn the less i know... idk what smart means18:40
drakonananymore but i know i can im interested in linux and dev and how the pieces fit together... but one question i have is how do you verify knowledge in ubuntu assuming it can be a skill that can help get you employed18:40
jivandrakonan: I wouldn't worry about people "frowning upon" one's usage of any distro, unless that distro is going out of its way to be awkward18:54
jivanLike, I dunno, using Hannah Montana Linux to run a Plex server or something18:55
jivanBut then that'd just be hilarious18:55
jivanUbuntu's fine, really. I've been working as a sysadmin for a few years and still haven't delved into CentOS/RHEL18:55
jivanAre there any specific reasons why people are telling you to use another distro?18:56
lotuspsychje!discuss | jivan drakonan18:57
ubottujivan drakonan: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:57
jivanTo address your question about transferable skills in Linux, though: if/when I start using CentOS, basically all I'll need to "learn" is what CentOS does differently from Ubuntu, which is basically just the way configs are managed and the package management policies18:57
jivanlotuspsychje: cheers!18:57
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spectrezhhow well does firewalld work with ubuntu19:08
oerheksspectrezh, depends on what you tell it to .. https://www.answertopia.com/ubuntu/basic-ubuntu-firewall-configuration-with-firewalld/ .. take a long read19:10
oerheksUFW is much more comfy, IMHO19:10
spectrezhoerheks thanks. I quickly breezed through the link but mostly it talks about what UFW is and how it can be used.. I alreayd come from Centos 8 so I know how to use Firewalld for my usecase. But Iam sort of beginner with linux and was more thinking towards if it is as good to use firewalld in ubuntu as  the "native" UFW.. I mean security wise,19:12
spectrezhbugwise and whatnot..19:12
drakonanAnyone familiar with vmware and ubuntu?  I seem to be running in to a bug maybe or idk... every time i try to copy to this usb stick it seems to... hang up the process19:13
drakonanthe cp did anyway so i thought maybe rsync but even it is running in to "write error, broken pipe"19:13
drakonanobviously something isn't working as it should19:14
matsamandrakonan: maybe your usb stick or the port is faulty19:15
matsamanor the FS19:15
drakonanAny way to narrow down which one it could be?19:16
matsamantry a different port, a different USB stick, a different FS19:19
matsamantry copying to the USB stick without VMWare involved19:20
drakonani was wondering it seems odd that i'm formatting a usb stick for fat32 to put a linux image on it... is that normal?19:20
drakonanthat's where im guessing too... something to do with vmware/windows10 but dont understand im using latest vmware19:22
matsamandrakonan: are you trying to put an install image onto the stick?19:23
matsamanor an enduring system to boot from?19:23
matsamanthe former should require no special FS, as the FS will be in the image itself, and copied over when you copy over the image data19:23
matsamandrakonan: where does vmware fit in? You're just trying to have a virtualized Windows to use? How does the USB stick fit into that?19:24
drakonanwas trying to follow this guide didnt have linux installed so downloaded the latest ubuntu and i dont even know what day it is anymore19:24
matsamandrakonan: mmm19:25
matsamandrakonan: okay so what's the overall, general thing you're trying to accomplish?19:25
drakonanget a job19:25
drakonanbut they want experience so im trying to create a lab19:25
matsamandoing what, deploying vmware/esxi stuff?19:25
matsamanI don't deal with vmware stuff much in particular, preferring alternatives, but19:27
matsamanesxi, AIUI, is an OS itself19:27
matsamanso you'd have to install it to metal directly19:27
matsamanhence media to install from, such as a USB stick to boot from19:28
matsamanthe same as if you were installing Windows or GNU/Linux to metal19:28
matsaman/msg alis list *vmware*19:28
matsamanso you really need an entire physical computer to do vmware esxi installation testing against19:28
matsamana spare one, really19:29
drakonanyes i've got some... im just following the jobs that seems to be... well that i guess i could be on paper qualified for... its dumb the older i get the more i second guess a lot of this stuff...  i mean truly the best way to learn the job is... well on the job no?19:30
matsamanyeah, I feel you19:30
matsamanbeing able to follow simple instructions, you should be able to do it19:30
matsamanbut as an honest person you feel obligated to have at least done it once for real19:30
matsamanif you have the time, I say that's a good thing to do19:30
matsamanhonestly I feel like there are things so much more important than simply being able to follow the instructions to do the task19:31
matsamanlike having a strict backup and testing regimen, so you know it's done right, and reversable, etc., etc.19:31
matsamanyou're actually enthusiastic about virtualization? Is a job to do with vmware what you'd actually pick if you had your choice?19:32
