[13:04] * EmilioGranell[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sLCipnrWXYiTKtMDGAyptpsF/message.txt > [15:33] Rui Vasconcelos could you please help us figure that out? seems like seldon core isn't working in the kubeflow charm? [18:36] Hey Luke Marsden, sry for the delay here, just saw your message [18:37] We need Ken or Dominik Fleischmann to take a look, let me ping them [18:46] @_slack_canonicalco_U01GARYBQMB:matrix.org: is that causing service errors for you? [18:46] It looks like the service is still coming up despite that error [18:47] Not that we shouldn't fix it, but can you just ignore it for now, or are you blocked? [18:48] Emilio Granell? [23:56] PR operator#461 closed: Enable PEP257 Convention Checking