
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @peternerlich [but I wanted to mention it since it was not updated. it was the system update th …], yes qt was updated to 5.12 perhaps it would be an idea to track it at the repo?01:43
ubptgbottrand1k was added by: trand1k06:20
ubptgbot<Gog_and_Magog> After updating version 93, ovi stopped working … He will die ((07:59
ubptgbot<Gog_and_Magog> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/LRkckdnJ.png07:59
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Gog_and_Magog [After updating version 93, ovi stopped working … He will die ((], Best way is contacting the app's maintainer QUICKLY. Open an issue on github if you don't know the maintainers Telegram handle. The link is on th apps OpenStore page.08:13
ubptgbotReplenished1857 was added by: Replenished185709:47
ubptgbot<Replenished1857> Ohhhhh👌 … Ellllon_Musssssк givvveawway cryptooo🚀🚀 … https://bit.ly/3k0ZMat10:37
ubptgbotmamangjek was added by: mamangjek11:10
ubptgbot<mamangjek> (Photo, 627x512) https://irc.ubports.com/PXzravzQ.png can someone help me?11:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> um what device is that?11:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> not all devices support anbox11:23
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @mamangjek [<reply to media>], try anbox-tools11:23
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @Fuseteam [um what device is that?], mi a211:24
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @PhoenixLandPirate [try anbox-tools], ok11:24
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @mamangjek [<reply to media>], [Edit] try anbox-tool11:25
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> tool not tools sorry11:25
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @PhoenixLandPirate [try anbox-tool], stoll11:25
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @PhoenixLandPirate [tool not tools sorry], ok11:25
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @PhoenixLandPirate [try anbox-tool], [Edit] still11:25
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @PhoenixLandPirate [tool not tools sorry], still11:26
ubptgbot<fredldotme> I'm pretty sure the mi a2 is not in the list of supported anbox devices11:26
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @fredldotme [I'm pretty sure the mi a2 is not in the list of supported anbox devices], it is11:27
ubptgbot<fredldotme> https://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/devices.json11:27
ubptgbot<mamangjek> (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc.ubports.com/US6PonWI.png11:28
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @fredldotme [https://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/devices.json], oh11:29
ubptgbot<fredldotme> .. yes11:29
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @mamangjek [<reply to media>], but yesterday i was trying anbox and then there's no errors like this11:29
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @mamangjek [it is], it's not11:35
ubptgbot<just_carlod> you can install anbox using unofficial method11:36
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @just_carlod [it's not], oh11:37
ubptgbot<mamangjek> :/11:37
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @mamangjek [<reply to media>], did you `wget http://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/android-armhf-64binder.img -O ~/anbox-data/android.img`?11:37
ubptgbot<mamangjek> @just_carlod [did you wget http://cdimage.ubports.com/anbox-images/android-armhf-64binder.img …], yes11:37
ubptgbot<just_carlod> maybe this method is no longer working11:38
ubptgbot<just_carlod> I'm going to try on my phone11:38
ubptgbot<mamangjek> oh k nvm it worked now11:39
ubptgbot<mamangjek> im redoing it11:39
ubptgbot<mamangjek> i reinstalled11:40
ubptgbotbimarenth was added by: bimarenth12:10
ubptgbotAlbyBit was added by: AlbyBit13:03
ubptgbotGyorgySurek was added by: GyorgySurek13:48
fretegiso found that i can receive a call on ubports, just not make them.  but once i try to make one, i cannot receive.  no data or MMS either on cell network.  but the APN settings are different in ubports than my old phone reports, just confirmed that.14:22
fretegioddly when i try to change the APN settings i do not see  save button anywhere and the changes are wiped if i go back or exit that settings menu.  also wont let me save a new one.  is there supposed to be a saved button somewhere to fix that?14:23
ubptgbot<Javacookies> there should be a check button at the upper right14:27
fretegiyup there is, but its greyed out14:28
fretegiyea i can only edit the internet related ones.  nothing MMS combo of 214:42
ubptgbot<NotKit> is it Android 9 device?14:43
fretegiyea, pixel 3a14:45
fretegithats the deal eh?14:46
fretegimaybe an OTA-16 resolved thing eh14:53
fretegianything i can do to help with it?14:53
ubptgbot<fredldotme> fretegi are you based in the US by any chance? The Pixel 3a has known issues with US carriers.14:58
fretegiyea it in fact.  Using Verizon in USA15:06
fretegiso is this a pixel thing or an android 9 thing?15:06
fretegiso weird, just took a call from a friend, worked perfect, cant dial out tho ha.  and after trying to dial out, cannot receive calls15:06
ubptgbot<fredldotme> fretegi Not sure, though Android 9 devices have issues in general with telephony right now15:17
fretegiunderstood thanks for color15:19
fretegiis there anything i can do to assist the project ?15:19
fretegilove what you guys are doing,15:20
ubptgbot<fredldotme> fretegi what are your areas of interest?15:20
fretegiwell not much of a programmer, i get basic linux stuff tho, mostly using gentoo15:22
ubptgbot<klaartje_b> @fretegi [is there anything i can do to assist the project ?], Great question, I want to know, too. I can't code, so I have been spreading the word and also sent a small donation.15:26
fretegibeen spreading the word as well, donations on their way via paypal too15:33
fretegibut happy to test stuff, shoot over logs etc. for the one device i have it running on (pixel 3a) if at all helpful15:33
=== fretegi is now known as fretegi_away
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Gog_and_Magog [After updating version 93, ovi stopped working … He will die ((], hi. what device is this on? and what channel are you on? rc?16:18
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @fredldotme Thanks for your continued work on the Sony Xperia X, impressive progress made.16:20
ubptgbot<Dimaty562> Hello,guys. Please help me https://pastebin.com/HDadCxBd16:21
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> I have put together a detailed guide on getting FluffyChat working with Pantalaimon on Ubuntu Touch.  It is available here if anyone is interested.16:22
