=== semitones_tea is now known as semitones [08:14] good morning === lubuntu is now known as Guest82137 [20:31] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/dd653102/file_1907.jpg [20:32] [telegram] Hi [20:32] [telegram] can anyone tell me why I have to set the refresh rate every time I do a reboot? (re @Michaël: ) [20:32] [telegram] Why doesn't it just stay that way? [20:33] likely something to do with your monitor [20:33] s/monitor/display/ [20:33] some of them do some uncanny stuff with regards to reporting their capacties [20:40] [telegram] so it's my monitors fault? [20:40] [telegram] no solution? [20:40] [telegram] What is this? [20:40] [telegram] a location for a config file? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) s/monitor/display/) [20:44] it certainly could be, though there are workarounds to that, i.e. you could create a script that uses `xrandr` to force the resolution at startup [20:45] [telegram] ok [20:45] [telegram] thank you [20:55] sorry, what is the way to run a graphical command as root? [20:56] ah found it: lxqt-sudo [21:02] [telegram] But on Arch Linux with LXQt the settings remain after reboot (I have a second drive with an other operating system) [21:02] [telegram] And the alien guy (testufo.com) sows a refresh rate of 239Hz [21:02] [telegram] So no error on behalf of my screen (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) it certainly could be, though there are workarounds to that, i.e. you could create a script that uses `xrandr` to force the resolution at startup) [21:06] i have no idea what the hell the alien guy is [21:06] [telegram] there's a site next to it explaining (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) i have no idea what the hell the alien guy is) [21:06] but if there's a difference in arch, that could be related to fixes in lxqt (i think unlikely), the kernel, or drivers [21:06] [telegram] http://testufo.com [21:06] i don't see how it's relevant because no matter who says what, all that matters is what the kernel sees [21:09] [telegram] thanks [21:20] [telegram] It was my fault guys [21:20] [telegram] You have to save the setting [21:20] [telegram] clicking on 'apply' is not enough [21:20] [telegram] I'm sorry (re @Michaël: ) [23:59] if I am trying to use alt as a shortcut key in terminal [23:59] but instead it keeps opening the menues of the terminal emulator