
mupBug #1916090 opened: KVM Hosts Deleted off filesystem when VM host/rack connects to a different MAAS <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1916090>00:07
mupBug #1916093 opened: Unable to add more than 3 Promox VMs <MAAS:In Progress by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1916093>00:07
Hybrid512I have a strange issue with latest MaaS release and/or openstack Charms (probably Masakari since this is the only one that interacts with MaaS)09:28
Hybrid512here is the case : I deployed a working Openstack cluster with Masakari enabled09:29
Hybrid512before, when I was testing Masakari, I just initiated a "reboot" on a compute node and the node simply restarted09:29
Hybrid512now, when I do the same thing, the node is stuck shutoff (those are physical nodes with MaaS provider)09:29
Hybrid512Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/23d1f9753428598db8e5430ba8217cd4/pasted.txt09:29
Hybrid512when I try to start them through MaaS (so through ipmi), the node starts then as soon as it try to start PXE, it simply shutdown itself, it's not even initiating a DHCP request, simply shuting down before the bios ends its initialization phase09:30
Hybrid512I tried to start those nodes many times through MaaS and it always do the same (nodes are Dell PowerEdge R630)09:30
Hybrid512only way to start those nodes is to start them from the idrac console09:30
Hybrid512it might not be a "Charms" related issue since there was also new MaaS releases recently but since there are interaction between the Masakari charm and MaaS, I don't really know where to route that issue09:30
Hybrid512so any help gladly appreciated09:30
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