=== tmhoang6 is now known as tmhoang [10:26] achilleasa_, https://github.com/juju/bundlechanges/pull/87 [10:26] we need the channel when diff'ing as well now [10:57] achilleasa_, https://github.com/juju/bundlechanges/pull/88 the merge of v4 into master === achilleasa_ is now known as achilleasa [17:30] Hi [17:31] Please Juju team, this bug is a real blocker for Openstack deployments and this is still not even assigned :( ==> https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-layer-ovn/+bug/1896630 [17:31] Bug #1896630: ovn-chassis subordinate to octavia registered with shortname shows down [17:31] Octavia is simply not working due to this