
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest97416
rookervikHey there03:16
rookervikI miss apt-get, apt feels so wrong. LOL03:17
JackFrostYou realize `apt-get` is there still, right?03:20
rookervikYeah. Good thing, too. I'm so used to it. :D03:37
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HashOh wow04:24
HashA phone call came in and youtube paused!04:24
HashI love KDE connect04:24
HashAaaaan I'm in the wrong channel.04:24
DragnslcrYup, KDE Connect is really nice04:48
IrcsomeBot<renedarioherrera> Where can I find the system requirements for Kubuntu?05:59
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu06:12
=== bec is now known as rebecca
IrcsomeBot<renedarioherrera> thank you07:07
lordievaderGood morning07:53
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest74790
=== jan is now known as Guest60337
=== Guest60337 is now known as LaserWalrus
killa_fr0gghello all13:22
killa_fr0ggcan someone help me figure out why i can see a mdlna network from my computer?13:23
killa_fr0ggit's a somewhat clean install13:23
killa_fr0ggkubuntu + ubuntu studio installer13:24
killa_fr0ggi can see a mini dlna connection from my ps4, but i never set anything up13:24
killa_fr0ggand i can't find any options for configuring such a thing in the ui13:24
BluesKajHowdy folks14:04
Maikkilla_fr0gg: why kubuntu with ubuntu studio installer when Ubuntu Studio uses KDE since 20.10?14:14
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IrcsomeBotMidnightRoccoWildDog was added by: MidnightRoccoWildDog17:06
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
elementarynick Guigor21:58
=== elementary is now known as guigor

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