[19:58] hmm I always thought dax was -r +r periodically as dax was able to deal with potential noise from it [19:59] the data I've seen suggested that +r drastically reduces the channels use, but perhaps that's more due to decline of the ubuntu community itself [20:07] yep -r should only happen if someone is absolutely 100% able to supervise it [20:07] that's just how the internet is now [20:33] so, my take on it: if one ops available (as el points above) and willing, then set -r & monitor. At the end of availability, set +r. [20:34] that sounds good to me [20:34] a priori, our take is -- given internet & trolls -- +r is the *default* state for #u [20:34] yeah and not too long a gap or you'll have the usual trollish people putting in sleeper clients [20:35] ^aye aye [20:36] sarnold, tomreyn: so go and experiment and keep at least one eye on the channel :-) [20:37] it's that last part that's a bit harder to do :) meetings come and go, etc.. so I haven't flipped it yet myself, even though it was suggested to me a week back or something [20:38] yeah, this is the rub. But if two or more commit to looking at #u frequently, the burden might be shared. I try to every time I can, but real work interferes... [20:40] even worse right now due to power outages in TX (mostly caused by brain outages in government, but this is besides the point) [20:57] outages imply the existance of the service prior. [21:03] heh