=== shivaram is now known as slingamn [15:50] Odd_Bloke, is that the cause of this kind of failure https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RYYHvnKbBp/ ? [15:54] paride highly likely, if you are able to scroll up farther in the logs I think you might see a more helpful error message. if that was run on xenial lxd vm then yes. [15:55] blackboxsw, that's in a xenial lxd *container* https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xnhH8ZnTFQ/ <- full log [15:57] Note also the `Failed to run: zfs destroy` from pycloudlib :( I think we need to implement a retry logic there [15:58] +1 on retry logic too "tests/integration_tests/conftest.py:237: " [16:00] rather in the instances.destroy() calls the integration tests make [16:09] I'm issing a tox -e py3 fail but running pytest-3 outside of tox works? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hP2VJC9KV8/ [16:09] s/issing a/seeing [16:13] rharper, just tried locally and it works in tox for me. I know it's not an explanation, but what if you rm -rf .tox? [16:16] done that [16:16] Im on focal [16:42] paride: Sounds like you've identified an issue on the host, but for avoidance of doubt, I would only expect the failures I was describing to affect xenial LXD VMs, specifically because of https://github.com/canonical/pycloudlib/blob/master/pycloudlib/lxd/cloud.py#L693-L700 [16:45] Odd_Bloke, I see. It's still not clear to me why the test run hit those `apt-key finger` failures [16:49] rharper: The tox failures are in `tests/unittests/test_net/test_net.py` (which isn't present in trunk) and you re-ran `tests/unittests/test_net.py` (which is in trunk); perhaps you have an old file (or .pyc/__pycache__ from same) lying around? [16:58] Odd_Bloke: ah, thanks [16:59] lemme clean up and try again [17:06] falcojr: I think I addressed all comments on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/798 there may be a followup review request for you there [17:10] well at least I can reproduce it locally with: CLOUD_INIT_CLOUD_INIT_SOURCE=ppa:cloud-init-dev/daily CLOUD_INIT_OS_IMAGE=xenial tox -e integration-tests tests/integration_tests/modules/test_apt.py [17:11] EOW time for me, I'll dig more on Monday [17:11] thx paride. I'll poke too [18:11] Odd_Bloke: I wonder if what ever packs up the cloudinit tree into tox should ignore __pycache__ dir ? [18:17] no, not pycache related, untracked files in tree. Odd_Bloke thanks again for seeing my error that I couldn't =)