drakonanI guess i'm really chasing after the feeling that I can contribute... truly...  i mean if i deconstruct all the way i want to be a valuable resource but i have a certain... ethic i guess... where i want to be true to form...  if i could work in an area i was knowledgeable in where i could contribute in a way i felt i was... probably matters more... the thing is i'm still really simple you know... if i dont see how im contributing i wont feel like i am19:43
drakonanand its demotivating... so i feel i have to go back to where my interests are because they are motivating... ultimately truly ive been separated from my family 2 years now and dont see a reason why it wont be 3... i see their present in the past and their futures without me im at odds with myself because all my beliefs are counter to each other but my real needs are for us to be whole again but somehow i have to feel a part of that outcome19:43
MikeRLI changed the file /etc/pulse/daemon.conf to increase sound quality to the highest supported option and rebooted. Is there any way to confirm my settings are sticking?20:05
MikeRLTried asking in ubuntu+1 and searching DDG but no answer.20:05
Maikusing 21.04?20:06
MikeRLYes. Tried asking in #ubuntu+1.20:06
Maikthen it should stay there :)20:06
ltwhat is the proper way to install grub from internal hdd to an external one and make booting directly without any boot menus20:13
jivanlt: You want to boot directly from the external drive?20:14
ltjivan: not exactly, I want to put it into another PC20:15
jivanOn the computer you'll be putting it into, how do you plan on booting?20:15
ltbut right now it's connected as usb external drive20:15
jivanWill that be it's only drive?20:15
ltjivan: I've installed ubuntu already on the target (external hdd) BUT ubuntu was not nice enough to give me the option to choose where to put the grub. ended up rending one local windows hdd not booting when it doesn't see the external drive20:17
ltIn the meantime the external drive won't boot since it has no bootloader on it20:17
ltjivan: yes only one drive20:17
jivanGotcha. What's the partition layout on the drive?20:17
jivanI assume just the one partition with Ubuntu?20:17
ltI managed to fix the windows mbr now I wanna install grub on the external drive separately20:17
ltyes one partition20:18
cambrian_invaderare there armhf repos for cross-compiling packages?20:18
matsamanthat's pretty easy to do after you put the drive into the new box20:18
cambrian_invaderI tried following the instructions at https://wiki.debian.org/CrossCompiling#Building_with_dpkg-buildpackage but I got20:18
matsamanwith a live OS20:18
cambrian_invaderE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found when running apt-get update20:18
jivanThe target PC, does it have UEFI or BIOS?20:18
ltmatsaman: not that easy, the target PC isn't recognizing any bootable usb drives20:18
jivanFWIW, matsaman is right, but I assume that's probably not an option?20:19
jivanlt: Ah, oof20:19
matsamanlt: not from the back usb ports?20:19
ltnot even from the side ports since it's a laptop20:19
jivanSo, do you know if it has UEFI or if it has BIOS?20:20
ltjivan: forget it jivan ... it's more than 10 years sony vaio20:20
jivanSo BIOS20:20
ltI think efi was not invented back then20:20
jivanJust wanted to know if we were dealing with EFI or not20:20
ltvery old PC to throw away indeed but I insist to get to work before throwing it :))20:20
jivanIn that case, it should be fairly straightforward20:21
ltmaybe I won't throw it then20:21
matsamanthere's honestly not much reason to use UEFI unless your hardware _forces_ you to20:21
matsamanlt: what OS is on there right now?20:21
ltno it's a bios system20:21
jivanSee here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#Master_Boot_Record_(MBR)_specific_instructions20:21
ltI've already installed ubuntu 16 32bit20:22
jivanThat grub-install command is what you want20:22
ltso right now the hdd has a ready to run os but without grub20:22
matsamanlt:  in the drive already in the laptop? Or the external? What's on the laptop internal right now?20:22
jivanBut you'll need to specify bootloader root or something, let me check the manpages20:22
ltmatsaman: the drive is actually between two laptops right now to be honnest .. ready to be slaved, grubed and then installed back to ancient laptop20:23
matsamanyeah you should be able to grub-install while targetting the external drive, and configure grub.cfg and fstab so it thinks it's the first device, and put it in and be fine ... assuming the hardware drivers are sufficient20:24
ltmatsaman: the is the confusing part of grub for me. the grub.cfg ... missing lilo20:24
matsamangrub-install /dev/whatever20:25
ltjust manually edit and run20:25
matsamanlt: well grub & lilo are alternatives usually20:25
ltok i'll give it a go20:25
matsamanyou can probably use lilo if you want, but I've never used lilo myself20:25
lt< hates grub20:25
matsamanwhat do you hate about grub?20:25
jivanAlright, you want to specify boot-directory20:25