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/5727/detailed-procedure-for-fluffychat-encryption-via-pantalaimon16:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> @peternerlich [Hi! Just wanted to throw this out here, on UT build 2021-W07 I have problems wit …], Can you please open an issue about this on https://github.com/ubports/morph-browser ? Thanks.16:24
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @wayneTBT [@fredldotme Thanks for your continued work on the Sony Xperia X, impressive prog …], Thanks, I hope it's working better now :)16:28
ubptgbot<Danfro> @wayneTBT [https://forums.ubports.com/topic/5727/detailed-procedure-for-fluffychat-encrypti …], Oh, great! You solved the riddle why it was not working for my. I was missing the part of using Pantalaimon as homeserver in FluffyChat. I need to give that another go. Thanks for that.16:45
ubptgbotCakPen was added by: CakPen17:56
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> Is there any way to get a working non chroot ubuntu environment(NOT UBUNTU TOUCH AND NO GUI REQUIRED) .18:43
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> @qwertybyte [Is there any way to get a working non chroot ubuntu environment(NOT UBUNTU TOUCH …], And if UBUNTU TOUCH then any trick to make my wifi adapter not auto disconnect wifi after sometime18:44
ubptgbot<just_carlod> @qwertybyte [Is there any way to get a working non chroot ubuntu environment(NOT UBUNTU TOUCH …], on arm?18:47
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> @just_carlod [on arm?], android18:47
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> @just_carlod [on arm?], looks like i found a way https://amp.reddit.com/r/lgv20/comments/bqp7f3/just_got_native_ubuntu_1804_to_boot_with_working/18:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @qwertybyte [android], ubuntu touch is a replacement for android tho :p  … why do you ask that in the group focussed on ubuntu touch :p19:01
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> @Fuseteam [ubuntu touch is a replacement for android tho :p  … why do you ask that in the gro …], i mean i dont want android, i want ubuntu touch.  But my wifi is sleeping too often and fast i need a fix for that19:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @qwertybyte [i mean i dont want android, i want ubuntu touch.  But my wifi is sleeping too of …], what device is that?19:22
ubptgbot<qwertybyte> @Fuseteam [what device is that?], i use poco f1,but example is nexus 6x19:23
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> pretty sure the nexus 6x isn't ported yet19:23
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> nor the poco f1 but for that one there was a port in progress iirc19:24
ubptgbot<yaemmanuelli> J'ai rippé sur disque un de nos DVD. Pour y accéder, ouvrir le lien suivant, par exemple dans VLC : Media/Ouvrir un flux réseau... …
ubptgbot<Danfro> @yaemmanuelli [J'ai rippé sur disque un de nos DVD. Pour y accéder, ouvrir le lien suivant, par …], Is this post meant to be here in main group for Ubuntu Touch?19:35
ubptgbot<yaemmanuelli> Sorry ! Wrong chat !19:35
ubptgbot<Danfro> 👍19:37
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Danfro [Oh, great! You solved the riddle why it was not working for my. I was missing th …], Delighted to be able to help19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [pretty sure the nexus 6x isn't ported yet], there is no nexus 6x.19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is nexus 6 and 6p19:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ....... the mystery deepens19:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @qwertybyte [Is there any way to get a working non chroot ubuntu environment(NOT UBUNTU TOUCH …], not really no. this isn't the group for that sort of thing19:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> but you can install ubuntu touch and do whatever you want on your own device, without support, of course19:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> either way marella's device has a unstable wifi connection and they are in looking for a way to fix it19:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> and they are going in the wrong direction for that imo :p19:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Fuseteam [either way marella's device has a unstable wifi connection and they are in looki …], what they want is their phone to be a headless server19:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> no read the second message19:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> in which case, i would just say, buy a raspberry pi or banana pi or something19:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> https://t.me/ubports/32542719:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, find out why it's doing that and fix it i guess19:49
ubptgbot<dohbee> only someone with the device can work on that19:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> exactly, but they are not even clear what device they are using19:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> https://t.me/ubports/32543419:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> or break your device and do whatever you want with it, including disabling all the power saving features19:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hence my comment on both of those devices :p19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> but generally, wifi works fine. i keep an ssh connection to my nexus 4 all the time19:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> agreed it works fine on my end too19:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> tho sometimes my ssh connection seem to hang a bit19:52
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] tho sometimes my ssh connection seem to hang a bit from time to time19:52
ubptgbotАндрей Заикин was added by: Андрей Заикин21:43
ubptgbot<Marcos> Are webapps broken since last OTA update (release candidate)?22:20
ubptgbot<Marcos> I tried GMail and Google Maps and both do not open22:21
ubptgbot<Marcos> Well, seems related to Google ones22:22
ubptgbot<Marcos> Web telegram and some others seems fine, including Morph22:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> dominos webapp opens here ok22:23
ubptgbot<Marcos> Yes, seems GMaps and GMail22:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah yes, it seems they are "webapp+" in the open store, which means they are using oxide which has been long deprecated, and which is being removed in OTA-16 (so thus is not in the latest rc image either)22:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is a "Google Mail" webapp in the store though, which does work22:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> "google maps" should work, but seems otherwisee broken somehow22:27
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @TartanSpartan [<reply to media>], Three weeks at this point :(22:56

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