[04:44] thanks JackFrost, will explore that [04:44] ochosi, JackFrost, any idea what might be happening here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1910872 [04:44] Launchpad bug 1910872 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu default settings are not applied" [Undecided, Confirmed] [04:45] I don't think much to explore, just perhaps noteworthy that Ubuntu *may* be switching to the Ayatana fork too. [04:45] bluesabre: dpkg -l | grep dbus [04:47] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7FnZf42ZQq/ [04:47] Install dbus-x11, it'll be fixed. [04:48] ....Well the problem will be fixed, you may still need to rm -rf .config/xfce in order to fix your session. [04:49] Sure enough, that does it [04:50] I'll add that to the core packageset then, unless you think there's a better place for it [04:50] xfce4-session, don't add it to the packageset. [04:51] Ah, perfect. [04:51] ...Well, I mean. It's an undeclared rec/dep of -session, thus it's not exactly correct to add it to the packageset, though that too would fix it. I can give details if you desire (though I think I have done so for this issue before.) [04:52] Yeah, I remember you mentioning it now on the debian side. [04:52] https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-team/desktop/xfce4-session/-/commit/443386b0cf2ae1a62f54952c9b9b9c96f08a83b9 [04:52] Commit 443386b in xfce-team/desktop/xfce4-session "d/control: Revert recommends change from dbus-x11 to default-dbus-session-bus as #836061 needs to be addressed first. (Reopens: #836062)" [04:52] I'll add it to -session in the morning. Thanks for your help JackFrost! [04:52] Happy to be of help! [08:25] oh, you guys already figured it out - great :) [08:26] better to wait for problems to resolve on their own :p