jivanMount the target drive's ubuntu partition to /mnt, then do:20:26
jivangrub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdX20:26
ltmatsaman: I hate being unable to understand it20:27
ltlike everything I don't understnad I must hate it :D20:27
matsamanit's just a stupid POS at the beginning of the disk. The firmware loads the boot loader (grub), and grub loads the kernel & OS20:27
matsamanit just has to be in the right place, and its config (and fstab) should match20:28
matsamanUbuntu's installer usually uses UUIDs for fstab, so those are likely fine already20:28
jivanlt: Once you've done that grub-install with --target and --boot-directory, test booting from the drive when it's plugged in externally on the current machine, it should work20:28
jivanThen you can just stick it in this laptop of yours20:28
ltgrub-install error failed to get canonical path of 'aufs'20:29
jivanaufs is the live filesystem, are you sure you've mounted the external ubuntu parition to /mnt and got the device ID right?20:30
jivanJust to check, are you booted into a live environment right now?20:30
cambrian_invaderfor those following along at home, the answer was to add the ports.ubuntu.com repos20:32
ltsorry I was afk upload photo of the error https://imgur.com/a/chLweWg20:40
ltaccording to jivan command grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sdc120:41
ltis it worth saying that I'm install from a bootable ubuntu 16 usb pen drive20:42
jivanI have absolutely no clue what those error messages from grub-install are about20:43
jivanBut it looks like you've got stuff in the right place to do that grub-install command, so I dunno right now20:43
jivanHm, did you end the command with /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdc?20:44
jivanlt: ^20:44
ltjivan: lol I'm not so dumb :)20:46
jivanNo, no, you need to do it with /dev/scd20:47
ltI know I know20:47
ltjivan: you're the man ... finally it is fixed20:49
ltI've the ancient sony vaio speakers making craking sound like there is no tommorrow20:49
jivanNo problem, hopefully it boots now!20:49
jivanOh, haha, nice!20:49
ltbut it's running now20:49
ltI wanted to make a video gift for you BUT meh this is too old crap20:50
jivanI have a Toshiba Satellite from 2008 that I want to try and get up and running again20:50
jivanWe stopped using it in 2013 because it kept turning off from overheating20:50
jivanAlso, the display's ribbon cable was damaged, you had to have the display in just the right spot20:51
jivanBut it probably just needs cleaning out so that it doesn't overheat and then I might use it as a headless server or something20:51
jivanAlso, I have a Pentium 3 just sitting in a cupboard behind me, lol20:51
jpmhI am seeing that: tput sgr0 - which should reset attributes is sending <esc>(B<esc>[0m - the second part makes sense - the first does now - what is the <esc>(B intended to do - this is with ANSI compatible terminals20:52
ltjivan: I'm the hand of your Satellite 2008 for my Vaio 2000 ;-)20:52
unixbsdurxvt is unicode20:53
jivanlt: The P3 is from 2000 or 2001, not sure20:53
jivanIt came with WinME, haha20:54
ltbecareful of Pentium 3(s) they bite20:54
jivanAnd the Satellite came with Vista20:54
jivanI was blessed/cursed with the two worst versions of Windows20:54
ltdamn you reminded me of slackware v 3.1 or something20:55
ltsame ribbon issues here, plus sound card is cracking like a drum20:56
ltcolors are like aftermath20:56
matsamanyeah my first own desktop was Windows ME era20:56
matsamanso secure it crashes before anyone can crack it20:56
ltnow we start stuffing him with git20:57
leftyfb!ot | matsaman lt20:57
ubottumatsaman lt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:57
jivanAbout 18 months ago, I managed to install Ubuntu 18.04 on that P3 and get Nginx running with a WordPress instance, and holy crap was it slow to serve pages xD22:22
jivanWorks pretty well for static sites, though, but the power usage is ridiculous, so back to the cupboard it went22:22
gordonjcpjivan: I keep a P4 around because it has a floppy drive22:30
gordonjcpjivan: every few months I need to write a floppy, that requires a real floppy drive with a real floppy controller22:31
jivanHaha, nice22:31
jivanReally, every few months...?22:31
gordonjcpjivan: I don't drive my car for a few days to offset the power consumption :-)22:31
gordonjcpjivan: yeah I work a lot with old synthesizers and stuff22:31
gordonjcpjivan: buuuuuut22:31
jivanAhh, cool22:31
gordonjcpjivan: because I have something that can read floppies and I can read, write, and comprehend pretty strange formats, I get people asking me to do stuff for things like CNC machines, BMS computers, medical imaging and the like22:32
jivanOh, cool22:33
gordonjcpjivan: at the moment I'm doing stuff on an Ensoniq Mirage, but I've got a custom boot disk that runs Forth on it, and my 6809 toolchain will let me save code as a sample over sysex to it22:33
gordonjcpwith a whopping 128kB of RAM it takes a couple of minutes over MIDI to dump the whole thing22:34
gordonjcpjivan: anyway at work we have some Sun V880s that are about the size of a bar fridge and apart from the 12 (or 18?) bay RAID array they have roughly the same spec as a Raspberry Pi 422:35
jivanAhhh, Moore's Law22:36
jivanNever fails to make me chuckle22:36
gordonjcpif only I could get them to run Solaris 822:36
jivanthe P3 in question has a mobo that only supports up to 512MB of SDRAM an came with a 20GB IDE drive22:36
gordonjcpactually I can't remember if it's Oracle 8 on Solaris 6, or Oracle 6 on Solaris 822:36
gordonjcp20GB sounds low, for a P322:36
gordonjcpmmm, maybe not22:37
jivanEh, it seemed to be more than enough for the 50 or so games that we got with it at the time22:37
gordonjcpI specced a bunch of PCs for a media company I worked for in 200022:37
gordonjcpstreaming video! on ISDN!22:37
jivanOh man, I remember reading about the first webcam (Cambridge coffee pot cam) and how some company was kickstarting streaming video, and they had to do low-level optimisations in H.264 or something22:38
jivanAnd then within a few years, all of that proprietary code wasn't needed anymore22:38
gordonjcp"How big a hard disk do we need to get, Gordon?" - About 80 quid - "What?  That's a price, how big, how many gigabytes?" - Whatever 80 quid will get you, below that they get smaller faster than they get cheaper and above that they get expensive faster than they get bigger, 80 quid is the sweet spot22:38
gordonjcpjivan: we used RealPlayer22:38
gordonjcpand SMIL22:39
jivanMan, I remember using RealPlayer to rip CDs and stuff22:39
gordonjcpit would load a few jpegs, and show you an animated slideshow (basically think rostrum camera over title cards) while buffering like *crazy*22:39
jivanThe P3 was still the only computer we had until 2008, so I had a Sony PSP and wanted to listen to music on it, and that was the only way I could do that22:39
gordonjcpplay about 30 seconds of 352x288 video - quarter PAL, looked impressive as all hell - then cut to some more "rostrum" stills22:40
gordonjcpI recently scored a Sony PD150 camera, the "pro" version of the "prosumer" VX2000 I used back then22:40
jivanCould only watch YouTube videos by downloading them on the PSP as .flv files, them playing them in RealPlayer22:40
jivanOr maybe some other software22:40
gordonjcpooop, this ought to be in -offtopic, sorry folks22:41
gordonjcpand we had to carry the packets uphill both ways in the snow22:41
gordonjcpI remember when all this was nntp servers, you know22:41
=== Amaranth7 is now known as Amaranth
drakonan2think this is a syslinux question... its prompting that it cant read menu.c32... and showing boot: ... its weird because that file exists... and it had to read the syslinux.cfg file to even know that file is missing i think?22:47
kotrungaHi all - can anyone help advise on how to install linux drivers from a file? I need to install some of these: https://github.com/linux-on-mac/mbp-2016-linux22:55
devslashwhich one do you need to install22:58
devslashwhich macbook do you have22:58
kotrungaSo, I have the Macbook Early 2015 retina edition, which Apple designates as "MacBookPro12,1". The keyboard and the trackpad do not work out of the gate, I have to use an external mouse and keyboard23:01
kotrungaI haven't been able to find MbP MacBookPro12,1 drivers so I was hoping to try some of the ones in that repo to see if they would work anyways23:01
kotrungaAt the minimum I just was wondering if anyone knew or could point me to instructions on installing drivers from those types of files (example: https://github.com/Dunedan/mbp-2016-linux/tree/master/MacBookPro13%2C1)23:05
jivanArch Wiki is a good resource, seems like Synaptics driver is all that's needed: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:Elinux/MacBook_Pro_12,123:32
jivankotrunga: ^23:32
=== dingir is now known as dingir_
jivankotrunga: The files you see in that GitHub repo are just logs, not drivers23:33
jivanThe Synaptics package on Ubuntu is called xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, I believe23:35
jivanDoes anyone know if that package works with or has issues with Wayland, despite its name?23:35
jeremy31Ubuntu might be using the libinput with touchpads rather than the synaptic23:41
N3bulaKwhat's the command extension for lsusb to monitor the ports live?23:56
N3bulaKlsusb -x ??23:57
vlouvethello, I have cn60 chromebox, when running an older version of ubuntu 18.04 I think, everything is fine.. when running 20.04 or 21.04 I get a DRM GPU HANG error when attempting to play videos through mpv or vlc23:57
vlouvetany chance someone can help me 'downgrade' my intel drm driver to an older version? I have two cn60 computers, one works and one doesn't .. so I'm trying to get this one to look exactly like the other one23:58
vlouvetquestion, if I have ssh access to a linux computer can I dd the entire hard drive to an image on my local computer over ssh? Or must the sending computer not be booted up into the linux install in order to DD the contents of the hard drive?23:59

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